Moderate Cannabis Use Has Adverse Effects on Cognitive Functioning,


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
The stoners and their Political Supporters have been lying to us since the beginning. Nothing that alters your psyche is good for you, including alcohol. BUT!!!!!!!!!! you can drink 1 or 2 drinks a day and not have any adverse affects. You cant smoke weed moderately, you smoke a joint your high...weed has one purpose to get you stoned.

Moderate adolescent cannabis use may have adverse effects on cognitive functioning, specifically verbal memory, that cannot be explained by familial factors, according to a study of siblings led by the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

We wanted to expand our understanding of whether cannabis use is related to lower cognitive functioning,” said study lead author Dr. Jarrod Ellingson, a researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado.

“There’s a large body of evidence that cannabis use is linked to cognitive functioning, but we know that cannabis use is not isolated from other important risk factors (e.g. peer group influence, parental behavior, socioeconomic status).”

“That was the primary motivation behind this study, in which we compared siblings to account for many of these risk factors.”

In the study, Dr. Ellingson and colleagues were able to establish comparisons between siblings and then determine that differential levels of cannabis use were related to poorer cognitive functioning, particularly verbal memory.

The stoners and their Political Supporters have been lying to us since the beginning. Nothing that alters your psyche is good for you, including alcohol. BUT!!!!!!!!!! you can drink 1 or 2 drinks a day and not have any adverse affects. You cant smoke weed moderately, you smoke a joint your high...weed has one purpose to get you stoned.

Moderate adolescent cannabis use may have adverse effects on cognitive functioning, specifically verbal memory, that cannot be explained by familial factors, according to a study of siblings led by the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

We wanted to expand our understanding of whether cannabis use is related to lower cognitive functioning,” said study lead author Dr. Jarrod Ellingson, a researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado.

“There’s a large body of evidence that cannabis use is linked to cognitive functioning, but we know that cannabis use is not isolated from other important risk factors (e.g. peer group influence, parental behavior, socioeconomic status).”

“That was the primary motivation behind this study, in which we compared siblings to account for many of these risk factors.”

In the study, Dr. Ellingson and colleagues were able to establish comparisons between siblings and then determine that differential levels of cannabis use were related to poorer cognitive functioning, particularly verbal memory.

More misinformation from people who have no real life experiences with weed or its long term effects which are minimal at best.
It's long been known that Cannabis has a "dumbing-down" effect on individuals intellect. It should be no surprise. Young people just ignore the studies. The same is true of Candy (crack cocaine). It is highly addictive, yet the young prefer to ignore the warnings.
There are just some occupational fields you don't want heavy users of Cannabis, working in, because of its effect on the brain: Surgeon/Physician, Commercial Pilot, Heavy Equipment Operator, Public Transportation Driver, et cetera.
Acceptable occupations for heavy users of Cannabis: Basic Manual Labor, Service Industry.
I emphasize that I'm referring to "heavy users of Cannabis," not some individual who seldom smokes a joint. Even then though, each time you smoke one, you are indeed negatively affecting those neurons between your ears.
It's long been known that Cannabis has a "dumbing-down" effect on individuals intellect. It should be no surprise. Young people just ignore the studies. The same is true of Candy (crack cocaine). It is highly addictive, yet the young prefer to ignore the warnings.
There are just some occupational fields you don't want heavy users of Cannabis, working in, because of its effect on the brain: Surgeon/Physician, Commercial Pilot, Heavy Equipment Operator, Public Transportation Driver, et cetera.
Acceptable occupations for heavy users of Cannabis: Basic Manual Labor, Service Industry.
I emphasize that I'm referring to "heavy users of Cannabis," not some individual who seldom smokes a joint. Even then though, each time you smoke one, you are indeed negatively affecting those neurons between your ears.
Another load of shit. If that is true why at 38 when I had been a heavy user since 16 did I make it on the Dean's list at college while working full time running my business and having hydrocele?
The stoners and their Political Supporters have been lying to us since the beginning. Nothing that alters your psyche is good for you, including alcohol. BUT!!!!!!!!!! you can drink 1 or 2 drinks a day and not have any adverse affects. You cant smoke weed moderately, you smoke a joint your high...weed has one purpose to get you stoned.

Moderate adolescent cannabis use may have adverse effects on cognitive functioning, specifically verbal memory, that cannot be explained by familial factors, according to a study of siblings led by the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

We wanted to expand our understanding of whether cannabis use is related to lower cognitive functioning,” said study lead author Dr. Jarrod Ellingson, a researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado.

“There’s a large body of evidence that cannabis use is linked to cognitive functioning, but we know that cannabis use is not isolated from other important risk factors (e.g. peer group influence, parental behavior, socioeconomic status).”

“That was the primary motivation behind this study, in which we compared siblings to account for many of these risk factors.”

In the study, Dr. Ellingson and colleagues were able to establish comparisons between siblings and then determine that differential levels of cannabis use were related to poorer cognitive functioning, particularly verbal memory.

More misinformation from people who have no real life experiences with weed or its long term effects which are minimal at best.
I don't smoke weed - haven't in a very very long time - I hate the way it makes me feel - gimme some Coors or Heineken any day. I believe that anybody that does smoke it is a fool - BUT who the hell am I to tell them they can't smoke it, That's their prerogative - you gotta fight for your right to be stoooopid .......
The stoners and their Political Supporters have been lying to us since the beginning. Nothing that alters your psyche is good for you, including alcohol. BUT!!!!!!!!!! you can drink 1 or 2 drinks a day and not have any adverse affects. You cant smoke weed moderately, you smoke a joint your high...weed has one purpose to get you stoned.

Moderate adolescent cannabis use may have adverse effects on cognitive functioning, specifically verbal memory, that cannot be explained by familial factors, according to a study of siblings led by the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

We wanted to expand our understanding of whether cannabis use is related to lower cognitive functioning,” said study lead author Dr. Jarrod Ellingson, a researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado.

“There’s a large body of evidence that cannabis use is linked to cognitive functioning, but we know that cannabis use is not isolated from other important risk factors (e.g. peer group influence, parental behavior, socioeconomic status).”

“That was the primary motivation behind this study, in which we compared siblings to account for many of these risk factors.”

In the study, Dr. Ellingson and colleagues were able to establish comparisons between siblings and then determine that differential levels of cannabis use were related to poorer cognitive functioning, particularly verbal memory.

What was this thread about again?

Oh yeah, the legalization of weed by the democrats that all the young people rioting have now all been smoking in excess for years. No coincidence.
More misinformation from people who have no real life experiences with weed or its long term effects which are minimal at best.
Based on that I'm guessing you have "real life experiences" with weed and it's long term effects.

Perhaps that's part of the reason why you are one of the dumbest mother fckers on this board!
It's got to be a contributing factor, at the least.

That and your swollen nut sack.
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Badger2 may have wished to move to Colorado to fight bark beetles, though why would one want to try to seriously explain the problem to the tranqued-down locals when they might look at you as if they were watching a cartoon. Life as a cartoon.
It's not the nicotine in cigarettes that will kill you with lung cancer and COPD, it's the tar and junk and chemicals inherent in the stuff. Marijuana probably has more of the bad stuff than tobacco but pot heads in the media laughably claim it's good for you. No parent in their right mind want's their kids to smoke the stuff but amazingly hypocrite democrats get away with pretending that growing and selling the stuff is good for the economy and the mild "high" and disorientation is medically beneficial. It's all a big lie.
#13: No, we're not buying nicotine, either. One reason is because it's an insecticide, another is because tobacco smokers and those with COPD are more susceptible to COVID-19.
Fucking hilarious...

The title of the article says one thing, declaring it absolute, then the opening sentence of the article casts doubt on the whole thing...

Title: Moderate Cannabis Use Has Adverse Effects on Cognitive Functioning, Study Suggests

Opening sentence: Moderate adolescent cannabis use may have adverse effects on cognitive functioning...

Which is it?
It's long been known that Cannabis has a "dumbing-down" effect on individuals intellect. It should be no surprise. Young people just ignore the studies. The same is true of Candy (crack cocaine). It is highly addictive, yet the young prefer to ignore the warnings.
There are just some occupational fields you don't want heavy users of Cannabis, working in, because of its effect on the brain: Surgeon/Physician, Commercial Pilot, Heavy Equipment Operator, Public Transportation Driver, et cetera.
Acceptable occupations for heavy users of Cannabis: Basic Manual Labor, Service Industry.
I emphasize that I'm referring to "heavy users of Cannabis," not some individual who seldom smokes a joint. Even then though, each time you smoke one, you are indeed negatively affecting those neurons between your ears.
And alcohol. Don't forget that powerful, mood altering drug.
More misinformation from people who have no real life experiences with weed or its long term effects which are minimal at best.
Based on that I'm guessing you have "real life experiences" with weed and it's long term effects.

Perhaps that's part of the reason why you are one of the dumbest mother fckers on this board!
It's got to be a contributing factor, at the least.

That and your swollen nut sack.
Yet, some on the left have found that persons who use alcohol the most are usually the most full of fallacy.
Alcohol is worse.
It takes longer for alcohol to damage the brain

the new studies are looking at children and pot use when few kids are alcoholics
Alcoholism has many victims but perhaps the most defenseless of them are the children of alcoholics. Instead of their parents being sources of wisdom and nurturing, such children have to survive with adults who are violent, unpredictable, and given to their own impulses and desires. Children of alcoholics face risks of mental health trauma and substance abuse in their own adult years, but whether they make the choices of their parents is a complex issue.--

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