Modern, Manmade's just different

Seems you've given up that CO2 drives temperatures then.

Seems you gave up your learning your basic reading skills far, far too soon.

Now we're talkin.

No, I am afraid we are not.

And, an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere will mean our plants, trees and agriculture will be enhanced, which would benefit the peoples of the earth.

As long as they can do without the food they HAD been eating, for the next couple of hundred years. And drinking water. And a roof over their head.
Why do you all insist on being so stubbornly I G N O R A N T ? ? ?

CO2 will come out of solution from a dozen different places if the temperature of the Earth increases. CO2 absorbs infrared and increasing levels in the atmosphere will cause the Earth's equilibrium temperature to increase. The two functions are independent of each other. It makes a lovely feedback mechanism, though. Thank goodness we didn't have humans pumping out 18 GT/yr back when solar activity had driven up temps and CO2 levels even higher than they are today. That could have been disastrous.

I suspect that you aren't all as stupid as you appear. While you all keep yelling about CO2 lagging temps through all history, I rarely if ever hear anyone conclude FROM THAT POINT that CO2 will not increase the Earth's temperature. That seems to be an undropped shoe.

Anyone want to take the plunge?
right? That's why we want to see the experiment that shows that. Again, welcome aboard.
Seems you've given up that CO2 drives temperatures then.

Seems you gave up your learning your basic reading skills far, far too soon.

Now we're talkin.

No, I am afraid we are not.

And, an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere will mean our plants, trees and agriculture will be enhanced, which would benefit the peoples of the earth.

As long as they can do without the food they HAD been eating, for the next couple of hundred years. And drinking water. And a roof over their head.
so explain to us when the ocean releases the CO2 it absorbed?
Which experiment would that be? One that shows CO2 absorbs infrared? Ever seen one of these?


Why don't you think real hard about how that data was collected and about what it actually means. Then go do your own search on the web for "co2 absorption spectra" and see how many different graphics you find. Then you might think about the FACT that CO2 gas spectrometers - the best instruments we have for the purpose - determine how much CO2 is in a gas sample by how much of those specific frequencies of IR are absorbed from light passing through it.

Really, jc, you are known here by all parties as one of the most ignorant of participants. Change that. Change yourself. Learn some real science and apply it here.
when will you learn how CO2 behaves as a gas?


Oh and Herr Koch's 1901 Experiment proves this chart.
Sez Vostock Ice Cores
I found this quote:

"Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of the science of climate change is the lack of any real substance in attempts to justify the hypothesis" ~Professor Stewart Franks
If one looks up "Dunning-Kruger Syndrome", one sees the photos of Frank, Billy and jc. They're stupid people, too stupid to grasp how stupid they are. Let me try to explain to such stupid people how their thinking differs from that of normal people.

If I see a discussion on String Theory, Cosmological Evolution or the Higgs Boson, my reaction is to think that type of science is so far over my head, I'm not qualified to comment on the correctness of it. Hence, I don't comment on the correctness it. I just look at what the experts say. I'm smart enough to know when I'm not smart.

Deniers, in such a situation, act differently. They first check with what their party has to say on the issue. After memorizing their party's mantras, they then proclaim themselves to be authorities on the issue, given that those egghead scientists clearly don't know nuthin'. Deniers are not smart enough to know when they're not smart.

And that's where we come in. If we point out to such deniers a few thousand times how they're just being morons, it might penetrate.
If one looks up "Dunning-Kruger Syndrome", one sees the photos of Frank, Billy and jc. They're stupid people, too stupid to grasp how stupid they are. Let me try to explain to such stupid people how their thinking differs from that of normal people.

If I see a discussion on String Theory, Cosmological Evolution or the Higgs Boson, my reaction is to think that type of science is so far over my head, I'm not qualified to comment on the correctness of it. Hence, I don't comment on the correctness it. I just look at what the experts say. I'm smart enough to know when I'm not smart.

Deniers, in such a situation, act differently. They first check with what their party has to say on the issue. After memorizing their party's mantras, they then proclaim themselves to be authorities on the issue, given that those egghead scientists clearly don't know nuthin'. Deniers are not smart enough to know when they're not smart.

And that's where we come in. If we point out to such deniers a few thousand times how they're just being morons, it might penetrate.
dude/ dudette, you wouldn't know normal it it came out of your nose. LOL. Facepalm can't explain you either. well I'm sorry, but you're like something that doesn't actually matter.
The problem with this folder now is that a few cultists have essentially taken it over. No matter what the topic is, they instantly swarm in and bark at the moon with their idiot fringe kook conspiracy theories.

jc, Frank, Billy, please stop it. The Environment folder is supposed to be for intelligent discussion, not for the spamming of cult nonsense. If you have nothing intelligent to add, then don't add it.
The problem with this folder now is that a few cultists have essentially taken it over. No matter what the topic is, they instantly swarm in and bark at the moon with their idiot fringe kook conspiracy theories.

jc, Frank, Billy, please stop it. The Environment folder is supposed to be for intelligent discussion, not for the spamming of cult nonsense. If you have nothing intelligent to add, then don't add it.
so if this is for intelligent discussions why are you here?
Just as the act of observing an event can alter it, so too the human behavior of releasing carbon in any of its forms changes it.

There you have it.

I have summed up the central crux of the AGW Faithers' core belief system.
If one looks up "Dunning-Kruger Syndrome", one sees the photos of Frank, Billy and jc. They're stupid people, too stupid to grasp how stupid they are. Let me try to explain to such stupid people how their thinking differs from that of normal people.

If I see a discussion on String Theory, Cosmological Evolution or the Higgs Boson, my reaction is to think that type of science is so far over my head, I'm not qualified to comment on the correctness of it. Hence, I don't comment on the correctness it. I just look at what the experts say. I'm smart enough to know when I'm not smart.

Deniers, in such a situation, act differently. They first check with what their party has to say on the issue. After memorizing their party's mantras, they then proclaim themselves to be authorities on the issue, given that those egghead scientists clearly don't know nuthin'. Deniers are not smart enough to know when they're not smart.

And that's where we come in. If we point out to such deniers a few thousand times how they're just being morons, it might penetrate.

Ok. Let's test it. I'll reiterate the point. Manboob, you are a moron.

Repeat as often as possible until you realize that you are incapable of grasping the utter lack of scientific method that AGW requires as a foundation.
If one looks up "Dunning-Kruger Syndrome", one sees the photos of Frank, Billy and jc. They're stupid people, too stupid to grasp how stupid they are. Let me try to explain to such stupid people how their thinking differs from that of normal people.

If I see a discussion on String Theory, Cosmological Evolution or the Higgs Boson, my reaction is to think that type of science is so far over my head, I'm not qualified to comment on the correctness of it. Hence, I don't comment on the correctness it. I just look at what the experts say. I'm smart enough to know when I'm not smart.

Deniers, in such a situation, act differently. They first check with what their party has to say on the issue. After memorizing their party's mantras, they then proclaim themselves to be authorities on the issue, given that those egghead scientists clearly don't know nuthin'. Deniers are not smart enough to know when they're not smart.

And that's where we come in. If we point out to such deniers a few thousand times how they're just being morons, it might penetrate.

Ok. Let's test it. I'll reiterate the point. Manboob, you are a moron.

Repeat as often as possible until you realize that you are incapable of grasping the utter lack of scientific method that AGW requires as a foundation.
that may be too intelligent for him/her.
If one looks up "Dunning-Kruger Syndrome", one sees the photos of Frank, Billy and jc. They're stupid people, too stupid to grasp how stupid they are. Let me try to explain to such stupid people how their thinking differs from that of normal people.

If I see a discussion on String Theory, Cosmological Evolution or the Higgs Boson, my reaction is to think that type of science is so far over my head, I'm not qualified to comment on the correctness of it. Hence, I don't comment on the correctness it. I just look at what the experts say. I'm smart enough to know when I'm not smart.

Deniers, in such a situation, act differently. They first check with what their party has to say on the issue. After memorizing their party's mantras, they then proclaim themselves to be authorities on the issue, given that those egghead scientists clearly don't know nuthin'. Deniers are not smart enough to know when they're not smart.

And that's where we come in. If we point out to such deniers a few thousand times how they're just being morons, it might penetrate.

Ok. Let's test it. I'll reiterate the point. Manboob, you are a moron.

Repeat as often as possible until you realize that you are incapable of grasping the utter lack of scientific method that AGW requires as a foundation.
that may be too intelligent for him/her.

But he will prove far too stupid to realize it.

As this trailer for "Merchants of Doubt" demonstrates, the denier cult leaders have no problems about being filmed explaining exactly how they're using the denier rubes as their UsefulIdiots.

Why are they so open? Because they know it won't matter. Most of the denier cultists understand on some level that they're being played. Thing is, they're trapped. They've built their whole lives around their cult affiliation. Their entire sense of identity and self-worth depends on it. Without the cult, they have nothing. Hence, even if they know the cult is telling them to repeat dishonest crap, they'll still repeat it and pretend it's not crap.

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