Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

not only is he saying that we shouldn't feed hungry children, but he's saying that women should be forced to have those children and then raise them to starve...

because jesus said punish the harlots...
Do you find it as easy to be laying with men you don't know as you find lying about what I say, jillian ? Never ever have I suggested children should be starving and I resent you and that Skylar saying I said that. In my spare time, I belong to an organization that supports contributing to youth services for the YMCA and we hold activities than helps fund 27 food pantries in the Quad Cities. That takes my involvement which I gladly give my time for free. What have you done to help the poor in your city? Talk is cheap.
She kills babies :)
Nice meltdown.

Now tell me, if the fetus is a person according to the Constitution, why do people like you want a Constitutional amendment to declare the fetus a person?

Why do you want something put into the Constitution that you also insist is already there?

To use your words, stop lying about what I believe.

I don't think there needs to be an amendment. I already believe it's a person.

Show me where I said I wanted such an amendment. You'll have the same chance of finding it and you do the word abortion in the Constitution. I haven't said such a thing nor is the word abortion there. As the typical dumbass, you'll probably look.

So you're content to leave the fetus unprotected by the Constitution? lol, I stand corrected, baby killer.

The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.

That's how the pro abortion crowd justifies murder. They don't consider an unborn child a human being.
Nice meltdown.

Now tell me, if the fetus is a person according to the Constitution, why do people like you want a Constitutional amendment to declare the fetus a person?

Why do you want something put into the Constitution that you also insist is already there?

To use your words, stop lying about what I believe.

I don't think there needs to be an amendment. I already believe it's a person.

Show me where I said I wanted such an amendment. You'll have the same chance of finding it and you do the word abortion in the Constitution. I haven't said such a thing nor is the word abortion there. As the typical dumbass, you'll probably look.

So you're content to leave the fetus unprotected by the Constitution? lol, I stand corrected, baby killer.

The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.

Early term abortion was considered acceptable and was legal in the colonies at the time of the framing of the Constitution.

Acceptable by whom, other baby killers like you?
To use your words, stop lying about what I believe.

I don't think there needs to be an amendment. I already believe it's a person.

Show me where I said I wanted such an amendment. You'll have the same chance of finding it and you do the word abortion in the Constitution. I haven't said such a thing nor is the word abortion there. As the typical dumbass, you'll probably look.

So you're content to leave the fetus unprotected by the Constitution? lol, I stand corrected, baby killer.

The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.

That's how the pro abortion crowd justifies murder. They don't consider an unborn child a human being.

I don't, and I'm right. If you think a fertilized egg is no different than you, you're insane.
The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.

Early term abortion was considered acceptable and was legal in the colonies at the time of the framing of the Constitution.

And's not in the Constitution as you claimed.

It doesn't have to be. The Constitution makes a point of saying that just because a right isn't enumerated in the Constitution that does not mean it isn't a right.

You claimed abortion was part of the Constitution because Roe v Wade was in it.

The Constitution collectively includes all case law that has been decided by the Court. That case law has as much or more authority than the original text of the Constitution and its amendments.
To use your words, stop lying about what I believe.

I don't think there needs to be an amendment. I already believe it's a person.

Show me where I said I wanted such an amendment. You'll have the same chance of finding it and you do the word abortion in the Constitution. I haven't said such a thing nor is the word abortion there. As the typical dumbass, you'll probably look.

So you're content to leave the fetus unprotected by the Constitution? lol, I stand corrected, baby killer.

The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.

Early term abortion was considered acceptable and was legal in the colonies at the time of the framing of the Constitution.

Acceptable by whom, other baby killers like you?

The Protestant Churches of the times for starters.

Btw, I have exactly zero emotional investment in the fate of a fetus so you can stop wasting your time with the namecalling,

and, I've already proved that you are what you call a baby killer because you're perfectly willing to let states legalize abortion.
No one is forcing you to pay for abortions.

Taxpayers are forced to support the children a woman chose to have with her body and she can't afford to raise. The choice to have them is as much of a choice as having an abortion. She made it, let her pay. If she can't, let her and her choices do without. If you want her to have the sole choice, give her the sole responsibility or the choice is nothing more than doing without having to pay the price.
So you're ok letting such babies starve?

Baby killer.

I'm OK with letting the one who made the choice be responsible for her choices. It's much the same attitude that you Liberals have when it comes to abortion. You say that supporting choice isn't the same as supporting abortion. I say that expecting someone to pay the price for a choice they told the rest of us is called personal responsibility. If their choice is none of my business, then I'm willing to stay out of the result, too.
Then you're ok letting babies starve to death.

You're a baby killer.

I'm OK with the woman making the choice being responsible for the choice. Since you think her choices including the ones she said weren't your business are your responsibility when she can't afford it, if they do, it's on you. You support the concept of giving her money for making bad choices. I don't. I simply expect her to be responsible for the ones she made. It ends there for me since her choices aren't my place to fund no matter the result.
Since I'm not paying for her abortion, why would I care?

And neither are you if she's getting an abortion.

You ARE paying, however, if she gives birth to that baby. You're paying for her delivery and you're paying for the child's upbringing, whether she keeps her baby or not.

If not paying for it were your concern, you'd be personally driving her to Planned Parenthood.
Roe v Wade dumbass.

Roe v Wade are words in the Constitution? You really are that stupid. That's why we have another unqualified black in a government job as President.
Individual freedoms are in the Constitution

And some, like RoeVWade that need to be overturned, an abomination, just as slavery.
A woman's right to terminate her own pregnancy is not going to be overturned anytime soon, if ever at all.

When is her responsibility for the choices she makes with her body going to be hers alone since she made the choice?
They already are. Stop making it your business and stay the fuck out of hers.
Roe v Wade dumbass.

Roe v Wade are words in the Constitution? You really are that stupid. That's why we have another unqualified black in a government job as President.
Individual freedoms are in the Constitution

And some, like RoeVWade that need to be overturned, an abomination, just as slavery.

Slavery was ended by constitutional amendment.

Including those States that fought for the Union? That refutes your argument that the entire war was about slavery. If it was, SLAVE STATES like Missouri and Kentucky would have fought for the Confederacy. Also, W. Virginia wouldn't have been admitted as a SLAVE state to the union in 1863. So much for that claim of why the war was fought.
If slavery wasn't the issue, there would have been no secession and no Civil war.
I know that you were asked to provide words in the Constitution and you didn't.

I also know that you're a BABY KILLER. It's a shame you weren't subjected to something you think is right.

Nice meltdown.

Now tell me, if the fetus is a person according to the Constitution, why do people like you want a Constitutional amendment to declare the fetus a person?

Why do you want something put into the Constitution that you also insist is already there?

To use your words, stop lying about what I believe.

I don't think there needs to be an amendment. I already believe it's a person.

Show me where I said I wanted such an amendment. You'll have the same chance of finding it and you do the word abortion in the Constitution. I haven't said such a thing nor is the word abortion there. As the typical dumbass, you'll probably look.

So you're content to leave the fetus unprotected by the Constitution? lol, I stand corrected, baby killer.

The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

Since the Constitution covers human and what you want to call a fetus in order to justify killing it is a human, it's covered. No need for anything other than what we have.
Sorry, but unborn children are not citizens, have no freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, etc. The Constitution covers born humans.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
So? That's her choice. How fortunate is she to live in a country where she's in charge of her own body and free to make such choices?

The body inside of her body is not her body.
Where in my post did I say it was? I said she's in charge of her own body. She can't be forced to remain pregnant against her will.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
So? That's her choice. How fortunate is she to live in a country where she's in charge of her own body and free to make such choices?

If she were in charge of her own choices, those who demand someone else pay for them when she can't would do without until she could. With choices, comes responsibility for paying for them. Those of you who want only the choice don't care that others are forced to pay for something we were told to butt out of.
No one is forcing you to pay for abortions.

Yeah, yeah, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the largest abortion provider in the nation - whose primary activity overwhelmingly is abortion - but "no one's forcing you to pay for abortions" because we keep that money on the OTHER books from the abortion money. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Only fools and lawyers actually proclaim belief in such transparent accounting tricks. And only the fools are serious about it.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo: Abortion is far from Planned Parenthood's overwhelming primary activity. :cuckoo:

Numbers from 2012 claim

11 million medical services rendered; of which, some 330K were abortions ...

... comes to 3% of all services are abortions. You know, 3% -- what you idiotically call, "whose primary activity overwhelmingly is abortion." :rolleyes:

As far as what you think takes place with a wink and a nudge.... I truly find conservatives to be disturbingly deranged. Why on Earth would I care what y'all delude yourself into believing takes place behind closed doors?
So? That's her choice. How fortunate is she to live in a country where she's in charge of her own body and free to make such choices?

If she were in charge of her own choices, those who demand someone else pay for them when she can't would do without until she could. With choices, comes responsibility for paying for them. Those of you who want only the choice don't care that others are forced to pay for something we were told to butt out of.
No one is forcing you to pay for abortions.

Taxpayers are forced to support the children a woman chose to have with her body and she can't afford to raise. The choice to have them is as much of a choice as having an abortion. She made it, let her pay. If she can't, let her and her choices do without. If you want her to have the sole choice, give her the sole responsibility or the choice is nothing more than doing without having to pay the price.
So you're ok letting such babies starve?

Baby killer.

Straw man.
To highlight the strawman I was responding to. Thanks for noticing. :thup:
So you're content to leave the fetus unprotected by the Constitution? lol, I stand corrected, baby killer.

An unborn baby is protected because they are human. No need to be redundant when something is already there.

When you support abortion, you're the baby killer. You must be proud of it. If you are, do a retroactive one on yourself and the world a favor.
Why don't you to get out of paying taxes you're against?

why don't you hold those making the choices that involves someone else being forced to pay taxes responsible for those choices and the price that comes with making them? You want the choice but not the responsibility that comes with it yet you think doing so means they'll make better choices.
You don't get to decide which is the better choice for other women.

Why not? We apparently get to decide how much soda someone drinks, whether or not they can smoke cigarettes in their own home, what type of light bulb they can purchase, what sort of toilet they can own . . . why is THAT ONE ISSUE the only thing on which people have unfettered choice, even to the point of, apparently, having a right to be completely ignorant of what they're choosing?
It's a matter of privacy. In private, I'm not aware that the government can tell you how much soda to drink or cigarettes to smoke.
They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.

Early term abortion was considered acceptable and was legal in the colonies at the time of the framing of the Constitution.

And's not in the Constitution as you claimed.

It doesn't have to be. The Constitution makes a point of saying that just because a right isn't enumerated in the Constitution that does not mean it isn't a right.

You claimed abortion was part of the Constitution because Roe v Wade was in it.

The Constitution collectively includes all case law that has been decided by the Court. That case law has as much or more authority than the original text of the Constitution and its amendments.
So you're content to leave the fetus unprotected by the Constitution? lol, I stand corrected, baby killer.

The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.

That's how the pro abortion crowd justifies murder. They don't consider an unborn child a human being.

I don't, and I'm right. If you think a fertilized egg is no different than you, you're insane.

No, it's insanity to think there is a difference. Both are human beings...1 member of the species. Scientific fact.
Early term abortion was considered acceptable and was legal in the colonies at the time of the framing of the Constitution.

And's not in the Constitution as you claimed.

It doesn't have to be. The Constitution makes a point of saying that just because a right isn't enumerated in the Constitution that does not mean it isn't a right.

You claimed abortion was part of the Constitution because Roe v Wade was in it.

The Constitution collectively includes all case law that has been decided by the Court. That case law has as much or more authority than the original text of the Constitution and its amendments.
The Constitution was amended to include both women and blacks

They never got around to including fetuses

They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.

That's how the pro abortion crowd justifies murder. They don't consider an unborn child a human being.

I don't, and I'm right. If you think a fertilized egg is no different than you, you're insane.

No, it's insanity to think there is a difference. Both are human beings...1 member of the species. Scientific fact.

Where do they think human beings come from? How do they not know that once the egg is fertilized and begins dividing that a new human being has been created? How are they so confused that they don't understand an xx week old embryo and/or fetus is a human being in a stage of development? Do they think a magic moment happens and poof!, the unborn suddenly 'become' a human being?

There is no choice for them but to dehumanize the unborn because the alternative would mean that they'd have to admit and accept that abortion actually does kill a human being ... and they won't ever do that.
And's not in the Constitution as you claimed.

It doesn't have to be. The Constitution makes a point of saying that just because a right isn't enumerated in the Constitution that does not mean it isn't a right.

You claimed abortion was part of the Constitution because Roe v Wade was in it.

The Constitution collectively includes all case law that has been decided by the Court. That case law has as much or more authority than the original text of the Constitution and its amendments.
They probably didn't expect to have to add "human being" to the description, expecting people would not be so stupid they wouldn't accept that reality.

They were wrong.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.

That's how the pro abortion crowd justifies murder. They don't consider an unborn child a human being.

I don't, and I'm right. If you think a fertilized egg is no different than you, you're insane.

No, it's insanity to think there is a difference. Both are human beings...1 member of the species. Scientific fact.

Where do they think human beings come from? How do they not know that once the egg is fertilized and begins dividing that a new human being has been created? How are they so confused that they don't understand an xx week old embryo and/or fetus is a human being in a stage of development? Do they think a magic moment happens and poof!, the unborn suddenly 'become' a human being?

There is no choice for them but to dehumanize the unborn because the alternative would mean that they'd have to admit and accept that abortion actually does kill a human being ... and they won't ever do that.

No, they won't. I doubt you'll see any of them even type the words. Even that is too hard and forces them to come to close to the realization of what it truly means.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
So? That's her choice. How fortunate is she to live in a country where she's in charge of her own body and free to make such choices?

The body inside of her body is not her body.
Where in my post did I say it was? I said she's in charge of her own body. She can't be forced to remain pregnant against her will.

Then why, when her choice is to have the baby, are the rest of us forced to support it if she can't?

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