More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

Perhaps… so what?! I dont see why you’re beating down on this point so hard
Because leftists like you would rather blame Trump than China because you believe that anti Asian crimes will rise. That’s BS. No logical person blames Asians in America for the virus
The vaccinated are not dying at a higher rate. The unvaccinated are mostly the ones dying.

The vaccines work, in saving lives.

Unvaccinated OLD people, unvaccinated OBESE people, unvaccinated people with PREEXISTING CONDITIONS. The same people that everyone encourages to get the damn vaccines as they are likely to help those people. Very very few healthy individuals with no medical conditions die from Covid. More people die in car crashes than healthy people die from Covid.

And what's the biggest problem with these numbers? NOBODY KNOWS HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TRULY HAD COVID. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS have had it and had NO SYMPTOMS WHATSOEVER. So they aren't counted, but they should be if you want true numbers.

Well over 99% of people who get this will survive just fine and will have FREE antibodies that work better than artificial vaccines.
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Unvaccinated OLD people, unvaccinated OBESE people, unvaccinated people with PREEXISTING CONDITIONS. Very very few healthy individuals with no medical conditions die from Covid. More people die in car crashes than healthy people die from Covid.

And what's the biggest problem with these numbers? NOBODY KNOWS HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TRULY HAD COVID. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS have had it and had NO SYMPTOMS WHATSOEVER. So they aren't counted, but they should be if you want true numbers.

Well over 99% of people who get this will survive just fine and will have FREE antibodies that work better than artificial vaccines.

More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,”
Notice how the lying scum OP changed "10 months" to "all of 2020!"
Notice how the lying scum OP changed "10 months" to "all of 2020!"
Biden was screaming that Trump was responsible for all of the deaths.. Now that the shoe is on the other foot and Biden has more deaths than happened under Trump you get all but hurt.... Were just applying the standard that BIDEN HIMSELF ENDORSED.. Biden is a fool just like you.
It sounds like you have a lot of questions… that’s just fine, your questions are good. Just don’t make assumptions and pretend like you have the answers to them like many on here do. Fact is we don’t know the answers to those question yet

If there are so many unanswered questions about the causes, preventative and treatment measures, don’t you think we should wait to get some of these answers before we start reviling and morally condemning an entire demographic of the country?

People are being harassed, condemned and losing their jobs for refusing to get a vaccine against a virus that “experts” are still chasing their tails over; a vaccine that is not actually a vaccine and in spite of which people can still be infected and still spread Covid, an outcome they did not expect because they’re still frantically reacting instead of acting because they don’t know shit.
Not to mention the fact that they are pretty much completely ignoring natural immunity through infection and still pushing vaccines anyway because people are sheep and have been conditioned to think we have to DO SOMETHING!, even if that something is pointless and useless. If you say “I already had Covid so I have antibodies.”, the attitude is “But..but..vaccine!”.

It’s complete and utter bullshit.

P.S. I never claimed to have any answers and never implied that I did. Saying they were studying the virus at the Wuhan lab is not claiming I have answers. That remark came out of left field.
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Notice how the lying scum OP changed "10 months" to "all of 2020!"
Biden said he would put an end to the pandemic. Trump said we should live with it. Pandemic is still here. We are living with it. Relax, leftist.
Africa is a continent. Israel is the sole Jewish nation in the world. Apples and oranges.

The point is that Israel has NOTHING at all to do with Judaism, and more than something that pertains to Africa has to refer to Blacks.
Less than a third the people living under Israeli rule are Jewish.
And I personally do not believe ANYONE living in Israel is Jewish at all.
Jews are supposed to be waiting for the Messiah.
The vaccinated are not dying at a higher rate. The unvaccinated are mostly the ones dying.

The vaccines work, in saving lives.

You do not know that.
These mRNA injections target a single spike protein, so they could easily do more harm than good.
These is insufficient evidence either way, yet.
The point is that Israel has NOTHING at all to do with Judaism, and more than something that pertains to Africa has to refer to Blacks.
Less than a third the people living under Israeli rule are Jewish.
And I personally do not believe ANYONE living in Israel is Jewish at all.
Jews are supposed to be waiting for the Messiah.
Less than 1/3? By your definition but not by theirs.
Doctors recommend people with the antibodies from getting Covid still get the vaccine and you know it.

The question is, why?

If your body has already produced antibodies then your antibodies will simply attack any infusion of Covid from a vaccine.

Even if that’s not the case, a vaccine will simply produce the same antibodies you already have. They won’t be any better, potent or more numerous.

A vaccine on top of infection-produced antibodies is pointless. Doctors are only suggesting this because they’re caught up in the vaccine hysteria along with everyone else and people just want to be told what to do.
It’s the “same difference” between what Heath experts recommend and what “leftists” believe? Cool. Good for the leftists listening to sound medical advice. It’s the “same difference” that leftists agree with the majority of Americans on vaccine mandates? Cool. Good for the leftists agreeing with majority of Americans.

The most logical and sound medical advice I have seen or read says these mRNA injections are insanely dangerous.
They make no sense at all, and do not resemble a vaccine in any way.

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