Mollie Tibbet's dad's shameless virtue signaling at daughter's funeral

Her status as a victim is not an opinion, it's a fact.

If her murderer hadn't crossed the border illegally, then she'd still be alive. Also a fact.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, and on all counts.

If someone steals your purse, you are a victim. Because someone you do not know grieves in a way you do not understand, and thus do not approve, you are a victim, and thus you feel entitled to lash out, over-entitled crybaby you are. And behind that "status as a victim", your entirely trashy self vanishes in a haze of hatred, bigotry, and self-pity. Crybaby.

If a phrase begins with "if", denoting a condition that cannot be met, the following is in no way or form a "fact", your silly bellowing notwithstanding.

It's still all about you, all about your grievance, all about your bigotry, your crybaby-ing. And you don't begin to understand how utterly inappropriate your whole thread is, because you cannot for your life understand that Mollie's death is not about you. Not the tiniest bit. Because if you took, for a second, their perspective, you might realize what is at stake for them, what they are struggling with, how they are fighting for their dignity and decency and humanity when, as usual, the path towards stereotyping hatred would be broad, and well-paved, but that's your path, not theirs. If you did that, you'd also realize what an odious role you play in all this. But, that far, you can't, and don't.
Mollie's death is about all of us in the same way that Jamile Shaw's death was about Mollie. The same way that the dozens of people killed by illegals are about all of us. If these victims were torn to death by packs of rabid dogs not a one of you would be blathering about grace. No one would be crawling for the dignity of the wild animals that invaded our cities and prey upon those perceived as vulnerable.

The appropriate response to the slaughter is to drive these vermin from our land.

The vermin in our land is white nationalists and racists. Illegals are not rabid dogs. Take your racist trash and stuff it.
Standing against illegal aliens cannot make one racist, as illegal alien is not a race.

Illegal aliens are not white Europeans. That is all you want. That is indeed racist.
Of course they can be. Did you miss definition class again?
nobody said the hispanic community did. One illegal did. If he weren't here illegally, she'd be alive. It's all we're saying. If he can't say that, he threatens all daughters in the country to the same type of victimization.

You don't know that. One person did it. That is a racist statement.
it is how?

You have not commented on the people who are killed by Americans. Only this one and only because he is a Hispanic. You want to use a individual crime against a whole group of people called Hispanics.

Why do you associate the term illegal immigrant with hispanic?

Because you people do. When you jerks mentions illegals you start talking about Mexico and other Hispanic countries.

Yeah I'm no more okay with people who are in the US illegally form over staying their visa by years, so I have no personal preference based on country, an illegal is an illegal.
Was Mollie's death preordained by fate? If not an illegal immigrant, sompeopleeone else would have murdered her that day? I'm the bad guy for wanting to prevent future murders like this? Is that what you're saying?

So what are you doing to prevent future murders? What are you doing to safeguard jogging paths, bars, people being stalked by others wishing to have sex with some stranger who does not want them? What are you doing about people who have been rejected as lovers and adopt the stance that if they can't have a particular person, nobody else can because they will murder this person first???

I was once threatened by a person whom I rejected and chose not to deal with. Fortunately, I had a dog with very, very big teeth.

In each and every case you cited above, steps are taken. Parks and paths get better lighting and additional patrols. Citizen groups form in consort with LEO’s.

Bars have restricted serving laws passed or lose their liquor licenses.

Mollies death was 100% avoidable, and nothing is being done about it.

Quit your damn sniveling. No amount of it justifies your support of the Cartels cash flow.

Your post is slanderous. Why do you make things up about other people? Who here supports the cartels' cash flow? How do you know? I know of no one who does.

In any event, there is no evidence that this murder was drug-related.

Wake the hell up. A huge source of income to the cartels comes from human smuggling across the border, human trafficking within the United States, and collecting ransom for those being trafficked.

All of this is cash flow for the cartels. You fight our effort to control the border, then you support the Cartels.

It’s as simple as that.

It's not that simple, asshole. Most of these people have nothing to do with cartels. You just have some idiotic idea from john wayne movies that you are somehow "special." Find some other way to pretend that you are "man" and a "patriot."

More nonsense. If you travel through northern Mexico, to enter illegally across our southern border, one way or another, you deal with the Cartel.

You are willfully ignorant.
So what are you doing to prevent future murders? What are you doing to safeguard jogging paths, bars, people being stalked by others wishing to have sex with some stranger who does not want them? What are you doing about people who have been rejected as lovers and adopt the stance that if they can't have a particular person, nobody else can because they will murder this person first???

I was once threatened by a person whom I rejected and chose not to deal with. Fortunately, I had a dog with very, very big teeth.

In each and every case you cited above, steps are taken. Parks and paths get better lighting and additional patrols. Citizen groups form in consort with LEO’s.

Bars have restricted serving laws passed or lose their liquor licenses.

Mollies death was 100% avoidable, and nothing is being done about it.

Quit your damn sniveling. No amount of it justifies your support of the Cartels cash flow.

Your post is slanderous. Why do you make things up about other people? Who here supports the cartels' cash flow? How do you know? I know of no one who does.

In any event, there is no evidence that this murder was drug-related.

Wake the hell up. A huge source of income to the cartels comes from human smuggling across the border, human trafficking within the United States, and collecting ransom for those being trafficked.

All of this is cash flow for the cartels. You fight our effort to control the border, then you support the Cartels.

It’s as simple as that.

It's not that simple, asshole. Most of these people have nothing to do with cartels. You just have some idiotic idea from john wayne movies that you are somehow "special." Find some other way to pretend that you are "man" and a "patriot."

More nonsense. If you travel through northern Mexico, to enter illegally across our southern border, one way or another, you deal with the Cartel.

You are willfully ignorant.

You are a woeful twit, "tough guy." Bet you run around in the woods with these "militia" gangsters playing soldier boy. Please find a more useful way to try and prove your masculinity. You guys are really boring.
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Mollie Tibbetts was ‘nobody’s victim,’ her dad says in powerful eulogy

Raped and murdered:
Dad: "Nobody's victim"

Daughter is gone forever.
Dad: "LOL how bout' them burritos, amirite?"

With parents like these, it's no wonder she turned out to be a self hating SJW.

Molly Tibbets was murdered because she refused the advances of a man who found her attractive. His race, his citizenship are irrelevant.

The last sentence of your paragraph is a lie YOU made up, since you know nothing about this woman or her family. You’re just pissed that they won’t play along with your racist, xenophobic agenda.

You certainly live up to the “trash” moniker you have given yourself.

ChiCom lady, would you say that your support of rape and murder is "pro woman?"

I understand, democrats MUST import illegals, because they vote the way Americans refuse to vote.
In each and every case you cited above, steps are taken. Parks and paths get better lighting and additional patrols. Citizen groups form in consort with LEO’s.

Bars have restricted serving laws passed or lose their liquor licenses.

Mollies death was 100% avoidable, and nothing is being done about it.

Quit your damn sniveling. No amount of it justifies your support of the Cartels cash flow.

Your post is slanderous. Why do you make things up about other people? Who here supports the cartels' cash flow? How do you know? I know of no one who does.

In any event, there is no evidence that this murder was drug-related.

Wake the hell up. A huge source of income to the cartels comes from human smuggling across the border, human trafficking within the United States, and collecting ransom for those being trafficked.

All of this is cash flow for the cartels. You fight our effort to control the border, then you support the Cartels.

It’s as simple as that.

It's not that simple, asshole. Most of these people have nothing to do with cartels. You just have some idiotic idea from john wayne movies that you are somehow "special." Find some other way to pretend that you are "man" and a "patriot."

More nonsense. If you travel through northern Mexico, to enter illegally across our southern border, one way or another, you deal with the Cartel.

You are willfully ignorant.

You are a woeful twit, "tough guy." Bet you run around in the woods with these "militia" gangsters playing soldier boy. Please find a more useful way to try and prove your masculinity. You guys are really boring.

And this has what to do with my post? Mexico has become corrupted by several cartels. They are who controls who enter our southern border. In effect, you prefer allowing the cartels vet who enters our country than us. That speaks volumes about you and progressives.

What, you afraid folks like me will bankrupt the Cartels? They appreciate your support.
Your post is slanderous. Why do you make things up about other people? Who here supports the cartels' cash flow? How do you know? I know of no one who does.

In any event, there is no evidence that this murder was drug-related.

Wake the hell up. A huge source of income to the cartels comes from human smuggling across the border, human trafficking within the United States, and collecting ransom for those being trafficked.

All of this is cash flow for the cartels. You fight our effort to control the border, then you support the Cartels.

It’s as simple as that.

It's not that simple, asshole. Most of these people have nothing to do with cartels. You just have some idiotic idea from john wayne movies that you are somehow "special." Find some other way to pretend that you are "man" and a "patriot."

More nonsense. If you travel through northern Mexico, to enter illegally across our southern border, one way or another, you deal with the Cartel.

You are willfully ignorant.

You are a woeful twit, "tough guy." Bet you run around in the woods with these "militia" gangsters playing soldier boy. Please find a more useful way to try and prove your masculinity. You guys are really boring.

And this has what to do with my post? Mexico has become corrupted by several cartels. They are who controls who enter our southern border. In effect, you prefer allowing the cartels vet who enters our country than us. That speaks volumes about you and progressives.

What, you afraid folks like me will bankrupt the Cartels? They appreciate your support.

It's simple.

Illegal aliens are casting the votes that Americans refuse to cast. The Marxist democrats depend on them.

If Americans won't elect socialists, then Americans will be replaced.
Your post is slanderous. Why do you make things up about other people? Who here supports the cartels' cash flow? How do you know? I know of no one who does.

In any event, there is no evidence that this murder was drug-related.

Wake the hell up. A huge source of income to the cartels comes from human smuggling across the border, human trafficking within the United States, and collecting ransom for those being trafficked.

All of this is cash flow for the cartels. You fight our effort to control the border, then you support the Cartels.

It’s as simple as that.

It's not that simple, asshole. Most of these people have nothing to do with cartels. You just have some idiotic idea from john wayne movies that you are somehow "special." Find some other way to pretend that you are "man" and a "patriot."


More nonsense. If you travel through northern Mexico, to enter illegally across our southern border, one way or another, you deal with the Cartel.

You are willfully ignorant.

You are a woeful twit, "tough guy." Bet you run around in the woods with these "militia" gangsters playing soldier boy. Please find a more useful way to try and prove your masculinity. You guys are really boring.

And this has what to do with my post? Mexico has become corrupted by several cartels. They are who controls who enter our southern border. In effect, you prefer allowing the cartels vet who enters our country than us. That speaks volumes about you and progressives.

What, you afraid folks like me will bankrupt the Cartels? They appreciate your support.

Again, you lie and attribute to me something I have never said. I don't think that you know anything at all about the situation at the southern border or anything about the people coming across. I do not think that mothers and fathers with their children are affiliated with the cartels. Did Alex Jones tell you this??? Rush Limbdick?
course they are affiliated if they pay cartel coyotes to help them invade the USA Lysis .
and where in heck do these supposedly dirt poor third worlders get the claimed big money to pay the cartel coyotes or any 'coyote' if independent 'coyotes' exist . I hear that they pay coyotes many thousand of dollars for coyotes help in invading the USA .
Lefties ALWAYS use spicy food as justification for multiculturalism. Always.

As if we can't figure out how to put peppers into things.

As a thought , maybe the 'coyotes' help these poor third worlders invade for free as simply a way to hurt the USA . Maybe the 'cartels' pay the 'coyotes' to help with the invasion . Heck , the 'cartels' drug sales are where the cartels make their billions of money . ---------------- just a thought Lysis .
Again, you lie and attribute to me something I have never said. I don't think that you know anything at all about the situation at the southern border or anything about the people coming across. I do not think that mothers and fathers with their children are affiliated with the cartels. Did Alex Jones tell you this??? Rush Limbdick?

Hysteria, you're pretty fucking dumb, even as Communists go.

Migrant smuggling has become a lucrative business for the cartels, which charge migrants anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 a head for passage over the Rio Grande. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told a Senate Committee last month that human smuggling brings Mexican cartels more than $500 million a year, but that figure is almost certainly too low. The fact is, the cartels began to professionalize human smuggling around 2010, when large numbers of Central American migrants began coming through what had long been drug smuggling routes. In response, the cartels created a system of fees for migrants and dedicated personnel to police the routes.

The effect of tougher immigration enforcement like Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy is that the coyotes, as the smugglers are called, increase their fees while often misleading migrants about what they can expect once they cross into the United States, promising them visas or some form of amnesty. The coyotes are notorious for abandoning migrants on either side of the Rio Grande once they get paid, or, for those who run out of money, raping or kidnapping helpless customers, some of whom are sold into human trafficking near the border.}

With Cartels In Control, There Are No Easy Answers To The Border Crisis
course they are affiliated if they pay cartel coyotes to help them invade the USA Lysis .
Explain how coyotes are affiliated with cartels. Explain how starving people, fearful of their personal safety and/or that of their families, seeking shelter in the U.S., are "invading the USA," and are affiliated with drug cartels.
Find your masculinity elsewhere.
course there is affiliation and working together . If 'coyotes' don't kiss cartel bosses azzes like widdle wusses then 'coyotes' will be killed . Cartels are the BOSS of the Border and probably interior mexico Lysis .
Wake the hell up. A huge source of income to the cartels comes from human smuggling across the border, human trafficking within the United States, and collecting ransom for those being trafficked.

All of this is cash flow for the cartels. You fight our effort to control the border, then you support the Cartels.

It’s as simple as that.

It's not that simple, asshole. Most of these people have nothing to do with cartels. You just have some idiotic idea from john wayne movies that you are somehow "special." Find some other way to pretend that you are "man" and a "patriot."


More nonsense. If you travel through northern Mexico, to enter illegally across our southern border, one way or another, you deal with the Cartel.

You are willfully ignorant.

You are a woeful twit, "tough guy." Bet you run around in the woods with these "militia" gangsters playing soldier boy. Please find a more useful way to try and prove your masculinity. You guys are really boring.

And this has what to do with my post? Mexico has become corrupted by several cartels. They are who controls who enter our southern border. In effect, you prefer allowing the cartels vet who enters our country than us. That speaks volumes about you and progressives.

What, you afraid folks like me will bankrupt the Cartels? They appreciate your support.

Again, you lie and attribute to me something I have never said. I don't think that you know anything at all about the situation at the southern border or anything about the people coming across. I do not think that mothers and fathers with their children are affiliated with the cartels. Did Alex Jones tell you this??? Rush Limbdick?

No you stupid Cartel supporter, try CNN

Could you look any more idiotic?
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It's not that simple, asshole. Most of these people have nothing to do with cartels. You just have some idiotic idea from john wayne movies that you are somehow "special." Find some other way to pretend that you are "man" and a "patriot."


More nonsense. If you travel through northern Mexico, to enter illegally across our southern border, one way or another, you deal with the Cartel.

You are willfully ignorant.

You are a woeful twit, "tough guy." Bet you run around in the woods with these "militia" gangsters playing soldier boy. Please find a more useful way to try and prove your masculinity. You guys are really boring.

And this has what to do with my post? Mexico has become corrupted by several cartels. They are who controls who enter our southern border. In effect, you prefer allowing the cartels vet who enters our country than us. That speaks volumes about you and progressives.

What, you afraid folks like me will bankrupt the Cartels? They appreciate your support.

Again, you lie and attribute to me something I have never said. I don't think that you know anything at all about the situation at the southern border or anything about the people coming across. I do not think that mothers and fathers with their children are affiliated with the cartels. Did Alex Jones tell you this??? Rush Limbdick?

No you stupid Cartel supporter, try CNN

Could you look any more idiotic?

Not any more than you, pissy little boy. Oh, keep trying to be a man. You never will make it. Bet you have a big gun, too! It does compensate for not being a grown man. Or doesn't it?
this woman, 'Hysteria' is one example that illustrates why the General class of lefty women should not be able to vote in the USA and this board has lots of lefty Wominz' very much like 'Hysteria' . ------------ so , thanks 'suzy b' . And thanks to Hysteria for providing herself as example . [chuckle]
this woman, 'Hysteria' is one example that illustrates why the General class of lefty women should not be able to vote in the USA and this board has lots of lefty Wominz' very much like 'Hysteria' . ------------ so , thanks 'suzy b' . And thanks to Hysteria for providing herself as example . [chuckle]

Obviously protecting her lesbian illegal Latin lover.

She owes the Cartel big time for bringing her dyke lover over the border.

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