Monday's trump news conference canceled

Biden is laughing at Republicans
Of course he will just pardon himself and Hunter

The Supreme Court will back him because a Presidents pardon power is unlimited
There are 3 equal powers in our federal government. The Legislative, Judicial and Executive branch. If a president were to attempt to pardon himself they would be forced to nullify that effort, no matter which party is in power. It's an assault upon basic law principles itself. Only trump could start such an idiotic idea. No sane person would suggest it.
Trump and his team pushed every stolen election conspiracy they could muster up. Lie after lie. His attorneys got in legal trouble for it. You’ll never hear any of them trying to make these claims under oath. They are simply playing the idiot public that follows them without question. It’s pathetic
Are you still lying ? Give us proof... Start with the statements made, and then detail for us why it was a lie in your fact stated opinion, otherwise by using your backed up facts when doing so.
Yep, just like the one Hillary had a right too, along with Al Gore, Stacy Abrams or anyone else who also had a right too after their election losses.

They all went to court
They did not use fake electors and try to pressure Election officials
You could be lying by stating the reason he cancelled the pressor, so what makes you any different than that which you accuse Trump of ??
I’m not lying… I’m stating an opinion based on logic and observation. In reality I don’t know the real reason. I’m not in the guys head or privy to their conversations
Are you still lying ? Give us proof... Start with the statements made, and then detail for us why it was a lie in your fact stated opinion, otherwise by using your backed up facts when doing so.
Are you kidding?! They’re soooo many.

Here is a list that goes with the indictment and his Allie’s that corrected his lies… or tried to at least… scroll through the many many examples

When Trump claimed there had been a “suspicious vote dump” in Detroit, Barr told him the allegation was false, according to the indictment. He also sought to dispel Trump’s claims that voting machines in contested states had switched votes from Trump to Biden.

So Trump is doing a Tucker interview at the same time as the GOP debates.....this ought to kill the TV ratings.....

The circus is what.

Where is fucker and his bitch interview happening? Online? Podcast? Pay for view sycophant?

Hilarious wanker
Are you kidding?! They’re soooo many.

Here is a list that goes with the indictment and his Allie’s that corrected his lies… or tried to at least… scroll through the many many examples

When Trump claimed there had been a “suspicious vote dump” in Detroit, Barr told him the allegation was false, according to the indictment. He also sought to dispel Trump’s claims that voting machines in contested states had switched votes from Trump to Biden.

Ok, so why didn't Trump trust Barrs word on the matter ? Did Barr lose Trumps trust along the way, and if so why ?

You got the rhino's that were also in play trying to undermine the Trump administration, so did Barr jump over to the Rhino's side in hopes of defeating Trump for the Rhino's ? Remember Trump came in as an outsider, and went to work against the establishment for the people, and that pissed the establishment off on both sides of the isle.
Ok, so why didn't Trump trust Barrs word on the matter ? Did Barr lose Trumps trust along the way, and if so why ?
Trump had the rigged election excuse to cover for his loss… he didn’t and doesn’t care about truth or facts, just supporting the narrative. He is all about winning. That’s his brand. Not truth and honesty, winning. So cheating, lying, and manipulating are all fair game as long as it makes him look and feel like a winner and a fighter.

Barr and everybody else who just spoke the truth got dismissed by Trump and branded as a traitor by his puppets. It’s pretty incredible.
You got the rhino's that were also in play trying to undermine the Trump administration, so did Barr jump over to the Rhino's side in hopes of defeating Trump for the Rhino's ? Remember Trump came in as an outsider, and went to work against the establishment for the people, and that pissed the establishment off on both sides of the isle
Trump gave Barr the AG spot and Barr carried Trumps water up till the end. But asking him to lie about a stolen election is a step too far.
Ok, so why didn't Trump trust Barrs word on the matter ? Did Barr lose Trumps trust along the way, and if so why ?

You got the rhino's that were also in play trying to undermine the Trump administration, so did Barr jump over to the Rhino's side in hopes of defeating Trump for the Rhino's ? Remember Trump came in as an outsider, and went to work against the establishment for the people, and that pissed the establishment off on both sides of the isle.
So, not submissive enough for you
Trump had the rigged election excuse to cover for his loss… he didn’t and doesn’t care about truth or facts, just supporting the narrative. He is all about winning. That’s his brand. Not truth and honesty, winning. So cheating, lying, and manipulating are all fair game as long as it makes him look and feel like a winner and a fighter.

Barr and everybody else who just spoke the truth got dismissed by Trump and branded as a traitor by his puppets. It’s pretty incredible.
Why did you cut out of my post the undermining of Trump by the Rhino's before you commented ? Was Barr a rhino that had decided to join with the other rhino's in hopes to restore the establishment order in Washington ?

You know the order that concealed the likes of Epstein, his island, foreign kick backs, and policies that were erected to enrich the politicians while the citizens could just be told to go to hell if they questioned any of it.

Who side are you on ?
Why did you cut out of my post the undermining of Trump by the Rhino's before you commented ?
I just cut out the portion I was responding to. I like keeping posts shorter and to the point. Things get lost and long when trying to address multiple points. I responded to the second part of you post in my second reply
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You could be lying by stating the reason he cancelled the pressor, so what makes you any different than that which you accuse Trump of ??
Since trump's lawyers advised him not to do it, it would appear he finally listened to them even if it's too late. That's an opinion. Not a fact. Unless you can read trump's mind you' ll never know why he does all the foolish things he does.
I just cut out the portion I was responding to. I like keeping posted shorter and to the point. Things get lost and long when trying to address multiple points. I responded to the second part of you post in my second reply
Yes, but the second part about the Rhino's are a big part of the story line in the chain of events, so was Barr a rhino charged with protecting the establishment, and therefore that made him sort of a plant that Trump found out later that he could no longer trust ?
I’m on my own side. I’m not foolish enough to subscribe to any political parties or politicians side. Especially not a guy like Trump
LOL, well you just lied because you chose a side by cancelling Trump instead of looking at the evidence in total as would or should a responsible jurists.

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