Montana Atty General Says Teaching CRT is a Violation of Law

Stupid leftist troll. ^^^
So....I take it you cannot define either "CRT" nor "Marxist". Here's YOUR flag too:
YOU surrendered because YOU can't give us an alternative definition of CRT.

So, in absence of ANYTHING even resembling a rebuttal....


I own your black ass.....oh, wait.....
Still waiting for you to provide a definition of CRT......your desperate attempts at deflection are amusing, but still not a definition. C'mon, little can do it.
Works every time. Trump trash throw out the "CRT" and "Marxist" words in one of their little boy ask them to define those words and they freak out.

Well, here it is again....

CRT, for the 100th time.
ritical race theory is a derivative of critical theory, which was developed by the Frankfurt school in the 1930s. Critical theory is a subversion technique used to erode western societies so that they will accept Marxism.

The constitution is the enemy of Marxism. Through CRT, you commie fuck twinkle-toed cocksuckers are teaching children that America's founding is flawed, irreparably flawed, so that they will accept a complete erase and re-founding, absent the constitution or anything resembling what we currently have.

from there, you fucking shit bag communists can seize all property and means of production and place it squarely in the hands of government (Socialism). You can't do it the other way, where the people all decide democratically what to do with the means of production and they all have in common (communism), Because communism is actually a form of anarchy, which is impossible. I included this just in case you wanted those definitions, you piece of shit.

Now shut the fuck up about defining CRT.

Not even close to a definition.....just a whiny little rant by an inadequate little boy. :heehee:

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