Moore Accusers Could Face Criminal Charges

Actually there is no burden on either the accuser or the accused to prove anything.

But it is fascinating that the Right believes women shouldn't be able to accuse their attackers unless they can 'prove' they were attacked.

So if your daughter gets her boobs grabbed by her manager in the backroom at the restaurant she works at- she better not say anything to anyone about it- unless it was caught on camera.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, ....You got it wrong. The can accuse all the want. Any one can say anything. It is the taking them seriously without evidence that is at fault. These women should simply be laughed at. Hopefully Alabama voters will not be scammed into falling prey to an obvious political hit job.

And the burden of proof is always on the accuser. Innocent unless proven guilty.....Actually. :biggrin:
You are wrong. This is not a court of law. Also when a man runs on values then we have every right to see how he runs his life. There is corroboration and to suggest they are lying you have to prove that 40 years ago they knew Moore would be running for the Senate.
Yeah ? And WHAT "corroboration" is that ? You and thousands of others just popping off, and saying so ? Stop talking stupid.

And Darkwind doesn't have to prove anything, and probably you know that. If anyone is lying I'd say it's you.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Jones (D) Moore (R) Spread
RCP Average 11/9 - 11/15 -- -- 46.5 46.3 Jones +0.2
Gravis 11/14 - 11/15 628 LV 3.5 47 42 Jones +5
FOX News 11/13 - 11/15 649 LV 3.5 50 42 Jones +8
FOX 10/Strategy Research 11/13 - 11/13 3000 LV 2.0 43 49 Moore +6
Emerson 11/9 - 11/11 600 LV 3.9 45 55 Moore +10
JMC Analytics* 11/9 - 11/11 575 LV 4.1 48 44 Jones +4
Opinion Savvy 11/9 - 11/9 515 LV 4.3 46 46 Tie

RealClearPolitics - Election 2017 - Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones

We shall see.
Great idea. Add false prosecution to Moore's long list of scumbag behaviors.
Provide evidence or shut up.
The difference is that the Clintons have been investigated for 30 years and no crime. When Moore is as intensely investigated then you can make a comparison.
No, that is incorrect. The Clintons have been investigated for 30 years and no one has the balls to bring charges.

Are you saying every court in the country is afraid of the Clintons ?
Imagine that. Only the crazy web sites are reporting that. I wonder why?
3 young men in good health, all Clinton aides scheduled to testify against the Clintons, and they all die separately, with 3 days of each other. Wanna tell us it's a coincidence ? And then we'll tell you how crazy you are.

Not getting confused with the FACTS are you ?

Ron Brown died along with 39 other people when the T-43 (a converted 737 used by the Air Force) carrying the group on a trip to Bosnia crashed while approaching the Dubrovnik airport. On the verge of being indicted and having stated publicly his willingness to make a deal with prosecutors, Ron Brown's death brought to an end his ability to testify. The very next day, Ron Brown's personal lawyer was murdered in a drive-by shooting. A few days later, the Air Traffic Controller who had been in charge during the aircraft crash was found dead and declared a suicide.

On leaving Ron Brown's funeral, President Bill Clinton was seen laughing and joking ... until he saw the camera, then he went into his sad act!


No, you can't use the INVALIDATION CARD on this one.

You're funny, but not in a haha kind of way. More like in an odd way.
Actually there is no burden on either the accuser or the accused to prove anything.

But it is fascinating that the Right believes women shouldn't be able to accuse their attackers unless they can 'prove' they were attacked.

So if your daughter gets her boobs grabbed by her manager in the backroom at the restaurant she works at- she better not say anything to anyone about it- unless it was caught on camera.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, ....You got it wrong. The can accuse all the want. Any one can say anything. It is the taking them seriously without evidence that is at fault. These women should simply be laughed at. Hopefully Alabama voters will not be scammed into falling prey to an obvious political hit job.

And the burden of proof is always on the accuser. Innocent unless proven guilty.....Actually. :biggrin:

I suppose that 40 years ago several of these women knew that Moore would run for the Senate so they told someone else what happened. A Senate race is not a court of law. Clinton has not been convicted of anything yet you attack him for sexual harassment. You are a hypocrite.
Actually there is no burden on either the accuser or the accused to prove anything.

But it is fascinating that the Right believes women shouldn't be able to accuse their attackers unless they can 'prove' they were attacked.

So if your daughter gets her boobs grabbed by her manager in the backroom at the restaurant she works at- she better not say anything to anyone about it- unless it was caught on camera.
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, ....You got it wrong. The can accuse all the want. Any one can say anything. It is the taking them seriously without evidence that is at fault. These women should simply be laughed at. Hopefully Alabama voters will not be scammed into falling prey to an obvious political hit job.

And the burden of proof is always on the accuser. Innocent unless proven guilty.....Actually. :biggrin:

And by 'obvious political hit job' you mean the accusations of 6 women now- most of them Republican- none of whom have been linked in anyway to the Democratic Party or Moore's opponent.
I agree. Let's get these woman under oath where they will have to show their evidence.
Exactly. It's a parallel to the Michael Brown shooting case, where Brown sympathizers lied initially, but when supeoned and brought to court, and faced with prison time for perjury, they came clean, and recanted their earlier lies. Consequently, Darrin Wilson was acquitted, and not even brought to trial.

And it is parallel how?

Oh because you have accused the accusers of lying.

Do you have proof that they are lying?

No- but that doesn't stop you from accusing them of lying.
Trump and GOP will accept a child molester in their party as long as billionaires get tax cuts. Can there be a grosser reason to sell your soul?
Ive been a target of fabricated crap by multiple women.......happened to me some years ago. I got railroaded right out of the facility I was working at and was essentially demoted. Got suspended and investigated in the process. Lost $$ that to this day Ive never been able to make up.

Anybody who automatically takes the words of the women to be 100% truthful 100% of the time are people without a clue. Politically I cant stand Franken or Conyers, but given my experience, I tend to think they might be being railroaded as some others are. Ive lived this nightmare and it blows.
Fellow Republicans, ask yourself,: What if one of these women were your daughter? Would you still support him? What would you then say to the people who still support him? If you elect a known child predator to the US Senate, no one is safe anymore, think about your own kids!

And it is parallel how?

Oh because you have accused the accusers of lying.

Do you have proof that they are lying?

No- but that doesn't stop you from accusing them of lying.
Try reading my post that you quoted. The answer to your question is right there. You had it before you posted.

The proof of them lying is to be revealed when (as in the Brown/Wilson case) when they suddenly realize that the truth could come out, and they could be discovered as having committed perjury.

It's one thing to go around blabbing something in the street. It's another to be faced with years in prison for what you say (under oath in a courtroom)
What a story for the media. Moore accusers get lesson in perjury law. Whoops.

Trump and GOP will accept a child molester in their party as long as billionaires get tax cuts. Can there be a grosser reason to sell your soul?
I never heard of Trump or the GOP accepting a child molester in their party (and neither have you) :biggrin:
And it is parallel how?

Oh because you have accused the accusers of lying.

Do you have proof that they are lying?

No- but that doesn't stop you from accusing them of lying.

It's one thing to go around blabbing something in the street. It's another to be faced with years in prison for what you say (under oath in a courtroom)

Yep- I look forward to Moore's lawsuit - where he would have to testify in court- and be faced with years in prison for what he says.

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