Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
You are a liar! No one reacted to his illegal status until we read the report that he was here illegally, the only person who publicalky stated he was legal was his asinine lawyer! All you have done is defend the bastard and call us who disagree with illegals being in the fucking country illegally racist and homophobes! Put that shit where the moon don’tc Shine!
Where have I defended him? Be very specific Willow because as usual you lie.

I dont defend murders. Refusing to jump on your anri immigrant bandwagon and supporting the parents, who were also victims of this tragedy (unlike you) is not defending a murderer.

Do you ever get tired of politicizing tragedy? ...cause There sure isn't much difference between you and the libtards you incessently moan about.
no such thing as anti immigration, you lie. rephrase it to illegal aliens.
The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
You are a liar! No one reacted to his illegal status until we read the report that he was here illegally, the only person who publicalky stated he was legal was his asinine lawyer! All you have done is defend the bastard and call us who disagree with illegals being in the fucking country illegally racist and homophobes! Put that shit where the moon don’tc Shine!
Where have I defended him? Be very specific Willow because as usual you lie.

I dont defend murders. Refusing to jump on your anri immigrant bandwagon and supporting the parents, who were also victims of this tragedy (unlike you) is not defending a murderer.

Do you ever get tired of politicizing tragedy? ...cause There sure isn't much difference between you and the libtards you incessently moan about.
BTW, we don't defend murderers either. we call murderers who they are, where you can't.

BTW, no one said anything about defending him. the question was his legal status. which he has none of and it is that you defend.
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The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
You are a liar! No one reacted to his illegal status until we read the report that he was here illegally, the only person who publicalky stated he was legal was his asinine lawyer! All you have done is defend the bastard and call us who disagree with illegals being in the fucking country illegally racist and homophobes! Put that shit where the moon don’tc Shine!
Where have I defended him? Be very specific Willow because as usual you lie.

I dont defend murders. Refusing to jump on your anri immigrant bandwagon and supporting the parents, who were also victims of this tragedy (unlike you) is not defending a murderer.

Do you ever get tired of politicizing tragedy? ...cause There sure isn't much difference between you and the libtards you incessently moan about.
You fucking lie every time you say immigrant! You are a fucking liar! You have no credibility. Now shut the fuck up! Go pedal your fucking bullshit on someone else. I do not buy it!
BLM opposes violence and rioting. Go their site. Nice try though.
yeah, sure cause their site says so... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Riots, bullets, tear gas in Ferguson - CNN Video
So let me ask you this.. .can we then say that Republican party and Trumpists support violence, murder and neo nazi ideology because some of their followers do? Right? Even though their platform and party page DO NOT?
I'm sorry, but what is it you think I'm grouping together exactly? No person makes any one group guilty of anything. an illegal who kills a young woman does not mean all do. no one ever made that comment and you won't find one. Illegals are illegally here, and that is just a fact of life. whether you choose to accept that or not is up to you. but don't generalize comments I never made, it makes you small.
Oh...I see. It is DIFFERENT. It is ok to group BLM together and judge them by the actions of a fringe, not the group's platform but you cant do the same with othets like Republicans or Trump supporters? Do I undetstand your double standard correctly here JC?
well, because BLM is who they are, I can say anything I want in a blog, but actions are my basis and baltimore, chicago, detroit and ferguson are all cespools of BLM violence. sorry sister you're gonna loose this one. how about antifa btw, are they for violence or not? what say you? Remember there are links out there. be careful now.

BTW, show me one link of a trump supporter burning a city down, tearing statues down. stopping free speech at universities. come now child give us some links.
You haveone standard for your side and one for the other when it comes to groups JC. None of the violence was instigated by BLM and the specifically, on multiple occasions called for peace not violence.

They have little control over what others choose to do in their name.
So let me ask you this.. .can we then say that Republican party and Trumpists support violence, murder and neo nazi ideology because some of their followers do? Right? Even though their platform and party page DO NOT?
I'm sorry, but what is it you think I'm grouping together exactly? No person makes any one group guilty of anything. an illegal who kills a young woman does not mean all do. no one ever made that comment and you won't find one. Illegals are illegally here, and that is just a fact of life. whether you choose to accept that or not is up to you. but don't generalize comments I never made, it makes you small.
Oh...I see. It is DIFFERENT. It is ok to group BLM together and judge them by the actions of a fringe, not the group's platform but you cant do the same with othets like Republicans or Trump supporters? Do I undetstand your double standard correctly here JC?
well, because BLM is who they are, I can say anything I want in a blog, but actions are my basis and baltimore, chicago, detroit and ferguson are all cespools of BLM violence. sorry sister you're gonna loose this one. how about antifa btw, are they for violence or not? what say you? Remember there are links out there. be careful now.

BTW, show me one link of a trump supporter burning a city down, tearing statues down. stopping free speech at universities. come now child give us some links.
You haveone standard for your side and one for the other when it comes to groups JC. None of the violence was instigated by BLM and the specifically, on multiple occasions called for peace not violence.

They have little control over what others choose to do in their name.
no, no I don't. I have one standard. Respect for life. Period. If you cross that line, then you are against me. period, I give two shits party affiliation. so you're wrong. I challenge you yet again to prove your accusation. you do have a lot of em.

Shit the BLM didn't speak out about the dallas five. denounce their actions and you change your status. some denouncement of the individuals who do the violence. but nope, so you can't denounce that means you're with them. just like you and illegal aliens. you're with them. puts you in their category and any crime they do is on you as well.

Shit they're calling for violence in chicago if police officer VanDyke is found not guilty. why? what did anybody else do? jury finds someone not guilty and society must suffer? what kind of fked up nonsense is that. yet that is the left and all their hate groups.
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I did not say he was, idiot.
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
You are a liar! No one reacted to his illegal status until we read the report that he was here illegally, the only person who publicalky stated he was legal was his asinine lawyer! All you have done is defend the bastard and call us who disagree with illegals being in the fucking country illegally racist and homophobes! Put that shit where the moon don’tc Shine!
Where have I defended him? Be very specific Willow because as usual you lie.

I dont defend murderers. Refusing to jump on your anri immigrant bandwagon and supporting the parents, who were also victims of this tragedy (unlike you) is not defending a murderer.

Do you ever get tired of politicizing tragedy? ...cause There sure isn't much difference between you and the libtards you incessently moan about.
BTW, we don't defend murderers either. we call murderers who they are, where you can't.

BTW, no one said anything about defending him. the question was his legal status. which he has none of and it is that you defend.
I call murderers murderers and it is what they have done that matter not who they are. Their act is what removes them from grace not their legal status in the country or for thst matter whether they used a gun. You can not bring yourself to say that can you?
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
You are a liar! No one reacted to his illegal status until we read the report that he was here illegally, the only person who publicalky stated he was legal was his asinine lawyer! All you have done is defend the bastard and call us who disagree with illegals being in the fucking country illegally racist and homophobes! Put that shit where the moon don’tc Shine!
Where have I defended him? Be very specific Willow because as usual you lie.

I dont defend murderers. Refusing to jump on your anri immigrant bandwagon and supporting the parents, who were also victims of this tragedy (unlike you) is not defending a murderer.

Do you ever get tired of politicizing tragedy? ...cause There sure isn't much difference between you and the libtards you incessently moan about.
BTW, we don't defend murderers either. we call murderers who they are, where you can't.

BTW, no one said anything about defending him. the question was his legal status. which he has none of and it is that you defend.
I call murderers murderers and it is what they have done that matter not who they are. Their act is what removes them from grace not their legal status in the country or for thst matter whether they used a gun. You can not bring yourself to say that can you?
well do you know what that murderer did, he entered my country illegally and murdered an american girl. and you can't say that. wow.
So let me ask you this.. .can we then say that Republican party and Trumpists support violence, murder and neo nazi ideology because some of their followers do? Right? Even though their platform and party page DO NOT?
I'm sorry, but what is it you think I'm grouping together exactly? No person makes any one group guilty of anything. an illegal who kills a young woman does not mean all do. no one ever made that comment and you won't find one. Illegals are illegally here, and that is just a fact of life. whether you choose to accept that or not is up to you. but don't generalize comments I never made, it makes you small.
Oh...I see. It is DIFFERENT. It is ok to group BLM together and judge them by the actions of a fringe, not the group's platform but you cant do the same with othets like Republicans or Trump supporters? Do I undetstand your double standard correctly here JC?
well, because BLM is who they are, I can say anything I want in a blog, but actions are my basis and baltimore, chicago, detroit and ferguson are all cespools of BLM violence. sorry sister you're gonna loose this one. how about antifa btw, are they for violence or not? what say you? Remember there are links out there. be careful now.

BTW, show me one link of a trump supporter burning a city down, tearing statues down. stopping free speech at universities. come now child give us some links.
You haveone standard for your side and one for the other when it comes to groups JC. None of the violence was instigated by BLM and the specifically, on multiple occasions called for peace not violence.

They have little control over what others choose to do in their name.
no, no I don't. I have one standard. Respect for life. Period. If you cross that line, then you are against me. period, I give two shits party affiliation. so you're wrong. I challenge you yet again to prove your accusation. you do have a lot of em.

Shit the BLM didn't speak out about the dallas five. denounce their actions and you change your status. some denouncement of the individuals who do the violence. but nope, so you can't denounce that means you're with them. just like you and illegal aliens. you're with them. puts you in their category and any crime they do is on you as well.

Shit they're calling for violence in chicago if police officer VanDyke is found not guilty. why? what did anybody else do? jury finds someone not guilty and society must suffer? what kind of fked up nonsense is that. yet that is the left and all their hate groups.
Coyote, BTW, at trump's rallies, it was lefitst aggression that started any altercation at his rallies. they were his rallies and they were welcomed until they became aggressive. it's simple. now name one trump supporter aggressive at a hitlery event? can you? why was it always at a trump event? hmmmm

I wish you had a brain that's for sure.

walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, it's a duck
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

What pisses you off is that Mollie's parents refuse to join your blind xenophobic rage. Because that reaction is the only one you understand. That in turn defines you, and your fairly narrow limitations (same goes for the rightarded piddlers on here). What enrages you even more is that the light these admirable people shine on you exposes you for the narrow-minded, resentment-driven, hateful little midget you truly are. These folks are plainly better than you, better than I am, better than most I was fortunate enough to encounter. And that enrages you most, and that's why you desperately struggle to confuse your vile hatred with caring for Mollie. You don't. You wouldn't even understand what that requires, which would be, at the most basic level, at least an attempt at understanding and respecting that for which she lived, what she stood for. You don't know what respect is, and so you can't, and you won't. Same goes, of course, for the other rightarded, xenophobic piddlers on this thread.
nope, you're flat ass wrong. her parents let Mollie down as well as other daughters out there. You don't understand it. you're groomed to ignore it like Mollie's parents. I bet she understood. She stood up to an illegal punk and the illegal punk took her life. end of story. to say anything else is parrotting the leftist stance of love for illegals. Want to listen to a real parent, Listen to Andrew Pollack father of Meadow who was gunned down at school, and you know what, he doesn't want other parents to go through what he did. That is pure class. And you have absolutely none.

take you illegal loving out of here it isn't welcomed.

Did he have illegal stamped on his forehead? She had no idea whether he was legal or not and she didn't ask for a ID card. That is the stupidest comment I have heard. You sound exactly like those who clamor for gun control after a mass shooting.
she didn't care who he was at all other than he confronted her. again, if he wasn't illegal, he'd be in his country attacking women there instead of Mollie. It isn't Mollie's fault he was illegal, or she got killed by him. that's all on him and any person who doesn't think he was an illegal alien and didn't belong in our country. just saying so your facts are straight.

For the record, isn't it you all who say the illegals are much better people than americans? so you think illegals killing young women is great eh?
Coyote , where'd you go? don't wish to finish the discussion on old illegal alien dude here? you know, the one you contradicted yourself on? hmmmmm?
Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.

Was Mollie's death preordained by fate? If not an illegal immigrant, sompeopleeone else would have murdered her that day? I'm the bad guy for wanting to prevent future murders like this? Is that what you're saying?

So what are you doing to prevent future murders? What are you doing to safeguard jogging paths, bars, people being stalked by others wishing to have sex with some stranger who does not want them? What are you doing about people who have been rejected as lovers and adopt the stance that if they can't have a particular person, nobody else can because they will murder this person first???

I was once threatened by a person whom I rejected and chose not to deal with. Fortunately, I had a dog with very, very big teeth.

In each and every case you cited above, steps are taken. Parks and paths get better lighting and additional patrols. Citizen groups form in consort with LEO’s.

Bars have restricted serving laws passed or lose their liquor licenses.

Mollies death was 100% avoidable, and nothing is being done about it.

Quit your damn sniveling. No amount of it justifies your support of the Cartels cash flow.
Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.

Was Mollie's death preordained by fate? If not an illegal immigrant, sompeopleeone else would have murdered her that day? I'm the bad guy for wanting to prevent future murders like this? Is that what you're saying?

So what are you doing to prevent future murders? What are you doing to safeguard jogging paths, bars, people being stalked by others wishing to have sex with some stranger who does not want them? What are you doing about people who have been rejected as lovers and adopt the stance that if they can't have a particular person, nobody else can because they will murder this person first???

I was once threatened by a person whom I rejected and chose not to deal with. Fortunately, I had a dog with very, very big teeth.

In each and every case you cited above, steps are taken. Parks and paths get better lighting and additional patrols. Citizen groups form in consort with LEO’s.

Bars have restricted serving laws passed or lose their liquor licenses.

Mollies death was 100% avoidable, and nothing is being done about it.

Quit your damn sniveling. No amount of it justifies your support of the Cartels cash flow.

Your post is slanderous. Why do you make things up about other people? Who here supports the cartels' cash flow? How do you know? I know of no one who does.

In any event, there is no evidence that this murder was drug-related.
I dont defend murders. Refusing to jump on your anri immigrant bandwagon
Was this murderer an "immigrant."

Do you know the definition of an immigrant?
Do you not know?

Let me help you: Miriam Webster :)

Definition of immigrant. : one that immigrates: such as. a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown
View attachment 213442
Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

Citizenship is relevant, his illegal status is relevant. Had he not been there, she would be alive today.

Why didn't trump deport him?

And why don't you have any concern for all people who are murdered? I guess since most of them were murdered by American citizens, that's ok, they were going to be murdered anyway.


Because regressive subverts refuse to enforce the laws and willfully aid and abet illegals.

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