Modern conservatives sympathizing with The Confederacy... Is this a thing now?

There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.
What we are saying is that states need to live up to their word.....

It's certainly an interesting viewpoint that people must "keep their word" by remaining in a contract when the other party to that contract isn't keeping his. It's WRONG, but it's interesting.

He sounds just like the abusive husband who said he had to kill his wife because she said she was leaving.
No I sound like a murderer? Hey eat me trailer trash.

Yes you do sound like a murderer. You certainly have been gloating about the murder of 850,000 people.
I am not gloating special needs I am educating you on how many deaths the democrat confederates caused when they started the civil war.

Lincoln is responsible for every death, you ignominious asshole.
There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.

The only person who ever made a serious attempt to destroy it is Abraham Lincoln. He pretty much succeeded.
There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.

The only person who ever made a serious attempt to destroy it is Abraham Lincoln. He pretty much succeeded.
LOL we are still the Unites States of America dipshit. If your slaver heroes had their way would be taken over by some foreign nation by now....Confederates were traitors.
They've sympathized with the confederacy for a long time. Go down south and count how many confederate flags you see.

I don't believe most that fly Confederate flags do so because they are racist. Dukes of Hazzard made the flags look cool and some actually fly them because of pride that has nothing to do with slavery. Not that I'd expect you to understand or admit the nuance involved with various flags and traditions that aren't evil.

Of course, the leftwing nuts are constantly out looking for racism everywhere and think they see it everywhere. Gotta gin up some anger at the right for next year's election, eh, and you're already on it.
You don't fly the confederate flag by "accident." Flying the confederate flag is fun for 15 year olds, and a statement against black people for EVERYONE else. And the people who fly it know that full well.

Flying the Confederate flag is mostly just a way to tell liberals to fuck off, Plus it really pisses them off.
So it's at best childish, and at worst terribly racist?
So is your position that there is no truth?


No, I asked a question.

Truth is subjective,


That's all I need to know about you. Why bother debating this issue if it's entirely subjective?

it's why we have one of the three branches of government to interpret the law. Because one body needs to or we are all living under different truths and in the end that creates chaos. So, we have the court system to decide what is fair under the law, there really isn't a better system in place and no, you're not going to be happy 100% of the time, tough shit, it's called real life.

No that's not the reason we have three branches of government. The real reason is that men can never be trusted to rule over other men, whether they are politicians, presidents or judges.

Our court system is a travesty. What it dispenses couldn't even remotely be called "justice."

Says you, citing you. And you ignore your own sources if they don't ape what you want to believe. Rendering your judgment uselessly inconsistent.

You ignored your own source Madison on secession. You ignored the USSC. And the constitution makes no mention of it. It definitely mentioned rebellions and invasions. Placing the Union's putting down of a rebellion far above whatever you imagine for the constitution.

You citing yourself may have some meaning in your own head. It means jack shit to anyone else. As legally speaking, you're nobody. Where as Madison, the Constitution and the USSC are all immediately relevant to the law. Any one of which trumps you.

Once again you admit the truth: The Constitution doesn't mention secession.
Admit it? Its my point, Brip. There's no mention of secession in the Constitution while there is definitely mention of rebellions and invasions. The authority you've imagined doesn't exist. While the basis of the Union's defense of its own forts and the suppression of rebellions within its own territory are thoroughly established in the constitution.

So you ignore the constitution.

You claim authority that the constitution never so much as mentions. You've literally pulled the right to secession sideways out of your ass. And there's nothing backing it save you imagining it must be so.

Contradicting you is the constitution which has nothing you made up, Madison who explicitly contradicts you insisting the constitution is adopted in toto and forever, and the USSC explicitly contradicting you. With the USSC recognizing that the sovereign status of the states was changed upon joining under the constitution 30 years BEFORE the civil war. And the USSC recognizing that no right to secede AFTER the civil war.

And you ignore it all, imagining that you must be right.'re nobody. And no law is based on your imagination.

Do you have anything but you citing yourself? Or is it just lies like your claims about 'Madison supporting secession' or your blithering idiocy about the NY ratification document retaining the right to secede?

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to keep lying to support it.

Are you just terminally stupid? The Constitution doesn't mention secession because it has no authority over secession. The Constitution is a product of power, the original powers that belong to the states that ratified it. The original power of the states to voluntarily join the union also allows them to extricate themselves from the union. The Constitution has no say on it whatsoever, and certainly not the Supreme Court. The states could abolish the Supreme Court if they want to because neither the Constitution, nor the Supreme Court are all powerful.

Even the Constitution admits its own limits when it says that all powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states. How stupid of you not to get the meaning of that.
What we are saying is that states need to live up to their word.....

It's certainly an interesting viewpoint that people must "keep their word" by remaining in a contract when the other party to that contract isn't keeping his. It's WRONG, but it's interesting.

He sounds just like the abusive husband who said he had to kill his wife because she said she was leaving.
No I sound like a murderer? Hey eat me trailer trash.

Yes you do sound like a murderer. You certainly have been gloating about the murder of 850,000 people.
I am not gloating special needs I am educating you on how many deaths the democrat confederates caused when they started the civil war.

It wasn't a civil war, nor was it a "war between the states". It's an important point because it highlights your ignorance of history and the nature of the conflict. A civil war is when two factions contend for the control of a single government. Eleven seceding states were not trying to seize control of the government of the United States. And it isn't a "war between the states" because it was a federal army that Lincoln brought to bear against eleven foreign nations who were no longer states. If you want to be accurate, call it the War of Northern Aggression, or the War for Southern Independence. But it's clear that accuracy is something that you statists shun at all costs.
Faith is powerful.

It sure is. Protestant Christians had faith in Manifest Destiny and used that faith to wipe out my people and consign any survivors to shitty reservations. Faith is what drove a country into war that cost the lives of 600,000 men when diplomatic solutions, including just letting them leave instead of killing them, were available. It's funny how Protestants weaponize faith to oppress the weak, to murder, to destroy, to perpetuate misery. Every hideous atrocity was heavily blanketed in twisted religion. Congratulations on your "powerful faith".

You people are Muslims with crosses.
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

Well that certainly is an interesting point. I wonder how the founding fathers of this nation stumbled upon the moral, ethical, and legal justifications for slavery? The authors of the US Constitution found ways to justify themselves. How different were they from the Confederates?
There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.

some on the left blame protestant-ism and renegade-ism.
It's certainly an interesting viewpoint that people must "keep their word" by remaining in a contract when the other party to that contract isn't keeping his. It's WRONG, but it's interesting.

He sounds just like the abusive husband who said he had to kill his wife because she said she was leaving.
No I sound like a murderer? Hey eat me trailer trash.

Yes you do sound like a murderer. You certainly have been gloating about the murder of 850,000 people.
I am not gloating special needs I am educating you on how many deaths the democrat confederates caused when they started the civil war.

It wasn't a civil war, nor was it a "war between the states". It's an important point because it highlights your ignorance of history and the nature of the conflict. A civil war is when two factions contend for the control of a single government. Eleven seceding states were not trying to seize control of the government of the United States. And it isn't a "war between the states" because it was a federal army that Lincoln brought to bear against eleven foreign nations who were no longer states. If you want to be accurate, call it the War of Northern Aggression, or the War for Southern Independence. But it's clear that accuracy is something that you statists shun at all costs.
You smack a person and then call him a bully for kicking your ass.....
There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.

some on the left blame protestant-ism and renegade-ism.
He sounds just like the abusive husband who said he had to kill his wife because she said she was leaving.
No I sound like a murderer? Hey eat me trailer trash.

Yes you do sound like a murderer. You certainly have been gloating about the murder of 850,000 people.
I am not gloating special needs I am educating you on how many deaths the democrat confederates caused when they started the civil war.

It wasn't a civil war, nor was it a "war between the states". It's an important point because it highlights your ignorance of history and the nature of the conflict. A civil war is when two factions contend for the control of a single government. Eleven seceding states were not trying to seize control of the government of the United States. And it isn't a "war between the states" because it was a federal army that Lincoln brought to bear against eleven foreign nations who were no longer states. If you want to be accurate, call it the War of Northern Aggression, or the War for Southern Independence. But it's clear that accuracy is something that you statists shun at all costs.
You smack a person and then call him a bully for kicking your ass.....

A better analogy would be smacking a bully and then that bully killing you. Firing on Ft. Sumter after the garrison commander refused to surrender even though he lacked the armaments to mount a defense of the post could have been worked out in peaceful negotiations and reparations could have been sought. But when a war is launched that kills 600,000 men, the initial slight, whatever it might be, is lost.

Do you know how many people died at Fort Sumter? ZERO! This could have been worked out peacefully even if you believe that the firing on Fort Sumter was wrong. It wasn't. They were no longer leasing land belonging to the United States which is why they were given opportunity to surrender and evacuate the fort. The disproportionate response caused the deaths of 600,000 men, none of whom you give a damn about.
There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.

some on the left blame protestant-ism and renegade-ism.
No I sound like a murderer? Hey eat me trailer trash.

Yes you do sound like a murderer. You certainly have been gloating about the murder of 850,000 people.
I am not gloating special needs I am educating you on how many deaths the democrat confederates caused when they started the civil war.

It wasn't a civil war, nor was it a "war between the states". It's an important point because it highlights your ignorance of history and the nature of the conflict. A civil war is when two factions contend for the control of a single government. Eleven seceding states were not trying to seize control of the government of the United States. And it isn't a "war between the states" because it was a federal army that Lincoln brought to bear against eleven foreign nations who were no longer states. If you want to be accurate, call it the War of Northern Aggression, or the War for Southern Independence. But it's clear that accuracy is something that you statists shun at all costs.
You smack a person and then call him a bully for kicking your ass.....

A better analogy would be smacking a bully and then that bully killing you. Firing on Ft. Sumter after the garrison commander refused to surrender even though he lacked the armaments to mount a defense of the post could have been worked out in peaceful negotiations and reparations could have been sought. But when a war is launched that kills 600,000 men, the initial slight, whatever it might be, is lost.

Do you know how many people died at Fort Sumter? ZERO! This could have been worked out peacefully even if you believe that the firing on Fort Sumter was wrong. It wasn't. They were no longer leasing land belonging to the United States which is why they were given opportunity to surrender and evacuate the fort. The disproportionate response caused the deaths of 600,000 men, none of whom you give a damn about.
Son the confederate traitors started a war they couldn't win for the sole purpose of expanding slave economics into no slave states....That isn't state rights or liberty...Thats all about bondage. Thats what democrats care about the most how to keep the elite elite and the masses serving them. they haven't changed in a 150 years and you praise them for it. The south did rise again it gave us Obama and Pelosi....These are what the confederates became. It isn't about race it is about freedom and the confederates were NEVER about freedom. You and the moron bri can scream till you are blue in the face but historical evidence proves me right and you wrong.
There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.

some on the left blame protestant-ism and renegade-ism.
Yes you do sound like a murderer. You certainly have been gloating about the murder of 850,000 people.
I am not gloating special needs I am educating you on how many deaths the democrat confederates caused when they started the civil war.

It wasn't a civil war, nor was it a "war between the states". It's an important point because it highlights your ignorance of history and the nature of the conflict. A civil war is when two factions contend for the control of a single government. Eleven seceding states were not trying to seize control of the government of the United States. And it isn't a "war between the states" because it was a federal army that Lincoln brought to bear against eleven foreign nations who were no longer states. If you want to be accurate, call it the War of Northern Aggression, or the War for Southern Independence. But it's clear that accuracy is something that you statists shun at all costs.
You smack a person and then call him a bully for kicking your ass.....

A better analogy would be smacking a bully and then that bully killing you. Firing on Ft. Sumter after the garrison commander refused to surrender even though he lacked the armaments to mount a defense of the post could have been worked out in peaceful negotiations and reparations could have been sought. But when a war is launched that kills 600,000 men, the initial slight, whatever it might be, is lost.

Do you know how many people died at Fort Sumter? ZERO! This could have been worked out peacefully even if you believe that the firing on Fort Sumter was wrong. It wasn't. They were no longer leasing land belonging to the United States which is why they were given opportunity to surrender and evacuate the fort. The disproportionate response caused the deaths of 600,000 men, none of whom you give a damn about.
Son the confederate traitors started a war they couldn't win for the sole purpose of expanding slave economics into no slave states....That isn't state rights or liberty...Thats all about bondage. Thats what democrats care about the most how to keep the elite elite and the masses serving them. they haven't changed in a 150 years and you praise them for it. The south did rise again it gave us Obama and Pelosi....These are what the confederates became. It isn't about race it is about freedom and the confederates were NEVER about freedom. You and the moron bri can scream till you are blue in the face but historical evidence proves me right and you wrong.

They didn't start a war. It wasn't a war until Lincoln drew up 75,000 troops and set them on an invasion course toward Virginia. Until you get that through your thick skull, there's no intelligent conversation to be had with you.
There are always people wanting to see this country destroyed.... The progressives through deception and decay ..... The libertarian leftest neo confederates through dissolution. Both are scumbags.

some on the left blame protestant-ism and renegade-ism.
I am not gloating special needs I am educating you on how many deaths the democrat confederates caused when they started the civil war.

It wasn't a civil war, nor was it a "war between the states". It's an important point because it highlights your ignorance of history and the nature of the conflict. A civil war is when two factions contend for the control of a single government. Eleven seceding states were not trying to seize control of the government of the United States. And it isn't a "war between the states" because it was a federal army that Lincoln brought to bear against eleven foreign nations who were no longer states. If you want to be accurate, call it the War of Northern Aggression, or the War for Southern Independence. But it's clear that accuracy is something that you statists shun at all costs.
You smack a person and then call him a bully for kicking your ass.....

A better analogy would be smacking a bully and then that bully killing you. Firing on Ft. Sumter after the garrison commander refused to surrender even though he lacked the armaments to mount a defense of the post could have been worked out in peaceful negotiations and reparations could have been sought. But when a war is launched that kills 600,000 men, the initial slight, whatever it might be, is lost.

Do you know how many people died at Fort Sumter? ZERO! This could have been worked out peacefully even if you believe that the firing on Fort Sumter was wrong. It wasn't. They were no longer leasing land belonging to the United States which is why they were given opportunity to surrender and evacuate the fort. The disproportionate response caused the deaths of 600,000 men, none of whom you give a damn about.
Son the confederate traitors started a war they couldn't win for the sole purpose of expanding slave economics into no slave states....That isn't state rights or liberty...Thats all about bondage. Thats what democrats care about the most how to keep the elite elite and the masses serving them. they haven't changed in a 150 years and you praise them for it. The south did rise again it gave us Obama and Pelosi....These are what the confederates became. It isn't about race it is about freedom and the confederates were NEVER about freedom. You and the moron bri can scream till you are blue in the face but historical evidence proves me right and you wrong.

They didn't start a war. It wasn't a war until Lincoln drew up 75,000 troops and set them on an invasion course toward Virginia. Until you get that through your thick skull, there's no intelligent conversation to be had with you.
Because the attack on Fort Sumter was part of a preemptive Confederate strategy to defeat an expected invasion of that right?
Faith is powerful.

It sure is. Protestant Christians had faith in Manifest Destiny and used that faith to wipe out my people and consign any survivors to shitty reservations. Faith is what drove a country into war that cost the lives of 600,000 men when diplomatic solutions, including just letting them leave instead of killing them, were available. It's funny how Protestants weaponize faith to oppress the weak, to murder, to destroy, to perpetuate misery. Every hideous atrocity was heavily blanketed in twisted religion. Congratulations on your "powerful faith".

You people are Muslims with crosses.

You are much too selective with your condemnations.
Faith is powerful.

It sure is. Protestant Christians had faith in Manifest Destiny and used that faith to wipe out my people and consign any survivors to shitty reservations. Faith is what drove a country into war that cost the lives of 600,000 men when diplomatic solutions, including just letting them leave instead of killing them, were available. It's funny how Protestants weaponize faith to oppress the weak, to murder, to destroy, to perpetuate misery. Every hideous atrocity was heavily blanketed in twisted religion. Congratulations on your "powerful faith".

You people are Muslims with crosses.

You are much too selective with your condemnations.

That's very white of you to say.
Faith is powerful.

It sure is. Protestant Christians had faith in Manifest Destiny and used that faith to wipe out my people and consign any survivors to shitty reservations. Faith is what drove a country into war that cost the lives of 600,000 men when diplomatic solutions, including just letting them leave instead of killing them, were available. It's funny how Protestants weaponize faith to oppress the weak, to murder, to destroy, to perpetuate misery. Every hideous atrocity was heavily blanketed in twisted religion. Congratulations on your "powerful faith".

You people are Muslims with crosses.

You are much too selective with your condemnations.

That's very white of you to say.

You exaggerate.

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