More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

Duh, moron, which means that the 2020-2021 data could actually be less death, because you SOBs have an agenda and lie. Everything from 2019 and before is accurate.

If they are projections, then why did THE UN project an upward tick in Death Rate before Corona even arrived on the scene, and after Fauci and Gates "Corona Conference" in 2017? The trend has been steadily downward since 1950.

So when you lying son of a bitches claim that The Death Rate is increased, you have ZERO to stand on. It's just Propaganda, but I can show that the Death RATEs during The Obama Regime were actually higher than now even with UN projections for every single year he was in office.

Your lies are exposed.
Deaths in the USA increased by over 350,000 people in 2020, over and above those who die on average of all other diseases and conditions yearly....


And that shows what a shitty job the USA did in controlling the virus and deaths from it....compared to most of the other nations in the world.

“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,” ABC News reported. “Over the last month, the U.S. has reported more than 47,000 deaths.”

Embarrassment in Chief Biden repeatedly touted on the campaign trail that he had a plan to end the pandemic, a key issue that he used to attack Trump.

His Quotes:

  • October 30, 2020: “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”
  • November 1, 2020: “More than 230,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 –– and Donald Trump has given up on trying to get the virus under control. He may have quit on you, but I promise I never will.”

The Biden administration's handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. Yep, he is an inept buffoon.

Why it matters: The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government's COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We're getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

The past five days were a mess. On Tuesday, the CDC updated its guidance to say vaccinated people in hot spots should wear masks in indoor, public settings — without an easy, definitive way to know if you're in a hot spot.

  • This was a reversal from the CDC's announcement on May 13 — 75 days earlier — that fully vaccinated people could shed masks in most indoor settings, which President Biden called "a great day for America in our long battle with the coronavirus."
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post obtained a CDC deck that included the eye-opening line: "Delta variant is as transmissible as: - Chicken Pox."
  • Yesterday, a CDC report showed the reversal was driven partly by a cluster of COVID cases in Provincetown, Mass., on Cape Cod, in which three-quarters of the infected people were fully vaccinated. Only a few people were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
  • The resulting lead headline of today's print New York Times: "IMMUNIZED PEOPLE CAN SPREAD VIRUS, THE C.D.C. REPORT." The online version adds the vital qualifier: "Though Rarely."
Biden, who promised to unite the country, has resorted to blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing.

And he wonders why his approval rating is down to 38%?

Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse
Here’s what no one is talking about. 2/3s of Americans are vaccinated. The number of people who’ve already recovered from is at least double what it was last year. We know natural immunity still holds how exactly did we have more deaths in august and September this year, than we did sept august last year when vaccines weren’t around and half the people recovered from covid??
Deaths in the USA increased by over 350,000 people in 2020, over and above those who die on average of all other diseases and conditions yearly....


And that shows what a shitty job the USA did in controlling the virus and deaths from it....compared to most of the other nations in the world.
Sure they did, whatever you have to say to promote your agenda.

I thought you said they were just projections?

And we know that COVID deaths were padded by For Profit Healthcare because For Profit Healthcare was awarded an additional $1,500 dollars for each COVID death they could claim on a death certificate.

I have never met an honest liberal, and some of them sign death certificates.

Try again. Habitual lying and deception is a sin. Repent.
And our first case was the on the same day as the first case for SKm the end of Jan. Within less than a week the leader of South Korea called together the heads of the relevant industries and told them "this is what is coming, and this is what we need"? By the end of Jan they were mass producing PPE gear, testing kits and putting into place a contact tracing program. We did some of these things at the end of March.

He did not ban travel, he put in some restrictions that still allowed thousands to go back and forth
South Korea is a fraction of our size and a homogeneous society used to wearing masks from the bird flu times. Trump could have done better. I agree. He gets a C for his pandemic handling. Neither you nor I could have done better.
Deaths in the USA increased by over 350,000 people in 2020, over and above those who die on average of all other diseases and conditions yearly....


And that shows what a shitty job the USA did in controlling the virus and deaths from it....compared to most of the other nations in the world.
BTW, even with your padded numbers, you are making an argument that deaths increased by 0.001%.

For math challenged DemNazis that is One 1000th of a percent.

Do you do math?

Thanks for playing, you lying moron.
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Here’s what no one is talking about. 2/3s of Americans are vaccinated. The number of people who’ve already recovered from is at least double what it was last year. We know natural immunity still holds how exactly did we have more deaths in august and September this year, than we did sept august last year when vaccines weren’t around and half the people recovered from covid??
Delta vs originals.

Delta variant this year, spread faster.... Was more infectious than previous variants More people catching it, the more deaths....mathematics.

Though, we have to be getting close to community immunity....or the point of keeping hospitalizations for the virus down to lower levels, between the vaccinated and those who have had the virus....?
Have you ever built a house ? Laying the foundation is the most important step. You don't need to spin the truth.
Foundation, really, your going to run with that?So what about his CNN interview, campaign speech…..where he directly held the president liable and responsible for COVID deaths? Truth be what the truth is! You can’t spin what your cabbage patch President said.
Delta vs originals.

Delta variant this year, spread faster.... Was more infectious than previous variants More people catching it, the more deaths....mathematics.

Though, we have to be getting close to community immunity....or the point of keeping hospitalizations for the virus down to lower levels, between the vaccinated and those who have had the virus....?
Delta does not account for those numbers, not even close. We’re way off of India numbers with delta. India we saw Mullers Ratchet play out with a clear break with fatalities from cases. We saw that at first, not anymore. Why? I already know the answer. It’s because leaky vaccines cause ADE. The numbers don’t add up. No matter which way you slice it
Speaking as a leftist, COVID deaths were Trump's fault right. So there's that.

Sure, it might seem a reasonable person might conclude that since COVID deaths were Trump's fault, now that Biden is POTUS deaths on his watch are his fault, but that's not how stuff works. Since Biden became POTUS, COVID deaths on his watch are the Republican's fault.

And this is why the left are more intelligent than the right, we see things you guys can't.
Says a lot about the vaccine doesn't it? A year WITH a vaccine and over 150 million vaccinated and we're dying at a higher rate than we did before the fucking vaccine.

Even from credible sources?

We already know for a fact that the Wuhan lab was working with viruses that can cause Covid-19. This is common knowledge. Thus, my question still stands: Why did they not know how to fight it and why did they not know it was airborne?
This in turn begs another question: If they knew it was airborne then why the panic over disinfecting everything causing people to scarf up all the bleach, sprays and disinfectant wipes?

Don’t be an idiot. I don’t have to be a medical researcher or have been to the lab to get info on the matter.

As I said, the lab was studying the very types of viruses that can cause Covid-19. This is not a conspiracy theory, it happens to be the truth.

The only real questions right now are:

1.) Did Fauci fund gain of function research at this very lab? Leaked documents suggest he did. Link below.

New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab

2.) Was the pandemic started due to a leak from this lab or from exposure to an animal? An article in the Wall Street Journal (link below) and other sources say it’s looking more and more like a lab leak.

Opinion | Science Closes In on Covid’s Origins
It sounds like you have a lot of questions… that’s just fine, your questions are good. Just don’t make assumptions and pretend like you have the answers to them like many on here do. Fact is we don’t know the answers to those question yet
/——/ I trusted her with my wife’s life.
I hope your wife is doing well.

Your doctor said that they change PPE each time they interact with somebody new. Would you then say that masks and clean hands are effective if used properly?
Says the self admitted sanctimonious leftist. You have got to be kidding me. And you are a snowflake. It is not an insult if it is the truth. Just like calling Biden senile is not an insult. It’s the truth.
I’m not arguing with you about my snowflakism. I’m asking why you need to avoid staying in topic to repetitively call me a snowflake. I don’t care if you want to call me a snowflake. It’s well understood that you think I’m a snowflake. Wonderful. Nobody cares. You don’t need to keep beating it into the ground. Let’s move on
I’m not arguing with you about my snowflakism. I’m asking why you need to avoid staying in topic to repetitively call me a snowflake. I don’t care if you want to call me a snowflake. It’s well understood that you think I’m a snowflake. Wonderful. Nobody cares. You don’t need to keep beating it into the ground. Let’s move on
Tough to have a honest discussion with someone who believes Biden is boring, Fauci is doing a great job and that China is not to blame for COVID-19 but unvaccinated people are.

It is like you live in a fantasy world.
"I don't care about Israel" uptick?
You think me saying I don’t care about Israel means the same thing as not caring about antisematism?! Are you high?

If I say I don’t care about what’s going on in Africa does that translate to me not caring about black racism? NO. Pull head out of ass please
Tough to have a honest discussion with someone who believes Biden is boring, Fauci is doing a great job and that China is not to blame for COVID-19 but unvaccinated people are.

It is like you live in a fantasy world.
I never said China isn’t to blame, they have a ton of responsibility. Stop lying

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