Monica lewinsky speaks out about her affair with Clinton

trying to clear my head--

CNN is now playing a Donald Sterling clip---'I was trying to get a girl--you'll say anything to get a girl'---and the consensus is this is a sordid affair.

I felt the same when I heard of Bill Clinton and Monica L. I live in a different world---clearly.

'Why'--anyone would conduct themselves in this manner--no need to wonder--they can and they do.

shrug--Best education---many advantages that others will never have--and the 'urges' are more compelling.

Not something I care to revisit. I'll never understand.
lol. And what president has NOT lied? Get real.:cuckoo:

Under oath? Just one that I can think of. You?

Who gives a shit if it is under oath. A lie is a lie. Now you want qualifiers? Like if they take an oath and lie that somehow makes it a "worse" lie. So Clinton lies under oath about a blowjob and Bush lies not under oath about WMDs but you right wing partisan hack loons back the guy that has cost you 6000 deaths and fives times that wounded? Glad to see why you have your priorities right. it's also the reason Obama got voted in twice, and Hillary will be your next Pres...You guys never learn....

People aren't dumb. They know about context.

Lying under oath destroys the principle of our legal system. it doesn't matter the content of the lie, when you take an oath to tell the truth you have to follow it or face the consequences.

If you don't want to take the oath, then don't do it.
she aint the issue. the issue is that Clinton lied to Congress, a FELONY and the Dems LET him get away with it. We know what scumbags those guys were (and most are, still)

Oh give me a break, it's not like Republicans didn't swallow Republican Governor Sanford's lie that he was going hiking, while all the while taking a trip to South America on taxpayer's money, to see his lover, while married, and then rewarded him by electing him to Congress. Hypocrites much?

Sanford, a Republican who admitted an extramarital affair in 2009, was ready to quit politics for good if he was not victorious in South Carolina's 1st Congressional District. He will replace Republican Tim Scott, who was appointed to the Senate.
Mark Sanford wins special election for Congress

Did Sanford lie under oath?
A nineteen year old versus the most powerful Man in the world?

Give me a fricken break

Charlie Chaplin married Oona O'Neil when she was 18 he was 54. They had 8 kids and were married for 34 years. Shrug....

Was he the President? Did Clinton Marry her?

Was there a point?

We should rely on older, powerful Men (married man to boot) to respect young women. When they don't they are simply pond scum.

She was still two years shy of the legal age to drink for God sake.

These excuses are laughable.

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