Models Fail so badly NOAA now looking at reality......

The hordes of climate skeptics continues to grow. It's a beautiful thing.:rock::rock::popcorn:
I am amazed that NASA is now coming out and saying the models used to promote the hype are total BS.. And they are citing why they are BS... Refreshing to see the BS outed and sanity returned to real science.

Almost two decades ago I realized this whole global warming thing was the biggest crock of shit I had ever seen. If you had just a smidge of an ability to connect dots you could figure it out.

Really think many just dont have the balls to step away from this social dogma.....much easier to conform to the established matrix.

East Anglia clinched it for me....I mean, c'mon now. Anybody with half a brain knows the investigation was a sham.....or are very naive about what constitutes a legitimate investigation.
Have you noticed the lack of any of the usual left wing idiots? Did they shut down the AGW troll farm? I haven't seek Crick, Old Crock, or many of the others lately. I guess they were not being successful in propagating the AGW lie and got the boot... They must be looking for real jobs now... Sigh...
It's because this whole thread is so monumentally stupid we aren't really bothering.
Its amazing how you idiots runaway from facts that shred your lies.
The hordes of climate skeptics continues to grow. It's a beautiful thing.:rock::rock::popcorn:
I am amazed that NASA is now coming out and saying the models used to promote the hype are total BS.. And they are citing why they are BS... Refreshing to see the BS outed and sanity returned to real science.

Almost two decades ago I realized this whole global warming thing was the biggest crock of shit I had ever seen. If you had just a smidge of an ability to connect dots you could figure it out.

Really think many just dont have the balls to step away from this social dogma.....much easier to conform to the established matrix.

East Anglia clinched it for me....I mean, c'mon now. Anybody with half a brain knows the investigation was a sham.....or are very naive about what constitutes a legitimate investigation.
Have you noticed the lack of any of the usual left wing idiots? Did they shut down the AGW troll farm? I haven't seek Crick, Old Crock, or many of the others lately. I guess they were not being successful in propagating the AGW lie and got the boot... They must be looking for real jobs now... Sigh...
It's because this whole thread is so monumentally stupid we aren't really bothering.

We understand that you're not smart enough to understand the essay, so we will give you a pass.

You may leave now.
You cant make this stuff up.

Clearly you can, because you just did. You posted Spencer's completely fudged graph. It's been pointed out tot you before that it's fraudulent, so you know it's fraudulent, but you posted the fraud anyway.

Back in reality, the models have been excellent. Anyone pretending otherwise is a lying fraud. Every denier on this thread is such a lying fraud.

You cant make this stuff up.

Clearly you can, because you just did. You posted Spencer's completely fudged graph. It's been pointed out tot you before that it's fraudulent, so you know it's fraudulent, but you posted the fraud anyway.

Back in reality, the models have been excellent. Anyone pretending otherwise is a lying fraud. Every denier on this thread is such a lying fraud.


A laughable assertion put forth by a moron. The facts are quite simple. The models are less than worthless. If you care about science that is. If all you care about is pushing a political agenda, then they are great.
A laughable assertion put forth by a moron. The facts are quite simple. The models are less than worthless.

I know what the models and the data actually say. Hence, I know with 100% certainty that you're lying. The same line of reasoning that tells me flat-earthers are lying also tells me that you are lying. Whether you actually believe the lies is immaterial. They're still lies.

You can fool your fellow cultists, because they want to be fooled, but you can't fool honest and informed people.
A laughable assertion put forth by a moron. The facts are quite simple. The models are less than worthless.

I know what the models and the data actually say. Hence, I know with 100% certainty that you're lying. The same line of reasoning that tells me flat-earthers are lying also tells me that you are lying. Whether you actually believe the lies is immaterial. They're still lies.

You can fool your fellow cultists, because they want to be fooled, but you can't fool honest and informed people.

The models spew whatever their makers want them to spew. What they do not do is conform to reality. Thus, it is you who are either lying, or so stupid that you can't understand.
The models spew whatever their makers want them to spew.

And yet they've been consistently right, meaning another one of your loony conspiracy theory has been contradicted by reality again.

You're just preaching your religious beliefs at us. Being that they are purely religious beliefs on your part, you literally don't care that they're contradicted by reality. The cult tells you what to say, so you're going to say it, end of story.
The models spew whatever their makers want them to spew.

And yet they've been consistently right, meaning another one of your loony conspiracy theory has been contradicted by reality again.

You're just preaching your religious beliefs at us. Being that they are purely religious beliefs on your part, you literally don't care that they're contradicted by reality. The cult tells you what to say, so you're going to say it, end of story.

If you actually believe that the models have been consistently right, then you are even more stupid than I had thought...and I hadn't given you credit for much more intelligence than your average housefly in the first place.
The models spew whatever their makers want them to spew.

And yet they've been consistently right, meaning another one of your loony conspiracy theory has been contradicted by reality again.

You're just preaching your religious beliefs at us. Being that they are purely religious beliefs on your part, you literally don't care that they're contradicted by reality. The cult tells you what to say, so you're going to say it, end of story.
so, if the models have been right, post the observed measured data that does that!!
You cant make this stuff up.

Clearly you can, because you just did. You posted Spencer's completely fudged graph. It's been pointed out tot you before that it's fraudulent, so you know it's fraudulent, but you posted the fraud anyway.

Back in reality, the models have been excellent. Anyone pretending otherwise is a lying fraud. Every denier on this thread is such a lying fraud.

You post up a crap pieces of propaganda... AFTER THE DIVERGENCES WERE TRAINED AWAY.... You posted a model of your model and scream see how well were doing

Dr. Spencer revealed what it is you liars are doing. And what you are doing is not science.. Its propaganda 24/7/365 with you idiots.. So why did they train away the divergence and then present it as if it models matched reality?

cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png

You are a liar shity kitty.. Spencer took the time to post up REAL EMPIRICAL TEMPS...
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You post up a crap pieces of propaganda... AFTER THE DIVERGENCES WERE TRAINED AWAY.... You posted a model of your model and scream see how well were doing

You don't know what the crap you write means. You just make up technobabble nonsense that doesn't mean anything. Since we're not retards, we point out how you made it all up, and then we laugh at you harder.

You are a liar shity kitty.. Spencer took the time to post up REAL EMPIRICAL TEMPS...

Spencer fudged the baselines hard. That's not debatable by any non-liar. He shifted the models up, and shifted the actual temperatures down. And he used UAH, which is known to have a growing wild cold bias.

Roy Spencer's latest deceit and deception | HotWhopper

He also seems to have simply faked the "balloon datasets" line, being how nobody has ever been able to figure out where he got that fantasy from. The actual balloon temps, the RATPAC data, matches the models closely.
You post up a crap pieces of propaganda... AFTER THE DIVERGENCES WERE TRAINED AWAY.... You posted a model of your model and scream see how well were doing

You don't know what the crap you write means. You just make up technobabble nonsense that doesn't mean anything. Since we're not retards, we point out how you made it all up, and then we laugh at you harder.

You are a liar shity kitty.. Spencer took the time to post up REAL EMPIRICAL TEMPS...

Spencer fudged the baselines hard. That's not debatable by any non-liar. He shifted the models up, and shifted the actual temperatures down. And he used UAH, which is known to have a growing wild cold bias.

Roy Spencer's latest deceit and deception | HotWhopper

He also seems to have simply faked the "balloon datasets" line, being how nobody has ever been able to figure out where he got that fantasy from. The actual balloon temps, the RATPAC data, matches the models closely.

If we are such retards, why are you so angry and miserable in your responses??

You know what we thinks? We thinks your head is exploding because your side perpetually l0ses on climate change s0n! I mean....behold the losing.....

On the Paris Treaty:2up:

On the Green New Deal:oops-28:

On climate change legislation:hhello::hhello:

On renewable energy:th_smileysw2wqa:

On public concern:spinner:

In elections:popcorn:

On the EPA:nocknockHT:

It's a rout be honest, I'd be miserable as fuCk too!:iyfyus.jpg:
You post up a crap pieces of propaganda... AFTER THE DIVERGENCES WERE TRAINED AWAY.... You posted a model of your model and scream see how well were doing

You don't know what the crap you write means. You just make up technobabble nonsense that doesn't mean anything. Since we're not retards, we point out how you made it all up, and then we laugh at you harder.

You are a liar shity kitty.. Spencer took the time to post up REAL EMPIRICAL TEMPS...

Spencer fudged the baselines hard. That's not debatable by any non-liar. He shifted the models up, and shifted the actual temperatures down. And he used UAH, which is known to have a growing wild cold bias.

Roy Spencer's latest deceit and deception | HotWhopper

He also seems to have simply faked the "balloon datasets" line, being how nobody has ever been able to figure out where he got that fantasy from. The actual balloon temps, the RATPAC data, matches the models closely.

And the satellite data says your a liar... You claim he "faked" the data, you prove your slanderous accusation.
It isn't surprising that NOAA climate models are way off. It would be interesting to
Models have always been expected to not be accurate.
That is because they assume everything else is static other than the CO2 emissions increase.
And there are several obvious variables.
For example, the higher the CO2 concentrations, the more CO2 will be absorbed by expanded plant growth.
Another is that this also includes possible increase in carbonate shell production, like plankton.
Finally, it also depends on things like volcanoes and landslides, because fresh rock is known to absorb lots of CO2.
Another is that with warming air, you get more water vapor, and that can end up producing more clouds, which can then block more sunlight and cause cooling.
All of these variables had been considered ahead of time, and everyone expected the models to need works.
Models are never the basis for predictions or concerns.
All we need to do is extrapolate existing data graphs to get really worried.
Huh? Models have always been expected to be inaccurate? Al Gore made a fortune off of those models. He told us the polar ice caps were turning to slush and there would be beachfront property in Kansas cuz the models told him so. The Church of Climatology raked in billions based on the doom and gloom in those models.
They don't know why? I'm no computer expert but I know one thing, faulty information leads to faulty conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up. Now NOAA is admitting their climate modeling programs run 5+ degrees C hotter than reality. And they DON'T KNOW WHY...

The Warming Meme is collapsing and cooling in all records is now evident by empirical observations. They can no longer hide their AGW failure. There is panic in the AGW political gamer's and they are now desperate to explain it away.

Climate Modellers Waiting for Observations to Catch Up with Their Predictions

The why is easy...they are modeling a radiative greenhouse effect in the troposphere that simply does not exist.
It isn't surprising that NOAA climate models are way off. It would be interesting to
Models have always been expected to not be accurate.
That is because they assume everything else is static other than the CO2 emissions increase.
And there are several obvious variables.
For example, the higher the CO2 concentrations, the more CO2 will be absorbed by expanded plant growth.
Another is that this also includes possible increase in carbonate shell production, like plankton.
Finally, it also depends on things like volcanoes and landslides, because fresh rock is known to absorb lots of CO2.
Another is that with warming air, you get more water vapor, and that can end up producing more clouds, which can then block more sunlight and cause cooling.
All of these variables had been considered ahead of time, and everyone expected the models to need works.
Models are never the basis for predictions or concerns.
All we need to do is extrapolate existing data graphs to get really worried.
Huh? Models have always been expected to be inaccurate? Al Gore made a fortune off of those models. He told us the polar ice caps were turning to slush and there would be beachfront property in Kansas cuz the models told him so. The Church of Climatology raked in billions based on the doom and gloom in those models.

Totally and completely wrong.

Gore had nothing at all to do with climate models.
The trends were already ACTUALLY happening, with polar and glacial ice melts, ocean rising, air temperatures increasing, hurricane increases, etc.

Climate models are ONLY about guessing when accelerators, like water vapor and methane are going to kick in. And no one ever said they could even remotely predict when or how that would likely happen. All we could do is suggest possibilities. For example, we don't know how more heat is going to cause more global warming from increased water vapor because more water vapor in the atmosphere could also create more reflective clouds. We don't know how much frozen methane hydrate in under the ocean or in tundra, so we can't know when or how much that will effect things. There is no way to model these things, and everyone always knew that. Models were only used to give a max/min range. Anyone who claims models were used for actual predictions is just lying.

You cant make this stuff up. Now NOAA is admitting their climate modeling programs run 5+ degrees C hotter than reality. And they DON'T KNOW WHY...

The Warming Meme is collapsing and cooling in all records is now evident by empirical observations. They can no longer hide their AGW failure. There is panic in the AGW political gamer's and they are now desperate to explain it away.

Climate Modellers Waiting for Observations to Catch Up with Their Predictions

The why is easy...they are modeling a radiative greenhouse effect in the troposphere that simply does not exist.

First of all, they are not modeling a radiative greenhouse effect in the troposphere. The whole point of the troposphere is that greenhouse gases prevent radiation of heat, because they turn radiant heat into vibratory heat that has to conduct instead of radiate.
Second is that the reason models predict more heat than we are feeling is because of all the ice melt. Phase change absorbs huge amounts of heat. It is still there, but you don't see it reflected in temperature readings when there is a phase change.
They don't know why? I'm no computer expert but I know one thing, faulty information leads to faulty conclusions.

If you include the massive heat energy consumed by ice melting phase change, then the temperatures we are recording are exactly as predicted.

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