Modern conservatives sympathizing with The Confederacy... Is this a thing now?

Really? Maintaining a military base in another nation against it's wishes is not an Act of War?
Read history. It was there before the confederates threw their tantrum and stayed there by agreement. So it wasn't a invasion.
It was an invasion the minute they were asked to leave and they refused, numskull.
Why should they leave land that was theirs because slavers threw a tantrum?

They should leave for the same reason that we would have to pull our troops out of Germany if the government asked us to leave, numskull. Failure to comply would be an act of war. The U.S. doesn't determine the legitimate uses of property in foreign countries. Any kid in grade school understands that.
Look at you hating on America like a good little democrat . You do Obama and the Pauls proud
bripat9643 is a Democrat?

who knew

Really? Maintaining a military base in another nation against it's wishes is not an Act of War?
Read history. It was there before the confederates threw their tantrum and stayed there by agreement. So it wasn't a invasion.
It was an invasion the minute they were asked to leave and they refused, numskull.
Why should they leave land that was theirs because slavers threw a tantrum?

They should leave for the same reason that we would have to pull our troops out of Germany if the government asked us to leave, numskull. Failure to comply would be an act of war. The U.S. doesn't determine the legitimate uses of property in foreign countries. Any kid in grade school understands that.
Look at you hating on America like a good little democrat . You do Obama and the Pauls proud

You've already admitted you hate half of America. You want to have them killed.

You're a despicable scumbag, so who are you to be accusing me of "hating America?"
Has it been asked by what right people had slaves?
No one is endorsing slavery, dumbass.

The Confederacy did and those who defend the Confederacy are doing so whether they are honest enough to agree with it or not.The Confederacy stated emphatically that it was about the state right to own and trade slaves

Lincoln disagreed. End of story, moron.
Lincoln saved the Union.

the end for the real Confederacy opposed to the stupidly pathetic revisionist Confederate tools online
Read history. It was there before the confederates threw their tantrum and stayed there by agreement. So it wasn't a invasion.
It was an invasion the minute they were asked to leave and they refused, numskull.
Why should they leave land that was theirs because slavers threw a tantrum?

They should leave for the same reason that we would have to pull our troops out of Germany if the government asked us to leave, numskull. Failure to comply would be an act of war. The U.S. doesn't determine the legitimate uses of property in foreign countries. Any kid in grade school understands that.
Look at you hating on America like a good little democrat . You do Obama and the Pauls proud

You've already admitted you hate half of America. You want to have them killed.

You're a despicable scumbag, so who are you to be accusing me of "hating America?"

You all HATE America. It is evident in all of your posts. Get over yourselves
Where? I don't see that written on the note. Furthermore, your note seems to have been issued in 1858. It must be bogus.

Need more?

Where do they say "In Slaves We Trust?"
Every time they passed the bills to buy food and wood

and other supplies

that would

month by month

grow more and more






Like the dead, worthless Confederacy you so enshrine and support.

Is this supposed to prove something? Confederate bills were just like the federal reserve notes in your wallet: backed by nothing. They also become worth less and less with each passing day.
Towards the end of the War, US Greenbacks were worth $$ -- Confederate Currency? Ha! It cost on order of about 3,000.00 greybacks to buy a suit. If you could find one.

Too bad so much of the South's wealth was tied up in Slaves. Like nearly 3 billion dollars worth. In 1860 dollars.

As I've said before :

The South seceeded because it was where literally ALL their wealth was tied up, and was the literal lifeblood that ran the heart of the engine of the south. Blackhumanblood as property.

To give you some perspective, The collective wealth tied up in those slaves was over 3 billion dollars.

That is yes, with a B. Three BILLION. Not in today dollars, adjusted for inflation -- Then dollars. Three BILLION in 1860 dollars.

If you wanted to buy all the railroads, factories and banks in the entire country at that time, it would have only cost you about $2.5 billion.

----> slaves were by far the largest concentration of property in the country. A stunning figure, Think on that.

The South was not about to give that up.

It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

Millions of these people who were *bred* as animals are -- with values in the BILLIONS.

Yes, It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

And they are *still fighting the battle----to this day, it appears. Even though they lost the war.

Lincoln spent $5.2 billion on the war, so that was a great financial move, wasn't it?

TreasuryDirect KIDS - The History of U.S. Public Debt - The Civil War 1861-1865

In 1860, the year before the American Civil War started, the U.S. Government debt was $64.8 million. Once the war began, debt grew quickly. The financial cost of the war was significant, totaling an estimated $5.2 billion.

On top of that, Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 Americans.

That was a brilliant financial move on Lincoln's part, wasn't it?

Where do they say "In Slaves We Trust?"
Every time they passed the bills to buy food and wood

and other supplies

that would

month by month

grow more and more






Like the dead, worthless Confederacy you so enshrine and support.

Is this supposed to prove something? Confederate bills were just like the federal reserve notes in your wallet: backed by nothing. They also become worth less and less with each passing day.
Towards the end of the War, US Greenbacks were worth $$ -- Confederate Currency? Ha! It cost on order of about 3,000.00 greybacks to buy a suit. If you could find one.

Too bad so much of the South's wealth was tied up in Slaves. Like nearly 3 billion dollars worth. In 1860 dollars.

As I've said before :

The South seceeded because it was where literally ALL their wealth was tied up, and was the literal lifeblood that ran the heart of the engine of the south. Blackhumanblood as property.

To give you some perspective, The collective wealth tied up in those slaves was over 3 billion dollars.

That is yes, with a B. Three BILLION. Not in today dollars, adjusted for inflation -- Then dollars. Three BILLION in 1860 dollars.

If you wanted to buy all the railroads, factories and banks in the entire country at that time, it would have only cost you about $2.5 billion.

----> slaves were by far the largest concentration of property in the country. A stunning figure, Think on that.

The South was not about to give that up.

It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

Millions of these people who were *bred* as animals are -- with values in the BILLIONS.

Yes, It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

And they are *still fighting the battle----to this day, it appears. Even though they lost the war.

Lincoln spent $5.2 billion on the war, so that was a great financial move, wasn't it?

TreasuryDirect KIDS - The History of U.S. Public Debt - The Civil War 1861-1865

In 1860, the year before the American Civil War started, the U.S. Government debt was $64.8 million. Once the war began, debt grew quickly. The financial cost of the war was significant, totaling an estimated $5.2 billion.

On top of that, Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 Americans.

That was a brilliant financial move on Lincoln's part, wasn't it?

revisionist history and a very poor attempt at it

Lincoln saved the Union
Has it been asked by what right people had slaves?
No one is endorsing slavery, dumbass.

The Confederacy did and those who defend the Confederacy are doing so whether they are honest enough to agree with it or not.The Confederacy stated emphatically that it was about the state right to own and trade slaves

Lincoln disagreed. End of story, moron.
Lincoln saved the Union.

the end for the real Confederacy opposed to the stupidly pathetic revisionist Confederate tools online

Lincoln destroyed the Union. He converted a voluntary union of free states into an Empire of subjects. He laid waste to one half the country and created the conditions for 100 years of racial hatred and economic retardation.
If a state could secede from the nation, could a county secede from a state, could a city secede from a county and could I secede my house and lot from a city. Hot damn, I'd have my own little country on 59th.street. Think of it, many of us with our own nations.
Here's something interesting. In the Confederate Constitution, it did not explicitly state a State could secede. :)~
Where do they say "In Slaves We Trust?"
Every time they passed the bills to buy food and wood

and other supplies

that would

month by month

grow more and more






Like the dead, worthless Confederacy you so enshrine and support.

Is this supposed to prove something? Confederate bills were just like the federal reserve notes in your wallet: backed by nothing. They also become worth less and less with each passing day.
Towards the end of the War, US Greenbacks were worth $$ -- Confederate Currency? Ha! It cost on order of about 3,000.00 greybacks to buy a suit. If you could find one.

Too bad so much of the South's wealth was tied up in Slaves. Like nearly 3 billion dollars worth. In 1860 dollars.

As I've said before :

The South seceeded because it was where literally ALL their wealth was tied up, and was the literal lifeblood that ran the heart of the engine of the south. Blackhumanblood as property.

To give you some perspective, The collective wealth tied up in those slaves was over 3 billion dollars.

That is yes, with a B. Three BILLION. Not in today dollars, adjusted for inflation -- Then dollars. Three BILLION in 1860 dollars.

If you wanted to buy all the railroads, factories and banks in the entire country at that time, it would have only cost you about $2.5 billion.

----> slaves were by far the largest concentration of property in the country. A stunning figure, Think on that.

The South was not about to give that up.

It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

Millions of these people who were *bred* as animals are -- with values in the BILLIONS.

Yes, It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

And they are *still fighting the battle----to this day, it appears. Even though they lost the war.

Lincoln spent $5.2 billion on the war, so that was a great financial move, wasn't it?

TreasuryDirect KIDS - The History of U.S. Public Debt - The Civil War 1861-1865

In 1860, the year before the American Civil War started, the U.S. Government debt was $64.8 million. Once the war began, debt grew quickly. The financial cost of the war was significant, totaling an estimated $5.2 billion.

On top of that, Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 Americans.

That was a brilliant financial move on Lincoln's part, wasn't it?

revisionist history and a very poor attempt at it

Lincoln saved the Union

Your magic words have no power here.
It was an invasion the minute they were asked to leave and they refused, numskull.
Why should they leave land that was theirs because slavers threw a tantrum?

They should leave for the same reason that we would have to pull our troops out of Germany if the government asked us to leave, numskull. Failure to comply would be an act of war. The U.S. doesn't determine the legitimate uses of property in foreign countries. Any kid in grade school understands that.
Look at you hating on America like a good little democrat . You do Obama and the Pauls proud

You've already admitted you hate half of America. You want to have them killed.

You're a despicable scumbag, so who are you to be accusing me of "hating America?"

You all HATE America. It is evident in all of your posts. Get over yourselves

I certainly hate the government. Only an obedient tool would find anything to admire about our government.
If a state could secede from the nation, could a county secede from a state, could a city secede from a county and could I secede my house and lot from a city. Hot damn, I'd have my own little country on 59th.street. Think of it, many of us with our own nations.

I don't have any objection to that.
I've seen at least three conservatives on this site talk about how Lincoln and the Union were wrong, and that the Confederacy should have been allowed to secede the way they did, and were on the right side of history..

Is this a popular stance among conservatives of today? Are they really pro-Confederacy when they look back on the Civil War? Or are there just a couple crazies here and there?

(This thread may also help the 'Gay Marriage' thread from being further derailed with Civil War arguments. Figured it was worth a shot haha)

It depends on who you ask. Many conservative talk show hosts like Glenn Beck and Mark Levin still worship Lincoln and think he's the greatest president ever. He only killed 600,000 Americans and could have killed ten times as many because he was the "great emancipator". Neo-cons, like Leftists, worship power and love when the state crushes all opposition and protest.
Again slow kid the confederates started the war

Lincoln started the war.

Where do they say "In Slaves We Trust?"
Every time they passed the bills to buy food and wood

and other supplies

that would

month by month

grow more and more






Like the dead, worthless Confederacy you so enshrine and support.

Is this supposed to prove something? Confederate bills were just like the federal reserve notes in your wallet: backed by nothing. They also become worth less and less with each passing day.
Towards the end of the War, US Greenbacks were worth $$ -- Confederate Currency? Ha! It cost on order of about 3,000.00 greybacks to buy a suit. If you could find one.

Too bad so much of the South's wealth was tied up in Slaves. Like nearly 3 billion dollars worth. In 1860 dollars.

As I've said before :

The South seceeded because it was where literally ALL their wealth was tied up, and was the literal lifeblood that ran the heart of the engine of the south. Blackhumanblood as property.

To give you some perspective, The collective wealth tied up in those slaves was over 3 billion dollars.

That is yes, with a B. Three BILLION. Not in today dollars, adjusted for inflation -- Then dollars. Three BILLION in 1860 dollars.

If you wanted to buy all the railroads, factories and banks in the entire country at that time, it would have only cost you about $2.5 billion.

----> slaves were by far the largest concentration of property in the country. A stunning figure, Think on that.

The South was not about to give that up.

It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

Millions of these people who were *bred* as animals are -- with values in the BILLIONS.

Yes, It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

And they are *still fighting the battle----to this day, it appears. Even though they lost the war.

Lincoln spent $5.2 billion on the war, so that was a great financial move, wasn't it?

TreasuryDirect KIDS - The History of U.S. Public Debt - The Civil War 1861-1865

In 1860, the year before the American Civil War started, the U.S. Government debt was $64.8 million. Once the war began, debt grew quickly. The financial cost of the war was significant, totaling an estimated $5.2 billion.

On top of that, Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 Americans.

That was a brilliant financial move on Lincoln's part, wasn't it?
Killed 'em! With his bare hands!

Wicked pisser those mother humpers in the south started the war, eh?

One of my beloved quotes of Lincoln, when the South was harrumphing about how if they didn't get their way they would take their marbles and go home:

"You will not abide the election of a Republican president!

In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us!

That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, 'Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!'"

[Cooper - Union Speech, 1860]

Prescient, he.
Where do they say "In Slaves We Trust?"
Every time they passed the bills to buy food and wood

and other supplies

that would

month by month

grow more and more






Like the dead, worthless Confederacy you so enshrine and support.

Is this supposed to prove something? Confederate bills were just like the federal reserve notes in your wallet: backed by nothing. They also become worth less and less with each passing day.
Towards the end of the War, US Greenbacks were worth $$ -- Confederate Currency? Ha! It cost on order of about 3,000.00 greybacks to buy a suit. If you could find one.

Too bad so much of the South's wealth was tied up in Slaves. Like nearly 3 billion dollars worth. In 1860 dollars.

As I've said before :

The South seceeded because it was where literally ALL their wealth was tied up, and was the literal lifeblood that ran the heart of the engine of the south. Blackhumanblood as property.

To give you some perspective, The collective wealth tied up in those slaves was over 3 billion dollars.

That is yes, with a B. Three BILLION. Not in today dollars, adjusted for inflation -- Then dollars. Three BILLION in 1860 dollars.

If you wanted to buy all the railroads, factories and banks in the entire country at that time, it would have only cost you about $2.5 billion.

----> slaves were by far the largest concentration of property in the country. A stunning figure, Think on that.

The South was not about to give that up.

It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

Millions of these people who were *bred* as animals are -- with values in the BILLIONS.

Yes, It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

And they are *still fighting the battle----to this day, it appears. Even though they lost the war.

Lincoln spent $5.2 billion on the war, so that was a great financial move, wasn't it?

TreasuryDirect KIDS - The History of U.S. Public Debt - The Civil War 1861-1865

In 1860, the year before the American Civil War started, the U.S. Government debt was $64.8 million. Once the war began, debt grew quickly. The financial cost of the war was significant, totaling an estimated $5.2 billion.

On top of that, Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 Americans.

That was a brilliant financial move on Lincoln's part, wasn't it?
Killed 'em! With his bare hands!

Wicked pisser those mother humpers in the south started the war, eh?

One of my beloved quotes of Lincoln, when the South was harrumphing about how if they didn't get their way they would take their marbles and go home:

"You will not abide the election of a Republican president!

In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us!

That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, 'Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!'"

[Cooper - Union Speech, 1860]

Prescient, he.

Lincoln was definitely a skilled liar. The Gettysburg Address was nothing more than a collection of the most outrageous lies imaginable.
Every time they passed the bills to buy food and wood

and other supplies

that would

month by month

grow more and more






Like the dead, worthless Confederacy you so enshrine and support.

Is this supposed to prove something? Confederate bills were just like the federal reserve notes in your wallet: backed by nothing. They also become worth less and less with each passing day.
Towards the end of the War, US Greenbacks were worth $$ -- Confederate Currency? Ha! It cost on order of about 3,000.00 greybacks to buy a suit. If you could find one.

Too bad so much of the South's wealth was tied up in Slaves. Like nearly 3 billion dollars worth. In 1860 dollars.

As I've said before :

The South seceeded because it was where literally ALL their wealth was tied up, and was the literal lifeblood that ran the heart of the engine of the south. Blackhumanblood as property.

To give you some perspective, The collective wealth tied up in those slaves was over 3 billion dollars.

That is yes, with a B. Three BILLION. Not in today dollars, adjusted for inflation -- Then dollars. Three BILLION in 1860 dollars.

If you wanted to buy all the railroads, factories and banks in the entire country at that time, it would have only cost you about $2.5 billion.

----> slaves were by far the largest concentration of property in the country. A stunning figure, Think on that.

The South was not about to give that up.

It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

Millions of these people who were *bred* as animals are -- with values in the BILLIONS.

Yes, It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

And they are *still fighting the battle----to this day, it appears. Even though they lost the war.

Lincoln spent $5.2 billion on the war, so that was a great financial move, wasn't it?

TreasuryDirect KIDS - The History of U.S. Public Debt - The Civil War 1861-1865

In 1860, the year before the American Civil War started, the U.S. Government debt was $64.8 million. Once the war began, debt grew quickly. The financial cost of the war was significant, totaling an estimated $5.2 billion.

On top of that, Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 Americans.

That was a brilliant financial move on Lincoln's part, wasn't it?
Killed 'em! With his bare hands!

Wicked pisser those mother humpers in the south started the war, eh?

One of my beloved quotes of Lincoln, when the South was harrumphing about how if they didn't get their way they would take their marbles and go home:

"You will not abide the election of a Republican president!

In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us!

That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, 'Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!'"

[Cooper - Union Speech, 1860]

Prescient, he.

Lincoln was definitely a skilled liar. The Gettysburg Address was nothing more than a collection of the most outrageous lies imaginable.
Listen here, boy,


Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

A powerful man. Who saved the Union, and made your existence in this, the greatest nation on earth, possible.
  • Thanks
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Has it been asked by what right people had slaves?
No one is endorsing slavery, dumbass.

The Confederacy did and those who defend the Confederacy are doing so whether they are honest enough to agree with it or not.The Confederacy stated emphatically that it was about the state right to own and trade slaves

Lincoln disagreed. End of story, moron.
Lincoln saved the Union.

the end for the real Confederacy opposed to the stupidly pathetic revisionist Confederate tools online

Lincoln destroyed the Union. He converted a voluntary union of free states into an Empire of subjects. He laid waste to one half the country and created the conditions for 100 years of racial hatred and economic retardation.

I've said before, I'll say it again....

Is this supposed to prove something? Confederate bills were just like the federal reserve notes in your wallet: backed by nothing. They also become worth less and less with each passing day.
Towards the end of the War, US Greenbacks were worth $$ -- Confederate Currency? Ha! It cost on order of about 3,000.00 greybacks to buy a suit. If you could find one.

Too bad so much of the South's wealth was tied up in Slaves. Like nearly 3 billion dollars worth. In 1860 dollars.

As I've said before :

The South seceeded because it was where literally ALL their wealth was tied up, and was the literal lifeblood that ran the heart of the engine of the south. Blackhumanblood as property.

To give you some perspective, The collective wealth tied up in those slaves was over 3 billion dollars.

That is yes, with a B. Three BILLION. Not in today dollars, adjusted for inflation -- Then dollars. Three BILLION in 1860 dollars.

If you wanted to buy all the railroads, factories and banks in the entire country at that time, it would have only cost you about $2.5 billion.

----> slaves were by far the largest concentration of property in the country. A stunning figure, Think on that.

The South was not about to give that up.

It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

Millions of these people who were *bred* as animals are -- with values in the BILLIONS.

Yes, It was. About. Slavery. Preserving, protecting & expanding. Human beings as property.

And they are *still fighting the battle----to this day, it appears. Even though they lost the war.

Lincoln spent $5.2 billion on the war, so that was a great financial move, wasn't it?

TreasuryDirect KIDS - The History of U.S. Public Debt - The Civil War 1861-1865

In 1860, the year before the American Civil War started, the U.S. Government debt was $64.8 million. Once the war began, debt grew quickly. The financial cost of the war was significant, totaling an estimated $5.2 billion.

On top of that, Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 Americans.

That was a brilliant financial move on Lincoln's part, wasn't it?
Killed 'em! With his bare hands!

Wicked pisser those mother humpers in the south started the war, eh?

One of my beloved quotes of Lincoln, when the South was harrumphing about how if they didn't get their way they would take their marbles and go home:

"You will not abide the election of a Republican president!

In that supposed event, you say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us!

That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, 'Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!'"

[Cooper - Union Speech, 1860]

Prescient, he.

Lincoln was definitely a skilled liar. The Gettysburg Address was nothing more than a collection of the most outrageous lies imaginable.
Listen here, boy,


Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

A powerful man. Who saved the Union, and made your existence in this, the greatest nation on earth, possible.
"that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

That was the biggest lie a politician ever told to the American public.
No one is endorsing slavery, dumbass.

The Confederacy did and those who defend the Confederacy are doing so whether they are honest enough to agree with it or not.The Confederacy stated emphatically that it was about the state right to own and trade slaves

Lincoln disagreed. End of story, moron.
Lincoln saved the Union.

the end for the real Confederacy opposed to the stupidly pathetic revisionist Confederate tools online

Lincoln destroyed the Union. He converted a voluntary union of free states into an Empire of subjects. He laid waste to one half the country and created the conditions for 100 years of racial hatred and economic retardation.

I've said before, I'll say it again....


You'll have to explain the irony to me. What I said is the plain truth.

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