Moochelle: I'll never forgive Trump for endangering my family.

WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

Trump gave instant credibility to the birther movement

“I’ve got my best people looking into this and they can’t believe what they are finding”
1) How did the ACA ruin healthcare? Please. Tell me. I need a good laugh.

Many small businesses dropped coverage for their employees because Commie Care gave them that option. I know, I happen to be one of the victims. In fact afterwards I looked for another company to work for, and what I found out is many have done the same thing.

Prior to Commie Care, employers would never dream of dropping coverage because there was nothing employees could do but find another job. In fact the last employee that left our company did so for that very reason.

2) Obama NEVER EVER took credit for killing Bin Laden. He gave credit to the military, etc.

What does this have to do with him taking credit or not? I said he gave the permission to allow the military to take him out.

3) What new taxes did Obama enact? What businesses did he close?

One of the first things he did after invading the White House was to institute a huge sin tax. You know "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind?" Statistically, tobacco users are poor to middle-class.

Then he pushed for higher corporate and personal income taxes which he got in a tradeoff. Afterwards the Supreme Court said Commie Care could not issue fines, but it can tax people for not buying insurance, so they changed the fines to taxes.

DumBama closed down car dealerships across the country. He stopped the American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, then he attacked Roll-Your-Own cigarette shops across the country and closed them down through taxation. After the Gulf oil spill, he refused to allow drilling, so all those businesses associated with the oil production closed down. Commie Care is also responsible for the closing of healthcare facilities and hospitals--especially in rural areas. He tried to close down coal fired power plants and force remaining ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology which of course the cost would be passed down to the consumers.

Wow, what a pathetic moron you are. A cigarette tax? You are using that as an example of a tax on the Middle Class? How much do you think you pay in taxes & health insurance because people smoke?

You said Obama only gave the order to proceed with the killing of Bin Laden. Obama never claimed more although to put the killing of Bin Laden as important after Bush gave up & called the Bin Laden irrelevant.

Wow, who knew all drilling stopped under Obama.

It did and it was by his order it stopped. Now, since you don't know much about what you're talking about, Hussein ran on IF YOU MAKE LESS THAN 250K A YEAR, YOU WILL NOT SEE A NEW TAX OF ANY KIND. So if the lower and middle-class people did not pay the NEW sin taxes, what group of people did pay therm?

Authorizing the assassination of Bin Laden would have put the Hussein family in much more danger than Trump saying he was not born in the USA. That's the point I was making that you're too numb to understand. As a typical lying leftist, you try to divert away from the point being made.

Drilling did not stop. Put down the gun & pick up a book.

Obama went after Bin Laden because he killed Americans.

Trump went after Obama for political gain for himself.

Only a dumbass would not see the difference. Asshole.

Keep having a fucking fit over a cigarette tax. It proves how desperate & pathetic you really are.

What it proves is how much of a liar your hero Ears was.

Obama didn't go after anybody. Bin Laden was being pursued since the Bush administration. The timing just happened to be on Hussein's side.

Obama block on Gulf of Mexico drilling meets with anger
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence
1) How did the ACA ruin healthcare? Please. Tell me. I need a good laugh.

Many small businesses dropped coverage for their employees because Commie Care gave them that option. I know, I happen to be one of the victims. In fact afterwards I looked for another company to work for, and what I found out is many have done the same thing.

Prior to Commie Care, employers would never dream of dropping coverage because there was nothing employees could do but find another job. In fact the last employee that left our company did so for that very reason.

2) Obama NEVER EVER took credit for killing Bin Laden. He gave credit to the military, etc.

What does this have to do with him taking credit or not? I said he gave the permission to allow the military to take him out.

3) What new taxes did Obama enact? What businesses did he close?

One of the first things he did after invading the White House was to institute a huge sin tax. You know "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind?" Statistically, tobacco users are poor to middle-class.

Then he pushed for higher corporate and personal income taxes which he got in a tradeoff. Afterwards the Supreme Court said Commie Care could not issue fines, but it can tax people for not buying insurance, so they changed the fines to taxes.

DumBama closed down car dealerships across the country. He stopped the American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, then he attacked Roll-Your-Own cigarette shops across the country and closed them down through taxation. After the Gulf oil spill, he refused to allow drilling, so all those businesses associated with the oil production closed down. Commie Care is also responsible for the closing of healthcare facilities and hospitals--especially in rural areas. He tried to close down coal fired power plants and force remaining ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology which of course the cost would be passed down to the consumers.

Wow, what a pathetic moron you are. A cigarette tax? You are using that as an example of a tax on the Middle Class? How much do you think you pay in taxes & health insurance because people smoke?

You said Obama only gave the order to proceed with the killing of Bin Laden. Obama never claimed more although to put the killing of Bin Laden as important after Bush gave up & called the Bin Laden irrelevant.

Wow, who knew all drilling stopped under Obama.

It did and it was by his order it stopped. Now, since you don't know much about what you're talking about, Hussein ran on IF YOU MAKE LESS THAN 250K A YEAR, YOU WILL NOT SEE A NEW TAX OF ANY KIND. So if the lower and middle-class people did not pay the NEW sin taxes, what group of people did pay therm?

Authorizing the assassination of Bin Laden would have put the Hussein family in much more danger than Trump saying he was not born in the USA. That's the point I was making that you're too numb to understand. As a typical lying leftist, you try to divert away from the point being made.

Drilling did not stop. Put down the gun & pick up a book.

Obama went after Bin Laden because he killed Americans.

Trump went after Obama for political gain for himself.

Only a dumbass would not see the difference. Asshole.

Keep having a fucking fit over a cigarette tax. It proves how desperate & pathetic you really are.

What it proves is how much of a liar your hero Ears was.

Obama didn't go after anybody. Bin Laden was being pursued since the Bush administration. The timing just happened to be on Hussein's side.

Obama block on Gulf of Mexico drilling meets with anger

Bush gave up the hunt for bin Laden at Tora Bora
WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

Trump gave instant credibility to the birther movement

“I’ve got my best people looking into this and they can’t believe what they are finding”

You mean like the way the Democrats gave instant credibility to Russia collusion?
Many small businesses dropped coverage for their employees because Commie Care gave them that option. I know, I happen to be one of the victims. In fact afterwards I looked for another company to work for, and what I found out is many have done the same thing.

Prior to Commie Care, employers would never dream of dropping coverage because there was nothing employees could do but find another job. In fact the last employee that left our company did so for that very reason.

What does this have to do with him taking credit or not? I said he gave the permission to allow the military to take him out.

One of the first things he did after invading the White House was to institute a huge sin tax. You know "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind?" Statistically, tobacco users are poor to middle-class.

Then he pushed for higher corporate and personal income taxes which he got in a tradeoff. Afterwards the Supreme Court said Commie Care could not issue fines, but it can tax people for not buying insurance, so they changed the fines to taxes.

DumBama closed down car dealerships across the country. He stopped the American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, then he attacked Roll-Your-Own cigarette shops across the country and closed them down through taxation. After the Gulf oil spill, he refused to allow drilling, so all those businesses associated with the oil production closed down. Commie Care is also responsible for the closing of healthcare facilities and hospitals--especially in rural areas. He tried to close down coal fired power plants and force remaining ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology which of course the cost would be passed down to the consumers.

Wow, what a pathetic moron you are. A cigarette tax? You are using that as an example of a tax on the Middle Class? How much do you think you pay in taxes & health insurance because people smoke?

You said Obama only gave the order to proceed with the killing of Bin Laden. Obama never claimed more although to put the killing of Bin Laden as important after Bush gave up & called the Bin Laden irrelevant.

Wow, who knew all drilling stopped under Obama.

It did and it was by his order it stopped. Now, since you don't know much about what you're talking about, Hussein ran on IF YOU MAKE LESS THAN 250K A YEAR, YOU WILL NOT SEE A NEW TAX OF ANY KIND. So if the lower and middle-class people did not pay the NEW sin taxes, what group of people did pay therm?

Authorizing the assassination of Bin Laden would have put the Hussein family in much more danger than Trump saying he was not born in the USA. That's the point I was making that you're too numb to understand. As a typical lying leftist, you try to divert away from the point being made.

Drilling did not stop. Put down the gun & pick up a book.

Obama went after Bin Laden because he killed Americans.

Trump went after Obama for political gain for himself.

Only a dumbass would not see the difference. Asshole.

Keep having a fucking fit over a cigarette tax. It proves how desperate & pathetic you really are.

What it proves is how much of a liar your hero Ears was.

Obama didn't go after anybody. Bin Laden was being pursued since the Bush administration. The timing just happened to be on Hussein's side.

Obama block on Gulf of Mexico drilling meets with anger

Bush gave up the hunt for bin Laden at Tora Bora

Bush Led, Bin Laden Dead -- Where's the Credit? | RealClearPolitics

What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

Trump gave instant credibility to the birther movement

“I’ve got my best people looking into this and they can’t believe what they are finding”

You mean like the way the Democrats gave instant credibility to Russia collusion?

What an idiotic comparison
I’m not even bothering with a response
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

Birther claims were based on Obamas publisher who said the book would sell better if he claimed he was born in Kenya and the claim made by his own grandmother.

The right was looking for a way to get him out of office just like the left is doing to get rid of Trump.
Neither one is about race and it's all about policies.
Nope, she didn’t do that either. It’s sad to see folks like you with such a deformed brain.

How dare you call me a liberal!

No, she had nothing to do with it. Her campaign aid just decided to do it on her own. View attachment 227984

I swear if I ever wanted to try to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it's a liberal, because you stupid people will believe anything.
I didn’t. You’re apparently too brain-dead to understand I called you a conservative.

Meanwhile, Hillary still never had a campaign aid spread birther nonsense. I even showed you where it started and you still can’t figure this out.

It started before Hillary but got little recognition. Nobody knew or cared. He was only a Senator at the time.

Hillary is the one who made the theme popular which was long before Trump came along:

Lawsuit questions Obama’s eligibility for office

Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
Trump kept it up for eight years and he never stopped doing it.

I don’t care who started it, Trump owned it.

What the fuk is with these nasty a$$ right wingers?

Don’t they have any morals at all?

They always want to say he started it.

They’re just trash, filthy trash. No morals of values.
Nope, she didn’t do that either. It’s sad to see folks like you with such a deformed brain.

How dare you call me a liberal!

No, she had nothing to do with it. Her campaign aid just decided to do it on her own. View attachment 227984

I swear if I ever wanted to try to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it's a liberal, because you stupid people will believe anything.
I didn’t. You’re apparently too brain-dead to understand I called you a conservative.

Meanwhile, Hillary still never had a campaign aid spread birther nonsense. I even showed you where it started and you still can’t figure this out.

It started before Hillary but got little recognition. Nobody knew or cared. He was only a Senator at the time.

Hillary is the one who made the theme popular which was long before Trump came along:

Lawsuit questions Obama’s eligibility for office

Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
Trump kept it up for eight years and he never stopped doing it.

I don’t care who started it, Trump owned it.

What the fuk is with these nasty a$$ right wingers?

Don’t they have any morals at all?

They always want to say he started it.

They’re just trash, filthy trash. No morals of values.

Why do you think Obamas own grandmother, half brother and sister said he was born in Kenya?
What was their motive to say something like that?
Nope, she didn’t do that either. It’s sad to see folks like you with such a deformed brain.

How dare you call me a liberal!

No, she had nothing to do with it. Her campaign aid just decided to do it on her own. View attachment 227984

I swear if I ever wanted to try to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it's a liberal, because you stupid people will believe anything.
I didn’t. You’re apparently too brain-dead to understand I called you a conservative.

Meanwhile, Hillary still never had a campaign aid spread birther nonsense. I even showed you where it started and you still can’t figure this out.

It started before Hillary but got little recognition. Nobody knew or cared. He was only a Senator at the time.

Hillary is the one who made the theme popular which was long before Trump came along:

Lawsuit questions Obama’s eligibility for office

Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
Trump kept it up for eight years and he never stopped doing it.

I don’t care who started it, Trump owned it.

What the fuk is with these nasty a$$ right wingers?

Don’t they have any morals at all?

They always want to say he started it.

They’re just trash, filthy trash. No morals of values.

Don't you hate when that happens; somebody making up something about another person. You know, like Romney never paid any income tax, and now neither did Trump???
Nope, she didn’t do that either. It’s sad to see folks like you with such a deformed brain.

How dare you call me a liberal!

No, she had nothing to do with it. Her campaign aid just decided to do it on her own. View attachment 227984

I swear if I ever wanted to try to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it's a liberal, because you stupid people will believe anything.
I didn’t. You’re apparently too brain-dead to understand I called you a conservative.

Meanwhile, Hillary still never had a campaign aid spread birther nonsense. I even showed you where it started and you still can’t figure this out.

It started before Hillary but got little recognition. Nobody knew or cared. He was only a Senator at the time.

Hillary is the one who made the theme popular which was long before Trump came along:

Lawsuit questions Obama’s eligibility for office

Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
Trump kept it up for eight years and he never stopped doing it.

I don’t care who started it, Trump owned it.

What the fuk is with these nasty a$$ right wingers?

Don’t they have any morals at all?

They always want to say he started it.

They’re just trash, filthy trash. No morals of values.
Morals. Did you say morals? What kind of morals does it take to rent your daughter to Harvey Weinstein for the summer?
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

People are sick of you leftists making everything about race. It's gone on so long we just point and laugh now.

His father was a foreigner.
Barry changed his identity to a terrorist name.
He withheld his birth certificate for years.

It had nothing to do with race.
WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

Trump gave instant credibility to the birther movement

“I’ve got my best people looking into this and they can’t believe what they are finding”

You mean like the way the Democrats gave instant credibility to Russia collusion?

What an idiotic comparison
I’m not even bothering with a response

Good choice on your part.
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Her daughter was in more danger when she was walking around New York with no pants on.
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

Birther claims were based on Obamas publisher who said the book would sell better if he claimed he was born in Kenya and the claim made by his own grandmother.

The right was looking for a way to get him out of office just like the left is doing to get rid of Trump.
Neither one is about race and it's all about policies.

Total bullshit
That lame Obama publisher article was debunked a decade ago
First, it didn’t show up for years after the Birther movement
Second, the publisher admitted she had made an assumption and apologized
Third, Obama’s grandmother repeatedly claimed he was born in HAWAII
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

People are sick of you leftists making everything about race. It's gone on so long we just point and laugh now.

His father was a foreigner.
Barry changed his identity to a terrorist name.
He withheld his birth certificate for years.

It had nothing to do with race.

Some things ARE about racism

With Obama, racists made two primary attacks

1. Claiming that his presidency is illegitimate and fabricating a bizarre tale that he was secretly born in Africa.
2. Attacking his public speaking. Obama was a powerful public speaker and racists could not accept that a black man could be eloquent. They fabricated a rumor and posted fake stories that he could not speak without a TelePrompTer

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