Moderna is losing effectiveness

Medical exemptions are approved first by a trained physician. I.E., they don't rely on the magical delusions of anti-vaxx goobers.
Actually medical exemptions are the hardest to get, since as you said, they require a doctors note. Religious exemptions don't require a note from the religions hierarchy.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are getting vaccinated, I work with two of them. They say it is a matter of conscience.
I was giving potential numbers. You would be amazed how many people don't strictly follow their religions tenets.
Like we do with kids and all of their booster shots, so they can go to school...?

You guys act like you just heard of vaccines for the very first time.
You’re way behind the curve FFI, as in months behind the stats. The main reason our government is continuing to push ineffective fake vaccines is because they have a pre-purchased stock pile they need to get rid of. They used tax dollars for an inept product and they now know it.

US NIH’s funded Moderna’s rushed testing and told the public not to go to the hospital if you feel sick because hospitals were overloaded with patients and not enough PPE. Behind the governmental curtain, Moderna needed a few more weeks to rush the trials and so this was NIH’s / Fauci’s “advice”.

The jig is up as more and more scientists and medical experts are weighing in. Better products that actually work to prevent the spread and exposure are being produced by over 200 pharmaceuticals. Why are they doing this if the current concoctions being marketed are effective? They wouldn’t.
You did not, there wasn't a mention of MANDATES. They mentioned timelines to administer a vaccines and boosters
As I said, states and local school board are the one's who MANDATE the following of those guidelines.

You can google which states, or schools do or don't require it.
Most vaccines last a lot longer!

These products are not vaccines that’s why Webster’s changed the definition this past January so that messenger RNA would be included in the definition of a vaccine. An effective coronavirus vaccine will be protection to the tune of 17 years. The public should not expect anything less from inferior pharmaceutical peddlers. They know that 17 years is doable, but the risks not yet determined.
You’re way behind the curve FFI, as in months behind the stats. The main reason our government is continuing to push ineffective fake vaccines is because they have a pre-purchased stock pile they need to get rid of. They used tax dollars for an inept product and they now know it.
Only if you ignore that the first round of vaccinations cut original COVID strain hospitalizations and deaths by over 90%
Most vaccines last a lot longer!

These products are not vaccines that’s why Webster’s changed the definition this past January so that messenger RNA would be included in the definition of a vaccine. An effective coronavirus vaccine will be protection to the tune of 17 years.

All I can say is why didn't you make that case with the flu vaccine?

It totally disproves your argument. BIG TIME.
Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine | CDC

The flu shot offers protection against the flu for about 6 months. A person should get a flu shot every year, and the best time to get one is the end of October.

I can’t imagine I am going to take a third shot unless the boosters have far less strength

IDK. I know of one guy who has had the jabs and covid TWICE. Some people are just screwed I guess. Hopefully the new cocktail of gay horse pills will get us to the end next year as billed.
All I can say is why didn't you make that case with the flu vaccine?

It totally disproves your argument. BIG TIME.
No, it does not seeing the flu vaccine has been around for over fifty years versus the covid which has been around for a very short time.

It is amazing the left keep on downplaying the seriousness of this by trying to say “ well it is like all other vaccines “ which it is not and the Covid vaccine has been rushed and shouldn’t be consider the savior of us.

I mean those like you once thought the vaccine stopped Covid and later learned it did not and did not even contain the spread and remember I wrote those like you!

So as you lecture us the science changes daily about how effective the vaccine is and you will just deny it and pretend that this vaccine is the cure when even the manufacturing companies stated it is not!
I was giving potential numbers. You would be amazed how many people don't strictly follow their religions tenets.
Got it, thanks. According to him most are vaccinating, however he says it is up to each individual to decide.
No, it does not seeing the flu vaccine has been around for over fifty years versus the covid which has been around for a very short time.

Your argument was that a vaccine had to last more than 6 months, to be a vaccine.

As I said, the flu vaccine shows you're an idiot.
I mean those like you once thought the vaccine stopped Covid and later learned it did not and did not even contain the spread and remember I wrote those like you!

You can go back to March or April of 2020. when I pointed out how COVID was different than other diseases. By the time the vaccines were in stage 3 trials, because of it's pre-symptomatic spread, it would not cut the R0 to near zero by vaccination. And the efficacy of the vaccines were measured in their ability to prevent hospitalization and death, not decrease transmission.
Got it, thanks. According to him most are vaccinating, however he says it is up to each individual to decide.
This is why the Supreme Court has left it to the individual to define their religious beliefs. Which also means a religious exemption would be based on individuals interpretation, as presented to whatever forum (other than the courts) the government uses to decide it's legitimacy.
All I can say is why didn't you make that case with the flu vaccine?

It totally disproves your argument. BIG TIME.
How did you get off my ignore list is what I need to know MG? Lol If you don’t straighten up I’m going to put you back on there because I know you’re a sock.

I don’t buy into the need for annual flu shots that are their best guess from using last year‘s viruses in particular areas coming up with between the lowball 20% protection to -on a good year- 60%. I have not had the flu since I was a child.

Big Pharma wants to continue their high priced products? Well it’s past time for consumers to use our purchasing power and demand the best products available. Not crap that only partially worked with alpha not delta yet still being forced like it matters for healthy individuals.
How did you get off my ignore list is what I need to know MG? Lol If you don’t straighten up I’m going to put you back on there because I know you’re a sock.
Any excuse to ignore getting your ass handed to you.

Make a false accusation, of somebody who continuously proves you wrong. It's to a point that every new non-Trumper is accused of being an old non-Trumper.
I don’t buy into the need for annual flu shots that are their best guess from using last year‘s viruses in particular areas coming up with between the lowball 20% protection to -on a good year- 60%. I have not had the flu since I was a child.

Big Pharma wants to continue their high priced products?

Actually this is the irony of republican governors like DeSantis and Abbott. They are pushing mono-clonal antibodies that big pharma gets $2,500 per treatment, instead of a mere $20-$40 for the vaccine.
I don’t buy into the need for annual flu shots ....

Big Pharma wants to continue their high priced products?

The CDC private sector cost for a quadrivalent flu shot ranges from $16.94 to $25.76.

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