Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

And some, like RoeVWade that need to be overturned, an abomination, just as slavery.

Slavery was ended by constitutional amendment.

Including those States that fought for the Union? That refutes your argument that the entire war was about slavery. If it was, SLAVE STATES like Missouri and Kentucky would have fought for the Confederacy. Also, W. Virginia wouldn't have been admitted as a SLAVE state to the union in 1863. So much for that claim of why the war was fought.
If slavery wasn't the issue, there would have been no secession and no Civil war.

If slavery was the only issue, Kentucky and Missouri would have seceded.

Another moron Liberal that has been indoctrinated.
Nonsense. The border states were caught in the middle and tried for a time to remain neutral. Again, the point you can't evade ... if slavery was not an issue, the south would not have seceded and there would not have been a civil war.

A point you can't avoid. If slavery was the issue, all slave states would have been confederate states.
So? That's her choice. How fortunate is she to live in a country where she's in charge of her own body and free to make such choices?

The body inside of her body is not her body.
Where in my post did I say it was? I said she's in charge of her own body. She can't be forced to remain pregnant against her will.

Then why, when her choice is to have the baby, are the rest of us forced to support it if she can't?
Because we don't let children starve in this country.

Apparently you don't believe in personal responsibility. Since you don't, you're welcome to support her kids. MY kids are the only ones I'm responsible for.
Nope. Like it or not, if you pay taxes, you're helping feed her "little bastards."
I'm OK with letting the one who made the choice be responsible for her choices. It's much the same attitude that you Liberals have when it comes to abortion. You say that supporting choice isn't the same as supporting abortion. I say that expecting someone to pay the price for a choice they told the rest of us is called personal responsibility. If their choice is none of my business, then I'm willing to stay out of the result, too.
Then you're ok letting babies starve to death.

You're a baby killer.

I'm OK with the woman making the choice being responsible for the choice. Since you think her choices including the ones she said weren't your business are your responsibility when she can't afford it, if they do, it's on you. You support the concept of giving her money for making bad choices. I don't. I simply expect her to be responsible for the ones she made. It ends there for me since her choices aren't my place to fund no matter the result.
Since I'm not paying for her abortion, why would I care?

And neither are you if she's getting an abortion.

You ARE paying, however, if she gives birth to that baby. You're paying for her delivery and you're paying for the child's upbringing, whether she keeps her baby or not.

If not paying for it were your concern, you'd be personally driving her to Planned Parenthood.

And there is the problem. If she chooses to give birth, she should pay or do without. It's not the responsibility of taxpayers to pay for her choice when she said to butt out of it.
So you're in favor of her having the abortion then, right? Since that won't cost you anything.

Talk about evading. You just did.

Depends. Some abortions are funded by tax money despite the claim by you morons that it never happens.
The body inside of her body is not her body.
Where in my post did I say it was? I said she's in charge of her own body. She can't be forced to remain pregnant against her will.

Then why, when her choice is to have the baby, are the rest of us forced to support it if she can't?
Because we don't let children starve in this country.

Apparently you don't believe in personal responsibility. Since you don't, you're welcome to support her kids. MY kids are the only ones I'm responsible for.
Nope. Like it or not, if you pay taxes, you're helping feed her "little bastards."

Which means you don't support personal responsibility. That you think taxes should go to fund the results of a choice a woman make and say to butt out of proves you don't.
The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

Since the Constitution covers human and what you want to call a fetus in order to justify killing it is a human, it's covered. No need for anything other than what we have.
Sorry, but unborn children are not citizens, have no freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, etc. The Constitution covers born humans.

Where does it say that specifically? Again, another claim you can't support with any evidence.
Let's start with the first item .... "unborn children are not citizens"

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

There are only two classifications of citizens ... born or naturalized in the United States. Unborn are neither.

They are humans therefore, according to the Liberal mindset have rights.
I just posted text for you from the Constitution and you still can't understand.

Oh well, can't say I didn't try. :dunno:
The body inside of her body is not her body.
Where in my post did I say it was? I said she's in charge of her own body. She can't be forced to remain pregnant against her will.

Then why, when her choice is to have the baby, are the rest of us forced to support it if she can't?
Because we don't let children starve in this country.

Apparently you don't believe in personal responsibility. Since you don't, you're welcome to support her kids. MY kids are the only ones I'm responsible for.
Nope. Like it or not, if you pay taxes, you're helping feed her "little bastards."

Yet you oppose the baby daddy doing it. It's about high time all those damn *******, spics, and white trash having little bastards they can't feed start feeding their own.
Nothing stays inside her she doesn't want there.

But it's not her, it's another living being.
So? Her rights to own her own body supersede the non-existent rights of the "living body" inside her.

Yet her responsibility for the little bastard she can't feed belong to someone else? Not how it works.
Actually, that's exactly how it works. Again .... we don't let children starve. I don't care how heartless conservatives are.

I don't let mine starve and they are the only ones that matter to me.

You don't seem to care that you oppose personal responsibility. I bet you think someone else being forced to pay for a person's mistakes will give them an incentive to do better next time. You likely do fool.
How many times are you going to demonstrate you have no fucking clue what of what you speak about?
Since the Constitution covers human and what you want to call a fetus in order to justify killing it is a human, it's covered. No need for anything other than what we have.
Sorry, but unborn children are not citizens, have no freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, etc. The Constitution covers born humans.

Where does it say that specifically? Again, another claim you can't support with any evidence.
Let's start with the first item .... "unborn children are not citizens"

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

There are only two classifications of citizens ... born or naturalized in the United States. Unborn are neither.

They are humans therefore, according to the Liberal mindset have rights.
I just posted text for you from the Constitution and you still can't understand.

Oh well, can't say I didn't try. :dunno:

You can't do shit but run your fucking mouth that someone needs to shut for you.
But it's not her, it's another living being.
So? Her rights to own her own body supersede the non-existent rights of the "living body" inside her.

Yet her responsibility for the little bastard she can't feed belong to someone else? Not how it works.
Actually, that's exactly how it works. Again .... we don't let children starve. I don't care how heartless conservatives are.

I don't let mine starve and they are the only ones that matter to me.

You don't seem to care that you oppose personal responsibility. I bet you think someone else being forced to pay for a person's mistakes will give them an incentive to do better next time. You likely do fool.
How many times are you going to demonstrate you have no fucking clue what of what you speak about?

Since you don't expect the person making the choice to pay for it, you don't support personal responsibility. How many times do you have to be educated that you aren't for it. You can't say you are then support things that go against the concept.
You want the choice but not the responsibility that comes with it yet you think doing so means they'll make better choices.

I didn't say either one was better. What I said is better is for her to pay for whatever she chooses to do.

You clearly have no fucking clue what you're saying. :rolleyes:

You clearly don't support the concept of personal responsibility.
Hisses the rightard who already demonstrated he has no fucking clue of what he's talking about. :eusa_doh:

You have indicated that you aren't willing to hold the person making a choice she said was no one else's business responsible for that choice. It's nothing else but opposing personal responsibility. If she makes the choice to have kids and you don't hold her accountable for the results, you oppose personal responsibility.
Fruitloop dingus -- why do you want children to go hungry in this country if their parents can't afford them?
You want the choice but not the responsibility that comes with it yet you think doing so means they'll make better choices.

I didn't say either one was better. What I said is better is for her to pay for whatever she chooses to do.

You clearly have no fucking clue what you're saying. :rolleyes:

You clearly don't support the concept of personal responsibility.
Hisses the rightard who already demonstrated he has no fucking clue of what he's talking about. :eusa_doh:

You have indicated that you aren't willing to hold the person making a choice she said was no one else's business responsible for that choice. It's nothing else but opposing personal responsibility. If she makes the choice to have kids and you don't hold her accountable for the results, you oppose personal responsibility.
Fruitloop dingus -- why do you want children to go hungry in this country if their parents can't afford them?

What I want is the person that made the choice to have them pay for the choice they said was none of my business when it was made. If the choice is none of my business, the responsibility isn't mine either. I support the ones I have. That's my job. It's the job of those that had those that aren't mine to support their own.

Why do you oppose those making a choice not paying for that choice especially when they said I should butt out of it?
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
Women know of what they are killing, usually. And she changed her mind, fine but that changes nothing, for most.
... said by a POS that wants humanity wiped from the face of the planet.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Slavery was ended by constitutional amendment.

Including those States that fought for the Union? That refutes your argument that the entire war was about slavery. If it was, SLAVE STATES like Missouri and Kentucky would have fought for the Confederacy. Also, W. Virginia wouldn't have been admitted as a SLAVE state to the union in 1863. So much for that claim of why the war was fought.
If slavery wasn't the issue, there would have been no secession and no Civil war.

If slavery was the only issue, Kentucky and Missouri would have seceded.

Another moron Liberal that has been indoctrinated.
Nonsense. The border states were caught in the middle and tried for a time to remain neutral. Again, the point you can't evade ... if slavery was not an issue, the south would not have seceded and there would not have been a civil war.

A point you can't avoid. If slavery was the issue, all slave states would have been confederate states.
I can't help it's beyond your paygrade to understand the border states were caught in the middle and tried to stay out of the dispute.

Even Georgia thinks you're an imbecile....

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.
Including those States that fought for the Union? That refutes your argument that the entire war was about slavery. If it was, SLAVE STATES like Missouri and Kentucky would have fought for the Confederacy. Also, W. Virginia wouldn't have been admitted as a SLAVE state to the union in 1863. So much for that claim of why the war was fought.
If slavery wasn't the issue, there would have been no secession and no Civil war.

If slavery was the only issue, Kentucky and Missouri would have seceded.

Another moron Liberal that has been indoctrinated.
Nonsense. The border states were caught in the middle and tried for a time to remain neutral. Again, the point you can't evade ... if slavery was not an issue, the south would not have seceded and there would not have been a civil war.

A point you can't avoid. If slavery was the issue, all slave states would have been confederate states.
I can't help it's beyond your paygrade to understand the border states were caught in the middle and tried to stay out of the dispute.

Even Georgia thinks you're an imbecile....

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

I can't help you were willing to believe lies and become indoctrinated thinking you were educated.

Funny thing is Georgia joined.
Then you're ok letting babies starve to death.

You're a baby killer.

I'm OK with the woman making the choice being responsible for the choice. Since you think her choices including the ones she said weren't your business are your responsibility when she can't afford it, if they do, it's on you. You support the concept of giving her money for making bad choices. I don't. I simply expect her to be responsible for the ones she made. It ends there for me since her choices aren't my place to fund no matter the result.
Since I'm not paying for her abortion, why would I care?

And neither are you if she's getting an abortion.

You ARE paying, however, if she gives birth to that baby. You're paying for her delivery and you're paying for the child's upbringing, whether she keeps her baby or not.

If not paying for it were your concern, you'd be personally driving her to Planned Parenthood.

And there is the problem. If she chooses to give birth, she should pay or do without. It's not the responsibility of taxpayers to pay for her choice when she said to butt out of it.
So you're in favor of her having the abortion then, right? Since that won't cost you anything.

Talk about evading. You just did.

Depends. Some abortions are funded by tax money despite the claim by you morons that it never happens.
I evaded nothing, ya fruit loop dingus. And the only abortions funded with tax dollars are in cases of rape, incest, and/or life of the mother. That amounts to roughly one percent of all abortions.

So you're in favor of them, right? They cost you nothing; which is far less than your costs if she has the baby.
If slavery wasn't the issue, there would have been no secession and no Civil war.

If slavery was the only issue, Kentucky and Missouri would have seceded.

Another moron Liberal that has been indoctrinated.
Nonsense. The border states were caught in the middle and tried for a time to remain neutral. Again, the point you can't evade ... if slavery was not an issue, the south would not have seceded and there would not have been a civil war.

A point you can't avoid. If slavery was the issue, all slave states would have been confederate states.
I can't help it's beyond your paygrade to understand the border states were caught in the middle and tried to stay out of the dispute.

Even Georgia thinks you're an imbecile....

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

I can't help you were willing to believe lies and become indoctrinated thinking you were educated.

Funny thing is Georgia joined.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's not a lie -- that is Georgia's actual declaration for seceding.

Damn, you're one brain-dead conservative. :ack-1:
I'm OK with the woman making the choice being responsible for the choice. Since you think her choices including the ones she said weren't your business are your responsibility when she can't afford it, if they do, it's on you. You support the concept of giving her money for making bad choices. I don't. I simply expect her to be responsible for the ones she made. It ends there for me since her choices aren't my place to fund no matter the result.
Since I'm not paying for her abortion, why would I care?

And neither are you if she's getting an abortion.

You ARE paying, however, if she gives birth to that baby. You're paying for her delivery and you're paying for the child's upbringing, whether she keeps her baby or not.

If not paying for it were your concern, you'd be personally driving her to Planned Parenthood.

And there is the problem. If she chooses to give birth, she should pay or do without. It's not the responsibility of taxpayers to pay for her choice when she said to butt out of it.
So you're in favor of her having the abortion then, right? Since that won't cost you anything.

Talk about evading. You just did.

Depends. Some abortions are funded by tax money despite the claim by you morons that it never happens.
I evaded nothing, ya fruit loop dingus. And the only abortions funded with tax dollars are in cases of rape, incest, and/or life of the mother. That amounts to roughly one percent of all abortions.

So you're in favor of them, right? They cost you nothing; which is far less than your costs if she has the baby.

Percentage is irrelevant. Tax money still goes for abortions.

If people like you held women who have kids responsible for their choices, her having kids would cost us nothing. That's the issue.
If slavery was the only issue, Kentucky and Missouri would have seceded.

Another moron Liberal that has been indoctrinated.
Nonsense. The border states were caught in the middle and tried for a time to remain neutral. Again, the point you can't evade ... if slavery was not an issue, the south would not have seceded and there would not have been a civil war.

A point you can't avoid. If slavery was the issue, all slave states would have been confederate states.
I can't help it's beyond your paygrade to understand the border states were caught in the middle and tried to stay out of the dispute.

Even Georgia thinks you're an imbecile....

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

I can't help you were willing to believe lies and become indoctrinated thinking you were educated.

Funny thing is Georgia joined.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's not a lie -- that is Georgia's actual declaration for seceding.

Damn, you're one brain-dead conservative. :ack-1:

Says the one that thinks slavery was the reason for the war and can't understand why it wasn't.
Where in my post did I say it was? I said she's in charge of her own body. She can't be forced to remain pregnant against her will.

Then why, when her choice is to have the baby, are the rest of us forced to support it if she can't?
Because we don't let children starve in this country.

Apparently you don't believe in personal responsibility. Since you don't, you're welcome to support her kids. MY kids are the only ones I'm responsible for.
Nope. Like it or not, if you pay taxes, you're helping feed her "little bastards."

Yet you oppose the baby daddy doing it. It's about high time all those damn *******, spics, and white trash having little bastards they can't feed start feeding their own.
And some conservatives wonder why so many people view them as racists.

Thanks! :thup:

And btw, no, I don't oppose the father paying for his child. Let's just chalk this up to yet another instance where you demonstrate you have no fucking clue of what you're speaking about.
Then why, when her choice is to have the baby, are the rest of us forced to support it if she can't?
Because we don't let children starve in this country.

Apparently you don't believe in personal responsibility. Since you don't, you're welcome to support her kids. MY kids are the only ones I'm responsible for.
Nope. Like it or not, if you pay taxes, you're helping feed her "little bastards."

Yet you oppose the baby daddy doing it. It's about high time all those damn *******, spics, and white trash having little bastards they can't feed start feeding their own.
And some conservatives wonder why so many people view them as racists.

Thanks! :thup:

And btw, no, I don't oppose the father paying for his child. Let's just chalk this up to yet another instance where you demonstrate you have no fucking clue of what you're speaking about.

And you wonder why you're viewed as opposing personal responsibility. You claim you want the sperm donor to pay but it's interesting that you never mentioned him until I did. You did mention that taxpayers who didn't produce the child should pay but not oner mention of the other party involved in the creation. I call bullshit on your claim and say you are lying.

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