More Americans are killed by toddlers than terrorists

I see only one thing left to do. In the name of FreeDumb, declare a war on toddl~ism !
OH. It already exists. They call it public schooling/aka/no chillunz leff ahine.
Double fund it !
So let's just ignore terrorism then?

Is THAT the only way you react? Wild eyed knee jerk freaking out or ignore it?
What's the purpose of the OP if not to downplay terrorism?
No. The purpose of the OP was to point out the over the top fears that chickenshits have regarding terrorism. They seem to be okay with being gunned down in a movie theater and 22 dead second graders mean nothing to them. As long as the shooter isn`t an illegal or a muslim there`s no problem. guys created the gun free zones that draw these guys...not us.

We already have all the laws on the books we need to contain criminals who use guns illegally.....not one suggestion you guys have put forward for new laws will stop anything you claim you want stopped.

Please tell us what would have stopped Sandy Hook....he was willing to commit murder, of his mother, to get the guns he used......the theater...a gun free zone...chosen because it was a gun free zone.....again, on you.

you say "assault weapon ban" but in each case the shootings could have been done with pistols or shotguns....or an illegally acquired at Sandy Hook......

And with 3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands, and no more than 3-4 used in any given year for crime........your desire to ban all of them from the people who do not use them to commit crimes or mass shootings is both stupid and paranoid......especially when you consider that all of the mass shootings in Europe and most of the crime in Europe happens with fully automatic rifles.....countries with stricter gun control than the United States, and where all rifles, let alone fully automatic rifles, are forbidden to the gun stores, no gun shows, no private sales......

So your paranoid fantasies about assault rifles are simply that...paranoid should ban knives, clubs and empty hands....they kill more people each year than AR-15s kill in 10........
So let's just ignore terrorism then?

Is THAT the only way you react? Wild eyed knee jerk freaking out or ignore it?
What's the purpose of the OP if not to downplay terrorism?

I agree with the premise that terrorism is over blown. Does it bother you that I also refuse to get upset that a few people in some foreign country with third world capabilities fall victim to some other third world murderers?

What scares me is your 16 year old new driver sending and answering texts while she is driving. She may only kill herself and a handfull of innocent people in the car she drives head on into but there are a hell of a lot more of her type than the third world terrorists in the USA.

Ya that and drunks. Drunks and distracted drivers are the REAL threat to be concerned about here in America.

What do I think about Americans dying in the foreign countries by the previously mentioned suicide bombers? Answer? Don't travel to those places. It is dangerous. If you travel to these dangerous places you do so at your own risk. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get blown to bits.
^ Liberal compassion.

This is why liberals are pro-abortion. They have no ethics or morals preventing them from desiring the death of innocent unborn children.

Idiot RWer sheep. I have no opinion about abortion because I am not a female therefore it is none of my business.

I'm pretty certain my morality and ethics exceed yours.

I do my own thinking on all issues. You obviously do not.

Then murder in general is beyond your concern...good to know.
Left wing logic by JJ Goldberg. Don't worry about terrorists because 4 people have been killed in gun accidents. Why not consider that Chicago's black on black murder rate is approaching 700 this year as a result of fifty years of failed liberalism. Is it easier to criticize the 2nd Amendment than failed democrat administrations?
As I said, bottom line: Keep guns away from children. Now gun nuts can get silly and talk about keeping children off playgrounds and mountains, etc. What do you not understand about keeping unsecured guns away from children? Are you advocating that we SHOULD leave guns lying around within their reach? What is it that you're arguing FOR?
Ban toddlers.
And patrol them and monitor them. Oh, wait, that's exactly what parents should do! Toddlers kill themselves and others and all these people who want to turn that into a pro-gun anti-gun fight are missing the point. 2aguy, do you really want to talk about the percentage of toddler killings among the whole population? How many deaths are too many? How few don't count? Kids should never have access to unlocked, unsecured guns and the stupid adults who let them have access should be prosecuted for criminal child endangerment. It has nothing to do with how many car accidents there are or who drowns in a bucket! Grow up!

Kids also shouldn't have access to unlocked, unsecured pools, but it sometimes happens and far more of them drown than suffer a mishap with a gun, yet there's no movement to ban pools. This isn't about toddlers, it's about an agenda by some in this country to use any excuse, any will do, to further their attempts to ban all private firearms ownership. Being blind to that agenda, even in a thread that REEKS of it, doesn't say a lot about your intelligence level.
As I said, bottom line: Keep guns away from children. Now gun nuts can get silly and talk about keeping children off playgrounds and mountains, etc. What do you not understand about keeping unsecured guns away from children? Are you advocating that we SHOULD leave guns lying around within their reach? What is it that you're arguing FOR?
We're arguing for stupid parenting being an entirely different issue than gun ownership. They are linked in this thread and you're deliberately thick headed to that.
This isn't about toddlers, it's about an agenda by some in this country to use any excuse, any will do, to further their attempts to ban all private firearms ownership
It's exactly about toddlers and their curiosity about unsecured guns. YOUR agenda is about having guns available all the time, and children be damned. All I ask is that you keep them locked and away from children. Now try to spin that into something else.
This isn't about toddlers, it's about an agenda by some in this country to use any excuse, any will do, to further their attempts to ban all private firearms ownership
It's exactly about toddlers and their curiosity about unsecured guns. YOUR agenda is about having guns available all the time, and children be damned. All I ask is that you keep them locked and away from children. Now try to spin that into something else.
No, you're trying to scrub this thread of the agenda it clearly has. It either makes you one of the gun grabbers or just tragically naive. Never once did I advocate guns be left around for children to get a hold of, but that's a parenting issue, not a gun issue.
As I said, bottom line: Keep guns away from children. Now gun nuts can get silly and talk about keeping children off playgrounds and mountains, etc. What do you not understand about keeping unsecured guns away from children? Are you advocating that we SHOULD leave guns lying around within their reach? What is it that you're arguing FOR?

Actually....we do....that is the truth, the reality and the fact of the matter with guns in the United States...

We had over 320,000,000 guns in private hands in many accidental gun deaths of children... only 69. That number shows that American gun owners are already keeping their guns safe and locked up away from children....we are doing it already.

We would even like to do more....we would like gun safety education in public schools...but the anti gunners fight tooth and nail to keep gun safety education our of the don't blame gun owners...we are doing our job at keeping kids safe from guns....

Anti gunners....they support democrat politicians, prosecutors and judges who do not prosecute and lock up repeat gun offenders.......I have posted the lecture them about keeping kids safe from guns.....
Is THAT the only way you react? Wild eyed knee jerk freaking out or ignore it?
What's the purpose of the OP if not to downplay terrorism?

I agree with the premise that terrorism is over blown. Does it bother you that I also refuse to get upset that a few people in some foreign country with third world capabilities fall victim to some other third world murderers?

What scares me is your 16 year old new driver sending and answering texts while she is driving. She may only kill herself and a handfull of innocent people in the car she drives head on into but there are a hell of a lot more of her type than the third world terrorists in the USA.

Ya that and drunks. Drunks and distracted drivers are the REAL threat to be concerned about here in America.

What do I think about Americans dying in the foreign countries by the previously mentioned suicide bombers? Answer? Don't travel to those places. It is dangerous. If you travel to these dangerous places you do so at your own risk. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get blown to bits.
^ Liberal compassion.

This is why liberals are pro-abortion. They have no ethics or morals preventing them from desiring the death of innocent unborn children.

Idiot RWer sheep. I have no opinion about abortion because I am not a female therefore it is none of my business.

I'm pretty certain my morality and ethics exceed yours.

I do my own thinking on all issues. You obviously do not.

Then murder in general is beyond your concern...good to know.
Terrorism is not his business, because he is not a terrorist, so he does not have a right to have an opinion.
Is THAT the only way you react? Wild eyed knee jerk freaking out or ignore it?
What's the purpose of the OP if not to downplay terrorism?

I agree with the premise that terrorism is over blown. Does it bother you that I also refuse to get upset that a few people in some foreign country with third world capabilities fall victim to some other third world murderers?

What scares me is your 16 year old new driver sending and answering texts while she is driving. She may only kill herself and a handfull of innocent people in the car she drives head on into but there are a hell of a lot more of her type than the third world terrorists in the USA.

Ya that and drunks. Drunks and distracted drivers are the REAL threat to be concerned about here in America.

What do I think about Americans dying in the foreign countries by the previously mentioned suicide bombers? Answer? Don't travel to those places. It is dangerous. If you travel to these dangerous places you do so at your own risk. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get blown to bits.
^ Liberal compassion.

This is why liberals are pro-abortion. They have no ethics or morals preventing them from desiring the death of innocent unborn children.

Idiot RWer sheep. I have no opinion about abortion because I am not a female therefore it is none of my business.

I'm pretty certain my morality and ethics exceed yours.

I do my own thinking on all issues. You obviously do not.

Then murder in general is beyond your concern...good to know.

Not true. I have known several friends and acquaintances that have had their lives cut short victims of murder. A few have even been business associates. I was investigated for a couple of these occurrences. Of course I was found to be not involved. As it turns out smuggling can be a risky endeavor.
What's the purpose of the OP if not to downplay terrorism?

I agree with the premise that terrorism is over blown. Does it bother you that I also refuse to get upset that a few people in some foreign country with third world capabilities fall victim to some other third world murderers?

What scares me is your 16 year old new driver sending and answering texts while she is driving. She may only kill herself and a handfull of innocent people in the car she drives head on into but there are a hell of a lot more of her type than the third world terrorists in the USA.

Ya that and drunks. Drunks and distracted drivers are the REAL threat to be concerned about here in America.

What do I think about Americans dying in the foreign countries by the previously mentioned suicide bombers? Answer? Don't travel to those places. It is dangerous. If you travel to these dangerous places you do so at your own risk. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get blown to bits.
^ Liberal compassion.

This is why liberals are pro-abortion. They have no ethics or morals preventing them from desiring the death of innocent unborn children.

Idiot RWer sheep. I have no opinion about abortion because I am not a female therefore it is none of my business.

I'm pretty certain my morality and ethics exceed yours.

I do my own thinking on all issues. You obviously do not.

Then murder in general is beyond your concern...good to know.
Terrorism is not his business, because he is not a terrorist, so he does not have a right to have an opinion.

Almost true. Terrorism certainly isn't very high on my list of threats to my life I need to be vigilant for. I don't travel to the ME. I have on many occasions been in Mexico and S. America. Kidnapping for ransom is common in many areas I enjoy for recreation. A lot of it has to do with how one carries one's self.
I agree with the premise that terrorism is over blown. Does it bother you that I also refuse to get upset that a few people in some foreign country with third world capabilities fall victim to some other third world murderers?

What scares me is your 16 year old new driver sending and answering texts while she is driving. She may only kill herself and a handfull of innocent people in the car she drives head on into but there are a hell of a lot more of her type than the third world terrorists in the USA.

Ya that and drunks. Drunks and distracted drivers are the REAL threat to be concerned about here in America.

What do I think about Americans dying in the foreign countries by the previously mentioned suicide bombers? Answer? Don't travel to those places. It is dangerous. If you travel to these dangerous places you do so at your own risk. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you get blown to bits.
^ Liberal compassion.

This is why liberals are pro-abortion. They have no ethics or morals preventing them from desiring the death of innocent unborn children.

Idiot RWer sheep. I have no opinion about abortion because I am not a female therefore it is none of my business.

I'm pretty certain my morality and ethics exceed yours.

I do my own thinking on all issues. You obviously do not.

Then murder in general is beyond your concern...good to know.
Terrorism is not his business, because he is not a terrorist, so he does not have a right to have an opinion.

Almost true. Terrorism certainly isn't very high on my list of threats to my life I need to be vigilant for. I don't travel to the ME. I have on many occasions been in Mexico and S. America. Kidnapping for ransom is common in many areas I enjoy for recreation. A lot of it has to do with how one carries one's self.
So, the victim is to blame if he or she is violently attacked. That sounds like an excuse that a rapist would believe.
It is stupid, but everything liberals say is stupid in defense of whoever is the enemy of the United States right now.

I remember how stupid liberals were during the Cold War. I took an English class, and I chose as my topic the Cold War. My liberal teacher gave me an "F" and his reason was "there is no such thing as the Cold War." I could not fight my liberal professor, who had total control of my grade, so I had to change to another topic to save my grade.

That kind of denial is typical for liberals. They are capable of putting the facts in a box, close the box, and not consider the facts in forming an opinion, which is totally in another box.

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