Morality Returns To The White House: LGBT Rights Page Deleted From White House Website


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is great. This is the first step in returning America back to God by restoring morality in the White House. Homosexual rights promote an unhealthy degenerate lifestyle full of pedophilia, disease, and death. God forbids it. With that out of the way, the MLK bust also needs to disappear from the WH . This is Steve McGarrett!

LGBT rights page disappears from White House web site
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USMB's premier racist seems to be happiest of all around here about the Trump election.

Isn't that telling?
^^ NYcarbineer, what does race have to do with deviant sex addictions?

Behaviors don't have rights. So says Hively v Ivy Tech (7th circuit 2016). Ivy Tech won. The Court's conclusion was that homosexuality and one might presume other bizarre sexual behaviors and illnesses such as so-called "transgender" are not covered under even the slightest insinuation in the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Long story short, you can turn your deviant behaviors into a cult, but you cannot turn that cult into a special protected group unless it revolves around race or gender or faith; which LGBT does not. The closest LGBT cult comes to Constitutional protections is "religion". And as yet I've not seen their tax-exempt status or application.

It will take an Act of Congress to give rights to just some (but not other) behaviors. Behaviors have always fallen with the states' jurisdictions to regulate. Deviant sex addictions don't rise above other addictions just because they organized better.

Fun fact: Did you know that when doctors treat so-called transgenders (even children now) with cancer-causing hormones or brutal mutilating surgery, they require the (clearly mentally incapable) patients to sign a waiver that says in essence "you know this protocol won't really actually change your gender".....Malpractice lawsuit anyone? Mandated child abuse reporting anyone?... President Trump & Vice President Pence, will you sit silently by or will you demand prosecution of doctors performing child abuse for money?
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It's bizarre that we should grant people different rights based on sexual preferences.

Ah, it's already looking great and it's barely been a day.
USMB's premier racist seems to be happiest of all around here about the Trump election.

Isn't that telling?
I was thinking he's a typical Republican.
Well see that's the reason dems lost the 2016 election and power in nearly every area in the US. Because they failed to see that rejection of the LGBT cult value system was by all walks left of middle, middle and to the right of middle...none of which are "typical Republicans"..
^^ NYcarbineer, what does race have to do with deviant sex addictions?

Behaviors don't have rights. So says Hively v Ivy Tech (7th circuit 2016). Ivy Tech won. The Court's conclusion was that homosexuality and one might presume other bizarre sexual behaviors and illnesses such as so-called "transgender" are not covered under even the slightest insinuation in the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Long story short, you can turn your deviant behaviors into a cult, but you cannot turn that cult into a special protected group unless it revolves around race or gender or faith; which LGBT does not. The closest LGBT cult comes to Constitutional protections is "religion". And as yet I've not seen their tax-exempt status or application.

It will take an Act of Congress to give rights to just some (but not other) behaviors. Behaviors have always fallen with the states' jurisdictions to regulate. Deviant sex addictions don't rise above other addictions just because they organized better.

Fun fact: Did you know that when doctors treat so-called transgenders (even children now) with cancer-causing hormones or brutal mutilating surgery, they require the (clearly mentally incapable) patients to sign a waiver that says in essence "you know this protocol won't really actually change your gender".....Malpractice lawsuit anyone? Mandated child abuse reporting anyone?... President Trump & Vice President Pence, will you sit silently by or will you demand prosecution of doctors performing child abuse for money?

The OP is USMB's number one racist.

You are USMB's number one homophobe.

No reasonable person would expect anything other than that you and he would enter a symbiotic relationship.
The OP is USMB's number one racist.

You are USMB's number one homophobe.

No reasonable person would expect anything other than that you and he would enter a symbiotic relationship.

Racism is different from what you call "homophobia". One is the fear of a person because of how they were born. The other is the fear of a person by how they behave. People behaving insanely should elicit fear from sane people. That's a most natural reaction. They're giving people a real, tangible reason to fear them. Give them unlimited power for 8 years like we just went through, and they REALLY give people a reason to fear their fascism.

Now that's changing. Pence won't soon forget how the cult of LGBT's mouthpiece in media, Rachael Maddow, tried to unseat him as Governor because of his sane views. And he won't soon forget the 6 or so governor's heads Maddow has hanging from her belt buckle that she was successful for defaming and unseating on trumped up "morality" issues; coming from hypocrisy has no limits.. It didn't under Obama. But it does now under Pence/Trump.

If the cult of LGBT wants to literally be able to point the finger of blame at what's going to happen to their agenda's advancements in the next 4 years, it's Rachael Maddow. You don't unseat 6 republican governors (because they just recently spoke their feelings opposing gay marriage) and have the cause you literally embody be advanced when one of those governors that slipped off your gaff makes it to the Vice President's Office.

It's over. Game over. Pence has memory cells in his brain.
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USMB's premier racist seems to be happiest of all around here about the Trump election.

Isn't that telling?
Thank you for noticing. I'm ecstatic! We are finally returning America back to the type people the founders created it for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation of the 1st Congress. My people are going to be in charge and rule this country (like Trump said) the way it was meant to be. The other lesser type people can get out of the way. It's the only way of returning America back to God preserving our Christian family traditions and moral values.
The pages for homeland security, civil rights, climate change, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also all deleted. This is the standard practice for new administrations.
USMB's premier racist seems to be happiest of all around here about the Trump election.

Isn't that telling?
Thank you for noticing. I'm ecstatic! We are finally returning America back to the type people the founders created it for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation of the 1st Congress. My people are going to be in charge and rule this country (like Trump said) the way it was meant to be. The other lesser type people can get out of the way. It's the only way of returning America back to God preserving our Christian family traditions and moral values.
you mean the atheist christian hating founders?
The pages for homeland security, civil rights, climate change, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also all deleted. This is the standard practice for new administrations.
That's a lie. Unless the Whitehouse puts up a newly revised page on the LGBT cult, it's a clear message: you're agenda has been officially deleted from federal protocol and priority.

Think they're going to put up a new "LGBT rights" page mdk...under Pence?....Really? After Maddow nearly toppled his seat as governor like she actually did to the others? :lmao:
This is great. This is the first step in returning America back to God by restoring morality in the White House. Homosexual rights promote an unhealthy degenerate lifestyle full of pedophilia, disease, and death. God forbids it. With that out of the way, the MLK bust also needs to disappear from the WH . This is Steve McGarrett!

LGBT rights page disappears from White House web site
Guess where Obama is right now.
He's staying with a couple of gay friends, playing golf on a billionaire's golf course in Palm Springs.
The pages for homeland security, civil rights, climate change, seniors, taxes, trade, and, the economy were also all deleted. This is the standard practice for new administrations.
That's a lie. Unless the Whitehouse puts up a newly revised page on the LGBT cult, it's a clear message: you're agenda has been officially deleted from federal protocol and priority.

Think they're going to put up a new "LGBT rights" page mdk...under Pence?....Really? :lmao:

Homeland Secuirty:





Does this mean the aforementioned's agendas have been officially deleted from federal protocol and priority? :lol:
Three marriages, five children, calls one of them a 'retard,' a liar, a lover of alternate truth.

Nah, the OP should be put in the comedy forum.
Three marriages, five children, calls one of them a 'retard,' a liar, a lover of alternate truth.

Nah, the OP should be put in the comedy forum.
That's an ad hominem. Care to talk about why the LGBT rights page was removed and to speculate if it will simply be replaced with a new one with Trump/Pence's logo? :popcorn: When do you think Trump/Mike Pence's new "LGBT rights" page will be up on the Whitehouse website? February? May? November? Ever?
Three marriages, five children, calls one of them a 'retard,' a liar, a lover of alternate truth.

Nah, the OP should be put in the comedy forum.
Irrelevant. At least Trump has a valid real original birth certificate confirming he's an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen truly eligible for the presidency.

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