MONEYBRAWL: Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million To Beat Obama

Seriously, when Soros stops funding Obama, y'all have the moral highground, until then.... meh, not so much.

Just so they get it legally, go for it. I don't care about the moral highground, it takes money to win these days.

Which is basically my point. If it's ok - it's ok for both sides. I disapprove of both the Koch brothers and Soros... I would much prefer that neither was allowed to buy influence... but it is what it is and - currently - we cannot change it. I just don't see why either side melts down over the funding when remaining silent when it's their guys getting it.

I dislike hypocrisy, as you know. But, you aren't a hypocrite.

Yep, I agree with you, CG
so what?obama uses soros and buffett,but you dont complain bout that....
Why should he complain? It's ok for one and not the other...he thinks he's found hypocrisy and he'd be correct...his own.

See McCain Feingold...

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