Modest proposal: Drop all history courses from K-12 and replace with STEM courses.

YOU have forgotten a lot of what you learned in school as well. Does that mean it wasn't taught to you?
I actually have retained a lot of that stuff. I still read history material today. Much of what I was taught in HS didn't mean anything to me, as I was too young to have any meaningful perspective.
I had an interesting discussion with SuperBadBrutha on CRT and he brought up a very valid point. My point was any CRT related course would likely be biased by the person teaching it. He pointed out that the exact same thing happens in teaching traditional history. I had to agree that was at least possible, if not likely. So my proposal would be to drop history courses altogether and replace them with math or science related courses. Also consider that school kids today are over a year behind where they should be in reading, writing and math. This would help pull the kids back where they need to be in the skills that will propel them through life and their careers. I'm not saying history is unimportant, but it is not as important as the fundamentals where the kids are woefully behind where they need to be.

They can still find ways to muck up STEM courses.

The real solution is getting them, at least at the lower grades, to just teach historical facts, and leave the interpretations to High school and college.
History is part of "the basics."
I respectfully disagree. Reading, writing, math and science are the basics of education that prepare the students for higher education and life in general. They are over a year behind in those skills, on average.
They can still find ways to muck up STEM courses.

The real solution is getting them, at least at the lower grades, to just teach historical facts, and leave the interpretations to High school and college.
I respectfully disagree. Teaching history to the lower grades opens the door to "alternative history" teaching because Liberal elementary schools will push CRT/1619 and just call it something else. They are already doing it. I believe there should be much more focus on STEM and dropping history in lieu of addktional STEM courses helps achieve that.
I respectfully disagree. Teaching history to the lower grades opens the door to "alternative history" teaching because Liberal elementary schools will push CRT/1619 and just call it something else. They are already doing it. I believe there should be much more focus on STEM and dropping history in lieu of addktional STEM courses helps achieve that.

They will just muck up STEM then. It isn't the material that is the issue, it's the teachers. Remove one subject and the CRT and related bullshit will find another way in.
...Reading, writing, math and science are the basics of education that prepare the students for higher education and life in general. ...
So is history. Do you want to turn over the future to people who don't understand where we come from and who we are? That would leave them all the more susceptible to the medial machinations being churned out in the present.
I had an interesting discussion with SuperBadBrutha on CRT and he brought up a very valid point. My point was any CRT related course would likely be biased by the person teaching it. He pointed out that the exact same thing happens in teaching traditional history. I had to agree that was at least possible, if not likely. So my proposal would be to drop history courses altogether and replace them with math or science related courses. Also consider that school kids today are over a year behind where they should be in reading, writing and math. This would help pull the kids back where they need to be in the skills that will propel them through life and their careers. I'm not saying history is unimportant, but it is not as important as the fundamentals where the kids are woefully behind where they need to be.

Sure. The man on the street interviews would be abysmal, and then my fellow conservatives would have even more fodder for the grist mill.

Interviewer: "When was the American Civil War?"

Interviewee": "Never heard of it."

Great. Just what education needs.
I had an interesting discussion with SuperBadBrutha on CRT and he brought up a very valid point. My point was any CRT related course would likely be biased by the person teaching it. He pointed out that the exact same thing happens in teaching traditional history. I had to agree that was at least possible, if not likely. So my proposal would be to drop history courses altogether and replace them with math or science related courses. Also consider that school kids today are over a year behind where they should be in reading, writing and math. This would help pull the kids back where they need to be in the skills that will propel them through life and their careers. I'm not saying history is unimportant, but it is not as important as the fundamentals where the kids are woefully behind where they need to be.

History classes typically require a lot of reading and writing.
Yeah we need to know all about the propaganda that helps palefaces maintain their self righteous delusions.

Then we are in agreement that dropping history and replacing with science and math courses would be beneficial for K-12 students.
Then we are in agreement that dropping history and replacing with science and math courses would be beneficial for K-12 students.
I got C's in history and A's in math and sciences.

But science fiction actually made science more interesting than science teachers. I decided to go to college for engineering after reading:

A Fall of Moondust by Arthur C Clarke

But SF has gotten dumbed down somewhat since the 60s and 70s. We need a KURRL!

K-12 Unschooling Recommend Reading List

The majority of books are mediocre to crap. You have to check out 20 books to find a single decent one.
I got C's in history and A's in math and sciences.

But science fiction actually made science more interesting than science teachers. I decided to go to college for engineering after reading:

A Fall of Moondust by Arthur C Clarke

But SF has gotten dumbed down somewhat since the 60s and 70s. We need a KURRL!

K-12 Unschooling Recommend Reading List

The majority of books are mediocre to crap. You have to check out 20 books to find a single decent one.
I also found history a boring subject and got interested in science by watching Star Trek and reading Isaac Asimov. I ended up getting a degree in engineering.
I also found history a boring subject and got interested in science by watching Star Trek and reading Isaac Asimov. I ended up getting a degree in engineering.
I also found history a boring subject and got interested in science by watching Star Trek and reading Isaac Asimov. I ended up getting a degree in engineering.
So trying to fix our miseducational system is a Sisyphian task. Cheap computers, the Internet and massive home storage capability make traditional education obsolete for kids who "want to learn". So what are the suggestions?

You Were Never Meant to Learn

Why haven't we had a publicly available K-12 list for parents and students for decades?

K-12 Unschooling Recommended Reading List

Black Beauty by Sewell, Anna

The King of Elfland's Daughter, by Lord Dunsany

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronic by Stan Gibilisco

Practical Electronics for Inventors by P. Scherz & S. Monk

Alex’s Adventures In Numberland by Alex Bellos

Black Man's Burden (1961) by Mack Reynolds
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Black Man's Burden, by Mack Reynolds.

The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase

The Screwing of the Average Man (1974) by David Hapgood

The Discovery of Global Warming
by Spencer R. Weart (physicist & historian)
So trying to fix our miseducational system is a Sisyphian task. Cheap computers, the Internet and massive home storage capability make traditional education obsolete for kids who "want to learn". So what are the suggestions?

You Were Never Meant to Learn

Why haven't we had a publicly available K-12 list for parents and students for decades?

K-12 Unschooling Recommended Reading List

Black Beauty by Sewell, Anna

The King of Elfland's Daughter, by Lord Dunsany

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronic by Stan Gibilisco

Practical Electronics for Inventors by P. Scherz & S. Monk

Alex’s Adventures In Numberland by Alex Bellos

Black Man's Burden (1961) by Mack Reynolds
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Black Man's Burden, by Mack Reynolds.

The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase

The Screwing of the Average Man (1974) by David Hapgood

The Discovery of Global Warming
by Spencer R. Weart (physicist & historian)

Very interesting reading list. My opinion is that home schooling is a mixed bag of success and failure and kids also miss out on the very important social development skills they get in K-12. I am an incrementalist and look for ways to improve existing systems, if possible.
Very interesting reading list. My opinion is that home schooling is a mixed bag of success and failure and kids also miss out on the very important social development skills they get in K-12. I am an incrementalist and look for ways to improve existing systems, if possible.
As far as I am concerned I was Unschooling while attending grammar school. The nitwit nuns taught no science whatsoever. My older sister told me that a nun said, "science and religion don't mix." As a result of reading SF I concluded "thinking and religion don't mix."

The variation in schools across the US seems to be HUGE and the worst seem to be in Black neighborhoods. A reading list could be useful even to kids attending school. A single book can provide a perspective very different from the authoritarian status quo.

I wish I had read The Tyranny of Words by Stuart Chase in high school.

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