Zone1 Morality is natural phenomenon.

Troll elsewhere. Thanks.
It's an honest push back. You are hard pressed to present real evidence for being condemned for your beliefs. Personally I think it's just an excuse for your poor opinions of Christians and Christianity.
Given that humans come from and are a part of nature, everything humans produce could be considered natural.
It's an honest push back. You are hard pressed to present real evidence for being condemned for your beliefs. Personally I think it's just an excuse for your poor opinions of Christians and Christianity.
Whatever. You're ignoring the topic and derailing the thread.
Given that humans come from and are a part of nature, everything humans produce could be considered natural.
Agreed. But religions folks, some of them at least, try to say that humans didn't produce morality. They say it was handed to them by a god.
Agreed. But religions folks, some of them at least, try to say that humans didn't produce morality. They say it was handed to them by a god.
As it existed in the universe their god created, it also could be said to be as natural as every other "part" of the whole that is the universe and its creator.
Whatever. You're ignoring the topic and derailing the thread.
You kind of took us here when you made your excuse for your poor behaviors in post #12. But if you want to get back to the topic then let me say this again because you still haven't refuted it yet with actual logic or evidence.

Atheism proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. Atheism sees no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value except pain and pleasure which is a function of their satisfying their material needs and primitive instincts. So it's not that they have no basis for morality as much as it is they have no need for morality. If it feels good, do it. If it doesn't, don't. No obligations or duty to their creator. Atheists don't have morals as much as they have preferences. To an atheist morals can be anything man says they are. Atheists are OK with morals changing because they don't consider morals to be universal or independent of man.
You kind of took us here when you made your excuse for your poor behaviors in post #12.
Poor behaviors??? As I said, take your trolling elsewhere
Atheism proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts.
No, it doesn't. This your strawman.
Atheism sees no distinction between good and evil -
Atheism is the lack of belief in a god. It doesn't presume to dictate morals. But atheists can, and are, moral. They practice morality, not obedience. Which is really all the Christian version of morality amounts to.
So it's not that they ....
What a large font you have!
Poor behaviors??? As I said, take your trolling elsewhere

No, it doesn't. This your strawman.

Atheism is the lack of belief in a god. It doesn't presume to dictate morals. But atheists can, and are, moral. They practice morality, not obedience. Which is really all the Christian version of morality amounts to.

What a large font you have!
It's just logic, right? If atheists believe that morals are human constructs then morals can be anything a human wishes to construct them to be. How is this wrong?
It's just logic, right. If atheists believe that morals are human constructs then morals can be anything a human wishes to construct them to be. How is this wrong?
It's not. It's also not what you said previously. You claimed a bunch of other unsupported crap, because you're not here for discussion. You're trolling and proselytizing.
It's not. It's also not what you said previously. You claimed a bunch of other unsupported crap, because you're not here for discussion. You're trolling and proselytizing.
How is it wrong to say human constructs can be anything humans want to construct?
because you're not here for discussion. You're trolling and proselytizing.
But I am. Right now I'm trying to understand how morals can't be whatever man says they are if morals are human constructs. Is that off topic?
How is it wrong to say human constructs can be anything humans want to construct?
Is equivocating and strawmanning all you're capable of??

You continue to pretend atheism is a religion, guiding one's life and dictating the values of anyone who doesn't believe in a god. You claim that an atheist has "no morality or any other kind of value except pain and pleasure which is a function of their satisfying their material needs and primitive instincts."

This is a lie and a smear.
But I am. Right now I'm trying to understand how morals can't be whatever man says they are if morals are human constructs. Is that off topic?
You're strawmanning. Again. Nowhere in this thread have I claimed "morals can't be whatever man says they are". That's your hangup. And I just don't care.
Is equivocating and strawmanning all you're capable of??

You continue to pretend atheism is a religion, guiding one's life and dictating the values of anyone who doesn't believe in a god. You claim that an atheist has "no morality or any other kind of value except pain and pleasure which is a function of their satisfying their material needs and primitive instincts."

This is a lie and a smear.
I'm asking you a very simple and relevant question which you seem to be avoiding.

Can morals be anything man says they are? I say no. You say morals are human constructs. So how much freedom does man have in construction the human construct of morality?

It's a fair question.
You're strawmanning. Again. Nowhere in this thread have I claimed "morals can't be whatever man says they are". That's your hangup. And I just don't care.
Can morals be anything man says they can be? I say they can't because they are independent of man. They exist unto themselves.
You're strawmanning. Again. Nowhere in this thread have I claimed "morals can't be whatever man says they are". That's your hangup. And I just don't care.
You claimed morals are human constructs, right? So, if morals are human constructs can morals be anything man says they are? It's a really simple question. Don't be afraid of answering it.
I'm asking you a very simple and relevant question which you seem to be avoiding.
It's not relevant. At all. My OP doesn't claim the contrary. My claim is that morals occur naturally, and don't require the mandates of a supreme being.
It's a fair question.
It's an attempt to derail the thread and inject an argument you'd rather have. Start a thread if that's what to bicker about.

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