Moochelle: I'll never forgive Trump for endangering my family.

Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

People are sick of you leftists making everything about race. It's gone on so long we just point and laugh now.

His father was a foreigner.
Barry changed his identity to a terrorist name.
He withheld his birth certificate for years.

It had nothing to do with race.

Some things ARE about racism

With Obama, racists made two primary attacks

1. Claiming that his presidency is illegitimate and fabricating a bizarre tale that he was secretly born in Africa.
2. Attacking his public speaking. Obama was a powerful public speaker and racists could not accept that a black man could be eloquent. They fabricated a rumor and posted fake stories that he could not speak without a TelePrompTer

You mean like this?
harry reid says obama has no negro dialect - Bing video

And is this where you play stupid...oh wait, you're not playing.
Your post still has no relevance
He had no connection to her any more than Crazy Orly Taitz did, which is none. He was an ardent supporter who tried to eliminate her stiffest competition.

Right, for no reason at all other than he had nothing better to do.

It's like I said, you leftists will believe anything. You really think I buy that this guy would take the time, take the money, take the publicity to do this on his own without direction from the hag? That he'd do all this with no personal gain in mind? But I digress.

I happen to have a bridge for sale near where you live. Are you interested in buying it by any chance????

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino spells it all out.

What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

People are sick of you leftists making everything about race. It's gone on so long we just point and laugh now.

His father was a foreigner.
Barry changed his identity to a terrorist name.
He withheld his birth certificate for years.

It had nothing to do with race.

Some things ARE about racism

With Obama, racists made two primary attacks

1. Claiming that his presidency is illegitimate and fabricating a bizarre tale that he was secretly born in Africa.
2. Attacking his public speaking. Obama was a powerful public speaker and racists could not accept that a black man could be eloquent. They fabricated a rumor and posted fake stories that he could not speak without a TelePrompTer

I don't see one thing about race in your response. Can you point to me where that is please?

After all, leftists on this board and in public are saying the same thing about Trump: His presidency is illegitimate. Is that about race too?

Who was attacked about speaking more than George Bush? Was that racist?

Let's face it, 20 years ago, Obama would have been serving us coffee this morning.

The “thing” about race is that a black man cannot be accepted as a legitimate president by the far right.
So they needed to concoct a ridiculous tale about him being born in Africa.
1) How did the ACA ruin healthcare? Please. Tell me. I need a good laugh.

Many small businesses dropped coverage for their employees because Commie Care gave them that option. I know, I happen to be one of the victims. In fact afterwards I looked for another company to work for, and what I found out is many have done the same thing.

Prior to Commie Care, employers would never dream of dropping coverage because there was nothing employees could do but find another job. In fact the last employee that left our company did so for that very reason.

2) Obama NEVER EVER took credit for killing Bin Laden. He gave credit to the military, etc.

What does this have to do with him taking credit or not? I said he gave the permission to allow the military to take him out.

3) What new taxes did Obama enact? What businesses did he close?

One of the first things he did after invading the White House was to institute a huge sin tax. You know "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind?" Statistically, tobacco users are poor to middle-class.

Then he pushed for higher corporate and personal income taxes which he got in a tradeoff. Afterwards the Supreme Court said Commie Care could not issue fines, but it can tax people for not buying insurance, so they changed the fines to taxes.

DumBama closed down car dealerships across the country. He stopped the American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, then he attacked Roll-Your-Own cigarette shops across the country and closed them down through taxation. After the Gulf oil spill, he refused to allow drilling, so all those businesses associated with the oil production closed down. Commie Care is also responsible for the closing of healthcare facilities and hospitals--especially in rural areas. He tried to close down coal fired power plants and force remaining ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology which of course the cost would be passed down to the consumers.

Wow, what a pathetic moron you are. A cigarette tax? You are using that as an example of a tax on the Middle Class? How much do you think you pay in taxes & health insurance because people smoke?

You said Obama only gave the order to proceed with the killing of Bin Laden. Obama never claimed more although to put the killing of Bin Laden as important after Bush gave up & called the Bin Laden irrelevant.

Wow, who knew all drilling stopped under Obama.

It did and it was by his order it stopped. Now, since you don't know much about what you're talking about, Hussein ran on IF YOU MAKE LESS THAN 250K A YEAR, YOU WILL NOT SEE A NEW TAX OF ANY KIND. So if the lower and middle-class people did not pay the NEW sin taxes, what group of people did pay therm?

Authorizing the assassination of Bin Laden would have put the Hussein family in much more danger than Trump saying he was not born in the USA. That's the point I was making that you're too numb to understand. As a typical lying leftist, you try to divert away from the point being made.
Obama never stopped all drilling. You’re fucking nuts. He imposed a brief moratorium on deep offshore drilling only following the Deep Horizon catastrophe; to investigate what caused it and implement restrictions to attempt to prevent future such disasters. And even that limited moratorium was lifted 6 months later.

Well here, I have an article from the New York Communist Times, and here is what it says:

WASHINGTON — A federal judge in New Orleans on Tuesday blocked a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling projects that the Obama administration imposed after the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The White House swiftly vowed to appeal the ruling.

In a 22-page opinion, the judge, Martin L. C. Feldman of United StatesDistrict Court, issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of a late May order halting all offshore exploratory drilling in more than 500 feet of water.

Judge Blocks Obama’s Moratorium on Deep-Water Drilling; White House Sets Appeal
You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

People are sick of you leftists making everything about race. It's gone on so long we just point and laugh now.

His father was a foreigner.
Barry changed his identity to a terrorist name.
He withheld his birth certificate for years.

It had nothing to do with race.

Some things ARE about racism

With Obama, racists made two primary attacks

1. Claiming that his presidency is illegitimate and fabricating a bizarre tale that he was secretly born in Africa.
2. Attacking his public speaking. Obama was a powerful public speaker and racists could not accept that a black man could be eloquent. They fabricated a rumor and posted fake stories that he could not speak without a TelePrompTer

I don't see one thing about race in your response. Can you point to me where that is please?

After all, leftists on this board and in public are saying the same thing about Trump: His presidency is illegitimate. Is that about race too?

Who was attacked about speaking more than George Bush? Was that racist?

Let's face it, 20 years ago, Obama would have been serving us coffee this morning.

The “thing” about race is that a black man cannot be accepted as a legitimate president by the far right.
So they needed to concoct a ridiculous tale about him being born in Africa.

As I explained, it had nothing to do with his race. If it was a white guy who was suspected of being born in Germany, it would have been the same thing.
That dossier has not been proven to be falser.

Clintin did not buy it from the Russians.

It is called opposition research. All candidates do it. She hired a company. It is not her fault that Trump's trail was in Russia.

Quit lying you piece of shit.

You are ac liar.

Falser than what, NaziDave?

The dossier that Clinton bought from the Russians has never been shown to have any factual information to it. In many cases, such as the absurd lies about Russian hookers urinating on Trump, it has indeed been proven false.

That you are a liar, a scumbag, and a traitor not withstanding.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

People are sick of you leftists making everything about race. It's gone on so long we just point and laugh now.

His father was a foreigner.
Barry changed his identity to a terrorist name.
He withheld his birth certificate for years.

It had nothing to do with race.

Some things ARE about racism

With Obama, racists made two primary attacks

1. Claiming that his presidency is illegitimate and fabricating a bizarre tale that he was secretly born in Africa.
2. Attacking his public speaking. Obama was a powerful public speaker and racists could not accept that a black man could be eloquent. They fabricated a rumor and posted fake stories that he could not speak without a TelePrompTer

I don't see one thing about race in your response. Can you point to me where that is please?

After all, leftists on this board and in public are saying the same thing about Trump: His presidency is illegitimate. Is that about race too?

Who was attacked about speaking more than George Bush? Was that racist?

Let's face it, 20 years ago, Obama would have been serving us coffee this morning.

The “thing” about race is that a black man cannot be accepted as a legitimate president by the far right.
So they needed to concoct a ridiculous tale about him being born in Africa.

As I explained, it had nothing to do with his race. If it was a white guy who was suspected of being born in Germany, it would have been the same thing.

How many Presidents ever had their birthplace questioned before the “magic negro”??
Then, as soon as he is gone, conservatives run Canadian Born Ted Cruz

Can’t make this shot up
What Trump accused Obama of (with no evidence) is despicable and shows either a complete lack of character or a complete lack of intelligence

You can believe that if you want. But what Mooochelle said was a complete lie. She nor her family was in danger because Trump questioned Ears citizenship.
Birther claims were downright racism directed at the first black president of the US
They were devised to pander to the racist elements of the Republican Party and delegitimize the first black president

“He is not the real president”

People are sick of you leftists making everything about race. It's gone on so long we just point and laugh now.

His father was a foreigner.
Barry changed his identity to a terrorist name.
He withheld his birth certificate for years.

It had nothing to do with race.
You’re truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Obama never changed his name to a terrorist name and he released his short form in 2008 while running for president.

Peaceful white Nazi Republicans.
This is what they call peace.

Just wondering what you would do deanie if you were surrounded by a mob of insane rioters.
Wouldn't you try to escape?
Would you fight back?
Or just allow them to attack you?

James Fields was not surrounded. He was safely in his car until he drove down that street with the intention of running over as many people as he could.

That's your story. You weren't there.

You and your fellow alt-right conservatives are pieces of shit.

He was clearly trying to kill/injure as many people as possible. And you have no problem with that at all.

Muslim guy tries to kill a bunch of people: "THOSE TERRORIST PIECES OF SHIT NEED TO BE BANNED"

White guy tries to kill a bunch of people: "Hey he was just defending himself."

The obama was born in Kenya story was started by his publisher and spread by Clintonista Sidney Blumenthal.
2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story
But, democrats change history as it suits them.
From your link...

Patti Solis Doyle, Clinton’s campaign manager during part of the 2008 race, told CNN on Friday that an Iowa campaign worker had passed on an email about the birther conspiracy and that Clinton quickly fired him.

And Patti Solis Doyle later said she had misspoken; that the email for which that campaign worker had been fired was actually about Obama being a Muslim, not about the birther conspiracy.
Obama never stopped all drilling. You’re fucking nuts. He imposed a brief moratorium on deep offshore drilling only following the Deep Horizon catastrophe; to investigate what caused it and implement restrictions to attempt to prevent future such disasters. And even that limited moratorium was lifted 6 months later.

One thing we can count of from you fawn, if you say it, it's a lie.

The newest phase of Obama’s environmental agenda has the oil and natural gas industry in its crosshairs, with plans to curb greenhouse gas pollution from rigs and refineries, tighten oversight of drilling on public lands and impose a strict ozone limit that industry lobbyists slam as “the most expensive regulation ever.”

The administration still might hand some modest victories to the industry along the way — as early as Friday, for example, the Interior Department may give Shell Oil a final green light for expanded drilling off Alaska’s Arctic coast. And unlike the massive climate rule that the EPA issued for power plants last week, the administration’s actions on oil and gas will be quieter, more piecemeal and harder to track}

Obama's quiet war on oil

Another deranged rightard. ^^^

To show that I lied when the only drilling he stopped was a six month moratorium on deep offshore drilling, you post a link showing drilling continued.

WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

View attachment 227962
Either he was lying then, or he is lying now.

That's a very bad photoshop job.

Notice the bar codes on the so called ID.

Bar codes weren't on student ID in 1981.

That fake photoshop job has been proven as the very bad lie it's been all along.

Try another lie. Try to make that one more believable.
He had no connection to her any more than Crazy Orly Taitz did, which is none. He was an ardent supporter who tried to eliminate her stiffest competition.

Right, for no reason at all other than he had nothing better to do.

It's like I said, you leftists will believe anything. You really think I buy that this guy would take the time, take the money, take the publicity to do this on his own without direction from the hag? That he'd do all this with no personal gain in mind? But I digress.

I happen to have a bridge for sale near where you live. Are you interested in buying it by any chance????
Ranting lunatic, I never said he didn’t have a motive or nothing better to do. :eusa_doh:

I said he was not connected to either Hillary or her campaign. You even tacitly acknowledge this with your unhinged ravings which include anything but establishing such a connection.
That dossier has not been proven to be falser.

Clintin did not buy it from the Russians.

It is called opposition research. All candidates do it. She hired a company. It is not her fault that Trump's trail was in Russia.

Quit lying you piece of shit.

You are ac liar.

I'm not lying about anything. Steele got the information for HER dossier that SHE paid for from the Russians. You think she didn't know that?

Put down the gun & get a fucking education.

1) The dossier has never been proven to be false

2) Clinton paid an opposition reporting firm

3) That firm hired the man that wrote the dossier.

Correct. And you would have to have an IQ under 40 if you really believe Hillary knew nothing about where Steele got his information from.
When did Hillary even first read the dossier?

I'm sure before she had the FBI present it as actual investigation and not opposition research to the FISA court.
”I’m sure.....”

.... means you have no fucking clue about anything you post after those 2words. Not that that stops you from making shit up and calling anyone who doesn’t accept your bullshit, too naive to know better, like you do.
1) How did the ACA ruin healthcare? Please. Tell me. I need a good laugh.

Many small businesses dropped coverage for their employees because Commie Care gave them that option. I know, I happen to be one of the victims. In fact afterwards I looked for another company to work for, and what I found out is many have done the same thing.

Prior to Commie Care, employers would never dream of dropping coverage because there was nothing employees could do but find another job. In fact the last employee that left our company did so for that very reason.

2) Obama NEVER EVER took credit for killing Bin Laden. He gave credit to the military, etc.

What does this have to do with him taking credit or not? I said he gave the permission to allow the military to take him out.

3) What new taxes did Obama enact? What businesses did he close?

One of the first things he did after invading the White House was to institute a huge sin tax. You know "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind?" Statistically, tobacco users are poor to middle-class.

Then he pushed for higher corporate and personal income taxes which he got in a tradeoff. Afterwards the Supreme Court said Commie Care could not issue fines, but it can tax people for not buying insurance, so they changed the fines to taxes.

DumBama closed down car dealerships across the country. He stopped the American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, then he attacked Roll-Your-Own cigarette shops across the country and closed them down through taxation. After the Gulf oil spill, he refused to allow drilling, so all those businesses associated with the oil production closed down. Commie Care is also responsible for the closing of healthcare facilities and hospitals--especially in rural areas. He tried to close down coal fired power plants and force remaining ones to invest millions of dollars in clean technology which of course the cost would be passed down to the consumers.

Wow, what a pathetic moron you are. A cigarette tax? You are using that as an example of a tax on the Middle Class? How much do you think you pay in taxes & health insurance because people smoke?

You said Obama only gave the order to proceed with the killing of Bin Laden. Obama never claimed more although to put the killing of Bin Laden as important after Bush gave up & called the Bin Laden irrelevant.

Wow, who knew all drilling stopped under Obama.

It did and it was by his order it stopped. Now, since you don't know much about what you're talking about, Hussein ran on IF YOU MAKE LESS THAN 250K A YEAR, YOU WILL NOT SEE A NEW TAX OF ANY KIND. So if the lower and middle-class people did not pay the NEW sin taxes, what group of people did pay therm?

Authorizing the assassination of Bin Laden would have put the Hussein family in much more danger than Trump saying he was not born in the USA. That's the point I was making that you're too numb to understand. As a typical lying leftist, you try to divert away from the point being made.
Obama never stopped all drilling. You’re fucking nuts. He imposed a brief moratorium on deep offshore drilling only following the Deep Horizon catastrophe; to investigate what caused it and implement restrictions to attempt to prevent future such disasters. And even that limited moratorium was lifted 6 months later.

Well here, I have an article from the New York Communist Times, and here is what it says:

WASHINGTON — A federal judge in New Orleans on Tuesday blocked a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling projects that the Obama administration imposed after the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The White House swiftly vowed to appeal the ruling.

In a 22-page opinion, the judge, Martin L. C. Feldman of United StatesDistrict Court, issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of a late May order halting all offshore exploratory drilling in more than 500 feet of water.

Judge Blocks Obama’s Moratorium on Deep-Water Drilling; White House Sets Appeal

How the fuck do you think that proves what I said was wrong??

I can’t tell if you’re just another pathological lying con ? Or just completely fucking insane, like Uncensored2008 ?
You and your fellow alt-right conservatives are pieces of shit.

He was clearly trying to kill/injure as many people as possible. And you have no problem with that at all.

Muslim guy tries to kill a bunch of people: "THOSE TERRORIST PIECES OF SHIT NEED TO BE BANNED"

White guy tries to kill a bunch of people: "Hey he was just defending himself."


Fields deserves the death penalty, Comrade.

Even so, the ONLY reason their was violence is because the DNC sent their ANTIFA Brown Shirts out to create violence.

And let us not forget that Jason Kessler, the scumbag who organized the event was a Soros agent.

Before Charlottesville, he did this;


No excuse for Feilds, but the fact is that you Marxists set up the whole thing to create violence.

Peaceful white Nazi Republicans.
This is what they call peace.

Just wondering what you would do deanie if you were surrounded by a mob of insane rioters.
Wouldn't you try to escape?
Would you fight back?
Or just allow them to attack you?

James Fields was not surrounded. He was safely in his car until he drove down that street with the intention of running over as many people as he could.

That's your story. You weren't there.

You and your fellow alt-right conservatives are pieces of shit.

He was clearly trying to kill/injure as many people as possible. And you have no problem with that at all.

Muslim guy tries to kill a bunch of people: "THOSE TERRORIST PIECES OF SHIT NEED TO BE BANNED"

White guy tries to kill a bunch of people: "Hey he was just defending himself."

That’s ok. Despite the bullshit posted here by these lying rightards, Fields’ case is scheduled to proceed later this month; where he’s facing a first degree murder charge, some 30 other charges related to pedestrians he injured by driving his car into that crowd and federal charges tacked on for committing hate crimes.
Obama never stopped all drilling. You’re fucking nuts. He imposed a brief moratorium on deep offshore drilling only following the Deep Horizon catastrophe; to investigate what caused it and implement restrictions to attempt to prevent future such disasters. And even that limited moratorium was lifted 6 months later.

One thing we can count of from you fawn, if you say it, it's a lie.

The newest phase of Obama’s environmental agenda has the oil and natural gas industry in its crosshairs, with plans to curb greenhouse gas pollution from rigs and refineries, tighten oversight of drilling on public lands and impose a strict ozone limit that industry lobbyists slam as “the most expensive regulation ever.”

The administration still might hand some modest victories to the industry along the way — as early as Friday, for example, the Interior Department may give Shell Oil a final green light for expanded drilling off Alaska’s Arctic coast. And unlike the massive climate rule that the EPA issued for power plants last week, the administration’s actions on oil and gas will be quieter, more piecemeal and harder to track}

Obama's quiet war on oil

Another deranged rightard. ^^^

To show that I lied when the only drilling he stopped was a six month moratorium on deep offshore drilling, you post a link showing drilling continued.



You're sure making your case, fucktard...

The president announced few specific actions. He did declare a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling, and he is bringing in a former federal prosecutor and inspector general to clean up the Minerals Management Service, a cesspool of nepotism, self-dealing, ineptitude, and cronyism. But those were the exceptions. “One of the lessons we’ve learned,” the president said solemnly, “is that we need better regulations, better safety standards, and better enforcement when it comes to offshore drilling.” As a result, he said—cue the bugles and drums—he’s forming a national commission “to understand the causes of this disaster and offer recommendations on what additional safety and environmental standards we need to put in place.” (Just what the nation needs: another commission.) And finally, he dished out some platitudes about the need to wean our nation off fossil fuels, which even he acknowledged is a pledge that every president has made for the past 30 years, only to watch our dependence grow.

The speech was filled with “battle plans” and military jargon intended to show how tough the president is on crude. In this, the eighth week of the disaster, the president went from bullying—last week’s search for an “ass to kick”—to full-scale war. “We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes,” he vowed in his first speech from the Oval Office.}

Obama Declares War on Oil

I know I'm impressed. Your DailKOS paycheck is well earned.


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