Moms are turning to crowdfunding to help pay for maternity leave

You really don't get the difference cops with guns and your employer?

Not sure how or why you introduced LEOs into the conversation, but what they have to do with maternity leave is so outre it's beyond my comprehension, so you'll have to elucidate.

Or just stock up on jerky and ammo, buy yourself a generator and go off the grid, Grizzly Adams. Seems as if that's the only way you'll stop feeling like a victim, but it might cut down on your ability to post here.
You really don't get the difference cops with guns and your employer?

Not sure how or why you introduced LEOs into the conversation, but what they have to do with maternity leave is so outre it's beyond my comprehension, so you'll have to elucidate.

Well, let's see. Law enforcement officers enforce laws (imagine that!). We've been discussing laws mandating maternity leave.

Or just stock up on jerky and ammo, buy yourself a generator and go off the grid, Grizzly Adams. Seems as if that's the only way you'll stop feeling like a victim, but it might cut down on your ability to post here.

This always your fallback schtick. But it's empty non-sense and you know it. What you won't acknowledge is that the authoritarian government you dream of is far more barbaric "Grizzly Adams" could ever manage.
You really don't get the difference cops with guns and your employer?

Not sure how or why you introduced LEOs into the conversation, but what they have to do with maternity leave is so outre it's beyond my comprehension, so you'll have to elucidate.

Well, let's see. Law enforcement officers enforce laws (imagine that!). We've been discussing laws mandating maternity leave. Need more?

Or just stock up on jerky and ammo, buy yourself a generator and go off the grid, Grizzly Adams. Seems as if that's the only way you'll stop feeling like a victim, but it might cut down on your ability to post here.

This always your fallback schtick. But it's empty non-sense and you know it. What you won't acknowledge is that the authoritarian government you dream of is far more barbaric "Grizzly Adams" could ever manage.
You really don't get the difference cops with guns and your employer?

Not sure how or why you introduced LEOs into the conversation, but what they have to do with maternity leave is so outre it's beyond my comprehension, so you'll have to elucidate.

Well, let's see. Law enforcement officers enforce laws (imagine that!). We've been discussing laws mandating maternity leave.

So you picture storm troopers breaking in to the executive suite and forcing (your favorite word) corporate execs to allow women a few extra weeks with their newborns. Mind-boggling.

Or just stock up on jerky and ammo, buy yourself a generator and go off the grid, Grizzly Adams. Seems as if that's the only way you'll stop feeling like a victim, but it might cut down on your ability to post here.

This always your fallback schtick. But it's empty non-sense and you know it. What you won't acknowledge is that the authoritarian government you dream of is far more barbaric "Grizzly Adams" could ever manage.

It is the suggested fallback for you, because there doesn't seem to be anything you like about living in this country, yet I doubt you'd have the resources to move to some Randian paradise like, oh, I don't know, Somalia?
Babies are a national resource.

That's is exactly where this kind of crap leads.

Anyone here read "The Handmaid's Tale"?

So, in your mind, a mother having a few extra weeks to spend with her newborn is EXACTLY the same as a slave being forced to bear children for someone else.


I'm sorry for boggling your mind. But the idea that babies are a 'national resource' was the core idea of that story (you really should read it) and the more general idea that the people are a resource in service to the priorities of the nation is the sickness at the core of fascism.
Babies are a national resource.

That's is exactly where this kind of crap leads.

Anyone here read "The Handmaid's Tale"?

So, in your mind, a mother having a few extra weeks to spend with her newborn is EXACTLY the same as a slave being forced to bear children for someone else.


I'm sorry for boggling your mind. But the idea that babies are a 'national resource' was the core idea of that story (you really should read it) and the more general idea that the people are a resource in service to the priorities of the nation is the sickness at the core of fascism.

I have read it. And the central concept of the story was that young fertile women were used as concubines to bear children for wealthy women who could no longer get pregnant. Apparently that part went right over your head.

The idea of granting the mother of a newborn a few extra weeks to spend with her baby without fear of losing her job is precisely the opposite of that.

"You don't get maternity leave" says "You're our property; we decide your fate." Which is exactly what the ruling class in The Handmaid's Tale dictated to the women under its control.
You really don't get the difference cops with guns and your employer?

Not sure how or why you introduced LEOs into the conversation, but what they have to do with maternity leave is so outre it's beyond my comprehension, so you'll have to elucidate.

Well, let's see. Law enforcement officers enforce laws (imagine that!). We've been discussing laws mandating maternity leave.

So you picture storm troopers breaking in to the executive suite and forcing (your favorite word) corporate execs to allow women a few extra weeks with their newborns. Mind-boggling.

Boggled again? Let's see if I can help. Tell us how think it would work out if a company persisted in flaunting the mandate? What do you think might happen if they ignored the government's demands that they pay fines, or close their company?

It is the suggested fallback for you, because there doesn't seem to be anything you like about living in this country, yet I doubt you'd have the resources to move to some Randian paradise like, oh, I don't know, Somalia?

I know it's the suggested talking point when dealing with libertarians. Nevermind that it's an empty strawman. Spin doesn't have to makes, as long as you repeat it confidently!
You really don't get the difference cops with guns and your employer?

Not sure how or why you introduced LEOs into the conversation, but what they have to do with maternity leave is so outre it's beyond my comprehension, so you'll have to elucidate.

Well, let's see. Law enforcement officers enforce laws (imagine that!). We've been discussing laws mandating maternity leave.

So you picture storm troopers breaking in to the executive suite and forcing (your favorite word) corporate execs to allow women a few extra weeks with their newborns. Mind-boggling.

Boggled again? Let's see if I can help. Tell us how think it would work out if a company persisted in flaunting the mandate? What do you think might happen if they ignored the government's demands that they pay fines, or close their company?

It is the suggested fallback for you, because there doesn't seem to be anything you like about living in this country, yet I doubt you'd have the resources to move to some Randian paradise like, oh, I don't know, Somalia?

I know it's the suggested talking point when dealing with libertarians. Nevermind that it's an empty strawman. Spin doesn't have to makes, as long as you repeat it confidently!

I've got a better idea. Why don't you tell me what you imagine happens in a country where the birth-rate drops below the point of sustainability. (I say "imagine," because it's obvious you've never thought about it.)

You can use Japan as a RL example.

Because I would like to stay within the realm of RL, not "dblack's OMG!!!! fantasies," mmkay?
I've got a better idea. Why don't you ...

Ahh, I don' t blame you for dodging. Not really. You sound like one of those people who is uncomfortable with being called out as an authoritarian. Maybe you can got OFA and get another TP for us to talk about. I'll wait.
I've got a better idea. Why don't you ...

Ahh, I don' t blame you for dodging. Not really. You sound like one of those people who is uncomfortable with being called out as an authoritarian. Maybe you can go to OFA and get another TP for us to talk about. I'll wait.
I've got a better idea. Why don't you ...

Ahh, I don' t blame you for dodging. Not really. You sound like one of those people who is uncomfortable with being called out as an authoritarian. Maybe you can go to OFA and get another TP for us to talk about. I'll wait.
Sorry for dupes. Had some spotty internet on the train. I only meant to be one-third as much of an asshole. ;)
Why on earth would I be jealous of people who have kids?

You shouldn't be, but Post #94 suggests you're jealous of anyone getting something you're not eligible for. Do you park in handicapped spaces as well, or just bitch about people who do?

Another assumption

No employer should be compelled to pay people for not working. For whatever reason,

Is that a simple enough statement for you to understand or do I have to dumb it down even more for you?
No employer should be compelled to pay people for not working. For whatever reason,

So you get no paid vacation/personal days at your job? That's unfortunate. But it does explain your envy of anyone who does.

Paid maternity leave is not the same as vacation and sick days , Idiot
If you had any memory retention at all I said earlier in the thread that people should save up their vacation time if they want to have kids. Pregnancy isn't an illness so sick time doesn't apply.

FYI I own a business so I don't work for anyone, people work for me. I take as much time off as I damn well please unlike you who has to beg your boss for a day off

I have no problem with unpaid maternity leave never did. I just don't think people should expect to get paid simply because they had a kid
No employer should be compelled to pay people for not working. For whatever reason,

So you get no paid vacation/personal days at your job? That's unfortunate. But it does explain your envy of anyone who does.

Paid maternity leave is not the same as vacation and sick days

You're absolutely right, though anyone who's walked the floor all night with a colicky neonate could tell you that. Then there are little things like post-cesarean recovery, the complications of a preemie who needs a stay in the NICU, etc.

Nothing vacationy about any of that.

P.S. For future reference, I stopped reading everything else in your post past "idiot." If you want civil discourse, you first need to be civil.
No employer should be compelled to pay people for not working. For whatever reason,

So you get no paid vacation/personal days at your job? That's unfortunate. But it does explain your envy of anyone who does.

It's actually kind of liberating. When compensation is solely in the form of wages, it leaves each employee free to choose whatever 'benefits' are the most valuable to them. That might be vacation time, more money in their savings or family leave.

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