Modern Governance Theory

Nietzsche abhorred tyranny, socialism and even democracy. He was completely and totally for the individual. His work was bastardized posthumously by his anti-Semitic sister. He most certainly DID NOT advocate tyrannical rule, you moron. In fact, very little of his work is political, save for some small amount of aphoristic critique of the politics of the day.

Poly Chick, you are dumber than hell. What happened to that "education" you bragged of yesterday.

Your A.D.D. seems to be else to explain why you are unable to show any inaccuracy, error, or mistake in any of my posts.

My posts seem to have quite upset you....truth sometimes has that effect.
Or..... are still smarting over the spanking I was forced to administer yesterday.

There is probably a medication that might help your condition...speak to your doctor to see if it is right for you.
You are factually incorrect on Nietsche. Now challenged you are the one displaying behavior that suggests being upset.

Let's see if you can be honest here. Repeat after me: "I, Poly Chick, know nothing of any substance whatsoever on Nietsche's work."
Nietzsche abhorred tyranny, socialism and even democracy. He was completely and totally for the individual. His work was bastardized posthumously by his anti-Semitic sister. He most certainly DID NOT advocate tyrannical rule, you moron. In fact, very little of his work is political, save for some small amount of aphoristic critique of the politics of the day.

Poly Chick, you are dumber than hell. What happened to that "education" you bragged of yesterday.

Your A.D.D. seems to be else to explain why you are unable to show any inaccuracy, error, or mistake in any of my posts.

My posts seem to have quite upset you....truth sometimes has that effect.
Or..... are still smarting over the spanking I was forced to administer yesterday.

There is probably a medication that might help your condition...speak to your doctor to see if it is right for you.
BTW, the only one spanking it yesterday was you, in your own empty head. Pretty pathetic.
The op is fucking ridiculous. PC reads material then funnels it through her puny brain. The material is filtered out by her prejudices and limited intellectual capacity that only a little of it remains in the end, and what remained is tainted with stupidity and ignorance.

And there is the vulgarity that gives away your deep wound.

I'd best warn you....more coming your way.

Do you need me to tell you what that means?
Nietzsche abhorred tyranny, socialism and even democracy. He was completely and totally for the individual. His work was bastardized posthumously by his anti-Semitic sister. He most certainly DID NOT advocate tyrannical rule, you moron. In fact, very little of his work is political, save for some small amount of aphoristic critique of the politics of the day.

Poly Chick, you are dumber than hell. What happened to that "education" you bragged of yesterday.

Your A.D.D. seems to be else to explain why you are unable to show any inaccuracy, error, or mistake in any of my posts.

My posts seem to have quite upset you....truth sometimes has that effect.
Or..... are still smarting over the spanking I was forced to administer yesterday.

There is probably a medication that might help your condition...speak to your doctor to see if it is right for you.
You are factually incorrect on Nietsche. Now challenged you are the one displaying behavior that suggests being upset.

Let's see if you can be honest here. Repeat after me: "I, Poly Chick, know nothing of any substance whatsoever on Nietsche's work."

"...You are factually incorrect on Nietsche."

Let's see how difficult it is to prove you a total imbecile.

Can you post any quote from the thread mentioning 'Nietsche (sic)' or even the correct spelling, 'Nietzsche'????

Go ahead, you dolt.
The op is fucking ridiculous. PC reads material then funnels it through her puny brain. The material is filtered out by her prejudices and limited intellectual capacity that only a little of it remains in the end, and what remained is tainted with stupidity and ignorance.
that about sums-up ALL of her threads.
Oh, zackie......

...where are you????

Come out from under your desk and face the music, zackie.....

"...You are factually incorrect on Nietsche."

Let's see how difficult it is to prove you a total imbecile.

Can you post any quote from the thread mentioning 'Nietsche (sic)' or even the correct spelling, 'Nietzsche'????
Oh, nooozzzz!!!!

Two days in a row, I made zackie scamper off and hide!

Better luck tomorrow, zackie.....
...if you dare.
Nietzsche abhorred tyranny, socialism and even democracy. He was completely and totally for the individual. His work was bastardized posthumously by his anti-Semitic sister. He most certainly DID NOT advocate tyrannical rule, you moron. In fact, very little of his work is political, save for some small amount of aphoristic critique of the politics of the day.

Poly Chick, you are dumber than hell. What happened to that "education" you bragged of yesterday.
She has used that tactic before but her posts expose her lack of education. As I said, if, IF,. she has a degree, she was "pushed through" so the institution could get their tuition $$$ ;)
Agreed. Intellectually she is sloppy; she is embarrassingly sloppy.
This is true. Don't even get me started on her sourcing :D
It is a fool's errand to doubt the familial relationship between communism and Nazism.....

7. A year after Lenin's death, 1924, the NYTimes published a small article about a newly established party in Germany, the National Socialist Labor Party, which "...persists in believing that Lenin and Hitler can be compared or contrasted...Dr. Goebell's....assertion that Lenin was the greatest man second only to Hitler....and that the difference between communism and the Hitler faith was very slight...." NYTime, November 27, 1925.

There is hardly a difference between the motivations of Nazism and Communism...nor in their actions.

There is no measure by which one can claim Stalin better than Hitler fact, arguably far worse.

Yet Franklin Roosevelt spoke of Uncle Joe.....not Uncle Adolph.

Because Germany's ally attacked the United States....or because of all of Stalin's spies in the Roosevelt administration?

a. "Hitler often stated that he learned much from reading Marx, and the whole of National Socialism is doctrinally based on Marxism."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge.

b. "Socialists in Germany were national socialists, communists were international socialists."
Vladimir Bukovsky. socialism is the bridge between communism and Liberalism......all of them are brethren under the skin.....
Nazism, communism, socialism, Liberalism....whatever.
Nietzsche abhorred tyranny, socialism and even democracy. He was completely and totally for the individual. His work was bastardized posthumously by his anti-Semitic sister. He most certainly DID NOT advocate tyrannical rule, you moron. In fact, very little of his work is political, save for some small amount of aphoristic critique of the politics of the day.

Poly Chick, you are dumber than hell. What happened to that "education" you bragged of yesterday.

Your A.D.D. seems to be else to explain why you are unable to show any inaccuracy, error, or mistake in any of my posts.

My posts seem to have quite upset you....truth sometimes has that effect.
Or..... are still smarting over the spanking I was forced to administer yesterday.

There is probably a medication that might help your condition...speak to your doctor to see if it is right for you.
You are factually incorrect on Nietsche. Now challenged you are the one displaying behavior that suggests being upset.

Let's see if you can be honest here. Repeat after me: "I, Poly Chick, know nothing of any substance whatsoever on Nietsche's work."

"...You are factually incorrect on Nietsche."

Let's see how difficult it is to prove you a total imbecile.

Can you post any quote from the thread mentioning 'Nietsche (sic)' or even the correct spelling, 'Nietzsche'????

Go ahead, you dolt.
Your op, point # 2, para. 2, line 2.

Hell, YOU wrote it, moron!
8. Churchill believed that the Bolshevik way of ruling was only an extreme form of something that was growing up in the Western democracies as well, forms of governance variously known a socialism, Liberalism, or Progressivism.

"...Churchill went against the advice of all his advisors, including his wife, to make the point publicly that the socialists would never realize their ultimate aims without the use of “some form of Gestapo.”

They did not intend this, at least the better of them did not, he said; but this is what it would take for their aims to be successful—this is what it would take to produce an equality of outcomes."
Property Rights and Religious Liberty

And what follows having a Gestapo?

Terror, genocide, slaughter, oppression.
Modern governance theory boils down to this calculation:

Good intentions plus coercion equals solution.

9. "....Churchill hated and feared war all his life. ...[But] he was possessed of the knowledge of the nature of the human being—the fact that we are made in God’s image to confront the eternal questions from inside a mortal body, and that our rights to our property and our rights to conscience and religious liberty are aspects of the two parts that integrate to make the human being.

Churchill thought the human being was a thing produced by nature and by God and that no man, not even Adolf Hitler with his vast divisions, could ever conquer that.

He fought for that belief. I think we are going to have to fight for it too."
Property Rights and Religious Liberty

"....our rights to our property and our rights to conscience and religious liberty...."

Hopefully, one hears the echo of Churchill's words when one sees bakers forced to bake a cake that infracts their conscience, or nuns who are ordered to provide birth control....

Such is the atrocity of modern governance.
Modern governance theory boils down to this calculation:

Good intentions plus coercion equals solution.

9. "....Churchill hated and feared war all his life. ...[But] he was possessed of the knowledge of the nature of the human being—the fact that we are made in God’s image to confront the eternal questions from inside a mortal body, and that our rights to our property and our rights to conscience and religious liberty are aspects of the two parts that integrate to make the human being.

Churchill thought the human being was a thing produced by nature and by God and that no man, not even Adolf Hitler with his vast divisions, could ever conquer that.

He fought for that belief. I think we are going to have to fight for it too."
Property Rights and Religious Liberty

"....our rights to our property and our rights to conscience and religious liberty...."

Hopefully, one hears the echo of Churchill's words when one sees bakers forced to bake a cake that infracts their conscience, or nuns who are ordered to provide birth control....

Such is the atrocity of modern governance.

"....our rights to our property and our rights to conscience and religious liberty...."

Hopefully, one hears the echo of Churchill's words when one sees bakers forced to bake a cake that infracts their conscience, or nuns who are ordered to provide birth control....

Such is the atrocity of modern governance.[/QUOTE]

No one in America is forced to bake cakes against their conscience.
You are right....there is Nietzsche in the OP.

I forgot he was included in that sentence.
But...he belongs there.

He is there for this reason:
"The Nazis worshipped Nietzsche as their hero....."
How Philosophy Overcomes Tyranny
Yes, Nazis admired Nietsche, and misunderstood him. Nazi soldiers were issued copies of "Thus Spake Zarathustra", in fact. However, Nietzsche was not admirer of fascism or tyranny. He was not even overtly political. If anything he suggested something akin to an aristocracy in which Der Ubermensche stood over the rest of humanity. However, this was not meant to be taken literally. Der Ubermensche was not supposed to be a creature like the Nazis. That is a perversion of Nietzsche. He tends to be misunderstood because of the fiery and passionate away he communicates, and because he often wrote in an aphoristic manner. Add to that his anti-Semitic, Nazi sister who took Nietzsche's notes, added her own racist tripe, and released it as "The Will to Power", claiming it was His own work.

But I will give you credit, PC. You at least admitted you were wrong. However, Nietzsche does not belong in your sentence.

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