Modern conservatives sympathizing with The Confederacy... Is this a thing now?


That opinion was held by southerners for 100 years after Lincoln said that

Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

The south blew it
They played a weak hand and ended up with nothing

Prior to Lincoln they had expanded slavery into new territories, they had a fugitive slave law and there was no challenge to the slaves they held

But, once Lincoln was elected, they panicked and started a war

They ended up with nothing
I've seen at least three conservatives on this site talk about how Lincoln and the Union were wrong, and that the Confederacy should have been allowed to secede the way they did, and were on the right side of history..

Is this a popular stance among conservatives of today? Are they really pro-Confederacy when they look back on the Civil War? Or are there just a couple crazies here and there?

(This thread may also help the 'Gay Marriage' thread from being further derailed with Civil War arguments. Figured it was worth a shot haha)

Yup. Neo-confederate arguments are actually pretty central to the far right political philosophy. They believe in smaller government with less regulation. They don't have the votes for it. But they do have the votes prevent the government from functioning. Its called 'starving the beast'. Where they obstruct and defund until the government can no longer function.

The 2013 shut down was an expression of this philosophy. The defunding of the IRS is another expression.

$4 trillion isn't enough for the government to function?

We collect about 3 trillion in taxes.
ROFL! So Lincoln's plan to send them back to Africa was to protect them from American racists? I've got news for you, bub, Lincoln was a white supremacist:

“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Abraham Lincoln, Charlston IL, 1858

That opinion was held by southerners for 100 years after Lincoln said that

Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, numskull. Your hero Lincoln is guilty of exactly what you condemn Southerners of.

BTW, some of the most prolific slave rapers during the war were union troops.

You reap what you sow

The south got less than 10% of the pain and suffering they inflicted on others

Black female slaves deserved to be raped by union troops?

How is your post any kind of relevant response to mine? How does it alter the evidence that you're a scathing hypocrite?
Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

The south blew it
They played a weak hand and ended up with nothing

Prior to Lincoln they had expanded slavery into new territories, they had a fugitive slave law and there was no challenge to the slaves they held

But, once Lincoln was elected, they panicked and started a war

They ended up with nothing

Lincoln started the war, numskull. All you've said is that might makes right. That's the essence of the liberal system of ethics. It's sad that you're so eager to admit it.
I've seen at least three conservatives on this site talk about how Lincoln and the Union were wrong, and that the Confederacy should have been allowed to secede the way they did, and were on the right side of history..

Is this a popular stance among conservatives of today? Are they really pro-Confederacy when they look back on the Civil War? Or are there just a couple crazies here and there?

(This thread may also help the 'Gay Marriage' thread from being further derailed with Civil War arguments. Figured it was worth a shot haha)

Yup. Neo-confederate arguments are actually pretty central to the far right political philosophy. They believe in smaller government with less regulation. They don't have the votes for it. But they do have the votes prevent the government from functioning. Its called 'starving the beast'. Where they obstruct and defund until the government can no longer function.

The 2013 shut down was an expression of this philosophy. The defunding of the IRS is another expression.

$4 trillion isn't enough for the government to function?

We collect about 3 trillion in taxes.

How is that relevant? Is $4 trillion enough money for the government to spend or not?
I've seen at least three conservatives on this site talk about how Lincoln and the Union were wrong, and that the Confederacy should have been allowed to secede the way they did, and were on the right side of history..

Is this a popular stance among conservatives of today? Are they really pro-Confederacy when they look back on the Civil War? Or are there just a couple crazies here and there?

(This thread may also help the 'Gay Marriage' thread from being further derailed with Civil War arguments. Figured it was worth a shot haha)

Yup. Neo-confederate arguments are actually pretty central to the far right political philosophy. They believe in smaller government with less regulation. They don't have the votes for it. But they do have the votes prevent the government from functioning. Its called 'starving the beast'. Where they obstruct and defund until the government can no longer function.

The 2013 shut down was an expression of this philosophy. The defunding of the IRS is another expression.

$4 trillion isn't enough for the government to function?

We collect about 3 trillion in taxes.

How is that relevant? Is $4 trillion enough money for the government to spend or not?

For this year, sure.

That opinion was held by southerners for 100 years after Lincoln said that

Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.
I've seen at least three conservatives on this site talk about how Lincoln and the Union were wrong, and that the Confederacy should have been allowed to secede the way they did, and were on the right side of history..

Is this a popular stance among conservatives of today? Are they really pro-Confederacy when they look back on the Civil War? Or are there just a couple crazies here and there?

(This thread may also help the 'Gay Marriage' thread from being further derailed with Civil War arguments. Figured it was worth a shot haha)

Yup. Neo-confederate arguments are actually pretty central to the far right political philosophy. They believe in smaller government with less regulation. They don't have the votes for it. But they do have the votes prevent the government from functioning. Its called 'starving the beast'. Where they obstruct and defund until the government can no longer function.

The 2013 shut down was an expression of this philosophy. The defunding of the IRS is another expression.

$4 trillion isn't enough for the government to function?

We collect about 3 trillion in taxes.

How is that relevant? Is $4 trillion enough money for the government to spend or not?

For this year, sure.

In other words, there's no natural limit to liberal covetousness.
Yup. Neo-confederate arguments are actually pretty central to the far right political philosophy. They believe in smaller government with less regulation. They don't have the votes for it. But they do have the votes prevent the government from functioning. Its called 'starving the beast'. Where they obstruct and defund until the government can no longer function.

The 2013 shut down was an expression of this philosophy. The defunding of the IRS is another expression.

$4 trillion isn't enough for the government to function?

We collect about 3 trillion in taxes.

How is that relevant? Is $4 trillion enough money for the government to spend or not?

For this year, sure.

In other words, there's no natural limit to liberal covetousness.

In other words, federal expenses change from year to year. Why would any rational person ignore this fact or pretend it doesn't exist?
Hmmm, so? Isn't that why you claim Southerners were scum who deserved to be raped, murdered and pillaged?

The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.
$4 trillion isn't enough for the government to function?

We collect about 3 trillion in taxes.

How is that relevant? Is $4 trillion enough money for the government to spend or not?

For this year, sure.

In other words, there's no natural limit to liberal covetousness.

In other words, federal expenses change from year to year. Why would any rational person ignore this fact or pretend it doesn't exist?

They change in only one direction: up.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I have lived in the South a long time and I have hardly seen any Confederate flags ever.

Wow. You really do walk around with your eyes clamped shut, don't you.







I'm sure every one of them is a Democrat...

Wow, you found pictures of confederate flags, that sure proves you see them all over the south...
I lived in the Deep South so I know you are lying through your teeth, or a willfully blind monkey.

OK, now it makes sense. I said "I" have seen very few confederate flags. Obviously if you lived in the "Deep South" you what my experiences were, you know that I'm lying since you didn't have that experience. How do you get your head through doorways?
You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

Their wealth was accumulated through unconstitutional means. Slavery was, is, and always will be unconstitutional (the fact that America didn't always consider this truth is beside the point). If the government tells you what you're doing is unconstitutional, you either follow the rules or you rebel and get what's coming to you. The south chose option 2.
Strawman. OK, race whore, we are defending secession, not "the confederacy." Stop being a dick and present our position correctly

Wrong, I'm a libertarian

Wrong, I'm a northerner, I just live in the south

Wrong, we oppose your socialist edifice and want you to stop forcing it on us

No, you look at it through a fog of stupidity

You are equality of results regardless of the effort put in. We are equality of opportunity. You are correct that we don't look at it the same way. Other than that, it's like your whole life, wrong on pretty much everything. Starting with your test scores, probably why you can't follow a conversation and you want government to give you the money you won't/can't earn

I don't know why you're so angry, I was just pointing out some observations. I never once said "everyone" or you specifically, I stated "people most likely". I don't know why you're freaking out, but you need to get a hold of yourself. It's pathetic.

Also, 'libertarian'?
Don't make me laugh. I have VERY seldom met a 'libertarian' that wasn't just a conservative without the guts to commit to the label. Looking through some of your posting history shows me that you're just another one of these..
Trying to discredit what I said above is like me calling you a dog, and you going "Wrong, I'm a cocker spaniel." You're not fooling anyone, least of all me.

You have every right to support the secession of the Confederacy. I'm not going to try to convince you of your ignorance, but don't misrepresent your ignorant opinions as fact. That's just embarrassing for everyone involved. Also, reading comprehension of the phrase 'people most likely' would have saved us from seeing your pitiful emotional outburst. Please use better judgement when posting.

Thanks. :beer:
Sorry but you can't be a real libertarian and support Lincoln's War.

I would never claim the title of 'libertarian'. I think it's a foolish ideology that has no hope of ever working in reality.

Somalia is the closest thing the world has to a 'libertarian government'. What a joke.

Somalia is anarchy, it's not libertarian

No, it's not really anarchy either. Somalia has plenty of government. It's a form of feudalism were the country is broken up into a collection of fiefdoms each ruled by it's own warlord.

There is no central government, that is the the reality of what anarchy would be. Seriously, you thought all the liberals would live on their own?
I have lived in the South a long time and I have hardly seen any Confederate flags ever.

Wow. You really do walk around with your eyes clamped shut, don't you.







I'm sure every one of them is a Democrat...

Wow, you found pictures of confederate flags, that sure proves you see them all over the south...
I lived in the Deep South so I know you are lying through your teeth, or a willfully blind monkey.

Columbus Georgia is about as deep in the South as you can get. I lived there 2 1/2 years, and I don't recall ever seeing a Confederate flag.
I guarantee I could spend five minutes there and find one.

That you could "find one" works against your point...
The slave rapers are complaing about how they were treated?

A nation that was formed for the sole purpose of maintaining four million people in bondage is complaining about how they are treated?


What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union." The Soviet dictators also wanted to save the Soviet Union. Apparently you would have us believe that their motives are admirable.

It doesn't really matter what the South's motives were. Slavery was constitutional at the time, it also existed in Union states as well as Southern states, and Lincoln said he had no intention of ending it.

Slavery is irrelevant to whether Lincoln was justified in invading Virginia. You turds keep trying to ignore that fact even though I've been pounding it into your skulls for hundreds of posts.

I guess that just goes to show that there's no natural limit on stupid.
You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

Their wealth was accumulated through unconstitutional means. Slavery was, is, and always will be unconstitutional (the fact that America didn't always consider this truth is beside the point). If the government tells you what you're doing is unconstitutional, you either follow the rules or you rebel and get what's coming to you. The south chose option 2.

You aren't going to stop arguing slavery even if no one else is arguing slavery, are you?
What you call hypocrisy, I call good, ol' fashioned, southern conservative values.

The south will rise again, ya'll..

You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.
You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

Their wealth was accumulated through unconstitutional means. Slavery was, is, and always will be unconstitutional (the fact that America didn't always consider this truth is beside the point). If the government tells you what you're doing is unconstitutional, you either follow the rules or you rebel and get what's coming to you. The south chose option 2.

You aren't going to stop arguing slavery even if no one else is arguing slavery, are you?
In essence, that is all the Lincoln cultists have.
You mean the same values as your hero Abe Lincoln?

Abe's primary philosophy during the civil war was the preservation of the union.

You mean he was an was an imperialist who wanted to subjugate the Southern states and force them to pay crushing tariffs so his Northern industrialist cronies could siphon off their wealth.

I mean exactly what I said. Lincoln's priority was preserving the union. The South's priority was preserving slavery, one of the most vile institutions in the history of the world. And certainly the most vile in our nation's history.

Which the South based the overwhelming majority of the economy on.

And I posted exactly what he meant when he said he wanted to "save the union."

You posted what you believe he meant, pretending you were Lincoln. But you're not Lincoln. And you citing yourself doesn't tell us anything about anyone but you.

And you have no relevance to Lincoln or his motivations. When you quote Lincoln, he placed preserving the Union as his highest priority. Far, far greater than abolishing slavery.

Remember, typing an accusation doesn't actually mean a thing. Its not what you can type. Its what you can factually establish. And I can quote Lincoln's motivation to keep the Union together. You can't quote shit for your imaginary 'motivation'.

Lincoln had no intention of abolishing slavery when he was elected. He did not have the authority or political backing. The best he could have hoped for was to block expansion into new states and stop enforcement of the fugitive slave act

As it was, the South forced his hand and lost big time
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