Mordred/Cyclonus: Avatar America [TrumpUSA Dividend]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Mordred is the legendary antagonistic warlord-knight from Arthurian legend and a rival of Camelot and has been depicted in various modern media such as pulp-fiction history-revisionism novels, movies, and comic books. In fact, Mordred comics comprise a major portion of new age revisionist-history folklore regarding Arthurian lore.

Cyclonus is a fictional wolfish-first knight robot of an evil army of robots called Decepticons, from Hasbro's very popular A.I. fantasy-adventure entertainment franchise Transformers, which includes cartoons, comics, and full-length films such as Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Avatars have become very useful in modern entertainment and society, since they capture our interest in using psychological representations of behavior and ethos. We love modern era avatars such as Captain America, Catwoman, Green Giant, RoboCop, and Vanity-Smurf, since they symbolize our socialized manner of addressing politically and culturally relevant ideas/conflicts.

TrumpUSA has become a 'beacon' of great commercial activity and media-intrigue, and since U.S. President Donald Trump was a former capitalism-baron, Americans expect Trump to be a 'diplomat' of new age 'magazine-culture' oriented pedestrian daydreams (e.g., GQ, People Magazine, Consumer Reports, etc.). Indeed, Trump is like the modern-day 'bandleader' of this era of socialization-intrigue relevant dioramas (e.g., Black History Month, Pirates of Silicon Valley, Mad Men, etc.).

We might therefore want to consider why Mordred and Cyclonus, two folk-avatars who represent interests in governance-intrigue (since they symbolize terrorism), socialization-paranoia (since they symbolize piracy), and media-jargon (since they symbolize 'marketing legalese'), can help us evaluate the democratic ergonomics of TrumpUSA.

For example, do we feel like TrumpUSA requires a 'jolt' of 'kingdom-subversion' (something the 'surgeon' Mordred might address in reference to various anti-TrumpUSA street protests) or a 'jolt' of governance-disparagement (something the 'cold' Cyclonus might address in reference to various critiques faced by the Trump Administration regarding the handling of geopolitical commerce-oriented peace-treaties between North and South Korea)?

The more we feel like TrumpUSA is open to 'storytelling' oriented society evaluation, the more we'll feel like TrumpUSA is nothing like McCarthy-USA (despite criticisms that TrumpUSA is fraught with all kinds of 'media-biases')!



MORDRED: It seems to me that TrumpUSA is like a 'trumpet.'
CYCLONUS: Well there are plenty of vain 'strumpets' in TrumpUSA!
MORDRED: Despite the numerous media-scandals, Trump is still a bandleader.
CYCLONUS: You and I have traveled through time and space to debate.
MORDRED: We've arrived from Camelot/Cybertron to analyze TrumpUSA!
CYCLONUS: Do you think a nation led by a casino-owner can flourish?
MORDRED: Well, the last celebrity-president gave us Reaganomics...
CYCLONUS: Even though Reaganomics is a 'standard,' many despise it.
MORDRED: We'll see if 'Trumponomics' generates a fair deal of society mobility!
CYCLONUS: Trumponomics seems to be based mostly on 'traffic confetti.'
MORDRED: The 21st Century is all about consumerism flowery.
CYCLONUS: Yes, America's 'Facebook and Amazon' culture is iconic.
MORDRED: When pedestrians 'roam' around spending, there's energy!
CYCLONUS: Critics worry that this 'roaming' is merely a sign of indulgence.
MORDRED: Even the middle-class appreciates the conveniences of eTrade.
CYCLONUS: That's the real issue --- if TrumpUSA can be a 'base' for equity.
MORDRED: It seems to me that you believe TrumpUSA is a 'signpost.'
CYCLONUS: I'm a terrorist; you're a warlord; you feel TrumpUSA is a 'bridge.'

After Mordred and Cyclonus concluded this first debate about TrumpUSA, the two time-and-space traveling 'wizards' decided that America in the 21st Century was really about 'traffic intrigue.' Mordred leaned more towards the view that TrumpUSA was a 'bridge' between the age of aristocracy and a new age of global consumerism. Perhaps that was because Mordred favored ideas/themes catering to notions about 'governance reinvention.' Cyclonus, on the other hand, leaned more towards the view that TrumpUSA was a 'signpost' for various commercial concerns regarding socialization paranoia (e.g., Occupy Wall Street). Perhaps that was because Cyclonus favored notions about 'resource-reduction nihilism.' Whoever was right, one thing was certain --- TrumpUSA was a 'theater' for socialization-relevant uniformity stimulating dialogue.


{Mordred & Cyclonus}


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