Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
we heard about the father who killed his two children and wife. you're flat ass wrong. and, why didn't you respond to my post?

The father unfortunately owes a responsibility to the community himself and that's what you miss. You should listen to Andrew Pollack who lost a daughter the same way. Now that's a father who loved his daughter. just saying. he wasn't shy about telling everyone he was pissed he lost his daughter. See, that seems reasonable to me. If you truly love someone, you'd be angry. It's who we are. I respect life.
Oh. So a father refusing to hate illegal immigrants because his daughter was murdered by one is now a bad father? What ever happened to the killer in this?

According to your logic ... If she had been murdered by a gun we should go after the ease at which people can get guns and the weak laws that allow dangrrous people to get them? You would agree right?
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.

or watch how they would defend this one too


oh they HYPOCRITES never seized to amaze me. These m............ f.................s haven't any idea what they spew as the idiots parrot what htey hear on MSM. lmfao.

View attachment 213821

Police: Body of Boy Found in Shallow Grave Near a Catholic High School in Long Island Was Killed By MS-13
Can’t you see that spark of divinity?
That's one of the oldest lies they have. Forget the fact that millions of Americans are working at jobs they don't like. Too fucking bad. Get a better one. Cut off their welfare, and see how enticing those jobs look then; when they, and their worthless children are starving, in the dark...

You are a worthless person who preaches hate.
On the contrary. I preach loyalty (a quality you lack), and love. I have, and will continue to fight for both. Against all comers...

You are the one who is loveless and your only agenda is to white nationalism. We will defeat your evil no matter how long it takes.
how you figure, it seems it is you bringing race into this argument. why?

The father spoke about the support he has received from Hispanics and this has nothing to do with Hispanics. That apparently is the trigger for the attacks you trash are making on him.
Yes! We know! The dude who killed Mollie was white! Right? Like Zimmerman?
Try to get his white ass censored!

The fact that his troll thread is still here, after 24 hours, doesn't say a thing about the person that posted it.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....

I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.
Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention

"Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention"
You are a worthless person who preaches hate.
On the contrary. I preach loyalty (a quality you lack), and love. I have, and will continue to fight for both. Against all comers...

You are the one who is loveless and your only agenda is to white nationalism. We will defeat your evil no matter how long it takes.
how you figure, it seems it is you bringing race into this argument. why?

The father spoke about the support he has received from Hispanics and this has nothing to do with Hispanics. That apparently is the trigger for the attacks you trash are making on him.
Yes! We know! The dude who killed Mollie was white! Right? Like Zimmerman?
what's funny is they made a big deal out of zimmerman being white, and can't stop being hypocrites here with an illegal. it's who they are, it's their spots.
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
we heard about the father who killed his two children and wife. you're flat ass wrong. and, why didn't you respond to my post?

The father unfortunately owes a responsibility to the community himself and that's what you miss. You should listen to Andrew Pollack who lost a daughter the same way. Now that's a father who loved his daughter. just saying. he wasn't shy about telling everyone he was pissed he lost his daughter. See, that seems reasonable to me. If you truly love someone, you'd be angry. It's who we are. I respect life.
Oh. So a father refusing to hate illegal immigrants because his daughter was murdered by one is now a bad father? What ever happened to the killer in this?

According to your logic ... If she had been murdered by a gun we should go after the ease at which people can get guns and the weak laws that allow dangrrous people to get them? You would agree right?
What ever happened to the killer in this?

he was an illegal and had our laws protected Mollie, she'd be alive today.

Just like the FBI let down Andrew Pollack's Meadow to stop her killer.

It's truly amazing to me the justification you all have for illegal behavior by our law
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

As the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.
Did this make you dance for joy?

That is where your rhetoric leads.
Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care much or you wouldn't be attacking her parents because they won't jump on your "hate immigrants" bandwagon. We wouldn't hear a peep about her if the killer wasn't immigrant. Her only use to you is to serve as political propoganda.
Pure garbage.

I care about any brainwashed young person being killed because of left wing idiocy.
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.
Did this make you dance for joy?

That is where your rhetoric leads.
You needs life.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

As the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.
why do you care what we think about the murder of Mollie? why are you arguing about our comments exactly?
Last edited:
The fact that his troll thread is still here, after 24 hours, doesn't say a thing about the person that posted it.
Sure it is trolling....

When you sick pieces of shit get hurt by the right’s words it is always “trolling”, but yet when you fuckers justify riots and looting and the burning down of businesses in name of “justice” you consider that educated, professional discussion....

I have never suggested anyone riot, or loot. You are just so full of **** that your head is about to explode.
The Democratic Party and their sycophantic media allies have supported rioting and looting all over the country for a decade now.
Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention

"Black Lives Matter playing a prominent role at Democratic convention"
BLM opposes violence and rioting. Go their site. Nice try though.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
You're right. There are LEGAL, AND ILLEGAL ways to "seek amnesty." Sneaking across the border illegally is when they'll use "amnesty" as a backup when they get caught by a law and order president.

These tards only want open borders, nothing less. Future Mollies are sacrifices for their multicultural vision.
Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

As the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.
why do you care what we think about the murder of Mollie? why are you arguing with our comments exactly?
Why do you care?
[...] people like Mollie and her idiot parents.

Yeah, easy enough to see how much you care; how much respect for those dealing with loss and grief drives your thinking; how a loss of human life gives you pause and brings out the best in you.
I care more about Mollie when I have never even encountered her than her own damn parents and that pisses me off even more.

You wouldn’t know what that feels like.
I doubt you care or you wouldnt be attacking her parents because they wont jump on your hate immigrants bandwagon. We eouldnt here a peep about her if the killer wasnt immigrant. Her only use to you is to setve as political propoganda
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.
Did this make you dance for joy?

That is where your rhetoric leads.
What's the problem?
Hey! There’s an illegal who burned a twenty year old to death, best get your ass over there to that thread and defend him.


No one is defending them. You are just trying to deflect from your own anti-imnigrant hatred.

Ss the parents of Mollie indicated, it is the killer who is responsible for this crine.

Anti fucking illegal.. the illegal part is important you sack o shit! Why can’t you have an honest argument asshole?
Really? The killers legal status wasnt even known when you started piling on. Amnesty seekers arent illegal either but that diesnt stop you.
You're right. There are LEGAL, AND ILLEGAL ways to "seek amnesty." Sneaking across the border illegally is when they'll use "amnesty" as a backup when they get caught by a law and order president.

These tards only want open borders, nothing less. Future Mollies are sacrifices for their multicultural vision.
The asshole who murdered Tibbets was not seeking amnesty! Coyote is a flat out liar!

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