Monday's trump news conference canceled

What a shock! I was prepared to hear the irrefutable evidence of election fraud. Well. I guess we will have to wait. So sorry....
Canceled is, "Cancelled". That is if you want proper English.
Yes they are fair game. That’s why his lawyers talked him out of the conference. We all know Trump has been lying about this from day 1. We all know he was going to double down on those lies with his “evidence” report and dig himself into a bigger hole. The entire thing is sad but also comical with how stupid and fake this whole “Stop the Steal” BS really is
You say he's lying, but you absolutely don't know that, but your biased partisanship won't allow you to think otherwise. It's because you are probably part of the cult that has formed in America in which includes manipulated groomed people that now believe that up is down and down is up or you are part of the forever victim's class being taught that white people are inherently bad racist who will suppress or oppress on a dime, otherwise if they aren't held back in everyway possible now by controlling government power. So it is that you are looking for politician's that will continually stroke your ridiculous feelings, create your safe spaces, and empower those feelings all to their power hungry benefit, even if you end up looking like a complete fool in the end.

Because of your idiocy, black's have died in Major Democrat strong holds by the thousands, and yet you (if you are black), are to ignorant to see it all for what it is or if you are white then you are a Democrat user that has an agenda to keep it all going to your benefit.
I went to a secret security conference last year. Mike Lindell hosted it. I'm am now a secret agent with the 2047th battalion of 2020 Election Deniers.

All were pro Trump, we didn't straw poll. Because we're fucking patriots. :113:
Dummy Stann gave you a thumbs down.... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hey Traitorous You Piece of Dog Shit Suck On This.

Fed's Seek 30 Years In Prison For Philly Proud Boys Leader Zach Rehl's Role In Jan. 6 Attack.

PHILADELPHIA — Zach Rehl, head of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys, could spend three decades in federal prison if prosecutors get their way later this month at his sentencing hearing.

The role that Rehl and three other leaders of the neofacist organization played in organizing the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol “threatened the bedrock principles of our country” and warranted the significant punishment, government lawyers argued in a court filing late Thursday.

Their recommendation of 30 years is nearly twice that of the most serious prison sentence imposed so far against a participant in the Capitol siege — the 18-year sentence given in May to Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.

Fuck You and Fuck anyone who tries to install a dictator. Unlike YOU I fought for my country.
It all hinges on Biden's alleged corruption being revealed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and this regarding the constitution and it's requirements when laws of this nature are being broken.... It will also depend as to whether or not the Republicans either prove their case against Biden and his son or not.... If not, and they are undermined by their own Republican party members who are seeking power over justice, country and over the future of the party (therefore allowing Biden to go free like they did with Hillary), then it will set the Republicans up for total destruction as a party IMO.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. From day one, Trump has claimed these attacks weren't true and over time, He has been correct.
Is Trump really planning a defense that the Georgia election really was stolen?

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Well, there is a Birth Certificate in Kenya that says, Obama… Just not the former President but his Father's Birth Certificate instead…
Who was his father ? Robert L. Peters AKA Obama ? ROTFLMBO 🤣
And you sit idly by and take it all in from your leftwing heros as gospel.
I have no heroes. I don't need them. At the end of the day most heroes are simply illusions. I observe and make valid decisions on what exists, not what doesn't. Too many people, like you,are doing that these days.
Is Trump really planning a defense that the Georgia ekection really was stolen?

Yep, just like the one Hillary had a right too, along with Al Gore, Stacy Abrams or anyone else who also had a right too after their election losses.
You say he's lying, but you absolutely don't know that, but your biased partisanship won't allow you to think otherwise. It's because you are probably part of the cult that has formed in America in which includes manipulated groomed people that now believe that up is down and down is up or you are part of the forever victim's class being taught that white people are inherently bad racist who will suppress or oppress on a dime, otherwise if they aren't held back in everyway possible now by controlling government power. So it is that you are looking for politician's that will continually stroke your ridiculous feelings, create your safe spaces, and empower those feelings all to their power hungry benefit, even if you end up looking like a complete fool in the end.

Because of your idiocy, black's have died in Major Democrat strong holds by the thousands, and yet you (if you are black), are to ignorant to see it all for what it is or if you are white then you are a Democrat user that has an agenda to keep it all going to your benefit.
No I say he’s lying because he has lied for years. Proven lies. His lawyers have been punished by the bar for trying to take those lies to court, and that’s absolutely why Trump cancelled his pressed and will never go under oath
I wouldn't be too sure about that. From day one, Trump has claimed these attacks weren't true and over time, He has been correct.
Trump and his team pushed every stolen election conspiracy they could muster up. Lie after lie. His attorneys got in legal trouble for it. You’ll never hear any of them trying to make these claims under oath. They are simply playing the idiot public that follows them without question. It’s pathetic
No I say he’s lying because he has lied for years. Proven lies. His lawyers have been punished by the bar for trying to take those lies to court, and that’s absolutely why Trump cancelled his pressed and will never go under oath
You could be lying by stating the reason he cancelled the pressor, so what makes you any different than that which you accuse Trump of ??

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