Moderate to outright skeptical papers on global warming


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Mar 16, 2010
The climatic effect of co2: A different viewstar, open

Hugh W. Ellsaesser†, a

a4293 Stanford Way, Livermore, CA 94550 U.S.A.
Received 27 June 1983;
revised 4 August 1983.
Available online 14 April 2003.


The current eager acceptance of oceanic thermal lag as the “explanation” as to why CO2 warming remains undetected, reemphasizes that the atmosphere cannot warm until the oceans do. The logical implication follows that most current climate models are lacking in relevance; they have not been constructed with ocean surface temperature as the fundamental variable. When the problem is attacked from this view, sensitivity to CO2 is significantly reduced; a position also strongly supported by the available palaeoclimatic data.

star, openThis paper was prepared originally for presentation at the Second Conference on Climate Variations, 10–14 January 1983, New Orleans, LA.

† Dr. Ellsaesser is employed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94550, U.S.A.

ScienceDirect - Atmospheric Environment (1967) : The climatic effect of co2: A different view

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