Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
Amnesty seekers arent illegal either

sure they are, why else would they need amnesty? that's just stupid and you didn't even play it well. again, why do you care that I call someone illegal?

No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
You're right. There are LEGAL, AND ILLEGAL ways to "seek amnesty." Sneaking across the border illegally is when they'll use "amnesty" as a backup when they get caught by a law and order president.

These tards only want open borders, nothing less. Future Mollies are sacrifices for their multicultural vision.
The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
You're right. There are LEGAL, AND ILLEGAL ways to "seek amnesty." Sneaking across the border illegally is when they'll use "amnesty" as a backup when they get caught by a law and order president.

These tards only want open borders, nothing less. Future Mollies are sacrifices for their multicultural vision.
The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
Amnesty seekers arent illegal either

sure they are, why else would they need amnesty. that's just a lie. and you didn't even play it well. again, why do you care that I call someone illegal?
I dont. Call them what you want. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. IAmnesty seekers are amesty seekers and their status is legal from the moment they put in the request until the process is completed. No one is saying the killer is an amnesty seeker.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....

I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.
Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention

"Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention"
BLM opposes violence and rioting. Go their site. Nice try though.
yeah, sure cause their site says so... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Riots, bullets, tear gas in Ferguson - CNN Video
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
You're right. There are LEGAL, AND ILLEGAL ways to "seek amnesty." Sneaking across the border illegally is when they'll use "amnesty" as a backup when they get caught by a law and order president.

These tards only want open borders, nothing less. Future Mollies are sacrifices for their multicultural vision.
The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
Amnesty seekers arent illegal either

sure they are, why else would they need amnesty. that's just a lie. and you didn't even play it well. again, why do you care that I call someone illegal?
I dont. Call them what you want. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. IAmnesty seekers are amesty seekers and their status is legal from the moment they put in the request until the process is completed. No one is saying the killer is an amnesty seeker.
They are only legal if they come through a port of entry! Any fucker with a brain, and you ain’t one of them, would question why they sneak across a border instead of really seeking refuge, not fucking amnesty! The word is refuge! You are the amnesty seeker, you want amnesty for any illegal who breaks the laws of this country and you don’t give a flying shit that they kill a few Americans along the way!
I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.
Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention

"Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention"
BLM opposes violence and rioting. Go their site. Nice try though.
yeah, sure cause their site says so... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Riots, bullets, tear gas in Ferguson - CNN Video
So let me ask you this.. .can we then say that Republican party and Trumpists support violence, murder and neo nazi ideology because some of their followers do? Right? Even though their platform and party page DO NOT?

No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
Amnesty seekers arent illegal either

sure they are, why else would they need amnesty. that's just a lie. and you didn't even play it well. again, why do you care that I call someone illegal?
I dont. Call them what you want. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. IAmnesty seekers are amesty seekers and their status is legal from the moment they put in the request until the process is completed. No one is saying the killer is an amnesty seeker.
They are only legal if they come through a port of entry! Any fucker with a brain, and you ain’t one of them, would question why they sneak across a border instead of really seeking refuge, not fucking amnesty! The word is refuge! You are the amnesty seeker, you want amnesty for any illegal who breaks the laws of this country and you don’t give a flying shit that they kill a few Americans along the way!
They sneak across the border and turn themselves in at first opportunity. But thanks for the illumination and conformation on your anti immigrant hatred.
You're right. There are LEGAL, AND ILLEGAL ways to "seek amnesty." Sneaking across the border illegally is when they'll use "amnesty" as a backup when they get caught by a law and order president.

These tards only want open borders, nothing less. Future Mollies are sacrifices for their multicultural vision.
The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
You are a liar! No one reacted to his illegal status until we read the report that he was here illegally, the only person who publicalky stated he was legal was his asinine lawyer! All you have done is defend the bastard and call us who disagree with illegals being in the fucking country illegally racist and homophobes! Put that shit where the moon don’tc Shine!
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.
Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention

"Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention"
BLM opposes violence and rioting. Go their site. Nice try though.
yeah, sure cause their site says so... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Riots, bullets, tear gas in Ferguson - CNN Video
So let me ask you this.. .can we then say that Republican party and Trumpists support violence, murder and neo nazi ideology because some of their followers do? Right? Even though their platform and party page DO NOT?
I'm sorry, but what is it you think I'm grouping together exactly? No person makes any one group guilty of anything. an illegal who kills a young woman does not mean all do. no one ever made that comment and you won't find one. Illegals are illegally here, and that is just a fact of life. whether you choose to accept that or not is up to you. but don't generalize comments I never made, it makes you small.
Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
Amnesty seekers arent illegal either

sure they are, why else would they need amnesty. that's just a lie. and you didn't even play it well. again, why do you care that I call someone illegal?
I dont. Call them what you want. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. IAmnesty seekers are amesty seekers and their status is legal from the moment they put in the request until the process is completed. No one is saying the killer is an amnesty seeker.
They are only legal if they come through a port of entry! Any fucker with a brain, and you ain’t one of them, would question why they sneak across a border instead of really seeking refuge, not fucking amnesty! The word is refuge! You are the amnesty seeker, you want amnesty for any illegal who breaks the laws of this country and you don’t give a flying shit that they kill a few Americans along the way!
They sneak across the border and turn themselves in at first opportunity. But thanks for the illumination and conformation on your anti immigrant hatred.
Up your ass with that shit!
Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
Amnesty seekers arent illegal either

sure they are, why else would they need amnesty. that's just a lie. and you didn't even play it well. again, why do you care that I call someone illegal?
I dont. Call them what you want. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. IAmnesty seekers are amesty seekers and their status is legal from the moment they put in the request until the process is completed. No one is saying the killer is an amnesty seeker.
They are only legal if they come through a port of entry! Any fucker with a brain, and you ain’t one of them, would question why they sneak across a border instead of really seeking refuge, not fucking amnesty! The word is refuge! You are the amnesty seeker, you want amnesty for any illegal who breaks the laws of this country and you don’t give a flying shit that they kill a few Americans along the way!
They sneak across the border and turn themselves in at first opportunity. But thanks for the illumination and conformation on your anti immigrant hatred.
some do, not all. And those who turn themselves in were detained until the left went apeshit cause they were detained and trump caved. Pisses me off. too fking bad, they're here illegally and are therefore detained because of that. I would like to see immigration reform that says you turn yourself in, no judge, you get escorted back across the border to the country you came from immediately. end of story. another possum lie of yours. Your three for three today.

Oh, one more thing, they aren't immigrants, they are illegal aliens, so I really wish you would treat them as to what they are. there is no anti immigration anything, made up lies by you and yours again. four for four now.
Last edited:
Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention

"Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention"
BLM opposes violence and rioting. Go their site. Nice try though.
yeah, sure cause their site says so... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Riots, bullets, tear gas in Ferguson - CNN Video
So let me ask you this.. .can we then say that Republican party and Trumpists support violence, murder and neo nazi ideology because some of their followers do? Right? Even though their platform and party page DO NOT?
I'm sorry, but what is it you think I'm grouping together exactly? No person makes any one group guilty of anything. an illegal who kills a young woman does not mean all do. no one ever made that comment and you won't find one. Illegals are illegally here, and that is just a fact of life. whether you choose to accept that or not is up to you. but don't generalize comments I never made, it makes you small.
Oh...I see. It is DIFFERENT. It is ok to group BLM together and judge them by the actions of a fringe, not the group's platform but you cant do the same with othets like Republicans or Trump supporters? Do I undetstand your double standard correctly here JC?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
Amnesty seekers arent illegal either

sure they are, why else would they need amnesty. that's just a lie. and you didn't even play it well. again, why do you care that I call someone illegal?
I dont. Call them what you want. Illegal immigrants are illegal immigrants. IAmnesty seekers are amesty seekers and their status is legal from the moment they put in the request until the process is completed. No one is saying the killer is an amnesty seeker.
They are only legal if they come through a port of entry! Any fucker with a brain, and you ain’t one of them, would question why they sneak across a border instead of really seeking refuge, not fucking amnesty! The word is refuge! You are the amnesty seeker, you want amnesty for any illegal who breaks the laws of this country and you don’t give a flying shit that they kill a few Americans along the way!
They sneak across the border and turn themselves in at first opportunity. But thanks for the illumination and conformation on your anti immigrant hatred.
Up your ass with that shit!
Feel free to set an example with your own shit and I will happily join you.
Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention

"Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention"
BLM opposes violence and rioting. Go their site. Nice try though.
yeah, sure cause their site says so... :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Riots, bullets, tear gas in Ferguson - CNN Video
So let me ask you this.. .can we then say that Republican party and Trumpists support violence, murder and neo nazi ideology because some of their followers do? Right? Even though their platform and party page DO NOT?
I'm sorry, but what is it you think I'm grouping together exactly? No person makes any one group guilty of anything. an illegal who kills a young woman does not mean all do. no one ever made that comment and you won't find one. Illegals are illegally here, and that is just a fact of life. whether you choose to accept that or not is up to you. but don't generalize comments I never made, it makes you small.
Oh...I see. It is DIFFERENT. It is ok to group BLM together and judge them by the actions of a fringe, not the group's platform but you cant do the same with othets like Republicans or Trump supporters? Do I undetstand your double standard correctly here JC?
well, because BLM is who they are, I can say anything I want in a blog, but actions are my basis and baltimore, chicago, detroit and ferguson are all cespools of BLM violence. sorry sister you're gonna loose this one. how about antifa btw, are they for violence or not? what say you? Remember there are links out there. be careful now.

BTW, show me one link of a trump supporter burning a city down, tearing statues down. stopping free speech at universities. come now child give us some links.
You're right. There are LEGAL, AND ILLEGAL ways to "seek amnesty." Sneaking across the border illegally is when they'll use "amnesty" as a backup when they get caught by a law and order president.

These tards only want open borders, nothing less. Future Mollies are sacrifices for their multicultural vision.
The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!
I did not say he was, idiot.
you are the only one lying Willow. I said his legal status was uncertain And I said that because some were saying he was legally here and some were saying he was here illegaly.
You are a liar! No one reacted to his illegal status until we read the report that he was here illegally, the only person who publicalky stated he was legal was his asinine lawyer! All you have done is defend the bastard and call us who disagree with illegals being in the fucking country illegally racist and homophobes! Put that shit where the moon don’tc Shine!
Where have I defended him? Be very specific Willow because as usual you lie.

I dont defend murders. Refusing to jump on your anri immigrant bandwagon and supporting the parents, who were also victims of this tragedy (unlike you) is not defending a murderer.

Do you ever get tired of politicizing tragedy? ...cause There sure isn't much difference between you and the libtards you incessently moan about.

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