Modern conservatives sympathizing with The Confederacy... Is this a thing now?

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.
Well we all know that what a politician SAYS he MEANS...I mean really...there could not be ulterior motives.....right?

And besides....causing the deaths of 850k Americans, destruction of half the nation, and abrogating the Constitution was worth it, if it meant preserving the Union.
You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

I quoted Lincoln admitting he was a white supremacist. "saving the union" wasn't an issue in 1858.

Lincoln's motivation was thoroughly established by his actions and his many other writings and speeches. For example, Lincoln said he had no problem with the Southern states seceding so long as they collected the Morrill tariff and paid the proceeds to the federal government. That fact alone is sufficient to demonstrate his motive for "saving the union."
Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?
Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

I quoted Lincoln admitting he was a white supremacist. "saving the union" wasn't an issue in 1858.

Yet oddly not supporting any of this blithering idiocy:

"You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth."

That was you citing yourself. And you're nobody.

Lincoln's motivation was thoroughly established by his actions and his many other writings and speeches.

Then you'll easily be able to establish the above drivel regarding 'imperialists' and 'crushing tarriffs' and the like being Lincoln's motivation with his writings and speeches.

But you can't. You can only quote yourself. Which is exactly my point. Your entire method of debate is to make hamhanded accusations that you can't back up factually. And then to call anyone who doesn't accept your personal opinion as fact various silly names.

If your argument had actual merit, you wouldn't have to. You'd be able to factually support your claims. Alas, you lack the ability.
You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If the South didn't want a military conflict, they shouldn't have attacked a US military base.

They did. And the rest is history.
You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?

Guess so......and sometimes Right makes right

In this case the slave rapers had their heads handed to them. The best part was when Lincoln emancipated the slaves and then used them to fight against the Confederates

Poetic justice or what?
Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.
Well we all know that what a politician SAYS he MEANS...I mean really...there could not be ulterior motives.....right?

Could be. But you'll have to have some excellent evidence establishing this 'ulterior motive'. And Brit citing Brit isn't it.

And besides....causing the deaths of 850k Americans, destruction of half the nation, and abrogating the Constitution was worth it, if it meant preserving the Union.

Lincoln didn't start the war. The south did by attacking Ft. Sumter. Lincoln fought the war the south started.

Or put down the rebellion the south started, depending on which perspective you have.
I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If the South didn't want a military conflict, they shouldn't have attacked a US military base.

They did. And the rest is history.

I've been over this at least 100 times in this forum. Ft Sumter was not Union territory. It lies within the borders of South Carolina. As such, South Carolina was perfectly within its rights to use force to evict the trespassers.

You keep trying to ignore the above.

No one is fooled.
You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.
Well we all know that what a politician SAYS he MEANS...I mean really...there could not be ulterior motives.....right?

Could be. But you'll have to have some excellent evidence establishing this 'ulterior motive'. And Brit citing Brit isn't it.

And besides....causing the deaths of 850k Americans, destruction of half the nation, and abrogating the Constitution was worth it, if it meant preserving the Union.

Lincoln didn't start the war. The south did by attacking Ft. Sumter. Lincoln fought the war the south started.

Or put down the rebellion the south started, depending on which perspective you have.

How long are you going to continue posting the same dumbass lie that have already been exposed 100 times?
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
You dont have a right to secede first ....Second If you are a supporter of confederates you support slavery since that was what they were about....I know you like to believe they were for states rights but the only right they cared about was the one that wrongly said they could own people.

kaz: I don't support the confederacy, I support the right of secession.

Thanatos: Duh, dar, drool, oh, that means you support slavery since you support the confederacy. Drool, drool

Thanks for showing all stupid people are not liberals. Sometimes it seems that way, but I think it's important to remember you're well represented on the right too
Maybe you should read what I wrote dumbass. There is no right to secede. None. It is not in the constitution or bill of rights.....These little truth seem to stump you.

Wrong, there is nothing in the Constitution that would prevent succession, the 10th Amendment says if the power is not granted to the federal government by the Constitution it doesn't exist, so any power regarding succession is reserved to the States. So your perceived truth is a lie.
The 10th amendment is not the right to secede. Otherwise it wouldn't say what ever power the Fed doesn't have . Why is it libertarians always promote confederates who were nothing about liberty?
ROFL! So Lincoln's plan to send them back to Africa was to protect them from American racists? I've got news for you, bub, Lincoln was a white supremacist:

“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Abraham Lincoln, Charlston IL, 1858

That opinion was held by southerners for 100 years after Lincoln said that

Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?
You mean the great president who win a war started by slave owners and saved the country while freeing slaves? What do you have? Slave owners that caused to many Americans to die so they could own slaves.

That opinion was held by southerners for 100 years after Lincoln said that

Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?
You mean the great president who win a war started by slave owners and saved the country while freeing slaves? What do you have? Slave owners that caused to many Americans to die so they could own slaves.

Lincoln started the war, dumbass. He invaded Virginia. He was also a white supremacist. Those are the values you admire: racism and mass murder.
And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If the South didn't want a military conflict, they shouldn't have attacked a US military base.

They did. And the rest is history.

I've been over this at least 100 times in this forum. Ft Sumter was not Union territory. It lies within the borders of South Carolina. As such, South Carolina was perfectly within its rights to use force to evict the trespassers.

You keep trying to ignore the above.

No one is fooled.
Yes it was dip shit by both state law and treaty .
Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?
You mean the great president who win a war started by slave owners and saved the country while freeing slaves? What do you have? Slave owners that caused to many Americans to die so they could own slaves.

Lincoln started the war, dumbass. He invaded Virginia. He was also a white supremacist. Those are the values you admire: racism and mass murder.
No he didn't. That was all you democrat heroes in the confederate states that started the war. What a shame you are to ignorant and stupid to learn the truth
And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If the South didn't want a military conflict, they shouldn't have attacked a US military base.

They did. And the rest is history.

I've been over this at least 100 times in this forum. Ft Sumter was not Union territory. It lies within the borders of South Carolina. As such, South Carolina was perfectly within its rights to use force to evict the trespassers.

You keep trying to ignore the above.

No one is fooled.

Oh, you've typed the claim 100 times. But you're under this adorable misconception that you typing an accusation somehow makes it true. You citing you doesn't establish any fact. But merely your opinion. And you've presented nothing but you typing the accusation.

When I challenge you to show us evidence in the LAW that the US government had no authority to keep troops at Ft. Sumpter, you've got jack shit.

And that's why you fail. Opinion isn't fact. And all you have is unsupported opinion.
The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?
You mean the great president who win a war started by slave owners and saved the country while freeing slaves? What do you have? Slave owners that caused to many Americans to die so they could own slaves.

Lincoln started the war, dumbass. He invaded Virginia. He was also a white supremacist. Those are the values you admire: racism and mass murder.
No he didn't. That was all you democrat heroes in the confederate states that started the war. What a shame you are to ignorant and stupid to learn the truth

I love how todays Republicans constantly remind people that "The Confederates were DEMOCRATS"

Yet, it is todays Republicans that defend the Confederacy, fly the Confederate flag and use the same "States Rights" arguments that Confederates do
You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If the South didn't want a military conflict, they shouldn't have attacked a US military base.

They did. And the rest is history.

I've been over this at least 100 times in this forum. Ft Sumter was not Union territory. It lies within the borders of South Carolina. As such, South Carolina was perfectly within its rights to use force to evict the trespassers.

You keep trying to ignore the above.

No one is fooled.
Yes it was dip shit by both state law and treaty .

Wrong, asshole. It was Union property, not Union territory, by treaty and state law. The title to the property is on file in Charleston, so how could it possibly be Union territory? The only official federal territory in the entire country is Washington D.C.
You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time

"Might makes right," eh numskull?

Live by the sword, die by the sword. If the South didn't want a military conflict, they shouldn't have attacked a US military base.

They did. And the rest is history.

I've been over this at least 100 times in this forum. Ft Sumter was not Union territory. It lies within the borders of South Carolina. As such, South Carolina was perfectly within its rights to use force to evict the trespassers.

You keep trying to ignore the above.

No one is fooled.

Oh, you've typed the claim 100 times. But you're under this adorable misconception that you typing an accusation somehow makes it true. You citing you doesn't establish any fact. But merely your opinion. And you've presented nothing but you typing the accusation.

When I challenge you to show us evidence in the LAW that the US government had no authority to keep troops at Ft. Sumpter, you've got jack shit.

And that's why you fail. Opinion isn't fact. And all you have is unsupported opinion.

It's well accepted international law, dumbass. I know it to be a fact, and so do you. If Germany told us to get our troops off its soil, we would have no choice to comply, even though we own the property.

You have to be seriously retarded to believe that buying a piece of property in a foreign country gives the U.S. the right to station troops there regardless of the wishes of the host country.
The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?
You mean the great president who win a war started by slave owners and saved the country while freeing slaves? What do you have? Slave owners that caused to many Americans to die so they could own slaves.

Lincoln started the war, dumbass. He invaded Virginia. He was also a white supremacist. Those are the values you admire: racism and mass murder.
No he didn't. That was all you democrat heroes in the confederate states that started the war. What a shame you are to ignorant and stupid to learn the truth

Nuh Uhn!

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