More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

Biden never declared victory, he's been begging people to get vaccinated since day one. Too many people believed lies and now it's had time to come up with an even more deadly strain. Much longer and the virus could end up wiping out most of the human race when a super killer strain evolves. Let's hope REASON and COOL HEADS prevail and we get the job done. The human race has too much potential to allow a simple virus to destroy us.
I dunno sometimes, I root for the virus. It depends on the day who the infected is at the time.
If there are so many unanswered questions about the causes, preventative and treatment measures, don’t you think we should wait to get some of these answers before we start reviling and morally condemning an entire demographic of the country?

People are being harassed, condemned and losing their jobs for refusing to get a vaccine against a virus that “experts” are still chasing their tails over; a vaccine that is not actually a vaccine and in spite of which people can still be infected and still spread Covid, an outcome they did not expect because they’re still frantically reacting instead of acting because they don’t know shit.
Not to mention the fact that they are pretty much completely ignoring natural immunity through infection and still pushing vaccines anyway because people are sheep and have been conditioned to think we have to DO SOMETHING!, even if that something is pointless and useless. If you say “I already had Covid so I have antibodies.”, the attitude is “But..but..vaccine!”.

It’s complete and utter bullshit.

P.S. I never claimed to have any answers and never implied that I did. Saying they were studying the virus at the Wuhan lab is not claiming I have answers. That remark came out of left field.
You are asking questions about a China laboratory and the origin of the virus. That’s is completely different from the science that has been done to develop vaccines treatments and understanding how the virus spreads in our world
Keep telling yourself that. I see it differently
I don’t need to tell myself anything. I know what I mean when I say thing and I know that I have no support for antisematism. If you want to twist my words to mean that then all you are doing is sounding like a dumbass because I am the only one who really knows the intentions of my statements. Not you
By your definition America has less than 10% real Americans. I really do not want to play the game of logic according to Rigby. With all due respect. Let’s please stay on topic that Slade3200 is a dumb leftist for saying he loves Fauci.
Why do you care so much whether I like Fauci or not? That’s kind of weird
You are asking questions about a China laboratory and the origin of the virus. That’s is completely different from the science that has been done to develop vaccines treatments and understanding how the virus spreads in our world

You don’t think it’s important to know the source? Really? You don’t think it behooves us to know that if this came from a lab that maybe the people working with it might have some insight on how to fight it? The hell’s the matter with you?

Are you aware of the fact that agencies and individuals involved in trying to find the source of the virus have complained from the beginning that China is not being very cooperative?

The questions I’m asking are questions everyone should be asking, including you.
...another day, another day President 'The Buck stops here' blames the Unvaccinated for his failed, illegal, Un-Constitutional handling of the pandemic...
Which of course begs the question: If doctors and virologists know this, why are they pushing the “vaccine” even on those who’ve had Covid and thus already have the antibodies?
Its not doctors pushing the crap... Its politicians and big pharma that see's a 500.00 pay day for each shot given. Follow the money has always been a good path to see what is really happening.
You don’t think it’s important to know the source? Really? You don’t think it behooves us to know that if this came from a lab that maybe the people working with it might have some insight on how to fight it? The hell’s the matter with you?

Are you aware of the fact that agencies and individuals involved in trying to find the source of the virus have complained from the beginning that China is not being very cooperative?

The questions I’m asking are questions everyone should be asking, including you.
I am asking and think our intel agencies should be seeking those answers
Biden has now presided over more deaths than Trump did.... What was that he said during the campaign?? Biden owns these deaths and now there are more of them than Trump had... Way to go BIDEN!
Nope. Trump still has the lead over Biden! January 2021 deaths were all under the Trump admin. Adding that to last year's, makes deaths higher under Trump rule. And technically February isn't Biden's either, since there was nothing Biden could do with one week in office, to change the trend of infections and deaths created under trump admin reign in February, or at least half of February.
Biden is a dementia-ravaged scandal-plagued failure. He makes Carter look like Reagan.

He has been wrong about COVID since he led the Democrats against life-saving travel bans ... before he imposed his own.

His refusal to hold the CCP accountable, instead blaming Trump, Unvaccinated, & others, proves he is a bought & paid for, compromised traitor.

He doesn't give a damn about American lives, which is why he uses vaccines against Americans like a weapon but allows thousands of illegals to pour into the country with the virus and has exempted them from needing the vaccine.
Biden is a dementia-ravaged scandal-plagued failure. He makes Carter look like Reagan.

He has been wrong about COVID since he led the Democrats against life-saving travel bans ... before he imposed his own.

His refusal to hold the CCP accountable, instead blaming Trump, Unvaccinated, & others, proves he is a bought & paid for, compromised traitor.

He doesn't give a damn about American lives, which is why he uses vaccines against Americans like a weapon but allows thousands of illegals to pour into the country with the virus and has exempted them from needing the vaccine.
Trump had a year to hold the CCP accountable… what did he do besides call them names and coin the virus as kung flu and spark Asian American hate crimes?
Trump had a year to hold the CCP accountable… what did he do besides call them names and coin the virus as kung flu and spark Asian American hate crimes?
You're such a fucking idiot - at least yiu do not hesitate to prove it.

Please provide a direct quote & link to Trump saying 'Kung Flu'

He called it the China Virus, as many as diseases have been named after the part of the world they started / were found in

Trump had a year to hold the CCP accountable? The minute he banned flights from the virus' epicenter Biden led Democrats in opposing the ban while zdemocrats worked on legislation to strip him of more of his powers that would keep Americans safe.

Democrats raced to China's defense as their virus was spreading and killing people around the world.. why wouldn't they?! China had bought a lot of them - Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, Swalwell, etc...
You're such a fucking idiot - at least yiu do not hesitate to prove it.

Please provide a direct quote & link to Trump saying 'Kung Flu'

He called it the China Virus, as many as diseases have been named after the part of the world they started / were found in

Trump had a year to hold the CCP accountable? The minute he banned flights from the virus' epicenter Biden led Democrats in opposing the ban while zdemocrats worked on legislation to strip him of more of his powers that would keep Americans safe.

Democrats raced to China's defense as their virus was spreading and killing people around the world.. why wouldn't they?! China had bought a lot of them - Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, Swalwell, etc...
Sure, no problem dipshit. I know YouTube is some Liberal fascist entity so you’ll probably say it’s all fake news but this is an actual video of Trump saying Kung Flu.

end of video 1:50

You're such a fucking idiot - at least yiu do not hesitate to prove it.

Please provide a direct quote & link to Trump saying 'Kung Flu'

He called it the China Virus, as many as diseases have been named after the part of the world they started / were found in

Trump had a year to hold the CCP accountable? The minute he banned flights from the virus' epicenter Biden led Democrats in opposing the ban while zdemocrats worked on legislation to strip him of more of his powers that would keep Americans safe.

Democrats raced to China's defense as their virus was spreading and killing people around the world.. why wouldn't they?! China had bought a lot of them - Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, Swalwell, etc...
The rest of your nonsense showed nothing that Trump did to answer those origin questions. All he did was try and deflect attention away from himself to foster blame and hate towards China. You know he always needs an enemy to fight against to keep the spotlight off his own inadequacies. Funny to see suckers like you fall for it time and time again

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