Modern, Manmade's just different

From your SciAm article:

Earlier this year, for the first time in human history, atmospheric carbon dioxide reached 400 parts per million (ppm), surpassing a preindustrial average of about 280 ppm that has prevailed with slight variations for the past several million years.Pessimistic projections from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecast atmospheric carbon dioxide levels soaring beyond 1,000 ppm later this century. As the world warms not from a brightening sun but from fossil fuel–burning humans, some scientists have wondered just how close our planet might be to tumbling into a runaway state. Studies in the 1980s and ‘90s suggested the present-day Earth was safe against a runaway, but a paper published this week in Nature Geoscience argues that “the runaway greenhouse may be much easier to initiate than previously thought.” Indeed, the study suggests that without the cooling effects of certain types of clouds, modern Earth would already be well on its way to broiling like Venus. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

According to the study’s lead author, Colin Goldblatt of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, the disturbing result hinges less on carbon dioxide and more on humble water vapor, which recent investigations have shown absorbs solar radiation more efficiently than previously believed. “The old answer was that a runaway on Earth right now was theoretically impossible,” Goldblatt says. “Even if you evaporated a big chunk of ocean it would just rain back out, because the water vapor would radiate away more thermal energy than it absorbed through sunlight. Our new calculations show that a water vapor–rich atmosphere absorbs more sunlight and lets out less heat than previously thought, enough to put the Earth into a runaway from which there would be no return.”
End of Excerpt

So, until a very recent article, the common wisdom among climate and planetary scientists was that we were safe from runaway warming. It is only this new article that suggests such a thing might be possible.

So, once again, your contention is the product solely of your imagination and your ignorance.

Do you read your own posts???

"...enough to put the Earth into a runaway from which there would be no return.”

Do you read your own posts???

You're such a lying, dipshit. You linked to the place in the article where the AGWCult claims there is a runaway Greenhouse effect

Are you really THAT FUCKING STUPID?????

Damn, change that button to ...FS
Frank, you claimed "It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase."

Yet, when called on that big lie, you could not show any "harping". You just showed us a paper that said it was theoretically possible, given 30,000 ppm CO2 conditions that could not possibly exist.

You lied. 'Fess up. Act like a man for a change. Whining isn't going help you here. We're not going to go any easier on you just because you cry louder.
Frank, you claimed "It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase."

Yet, when called on that big lie, you could not show any "harping". You just showed us a paper that said it was theoretically possible, given 30,000 ppm CO2 conditions that could not possibly exist.

You lied. 'Fess up. Act like a man for a change. Whining isn't going help you here. We're not going to go any easier on you just because you cry louder.

Im convinced that cats are aliens
Frank, you claimed "It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase."

Yet, when called on that big lie, you could not show any "harping". You just showed us a paper that said it was theoretically possible, given 30,000 ppm CO2 conditions that could not possibly exist.

You lied. 'Fess up. Act like a man for a change. Whining isn't going help you here. We're not going to go any easier on you just because you cry louder.

Did the first 2 lobotomies not take? Are you just plain fucking moronic?
How a cult operates.

First they tell you a wisp of CO2 on Earth will start a runaway greenhouse effect. Then you ask them why isn't there a runaway greenhouse effect on Mars which has a 96% CO2 atmosphere.

Then they tell you they never claimed there was a runaway greenhouse effect.

So you show them their articles claiming the effect.

They call you a liar.

How can anyone debate insane people?
Frank, when you have a full metal delusional meltdown like this, we carve another notch.

I think it might be finally dawning on you, how you've been played by your cult. After all, your cult leaders are out bragging about it. Why should they care now if you find out? You've already sworn the oath, signed in blood and handed over your soul. They own you.

. The Ice Cores are "Proxies" that contain temperature and CO2 within the exact same data set.

No they don't. You'd be a more effective cult fraud if you could get the basics correct.

In a given layer, the bubbles in the ice and the ice itself are not the same age. The CO2 measurements come from the bubbles, but the temperature proxy comes from the ice. If you just line them up, you get the wrong answer. Therefore, that's exactly the sort of fudging you do.

And so your cult hoax collapses. Now you'll have to rage more about committing genocide. Sucks to be you, Frank. All the data says you're an open fraud, so the only option left for you is to go full metal Stalinist on everyone. Go on, tell us more how you want Dr. Mann and all climate scientists sent to the Gulag for contradicting TheParty. Attempting to jail your opposition is as Stalinist as it gets, and it's what all the deniers here call for.

And Frank? Why do you think there's supposed to be a runaway Martian greenhouse? Damn, that's stupid. You're probably the only kook on the planet who thinks there's supposed to be a runaway greenhouse on earth or Mars. But then, the cult commands, so you parrot, no matter how stupid it sounds.

It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase. Mars is 96% CO2, and you must be telling us there's no runaway Greenhouse on Mars because that's different CO2

It's not JUST different. It's QUALITATIVELY different.

It's the kind of CO2 other connoisseurs of CO2 demand.

All the cool planets either have it or want it.

"Martian CO2." Ask for it by name.
As this trailer for "Merchants of Doubt" demonstrates, the denier cult leaders have no problems about being filmed explaining exactly how they're using the denier rubes as their UsefulIdiots.

Why are they so open? Because they know it won't matter. Most of the denier cultists understand on some level that they're being played. Thing is, they're trapped. They've built their whole lives around their cult affiliation. Their entire sense of identity and self-worth depends on it. Without the cult, they have nothing. Hence, even if they know the cult is telling them to repeat dishonest crap, they'll still repeat it and pretend it's not crap.

Manboob resorts to fiction because well, when you've got nothing, that's what you do.
Frank, you claimed "It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase."

Yet, when called on that big lie, you could not show any "harping". You just showed us a paper that said it was theoretically possible, given 30,000 ppm CO2 conditions that could not possibly exist.

You lied. 'Fess up. Act like a man for a change. Whining isn't going help you here. We're not going to go any easier on you just because you cry louder.

Find a nearby grown up, maybe one of the nurses or doctors and not of the fellow inmates in your Psych Ward to read the articles to you and point out where each of them claim a "Runaway Greenhouse Effect"

And, once again, please go fuck yourself you lying twat

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