Mod. Snippet- Menachem Begin's REAL LIFE quotes


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
As response to the VERY FAKE QUOTES.

Menachem Begin in one of his most famous speeches, during the elections of 1981:

"The Green Line is dead."

'We called freedom upon our nation, in our country. And they (The Liberals) want to bring us back to the same old regime (=of corruption), like we don't know it by now. Like we didn't live it. Like our people hadn't suffered it through.

'What do they offer in the 'Policy Lands'? the genius idea of the Jordanian option. What is 'The Jordanian option'? They say day and night that they're willing to hand over lands of Shomron and Judea to Hussain. They never mention where. Hussain himself says- "I won't negotiate a thing with you, as long as you don't give your word to hand over Jerusalem to me."

'This is the historical city! Jerusalem is ours! our capitol, the one and only, for ever and all eternity. And all the lands of Judea and Shomron, to the border that existed day of June 4th, 1967... That border was called 'The Green Line'.

'I can tell you know with all simplicity, 'The Green Line' is gone, too. Gone, nonexist, not muscle in it, it's to never return."

Menachem Begin in the Knesset, to the Ma'arach (Israeli left), adressing Yitzchak Rabin:

"Get used to it"

'The young generation turned its back on you, these elections. Something happened in Israel. This nation is wise and clever, it knows what it does. It knows what to decide, in which government to trust.'

'You were convinced you'll be the ones assembling this government. You felt comfortable with the idea of ruling. You couldn't imagine the change this nation planned for us. That is why you're still shocked.

Get used to it.'

Menachem Begin refers to the idea of 'The State of Palestine'.

"Palestinian state will bring forth danger of death and annihilation to the Jews."

'Every child in Israel! in Migdal-Ha'emek, in Tel Aviv, in Rehobot and Bnei Brak, every woman will be under the risk of missile-fire on her head. Just like in Kiryat Shmona. And this is offered by the German Kanzler? Does he know our security better than me?! I was elected by this nation to guard it. It is my sacred duty. And he gives me advices, to all of Europe, the entire world, how to force us and accept a Palestinian state? But it's a
act like no other. And from which mouth it comes? the son of a nation responsible for the murder of third of our people, six million, a thind that hadn't occured since God created man, and man brought forth the devil! He will suggest how to take care of ourselves? he will forsake our blood? he will manage the propaganda in favor of a Palestinian state?

'So when Mr. Schmidt, Kanzler... and forgive me, gentlemen, I can from the resistance-brigades, I fear no-one. I will speak the truth in his face. I have no reason to fear. We looked death in the eye each day! so when he says such thing, I won't respond? Don't I know what happened to my people? to my family? Don't I know what happened to your brothers and sisters? after all of that, he will tell us, 'Establish a Palestinian state'? meaning, place the 3 and a half millions of Israeli Jews under risk of death and annihilation? Won't I answer him? So I did answer him. Properly, my friends. I don't take back even a word of what was said. And if some Liberals twist their noses, let those stay twisted'.
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As response to the VERY FAKE QUOTES.

Menachem Begin in one of his most famous speeches, during the elections of 1981:

"The Green Line is dead."

'We called freedom upon our nation, in our country. And they (The Liberals) want to bring us back to the same old regime (=of corruption), like we don't know it by now. Like we didn't live it. Like our people hadn't suffered it through.

'What do they offer in the 'Policy Lands'? the genius idea of the Jordanian option. What is 'The Jordanian option'? They say day and night that they're willing to hand over lands of Shomron and Judea to Hussain. They never mention where. Hussain himself says- "I won't negotiate a thing with you, as long as you don't give your word to hand over Jerusalem to me."

'This is the historical city! Jerusalem is ours! our capitol, the one and only, for ever and all eternity. And all the lands of Judea and Shomron, to the border that existed day of June 4th, 1967... That border was called 'The Green Line'.

'I can tell you know with all simplicity, 'The Green Line' is gone, too. Gone, nonexist, not muscle in it, it's to never return."

Menachem Begin in the Knesset, to the Ma'arach (Israeli left), adressing Yitzchak Rabin:

"Get used to it"

'The young generation turned its back on you, these elections. Something happened in Israel. This nation is wise and clever, it knows what it does. It knows what to decide, in which government to trust.'

'You were convinced you'll be the ones assembling this government. You felt comfortable with the idea of ruling. You couldn't imagine the change this nation planned for us. That is why you're still shocked.

Get used to it.'

Menachem Begin refers to the idea of 'The State of Palestine'.

"Palestinian state will bring forth danger of death and annihilation to the Jews."

'Every child in Israel! in Migdal-Ha'emek, in Tel Aviv, in Rehobot and Bnei Brak, every woman will be under the risk of missile-fire on her head. Just like in Kiryat Shmona. And this is offered by the German Kanzler? Does he know our security better than me?! I was elected by this nation to guard it. It is my sacred duty. And he gives me advices, to all of Europe, the entire world, how to force us and accept a Palestinian state? But it's a
act like no other. And from which mouth it comes? the son of a nation responsible for the murder of third of our people, six million, a thind that hadn't occured since God created man, and man brought forth the devil! He will suggest how to take care of ourselves? he will forsake our blood? he will manage the propaganda in favor of a Palestinian state?

'So when Mr. Schmidt, Kanzler... and forgive me, gentlemen, I can from the resistance-brigades, I fear no-one. I will speak the truth in his face. I have no reason to fear. We looked death in the eye each day! so when he says such thing, I won't respond? Don't I know what happened to my people? to my family? Don't I know what happened to your brothers and sisters? after all of that, he will tell us, 'Establish a Palestinian state'? meaning, place the 3 and a half millions of Israeli Jews under risk of death and annihilation? Won't I answer him? So I did answer him. Properly, my friends. I don't take back even a word of what was said. And if some Liberals twist their noses, let those stay twisted'.

Well, there you go, the Israelis will not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. You've made our point.
As response to the VERY FAKE QUOTES.

Menachem Begin in one of his most famous speeches, during the elections of 1981:

"The Green Line is dead."

'We called freedom upon our nation, in our country. And they (The Liberals) want to bring us back to the same old regime (=of corruption), like we don't know it by now. Like we didn't live it. Like our people hadn't suffered it through.

'What do they offer in the 'Policy Lands'? the genius idea of the Jordanian option. What is 'The Jordanian option'? They say day and night that they're willing to hand over lands of Shomron and Judea to Hussain. They never mention where. Hussain himself says- "I won't negotiate a thing with you, as long as you don't give your word to hand over Jerusalem to me."

'This is the historical city! Jerusalem is ours! our capitol, the one and only, for ever and all eternity. And all the lands of Judea and Shomron, to the border that existed day of June 4th, 1967... That border was called 'The Green Line'.

'I can tell you know with all simplicity, 'The Green Line' is gone, too. Gone, nonexist, not muscle in it, it's to never return."

Menachem Begin in the Knesset, to the Ma'arach (Israeli left), adressing Yitzchak Rabin:

"Get used to it"

'The young generation turned its back on you, these elections. Something happened in Israel. This nation is wise and clever, it knows what it does. It knows what to decide, in which government to trust.'

'You were convinced you'll be the ones assembling this government. You felt comfortable with the idea of ruling. You couldn't imagine the change this nation planned for us. That is why you're still shocked.

Get used to it.'

Menachem Begin refers to the idea of 'The State of Palestine'.

"Palestinian state will bring forth danger of death and annihilation to the Jews."

'Every child in Israel! in Migdal-Ha'emek, in Tel Aviv, in Rehobot and Bnei Brak, every woman will be under the risk of missile-fire on her head. Just like in Kiryat Shmona. And this is offered by the German Kanzler? Does he know our security better than me?! I was elected by this nation to guard it. It is my sacred duty. And he gives me advices, to all of Europe, the entire world, how to force us and accept a Palestinian state? But it's a
act like no other. And from which mouth it comes? the son of a nation responsible for the murder of third of our people, six million, a thind that hadn't occured since God created man, and man brought forth the devil! He will suggest how to take care of ourselves? he will forsake our blood? he will manage the propaganda in favor of a Palestinian state?

'So when Mr. Schmidt, Kanzler... and forgive me, gentlemen, I can from the resistance-brigades, I fear no-one. I will speak the truth in his face. I have no reason to fear. We looked death in the eye each day! so when he says such thing, I won't respond? Don't I know what happened to my people? to my family? Don't I know what happened to your brothers and sisters? after all of that, he will tell us, 'Establish a Palestinian state'? meaning, place the 3 and a half millions of Israeli Jews under risk of death and annihilation? Won't I answer him? So I did answer him. Properly, my friends. I don't take back even a word of what was said. And if some Liberals twist their noses, let those stay twisted'.

Well, there you go, the Israelis will not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. You've made our point.

Well, Begin at the time had the character to stand up on his fit, and make a decision, and backing it up. I don't see it happening these days. Begin was much braver than Netanyahu.
The establishment of a state that never existed that is ruled by genocidal Islamic terrorists?
Nothing wrong with having a sane national security policy.

Other than that I think Lipush should be punished for being a Hasbara posting those quotes that put a positive, compassionate face on Begin.
As response to the VERY FAKE QUOTES.

Menachem Begin in one of his most famous speeches, during the elections of 1981:

"The Green Line is dead."

'We called freedom upon our nation, in our country. And they (The Liberals) want to bring us back to the same old regime (=of corruption), like we don't know it by now. Like we didn't live it. Like our people hadn't suffered it through.

'What do they offer in the 'Policy Lands'? the genius idea of the Jordanian option. What is 'The Jordanian option'? They say day and night that they're willing to hand over lands of Shomron and Judea to Hussain. They never mention where. Hussain himself says- "I won't negotiate a thing with you, as long as you don't give your word to hand over Jerusalem to me."

'This is the historical city! Jerusalem is ours! our capitol, the one and only, for ever and all eternity. And all the lands of Judea and Shomron, to the border that existed day of June 4th, 1967... That border was called 'The Green Line'.

'I can tell you know with all simplicity, 'The Green Line' is gone, too. Gone, nonexist, not muscle in it, it's to never return."

Menachem Begin in the Knesset, to the Ma'arach (Israeli left), adressing Yitzchak Rabin:

"Get used to it"

'The young generation turned its back on you, these elections. Something happened in Israel. This nation is wise and clever, it knows what it does. It knows what to decide, in which government to trust.'

'You were convinced you'll be the ones assembling this government. You felt comfortable with the idea of ruling. You couldn't imagine the change this nation planned for us. That is why you're still shocked.

Get used to it.'

Menachem Begin refers to the idea of 'The State of Palestine'.

"Palestinian state will bring forth danger of death and annihilation to the Jews."

'Every child in Israel! in Migdal-Ha'emek, in Tel Aviv, in Rehobot and Bnei Brak, every woman will be under the risk of missile-fire on her head. Just like in Kiryat Shmona. And this is offered by the German Kanzler? Does he know our security better than me?! I was elected by this nation to guard it. It is my sacred duty. And he gives me advices, to all of Europe, the entire world, how to force us and accept a Palestinian state? But it's a
act like no other. And from which mouth it comes? the son of a nation responsible for the murder of third of our people, six million, a thind that hadn't occured since God created man, and man brought forth the devil! He will suggest how to take care of ourselves? he will forsake our blood? he will manage the propaganda in favor of a Palestinian state?

'So when Mr. Schmidt, Kanzler... and forgive me, gentlemen, I can from the resistance-brigades, I fear no-one. I will speak the truth in his face. I have no reason to fear. We looked death in the eye each day! so when he says such thing, I won't respond? Don't I know what happened to my people? to my family? Don't I know what happened to your brothers and sisters? after all of that, he will tell us, 'Establish a Palestinian state'? meaning, place the 3 and a half millions of Israeli Jews under risk of death and annihilation? Won't I answer him? So I did answer him. Properly, my friends. I don't take back even a word of what was said. And if some Liberals twist their noses, let those stay twisted'.

Well, there you go, the Israelis will not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. You've made our point.

You've made only the point that both you and the Pal'istanian Arabs, (the collective 'we"), are just a cabal of whining, ineffectual and impotent forever welfare cheats, unable to do anything but behave like petulant children.
The establishment of a state that never existed that is ruled by genocidal Islamic terrorists?
Nothing wrong with having a sane national security policy.

Other than that I think Lipush should be punished for being a Hasbara posting those quotes that put a positive, compassionate face on Begin.


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