Montreal university symposium calls for ‘human rights’ for ‘menstruators’

Pure Comedy Gold

Active Member
Apr 5, 2024

Asked to comment on the upcoming event, Houston Christian University professor and well-known author Nancy Pearcey said she finds it troubling that women are being erased from the issue.

“The problem with the way this policy is being promoted is that it contributes to the erasure of women by using terms like ‘menstruators’ – when everyone knows it is only females who have periods,” she told The College Fix in an email.

Pearcey, the Elizabeth and John Gibson Chair of Apologetics at the Texas university, pointed to the Instagram account Free Periods Concordia, which urges the university to provide period products for free in campus bathrooms.

One post states that not all women have periods and not everyone who gets periods is a woman. Another post states that everyone deserves and should be included in the period conversation.

Concordia has gone Full Retard

Concordia may be located on land that was once the Six Nations Confederacy, but for better or worse, it is now part of Quebec, a province within a country called Canada, which was confederated in 1867 under laws that have governed society for the past 157 years. As much as one might bemoan the fate of Canada’s Indigenous peoples, universities like Concordia exist precisely because they embody educational structures created to encourage study, learning, and research aimed at unravelling the true nature of reality and using that knowledge to help guide our modern society. Imposing political criteria like decolonization and indigenization on curricula that include physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and so on is to shackle these fields to fantasies.​

Why would anyone who wants a serious education go there?
Concordia has gone Full Retard

Concordia may be located on land that was once the Six Nations Confederacy, but for better or worse, it is now part of Quebec, a province within a country called Canada, which was confederated in 1867 under laws that have governed society for the past 157 years. As much as one might bemoan the fate of Canada’s Indigenous peoples, universities like Concordia exist precisely because they embody educational structures created to encourage study, learning, and research aimed at unravelling the true nature of reality and using that knowledge to help guide our modern society. Imposing political criteria like decolonization and indigenization on curricula that include physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and so on is to shackle these fields to fantasies.​

Why would anyone who wants a serious education go there?
From your article: According to Goodleaf, the new university plan draws upon the “principles embodied in the Two Row Wampum Belt … an ethical framework for how colonial-settler governments are to conduct themselves while living in the land of the Rotinonhsión:ni — more commonly known as the Haudenosaunee Six Nations Confederacy.”

Someone needs to be belted, alright...
For anyone wondering, men do not menstruate. If they did in twenty days they'd give up the ghost and stop pretending to be a woman

Good grief

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