Modern pop culture is insane.

If populist culture anticipates or reflects the present and the near future, you are entitled to pass comment .

As this example( thanks OP) lacks scholarship and talent , good taste , good style , imagination or deep thought it is hardly likely to appeal to any more than a small "cult" -- likely poor social and educational background .In this case the bottom layers of uneducated youngsters , .as a guess .

If it is more than that in size , problems are just around the corner .

For me it's part of the dumb thinking that we are all unique which means that everybody is interesting and is entitled to be listened to .
But if 90%+ of everybody is/are stupid( IQ under 120 ) --- what is there ever going to be that is worth paying any attention to?

The same timeless dilemma .
What do you do with the boneheads and runts ? And HOW do you do it . imho
Anytime you see or hear vulgar disparity in this country..............thank a Demonicrat.

Anytime you see police harassing the innocent and ignoring the cirminal....................thank a Demonicrat.

Anytime you're in danger and need help...........and none appears............thank a Demonicrat.

Anytime you see hoards of illegals getting treated like royalty at five star hotels, while you get taxed to death..............thank a Demonicrat.

Anytime you have to make a hard choice between eating or paying rent or buying gas just to be able to get to your job............thank a Demonicrat.

Anytime you wonder what the fuck has happened to this country to make the cesspool shithole it is today..........thank a Demonicrat.


Anytime you wonder WHY we are in this shithole situation...............look in the mirror, because you haven't done anything to fight it.
Modern culture fucking sucks in America. Our society is shit.

I am old enough I could have said that any time during the past 2 years but I didn't because despite not caring for the past couple of iterations of American culture I am also aware it does change as new generations rise up culture changes. It's the natural progression of a society. I can't accept that, change happens and normaly I can find things to like such as in movies with new themes or content, new kinds of music always have a decent amount of good stuff come out of it, or whatever.

But America's current culture or societal norms or whatever ffucking sucks a homeless aids and hepatitis infused nasty dirty dick. There are no redeeming qualities about our modern culture, 0. And all it seems to do is suffocate anything good and perpetuate itself by infecting others like a disease.
This is awesome. If crude language offends you don’t watch the video, but it is a hilarious demonstration how some culture is destroying the country.

Thanks so much, I was crying half way through it was so funny. This guy is a genius. They say the best comedy is written from truth.

I seen this on evil right-wing news the other night but while you had an idea where he was going with this it was ruined by all the "bleeps" they inserted. I don't know why they had to do it. I thought we paid for cable so we didn't have to suffer the editing late at night.

In any case his comedy routine is a clear demonstration how far the left has destroyed our culture and how they are poisoning our kids between shit like this and the stuff they insist they teach our children in school. To think they wanted to get rid of Charlie Brown Christmas because Linus told the story about the birth of Christ.
For all the Rights supposed love for freedom of speech and expression you sure all seem to get disparaged when a woman seems to actually enjoy her sexuality. In the 1940s she might been repressed, worried what the neighbors, her parents or her brother might think but today they don't have to be. That seems much better than a sexuality repressed society. 😄
For all the Rights supposed love for freedom of speech and expression you sure all seem to get disparaged when a woman seems to actually enjoy her sexuality. In the 1940s she might been repressed, worried what the neighbors, her parents or her brother might think but today they don't have to be. That seems much better than a sexuality repressed society. 😄
What don't you have an excuse for?
Do you broadcast your sex life? No one I know does. It is sheer ignorance at best.
What does ignorance mean in this context? 😄 Do you mean ignorant of your sensibilities? She didn't broadcast it in to your living room. Fans of her music can enjoy it and you're free not to listen.
For all the Rights supposed love for freedom of speech and expression you sure all seem to get disparaged when a woman seems to actually enjoy her sexuality. In the 1940s she might been repressed, worried what the neighbors, her parents or her brother might think but today they don't have to be. That seems much better than a sexuality repressed society. 😄

So who here is saying her abilities to broadcast her filth should be put to a halt? All I pointed out was the decay of our society by pigs like this.

If a 13 year old walks into a convenient store and tries to buy a Playboy magazine, he can't. We have laws against that to create a certain social standard. We don't want children seeing stuff like that until they get older. Now sexuality is being broadcast to our children no ID required.
So who here is saying her abilities to broadcast her filth should be put to a halt? All I pointed out was the decay of our society by pigs like this.
Yes. I found it humorous that you think woman having more freedom and confidence to express their sexuality was a bad thing. Thats typical of incels on the Right.
If a 13 year old walks into a convenient store and tries to buy a Playboy magazine, he can't. We have laws against that to create a certain social standard. We don't want children seeing stuff like that until they get older. Now sexuality is being broadcast to our children no ID required.
Really? Is Megan Thee Stallion forcing your kids to listen to her music? How is she doing that? 😄
For all the Rights supposed love for freedom of speech and expression you sure all seem to get disparaged when a woman seems to actually enjoy her sexuality. In the 1940s she might been repressed, worried what the neighbors, her parents or her brother might think but today they don't have to be. That seems much better than a sexuality repressed society. 😄
geez....of course it goes over your head....the comedian is highlighting how the dembots were saying "Baby It's cold outside" was horrible....sexist etc.....but WAP with it's highly sexual lang was the number 1 song at the same time.

Nobody is saying she can't sing it, or people can't listen to it...they are comparing the deranged mind of dembots
Same with all things being canceled. :rolleyes:
Yep. That's what happens when you grow old or become an insignificant minority. No one gives a shit about your sensibilities. The just put you off to the side on a rocking chair and pretend not to smell you.
geez....of course it goes over your head....the comedian is highlighting how the dembots were saying "Baby It's cold outside" was horrible....sexist etc.....but WAP with it's highly sexual lang was the number 1 song at the same time.

Nobody is saying she can't sing it, or people can't listen to it...they are comparing the deranged mind of dembots
It went over your head that sexist and sex aren't the same thing.... 😄

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