Modern, Manmade's just different

Which experiment would that be? One that shows CO2 absorbs infrared? Ever seen one of these?


Why don't you think real hard about how that data was collected and about what it actually means. Then go do your own search on the web for "co2 absorption spectra" and see how many different graphics you find. Then you might think about the FACT that CO2 gas spectrometers - the best instruments we have for the purpose - determine how much CO2 is in a gas sample by how much of those specific frequencies of IR are absorbed from light passing through it.

Really, jc, you are known here by all parties as one of the most ignorant of participants. Change that. Change yourself. Learn some real science and apply it here.
You dont even have a clue do you... Thanks for playing..
Sez Vostock Ice Cores

Sorry, but you haven't the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. Try again. You wouldn't know a Vostok ice core if it was up your ass.

Vostock Ice Core is an 800,000 year data set that side by sides temperature and an 800-1,000 year lag in CO2 directly proportional to temperature.

In a failed effort to discredit Vostock, Shankun tried to get "Proxies" that show that CO2 was really driving temperature. His proxies cannot possible be accurate to the same degree as to both time and temperature as the Vostock cores which are directly side by side.. Hence, he fails and you're a rube for believing it.
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Which experiment would that be? One that shows CO2 absorbs infrared? Ever seen one of these?


Why don't you think real hard about how that data was collected and about what it actually means. Then go do your own search on the web for "co2 absorption spectra" and see how many different graphics you find. Then you might think about the FACT that CO2 gas spectrometers - the best instruments we have for the purpose - determine how much CO2 is in a gas sample by how much of those specific frequencies of IR are absorbed from light passing through it.

Really, jc, you are known here by all parties as one of the most ignorant of participants. Change that. Change yourself. Learn some real science and apply it here.

So that explain the Runaway Martian Greenhouse

Oh no!


We ask you to relate CO2 to temperature and you always put up the same chart with no temperature axis. Are you a fucking moron? Are you capable of learning?
when will you learn how CO2 behaves as a gas?


Oh and Herr Koch's 1901 Experiment proves this chart.

You are so fucking stupid it is just beyond belief. You would seem to have less intelligence that would a vacuum of your same general shape and volume.
Sez Vostock Ice Cores

Sorry, but you haven't the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. Try again. You wouldn't know a Vostok ice core if it was up your ass.

Vostock Ice Core is an 800,000 year data set that side by sides temperature and an 800-1,000 year lag in CO2 directly proportional to temperature.

In a failed effort to discredit Vostock, Shankun tried to get "Proxies" that show that CO2 was really driving temperature. His proxies cannot possible be accurate to the same degree as to both time and temperature as the Vostock cores which are directly side by side.. Hence, he fails and you;re a rube for believing it.

And so, Frank has now clearly demonstrated that Frank doesn't have the faintest fuck of an idea what Frank is talking about.

The Vostok (please stop putting a 'c' in it) ice cores are a proxy you fucking dimwit.

Shakun investigated a large number of different proxies from around the globe and found in all pre-industrial instances, that warming initially led CO2 increases, just as previously seen and never disputed. He then found that the CO2 which warming had released into the atmosphere trapped infrared and caused further heating, exactly as anyone with a basic physics education would expect.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, increases in temperatures and CO2 levels took place over hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. There was no difficulty with temporal or temperate resolution.
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Sez Vostock Ice Cores

Sorry, but you haven't the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. Try again. You wouldn't know a Vostok ice core if it was up your ass.

Vostock Ice Core is an 800,000 year data set that side by sides temperature and an 800-1,000 year lag in CO2 directly proportional to temperature.

In a failed effort to discredit Vostock, Shankun tried to get "Proxies" that show that CO2 was really driving temperature. His proxies cannot possible be accurate to the same degree as to both time and temperature as the Vostock cores which are directly side by side.. Hence, he fails and you;re a rube for believing it.

And so, Frank has now clearly demonstrated that Frank doesn't have the faintest fuck of an idea what he's talking about.

The Vostok (please stop putting a 'c' in it) ice cores are a proxy you fucking dimwit.

Shakun investigated a large number of different proxies from around the globe and found in all pre-industrial instances, that warming initially led CO2 increases, just as previously seen and never disputed. He then found that the CO2 which warming had released into the atmosphere trapped infrared and caused further heating, exactly as anyone with a basic physics education would expect.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, increases in temperatures and CO2 levels took place of hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. There was no difficulty with temporal or temperate resolution.

You're so fucking dishonest, it's no wonder you're a Decline Hider. The Ice Cores are "Proxies" that contain temperature and CO2 within the exact same data set. Shakun is a fucking fraud with a margin of error on both temperature and date that cannot possible be more accurate than the Vostok Ice Core.

Everything you fuckers do is a lie and a fraud, and you're genocidal lunatics to boot. Need to zero out all fucking for you fucking frauds
Which experiment would that be? One that shows CO2 absorbs infrared? Ever seen one of these?


Why don't you think real hard about how that data was collected and about what it actually means. Then go do your own search on the web for "co2 absorption spectra" and see how many different graphics you find. Then you might think about the FACT that CO2 gas spectrometers - the best instruments we have for the purpose - determine how much CO2 is in a gas sample by how much of those specific frequencies of IR are absorbed from light passing through it.

Really, jc, you are known here by all parties as one of the most ignorant of participants. Change that. Change yourself. Learn some real science and apply it here.

So that explain the Runaway Martian Greenhouse

Oh no!


We ask you to relate CO2 to temperature and you always put up the same chart with no temperature axis. Are you a fucking moron? Are you capable of learning?

Crick cant figure out that chart shows what atmospheric componates absorbs photons at what wave lengths and what is passed. It has absolutely nothing to do with temperature. It only hypothesizes what COULD cause warming.
Sez Vostock Ice Cores

Sorry, but you haven't the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. Try again. You wouldn't know a Vostok ice core if it was up your ass.

Vostock Ice Core is an 800,000 year data set that side by sides temperature and an 800-1,000 year lag in CO2 directly proportional to temperature.

In a failed effort to discredit Vostock, Shankun tried to get "Proxies" that show that CO2 was really driving temperature. His proxies cannot possible be accurate to the same degree as to both time and temperature as the Vostock cores which are directly side by side.. Hence, he fails and you;re a rube for believing it.

And so, Frank has now clearly demonstrated that Frank doesn't have the faintest fuck of an idea what Frank is talking about.

The Vostok (please stop putting a 'c' in it) ice cores are a proxy you fucking dimwit.

Shakun investigated a large number of different proxies from around the globe and found in all pre-industrial instances, that warming initially led CO2 increases, just as previously seen and never disputed. He then found that the CO2 which warming had released into the atmosphere trapped infrared and caused further heating, exactly as anyone with a basic physics education would expect.

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, increases in temperatures and CO2 levels took place over hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. There was no difficulty with temporal or temperate resolution.

The imaginary extra CO2 causing "extra" warming effect shows up not one single time in the 800,000 year ice core data set
Which experiment would that be? One that shows CO2 absorbs infrared? Ever seen one of these?


Why don't you think real hard about how that data was collected and about what it actually means. Then go do your own search on the web for "co2 absorption spectra" and see how many different graphics you find. Then you might think about the FACT that CO2 gas spectrometers - the best instruments we have for the purpose - determine how much CO2 is in a gas sample by how much of those specific frequencies of IR are absorbed from light passing through it.

Really, jc, you are known here by all parties as one of the most ignorant of participants. Change that. Change yourself. Learn some real science and apply it here.

So that explain the Runaway Martian Greenhouse

Oh no!


We ask you to relate CO2 to temperature and you always put up the same chart with no temperature axis. Are you a fucking moron? Are you capable of learning?

Crick cant figure out that chart shows what atmospheric componates absorbs photons at what wave lengths and what is passed. It has absolutely nothing to do with temperature. It only hypothesizes what COULD cause warming.

And yet that's the chart he posts whenever challenged to show the relationship between CO2 and temperature. You could train monkeys or squids to give a more intelligent response, but not Crick who maintains his ignorance
. The Ice Cores are "Proxies" that contain temperature and CO2 within the exact same data set.

No they don't. You'd be a more effective cult fraud if you could get the basics correct.

In a given layer, the bubbles in the ice and the ice itself are not the same age. The CO2 measurements come from the bubbles, but the temperature proxy comes from the ice. If you just line them up, you get the wrong answer. Therefore, that's exactly the sort of fudging you do.

And so your cult hoax collapses. Now you'll have to rage more about committing genocide. Sucks to be you, Frank. All the data says you're an open fraud, so the only option left for you is to go full metal Stalinist on everyone. Go on, tell us more how you want Dr. Mann and all climate scientists sent to the Gulag for contradicting TheParty. Attempting to jail your opposition is as Stalinist as it gets, and it's what all the deniers here call for.

And Frank? Why do you think there's supposed to be a runaway Martian greenhouse? Damn, that's stupid. You're probably the only kook on the planet who thinks there's supposed to be a runaway greenhouse on earth or Mars. But then, the cult commands, so you parrot, no matter how stupid it sounds.
. The Ice Cores are "Proxies" that contain temperature and CO2 within the exact same data set.

No they don't. You'd be a more effective cult fraud if you could get the basics correct.

In a given layer, the bubbles in the ice and the ice itself are not the same age. The CO2 measurements come from the bubbles, but the temperature proxy comes from the ice. If you just line them up, you get the wrong answer. Therefore, that's exactly the sort of fudging you do.

And so your cult hoax collapses. Now you'll have to rage more about committing genocide. Sucks to be you, Frank. All the data says you're an open fraud, so the only option left for you is to go full metal Stalinist on everyone. Go on, tell us more how you want Dr. Mann and all climate scientists sent to the Gulag for contradicting TheParty. Attempting to jail your opposition is as Stalinist as it gets, and it's what all the deniers here call for.

And Frank? Why do you think there's supposed to be a runaway Martian greenhouse? Damn, that's stupid. You're probably the only kook on the planet who thinks there's supposed to be a runaway greenhouse on earth or Mars. But then, the cult commands, so you parrot, no matter how stupid it sounds.

Classic Decline Hider Logic: the data refuses to validate our failed theory so the data gets adjusted

That's not science, that's a Cult
. The Ice Cores are "Proxies" that contain temperature and CO2 within the exact same data set.

No they don't. You'd be a more effective cult fraud if you could get the basics correct.

In a given layer, the bubbles in the ice and the ice itself are not the same age. The CO2 measurements come from the bubbles, but the temperature proxy comes from the ice. If you just line them up, you get the wrong answer. Therefore, that's exactly the sort of fudging you do.

And so your cult hoax collapses. Now you'll have to rage more about committing genocide. Sucks to be you, Frank. All the data says you're an open fraud, so the only option left for you is to go full metal Stalinist on everyone. Go on, tell us more how you want Dr. Mann and all climate scientists sent to the Gulag for contradicting TheParty. Attempting to jail your opposition is as Stalinist as it gets, and it's what all the deniers here call for.

And Frank? Why do you think there's supposed to be a runaway Martian greenhouse? Damn, that's stupid. You're probably the only kook on the planet who thinks there's supposed to be a runaway greenhouse on earth or Mars. But then, the cult commands, so you parrot, no matter how stupid it sounds.

It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase. Mars is 96% CO2, and you must be telling us there's no runaway Greenhouse on Mars because that's different CO2
. The Ice Cores are "Proxies" that contain temperature and CO2 within the exact same data set.

No they don't. You'd be a more effective cult fraud if you could get the basics correct.

In a given layer, the bubbles in the ice and the ice itself are not the same age. The CO2 measurements come from the bubbles, but the temperature proxy comes from the ice. If you just line them up, you get the wrong answer. Therefore, that's exactly the sort of fudging you do.

And so your cult hoax collapses. Now you'll have to rage more about committing genocide. Sucks to be you, Frank. All the data says you're an open fraud, so the only option left for you is to go full metal Stalinist on everyone. Go on, tell us more how you want Dr. Mann and all climate scientists sent to the Gulag for contradicting TheParty. Attempting to jail your opposition is as Stalinist as it gets, and it's what all the deniers here call for.

And Frank? Why do you think there's supposed to be a runaway Martian greenhouse? Damn, that's stupid. You're probably the only kook on the planet who thinks there's supposed to be a runaway greenhouse on earth or Mars. But then, the cult commands, so you parrot, no matter how stupid it sounds.

Last thing, yes, the EnviroMarxists are genocidal lunatics. Read anything you Crick or Old Rocks , it reads "AGW AKBAR!!! DEATH TO THE DENIERS!!!!" Crick even said it openly
It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase.

Nobody says that. What do you hope to gain from being a pathological liar?

If you're not a pathological liar, point to examples of people stating that a runaway greenhouse effect is going to happen on earth.

If you can't or won't, then you ought to admit you've been a pathological liar, apologize for it, and promise stop lying in the future.

Also, you're the only here talking about violence and genocide, and the weirdass lies you tell about everyone else don't change that. It seems you're not merely a proud Stalinist, you're a dishonest violence-obsessed proud Stalinist.
It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase.

Nobody says that. What do you hope to gain from being a pathological liar?

If you're not a pathological liar, point to examples of people stating that a runaway greenhouse effect is going to happen on earth.

If you can't or won't, then you ought to admit you've been a pathological liar, apologize for it, and promise stop lying in the future.

Also, you're the only here talking about violence and genocide, and the weirdass lies you tell about everyone else don't change that. It seems you're not merely a proud Stalinist, you're a dishonest violence-obsessed proud Stalinist.

I know you're a lying twat so I'll only post a few of the AGWCult's Earth based "Runaway Greenhouse Effect" Articles

Please feel free to go fuck yourself as well

Fact or Fiction We Can Push the Planet into a Runaway Greenhouse Apocalypse - Scientific American

How Likely Is a Runaway Greenhouse Effect on Earth MIT Technology Review

Will Earth s Ocean Boil Away

Scientific American, MIT and National Geographic all spewing the AGWCult line, and, again, feel free to go fuck yourself

mamooth , lying twat

It's your Cult that keep's harping on the CO2 runaway greenhouse effect from a .0012% increase. -- CF

"Nobody says that." -- Mamooth, the Serial Liar
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From your SciAm article:

Earlier this year, for the first time in human history, atmospheric carbon dioxide reached 400 parts per million (ppm), surpassing a preindustrial average of about 280 ppm that has prevailed with slight variations for the past several million years.Pessimistic projections from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecast atmospheric carbon dioxide levels soaring beyond 1,000 ppm later this century. As the world warms not from a brightening sun but from fossil fuel–burning humans, some scientists have wondered just how close our planet might be to tumbling into a runaway state. Studies in the 1980s and ‘90s suggested the present-day Earth was safe against a runaway, but a paper published this week in Nature Geoscience argues that “the runaway greenhouse may be much easier to initiate than previously thought.” Indeed, the study suggests that without the cooling effects of certain types of clouds, modern Earth would already be well on its way to broiling like Venus. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

According to the study’s lead author, Colin Goldblatt of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, the disturbing result hinges less on carbon dioxide and more on humble water vapor, which recent investigations have shown absorbs solar radiation more efficiently than previously believed. “The old answer was that a runaway on Earth right now was theoretically impossible,” Goldblatt says. “Even if you evaporated a big chunk of ocean it would just rain back out, because the water vapor would radiate away more thermal energy than it absorbed through sunlight. Our new calculations show that a water vapor–rich atmosphere absorbs more sunlight and lets out less heat than previously thought, enough to put the Earth into a runaway from which there would be no return.”
End of Excerpt

So, until a very recent article, the common wisdom among climate and planetary scientists was that we were safe from runaway warming. It is only this new article that suggests such a thing might be possible.

So, once again, your contention is the product solely of your imagination and your ignorance.
From your SciAm article:

Earlier this year, for the first time in human history, atmospheric carbon dioxide reached 400 parts per million (ppm), surpassing a preindustrial average of about 280 ppm that has prevailed with slight variations for the past several million years.Pessimistic projections from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecast atmospheric carbon dioxide levels soaring beyond 1,000 ppm later this century. As the world warms not from a brightening sun but from fossil fuel–burning humans, some scientists have wondered just how close our planet might be to tumbling into a runaway state. Studies in the 1980s and ‘90s suggested the present-day Earth was safe against a runaway, but a paper published this week in Nature Geoscience argues that “the runaway greenhouse may be much easier to initiate than previously thought.” Indeed, the study suggests that without the cooling effects of certain types of clouds, modern Earth would already be well on its way to broiling like Venus. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

According to the study’s lead author, Colin Goldblatt of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, the disturbing result hinges less on carbon dioxide and more on humble water vapor, which recent investigations have shown absorbs solar radiation more efficiently than previously believed. “The old answer was that a runaway on Earth right now was theoretically impossible,” Goldblatt says. “Even if you evaporated a big chunk of ocean it would just rain back out, because the water vapor would radiate away more thermal energy than it absorbed through sunlight. Our new calculations show that a water vapor–rich atmosphere absorbs more sunlight and lets out less heat than previously thought, enough to put the Earth into a runaway from which there would be no return.”
End of Excerpt

So, until a very recent article, the common wisdom among climate and planetary scientists was that we were safe from runaway warming. It is only this new article that suggests such a thing might be possible.

So, once again, your contention is the product solely of your imagination and your ignorance.

WOW... You run away from a deeply held beleife of the alarmists for over 30 years to claim that it was just recently that you found out it could happen...

You must like circular logic, because your running in circles...
From your SciAm article:

Earlier this year, for the first time in human history, atmospheric carbon dioxide reached 400 parts per million (ppm), surpassing a preindustrial average of about 280 ppm that has prevailed with slight variations for the past several million years.Pessimistic projections from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecast atmospheric carbon dioxide levels soaring beyond 1,000 ppm later this century. As the world warms not from a brightening sun but from fossil fuel–burning humans, some scientists have wondered just how close our planet might be to tumbling into a runaway state. Studies in the 1980s and ‘90s suggested the present-day Earth was safe against a runaway, but a paper published this week in Nature Geoscience argues that “the runaway greenhouse may be much easier to initiate than previously thought.” Indeed, the study suggests that without the cooling effects of certain types of clouds, modern Earth would already be well on its way to broiling like Venus. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

According to the study’s lead author, Colin Goldblatt of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, the disturbing result hinges less on carbon dioxide and more on humble water vapor, which recent investigations have shown absorbs solar radiation more efficiently than previously believed. “The old answer was that a runaway on Earth right now was theoretically impossible,” Goldblatt says. “Even if you evaporated a big chunk of ocean it would just rain back out, because the water vapor would radiate away more thermal energy than it absorbed through sunlight. Our new calculations show that a water vapor–rich atmosphere absorbs more sunlight and lets out less heat than previously thought, enough to put the Earth into a runaway from which there would be no return.”
End of Excerpt

So, until a very recent article, the common wisdom among climate and planetary scientists was that we were safe from runaway warming. It is only this new article that suggests such a thing might be possible.

So, once again, your contention is the product solely of your imagination and your ignorance.

Do you read your own posts???

"...enough to put the Earth into a runaway from which there would be no return.”

Do you read your own posts???

You're such a lying, dipshit. You linked to the place in the article where the AGWCult claims there is a runaway Greenhouse effect

Are you really THAT FUCKING STUPID?????


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