Monday's trump news conference canceled

Yes, but the second part about the Rhino's are a big part of the story line in the chain of events, so was Barr a rhino charged with protecting the establishment, and therefore that made him sort of a plant that Trump found out later that he could no longer trust ?
You and the name calling set up the cabal like organization. I dont think it is that. Yeah, I think Barr feels a duty to protect the establishment. Protect the integrity of our institutions that run our republic. Many patriots do. That doesn’t mean he is doing anything dishonest or illegal. He protected Trump by sweeping the Mueller investigation under the rug and deciding not to prosecute. That was his call. That was him protecting the establishment as well
LOL, well you just lied because you chose a side by cancelling Trump instead of looking at the evidence in total as would or should a responsible jurists.
I’ve engaged for years with honest questions about all these stolen election claims and nothing has been presented that carry’s any weight. What has shaken out is lie after lie.

I watch the kooky pillow guys documentary, I looked at the court cases suing for defamation, I saw Rudy and Trump and dozens of other surrogates make claims that they couldn’t back up, many of which others could prove as dishonest…. Ohh I’ve looked. Y’all are off your rockers
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Rinos and what they did or did not do is immaterial.

Trump lost fairly and squarely, and he can't stand that.

He created and carried out a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the results of the election

He most likely will be convicted.
I've found sarcasm is lost on many in here.
nttps://>2018/07/17 "One man's extreme sarcasm is another man's truth particularly if that other man has a skewed perspective on life that comes from consuming #FakeNews. "
nttps://>2018/07/17 "One man's extreme sarcasm is another man's truth particularly if that other man has a skewed perspective on life that comes from consuming #FakeNews. "
I see. Who's the one consuming the #FakeNews in that scenario?
It already has.
After he skips this debate his lead in the polls will slowly begin to evaporate as other candidates begin to distinguish themselves.
He'll crash and burn in the primary and then we'll see the last of his die hard defenders bailing out like rats off a sinking ship.
Then he'll be all alone without his little whiny Karen "political persecution" defense.
Just an ordinary private citizen....headed for prison.
I don't know. A cult is a hard take down.
I may be wrong, but I think trump's approval among repubs is about to take a Big Hit.
They still fear him BUT that's not going to last much longer. Secretly most wish he was already out of the picture. Too much baggage, not worth it.
I don't know. A cult is a hard take down.
The hard core members are fewer and fewer. Just as the polls underestimated him in the begining, now they're overestimating him. He even knows this is his last hurrah . That's why he's so desperate. All the money in the world can't save him from himself.
Biden voter.jpg
Losing in the political arena maybe, but not when it came to doing right by the American people as their prez. That part you have to keep ignoring eh ??
Depending on wether or not you were white and male. Everyone else was made 2nd. Class citizens, even some veterans
You and the name calling set up the cabal like organization. I dont think it is that. Yeah, I think Barr feels a duty to protect the establishment. Protect the integrity of our institutions that run our republic. Many patriots do. That doesn’t mean he is doing anything dishonest or illegal. He protected Trump by sweeping the Mueller investigation under the rug and deciding not to prosecute. That was his call. That was him protecting the establishment as well
One second y'all hated Barr, and the next second y'all loved him... 😂.. Make up your spoiled rotten I want my way always mind's already. 😂

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