Moms are turning to crowdfunding to help pay for maternity leave

And the only way you can conceive of civilization is via a coercive state government?
No one is forcing you to stay here. You can leave at any time.

So can you. This is the coward's response. If you can't defend your views, just admit it.
I don't need to defend common and your ilk just need to learn to accept common sense or leave for somewhere like Somalia. There you can have your survival of the fittest and no government telling you what to do.

Still with the "I got nuthin", eh?

Your appeals to "common sense", and horseshit propaganda about "Somalia!!!" don't amount to an argument.

In point of fact, civilized behavior is a result of voluntary cooperation, not coercive government. Coercive government can only mandate obedience.
blah blah blah. My facts stand. Accept being a civilized country or don't. I personally don't care.
Youre FACTS are that women are not getting the pregnancy perks they imagine they are entitled to and are turning to crowdfunding. That's your facts. Your maternity and paternity leave is just your imagination.
Yanno...............the military provides for 12 weeks for the mother for maternity leave.

They also give 6 weeks for the father.

Why are people so much against the government (of which the military is part of), when they provide such good benefits?

Judging from the OUTRAGE in this thread, I'd say jealousy has to be a big factor.

"I raised my kids without any 'help' from my employer!"
"I don't have kids. I hate kids. Why should I be punished for that?"
"I don't have kids. I can't even get laid. Why should my co-worker's empty desk remind me of that?"

Or some variation on that.

Bet me they're all "pro-life," too.
I am very pro animal rights. I still don't think I should pay the vet bills of the dog owner across town.

People make decisions for themselves. Wanting someone else to pay for those decisions is a rather new thing.
I am very pro animal rights. I still don't think I should pay the vet bills of the dog owner across town.

People make decisions for themselves. Wanting someone else to pay for those decisions is a rather new thing.

Indeed it is. And the thing I think most people don't get is that making others responsible for your well-being takes away your freedom to take care of yourself as you see fit.
I am very pro animal rights. I still don't think I should pay the vet bills of the dog owner across town.

People make decisions for themselves. Wanting someone else to pay for those decisions is a rather new thing.

Indeed it is. And the thing I think most people don't get is that making others responsible for your well-being takes away your freedom to take care of yourself as you see fit.
Because what liberals want is to be returned to slavery. The child of a slave belongs to the master who has a vested interest in the well being of mother and child. A kind and generous master would provide for mother, father and child. The master is enriched by the addition of children. The number of livestock is increased.

Freedom says that there are no slaves and no one is responsible for you but you.
Moms Are Turning To Crowdfunding To Help Pay For Maternity Leave
This is just sad. The only industrial nation that DOES NOT have paid maternity leave....disgusting. Obama and the democrats had 2 years to get this done with majorities in Congress and did NOTHING.

If the women were at home where they belong to begin with, while their husbands worked, it wouldn't be an issue.

That's all I have to say on this.
My wife prefers that but thanks to low wages that won't work.
People make decisions for themselves. Wanting someone else to pay for those decisions is a rather new thing.

Who's paying what for whom, and what does it have to do with the topic of this thread? :wtf:
Because what liberals want is to be returned to slavery. The child of a slave belongs to the master who has a vested interest in the well being of mother and child.

Whereas you're the one arguing that the employer is the master who owns the employee.
People make decisions for themselves. Wanting someone else to pay for those decisions is a rather new thing.

Who's paying what for whom, and what does it have to do with the topic of this thread? :wtf:
Because what liberals want is to be returned to slavery. The child of a slave belongs to the master who has a vested interest in the well being of mother and child.

Whereas you're the one arguing that the employer is the master who owns the employee.

Unlike government, you can quit a job if your boss pisses you off.
People make decisions for themselves. Wanting someone else to pay for those decisions is a rather new thing.

Who's paying what for whom, and what does it have to do with the topic of this thread? :wtf:
Because what liberals want is to be returned to slavery. The child of a slave belongs to the master who has a vested interest in the well being of mother and child.

Whereas you're the one arguing that the employer is the master who owns the employee.

Unlike government, you can quit a job if your boss pisses you off.

There are a lot of ways you can "quit" the government.

And Tipsey's the one confusing 21st century employment with feudalism, not I.
Moms Are Turning To Crowdfunding To Help Pay For Maternity Leave
This is just sad. The only industrial nation that DOES NOT have paid maternity leave....disgusting. Obama and the democrats had 2 years to get this done with majorities in Congress and did NOTHING.

Sounds like family is funding it.

That's great !

I would think this would be one more way for companies to compete for top talent.

Really? Because the U.S. Military allows for 12 weeks of maternity leave.

They also allow 6 weeks for the father.

Seems that the military (a government job) provides better than some civilian jobs.

And, of course, the taxpayers foot the bill.

Good to know our tax dollars are being used in this way.

Thanks for sharing.
Try living in a CIVILIZED world and not some place like Somalia. In a CIVILIZED world we take care of each other.

Since when?

Sorry but if you want to have a kid then you pay the fucking bill
There is only one reason to give someone a paid leave they aren't really entitled to get. They are being eased out of the company and candidates are trying out for their job.

Sounds like someone's speaking from personal experience.

Not too long ago, pregnant women were required to leave their jobs and never come back. Men might be allowed the day their child was born off, but that was it.

This is part of that nostalgia for the Fifties some of you pine for...especially since it's got nothing to do with you.

Employers who want good employee morale and company loyalty provide a decent amount of maternity leave. Some even provide day care on corporate premises.
Pregnant women get sick time and vacation time. They can accumulate comp time. Letting men have the day off is incredibly generous since they aren't sick, injured or have given birth.

Guys can take vacation time to be with the wife and kid if they want

For christ's fucking sake people have been having kids for tens of thousands of years it really isn't any big deal
Moms Are Turning To Crowdfunding To Help Pay For Maternity Leave
This is just sad. The only industrial nation that DOES NOT have paid maternity leave....disgusting. Obama and the democrats had 2 years to get this done with majorities in Congress and did NOTHING.

Sounds like family is funding it.

That's great !

I would think this would be one more way for companies to compete for top talent.

Really? Because the U.S. Military allows for 12 weeks of maternity leave.

They also allow 6 weeks for the father.

Seems that the military (a government job) provides better than some civilian jobs.

And, of course, the taxpayers foot the bill.

Good to know our tax dollars are being used in this way.

Thanks for sharing.
Try living in a CIVILIZED world and not some place like Somalia. In a CIVILIZED world we take care of each other.

Since when?

Sorry but if you want to have a kid then you pay the fucking bill

This is not about paying a bill. Kerist, you people have your reflexive anti-everything speech so ingrained you think it applies to everything.
Sounds like family is funding it.

That's great !

I would think this would be one more way for companies to compete for top talent.

Really? Because the U.S. Military allows for 12 weeks of maternity leave.

They also allow 6 weeks for the father.

Seems that the military (a government job) provides better than some civilian jobs.

And, of course, the taxpayers foot the bill.

Good to know our tax dollars are being used in this way.

Thanks for sharing.
Try living in a CIVILIZED world and not some place like Somalia. In a CIVILIZED world we take care of each other.

Since when?

Sorry but if you want to have a kid then you pay the fucking bill

This is not about paying a bill. Kerist, you people have your reflexive anti-everything speech so ingrained you think it applies to everything.

No it's about people wanting to be paid for not working just because they had a kid
Really? Because the U.S. Military allows for 12 weeks of maternity leave.

They also allow 6 weeks for the father.

Seems that the military (a government job) provides better than some civilian jobs.

And, of course, the taxpayers foot the bill.

Good to know our tax dollars are being used in this way.

Thanks for sharing.
Try living in a CIVILIZED world and not some place like Somalia. In a CIVILIZED world we take care of each other.

Since when?

Sorry but if you want to have a kid then you pay the fucking bill

This is not about paying a bill. Kerist, you people have your reflexive anti-everything speech so ingrained you think it applies to everything.

No it's about people wanting to be paid for not working just because they had a kid

"Just because they had a kid." Yep, jealousy.

And you're "pro-life," too, aren't you? Which really means "pro-life until it's born and then fuck you because reasons," right?
And, of course, the taxpayers foot the bill.

Good to know our tax dollars are being used in this way.

Thanks for sharing.
Try living in a CIVILIZED world and not some place like Somalia. In a CIVILIZED world we take care of each other.

Since when?

Sorry but if you want to have a kid then you pay the fucking bill

This is not about paying a bill. Kerist, you people have your reflexive anti-everything speech so ingrained you think it applies to everything.

No it's about people wanting to be paid for not working just because they had a kid

"Just because they had a kid." Yep, jealousy.

And you're "pro-life," too, aren't you? Which really means "pro-life until it's born and then fuck you because reasons," right?
And, of course, the taxpayers foot the bill.

Good to know our tax dollars are being used in this way.

Thanks for sharing.
Try living in a CIVILIZED world and not some place like Somalia. In a CIVILIZED world we take care of each other.

Since when?

Sorry but if you want to have a kid then you pay the fucking bill

This is not about paying a bill. Kerist, you people have your reflexive anti-everything speech so ingrained you think it applies to everything.

No it's about people wanting to be paid for not working just because they had a kid

"Just because they had a kid." Yep, jealousy.

And you're "pro-life," too, aren't you? Which really means "pro-life until it's born and then fuck you because reasons," right?
And, of course, the taxpayers foot the bill.

Good to know our tax dollars are being used in this way.

Thanks for sharing.
Try living in a CIVILIZED world and not some place like Somalia. In a CIVILIZED world we take care of each other.

Since when?

Sorry but if you want to have a kid then you pay the fucking bill

This is not about paying a bill. Kerist, you people have your reflexive anti-everything speech so ingrained you think it applies to everything.

No it's about people wanting to be paid for not working just because they had a kid

"Just because they had a kid." Yep, jealousy.

And you're "pro-life," too, aren't you? Which really means "pro-life until it's born and then fuck you because reasons," right?

Wow you like to assume shit don't you?

Why on earth would I be jealous of people who have kids? It's nothing special do you know how many billions of people have been born in the past 10000 years?

And FYI I am not pro telling anyone else what to do with their lives. I am pro personal responsibility and it is your responsibility to have your own kids and an employer should not be compelled to pay you not to work simply because you had a kid
Babies are a national resource. If there werent any children then eventually society would fall apart.
The state should try and support families when they can.
A century back women didnt have the vote, crap maternity provision is just another sign post on the road to a better world.
Why on earth would I be jealous of people who have kids?

You shouldn't be, but Post #94 suggests you're jealous of anyone getting something you're not eligible for. Do you park in handicapped spaces as well, or just bitch about people who do?
People make decisions for themselves. Wanting someone else to pay for those decisions is a rather new thing.

Who's paying what for whom, and what does it have to do with the topic of this thread? :wtf:
Because what liberals want is to be returned to slavery. The child of a slave belongs to the master who has a vested interest in the well being of mother and child.

Whereas you're the one arguing that the employer is the master who owns the employee.

Unlike government, you can quit a job if your boss pisses you off.

There are a lot of ways you can "quit" the government.

You really don't get the difference cops with guns and your employer? Pause a minuted to reflect on how deluded that is. The go tell a cop 'get fucked' and let me know how that works out for you.

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