Monday Flashback: 'I will NOT Take Vacations - Particularly Excessive Ones - As President'

Seven years ago, then-Sen. Barack Hussein Obama promised Americans that he would refrain from taking vacations — particularly 'excessive' ones — if he were elected president.


Yeah....surprise, surprise...he lied.

About 42 percent of Americans said they didn't take a single vacation day last year. Low-wage professions or part-time jobs, which are increasingly pricing workers out of taking time off. For those who are able to take a vacation: According to American Express, the average vacation expense per person in the United States is $1,145, or $4,580 for a family of four.
LINK: The Real Cost Of Summer Vacation: Don't Get Buried In Taxes

Obama Family’s 2014 Christmas Vacation in Hawaii - 1 VACATION - Cost Taxpayers $3,672,798 (THREE MILLION, SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT DOLLARS) in Transportation Expenses alone.
- For just the cost of that 1 Obama trip's transportation 801 families could go on a week-long vacation

Report: Price of Obama getaways $70 million so far, and counting

"Now as the Obama family departs Friday on its annual holiday vacation to Hawaii, new estimates put the price tag of the Obamas’ 2015 trips that are all or largely personal at $11.6 million for travel costs alone, according to the conservative group Judicial Watch, based on federal government records. That brings the overall cost of personal or largely personal travel to at least $70.5 million since Obama took office in 2009, according to the group’s analysis."
- 15,283 Americans families of 4 could go on a week-long vacation for the amount the tax payers have paid for this asshole and his family to go on vacations during the last 7 years.

Obama criticized Bush for playing golf while out soldiers were fighting abroad. He said it was not right for the Commander and Chief to be playing golf while our men and women in the military were in harm's way. Bush immediately stopped playing golf and did not play golf again until he was out of office. After taking office, with our military men and women still in harm's way, President Obama began playing golf. As President Obama has played 1,100 hours of golf, an estimated 247 rounds (18 holes) of golf.

President Obama hypocritically has not just played golf while our troops have been in harms' way. He has played golf minutes after video footage of a US journalist's head being cut off was released to the public. His response amounted to, 'It's a damn shame....don't worry I got this....Now excuse me, I don't want to miss my Tee time.'

"Last year during Obama's summer getaway, the extremist group that calls itself the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh) released footage showing American photojournalist James Foley's execution. Moments after Obama publicly condemned the group, saying it had "no place in the 21st century," he teed off for another round of golf."
LINK: Obama has played more than 1,100 hours of golf as president — here's what that looks like

At least he spared us from having to hear a repeat of Bill Clinton's famous words, "I feel your pain", before heading back to another round of golf on one of his many tax-payer-funded million dollar vacations.

No 'Excessive' Vacations:


Interesting. So by your logic, the president also committed to not sleep while President.

And what's your evidence that this was 2008?
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Obama, unlike Republicans before him "Earned" his vacation.

Call me when Obama gets to the million jobs per month gain Reagan got with Reaganomics.

Over a million jobs per month gained. Most Americans wish we had Reagan again.

Carters was bigger than Reagan's...
It gets worse.........", you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone.”

Obama also claimed he would give up his family and sleeping

Looks like you got him on that one


Lying bastard....doesn't look like he gave up his family does it?
It gets worse.........", you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone.”

Obama also claimed he would give up his family and sleeping

Looks like you got him on that one

Sleeping and acknowledging he has a family. What a lazy fuck.
Why's he need two dogs? That seems excessive. Who pays for the dogs food and med care?
Why's he need two dogs? That seems excessive. Who pays for the dogs food and med care?

He's got two kids. If you think dogs take up resources and medical care, think about how much those two must use.

Sigh.......a president with children or pets. Inconceivable!
Obama, unlike Republicans before him "Earned" his vacation.

Call me when Obama gets to the million jobs per month gain Reagan got with Reaganomics.

Over a million jobs per month gained. Most Americans wish we had Reagan again.

Carters was bigger than Reagan's...
Good ol Carter economics. Double digit inflation, unemployment, 21% mortgage rates, gas lines, inflation......
Spare me the crocodile tears.

Tell me, when you go on vacation do praise the President? Or is the President only to blame when you can't?
The President has nothing to do with whether I go or do not go on vacation. I am merely pointing out the man's massive hypocrisy and the fact that he lied / broke his promise (AGAIN).

Cut the crap. This is isn't any different when the blind partisan gassed on about Bush's excessive vacations. Again, all Presidents takes vacations, regardless of the economy or if troops are in harm's way, and this President isn't any different. You're bitching to hear yourself bitch.
Obama said if elected as President he would not be taking leisure time, he would be working for the people 24/7.

Obama lied.

He didn't say he wouldn't take leisure time. Obama is a twat but whining about his vacations is nothing more than blind partisan idiocy.
It's not about his vacations. It's more about the herds of people he drags along. Plus the extra planeload of reporters and doctors, the plane with the limo and helicopter and who knows how many fighter planes to escort him along the route. The average American doesn't have all that logistical support to go to Disneyland for a week . The pinhead is wasting taxpayer dollars by the bushel. And, I'm more pissed about those $2500.00 a night for hotel rooms. Jeezus, a Motel 6 only costs $39.95 a night.

Do you seriously expect the President stay at a Motel 6?
Obama is an amateur. Dubya was the vacation king.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

Bush's vacations costly - Most expensive vacation president in U.S. history
Obama is an amateur. Dubya was the vacation king.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

Bush's vacations costly - Most expensive vacation president in U.S. history

Obama's at about 150 days or so. Most of the golfing he does is on the weekends.
Do you seriously expect the President stay at a Motel 6?

Hey Cowboy, you been riding herd too long?

Obama said he would not take ANY vacations, that this was the deal with America for anyone wanting to run for President. While you and I both know he is stupid as hell for saying this or thinking we are stupid as hell to believe that BS, the point is he was 'so concerned with serving the people that he was willing to give up his vacations' and he condemned other Presidents for taking such expensive vacations. That there is HYPOCRICY, partner...or a flat out lie.

Obama is just a hypocrite and a BS artist. The man - again - criticized Bush for playing golf while troops were in harms way...yet this SOB is our playing golf while an American has his head sawed off on the internet for everyone to see, stops playing golf long enough to make a quick statement about it, then goes back to playing the back 9. You starting to get the REAL point, cowboy, or are ya still a little dim? WHERE he stays has nothing to do with his hypocrisy and lies.
Do you seriously expect the President stay at a Motel 6?

Hey Cowboy, you been riding herd too long?

Obama said he would not take ANY vacations, that this was the deal with America for anyone wanting to run for President. While you and I both know he is stupid as hell for saying this or thinking we are stupid as hell to believe that BS, the point is he was 'so concerned with serving the people that he was willing to give up his vacations' and he condemned other Presidents for taking such expensive vacations. That there is HYPOCRICY, partner...or a flat out lie.

No, he didn't. And if you're interpreting his statement as claiming he would never take vacations.....then by your own logic, he pledged never to sleep.

Which, of course, doesn't make the slightest sense.
Do you seriously expect the President stay at a Motel 6?

Hey Cowboy, you been riding herd too long?

Obama said he would not take ANY vacations, that this was the deal with America for anyone wanting to run for President. While you and I both know he is stupid as hell for saying this or thinking we are stupid as hell to believe that BS, the point is he was 'so concerned with serving the people that he was willing to give up his vacations' and he condemned other Presidents for taking such expensive vacations. That there is HYPOCRICY, partner...or a flat out lie.

No, he didn't. And if you're interpreting his statement as claiming he would never take vacations.....then by your own logic, he pledged never to sleep.

Which, of course, doesn't make the slightest sense.
That's right, Jr, you give your interpretation of what Obama said. You speak FOR the man. Also disregard any and everything he else about the issue. (No I will not spoon feed you all of it...if you do not care enough to look for yourself then its obvious you want to remain ignorant. Most people, smart people, THIRST for knowledge, seek it out. Most Liberals, like their voters, sit on their ass with their hand out waiting to be given everything. Obama does that shite, not me.
Do you seriously expect the President stay at a Motel 6?

Hey Cowboy, you been riding herd too long?

Obama said he would not take ANY vacations, that this was the deal with America for anyone wanting to run for President. While you and I both know he is stupid as hell for saying this or thinking we are stupid as hell to believe that BS, the point is he was 'so concerned with serving the people that he was willing to give up his vacations' and he condemned other Presidents for taking such expensive vacations. That there is HYPOCRICY, partner...or a flat out lie.

No, he didn't. And if you're interpreting his statement as claiming he would never take vacations.....then by your own logic, he pledged never to sleep.

Which, of course, doesn't make the slightest sense.
That's right, Jr, you give your interpretation of what Obama said. You speak FOR the man.

Um.....your entire argument is 'interpretations of what obama said'. As he never said he wouldn't take vacations.

If you believe he said so, quote him.
Do you seriously expect the President stay at a Motel 6?

Hey Cowboy, you been riding herd too long?

Obama said he would not take ANY vacations, that this was the deal with America for anyone wanting to run for President. While you and I both know he is stupid as hell for saying this or thinking we are stupid as hell to believe that BS, the point is he was 'so concerned with serving the people that he was willing to give up his vacations' and he condemned other Presidents for taking such expensive vacations. That there is HYPOCRICY, partner...or a flat out lie.

No, he didn't. And if you're interpreting his statement as claiming he would never take vacations.....then by your own logic, he pledged never to sleep.

Which, of course, doesn't make the slightest sense.
That's right, Jr, you give your interpretation of what Obama said. You speak FOR the man. Also disregard any and everything he else about the issue. (No I will not spoon feed you all of it...if you do not care enough to look for yourself then its obvious you want to remain ignorant. Most people, smart people, THIRST for knowledge, seek it out. Most Liberals, like their voters, sit on their ass with their hand out waiting to be given everything. Obama does that shite, not me.

Ummmm... "speaking FOR the man" is what you just did by titling a thread with a made-up quote that has never existed, Sploogy.

Obama said he would not take ANY vacations

Again --- where? When?

Obama is just a hypocrite and a BS artist.

You're calling yourself "Obama" now? That could get confusing.
Um.....your entire argument is 'interpretations of what obama said'. As he never said he wouldn't take vacations.

If you believe he said so, quote him.
I quoted him....

Not saying he would never take vacations.

Quote him saying that. Directly and in context.

You can't. As your entire 'quote' is just your interpretation. An interpretation which mandates that he *also* pledged never to sleep. Which is just silly.

Oh, and where's your evidence that this is from 2008?

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