More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

The difference is that if it came from an animal, well, that happens. But if it came from a lab leak, that’s a whole new can of worms and the pandemic was the result of gross negligence.

I would guess is came from a lab leak.
It appears there is no doubt there was "gain of function" research.
I am not qualified to say if that is good or bad idea?
As we encroach more, we will eventually get exposed to all zoonotic diseases I would guess, so then likely should research them all?
Like MERS, SARS, Ebola, etc., soon we likely will get all of them eventually.
We are just over populating the whole planet.
But then we should have more precautionary systems.
We likely should not be flying jets anywhere, ever.
There is no need, and the risk is way too high.
Tourism is not a valid reason to take such risks.
Especially since eventually is it bound to risk total species extinction.

So the question is not where or how it started, but why it was not quickly contained?
Why flights from China to Italy?
It got into the red states where many folks are too stupid to take precautions.

MEGa derp.

The appropriate method of dealing with any epidemic not fatal enough for quarantine, is to spread it to all the healthy/young, as quickly as possible, to end it quickly, with the smallest death toll.
Taking "precautions" just makes it last longer or even forever, and that kills the most.
So now it's Joe's fault you kids are dumb as rocks?

It is obvious to even a child, that these mRNA injections are not vaccines and could easily kill by either migration or confusing an already confused immune system, to become even more deadly.
Remember, covid never killed anyone.
It is ONLY the immune system over reaction that kills or harms anyone.
You think me saying I don’t care about Israel means the same thing as not caring about antisematism?! Are you high?

If I say I don’t care about what’s going on in Africa does that translate to me not caring about black racism? NO. Pull head out of ass please
Africa is a continent. Israel is the sole Jewish nation in the world. Apples and oranges.
I am case in point. I donated platelets nine times to help covid patients and people screamed why I wasn't vaccinated. Well if I was, I could no longer donate. The Red Cross ended the program in June 2021 and then I got vaccinated despite still having the antibodies. Just to appease leftists like Seawytch
Don't lie. You got the vaccine so you could attend your kid's ballgames. Oh, and it's Americans that want you vaccinated, not "leftists".

Don't lie. You got the vaccine so you could attend your kid's ballgames. Oh, and it's Americans that want you vaccinated, not "leftists".

Same difference. You people would not shut up until I did it and threatened to not allow me to watch my kids play sports and this is after I donated platelets 9x to help save covid patients. Crazy.
Same difference. You people would not shut up until I did it and threatened to not allow me to watch my kids play sports and this is after I donated platelets 9x to help save covid patients. Crazy.
It’s the “same difference” between what Heath experts recommend and what “leftists” believe? Cool. Good for the leftists listening to sound medical advice. It’s the “same difference” that leftists agree with the majority of Americans on vaccine mandates? Cool. Good for the leftists agreeing with majority of Americans.
It’s the “same difference” between what Heath experts recommend and what “leftists” believe? Cool. Good for the leftists listening to sound medical advice. It’s the “same difference” that leftists agree with the majority of Americans on vaccine mandates? Cool. Good for the leftists agreeing with majority of Americans.
You are equating me with those who never had COVID-19. I had the antibodies. Not the same thing.
If only more people had gotten vaccinated sooner to con-trol the Delta variant.

You should have been out in those black and hispanic communities whitesplaining it to them!


“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,” ABC News reported. “Over the last month, the U.S. has reported more than 47,000 deaths.”

Embarrassment in Chief Biden repeatedly touted on the campaign trail that he had a plan to end the pandemic, a key issue that he used to attack Trump.

His Quotes:

  • October 30, 2020: “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”
  • November 1, 2020: “More than 230,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 –– and Donald Trump has given up on trying to get the virus under control. He may have quit on you, but I promise I never will.”

The Biden administration's handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. Yep, he is an inept buffoon.

Why it matters: The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government's COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We're getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

The past five days were a mess. On Tuesday, the CDC updated its guidance to say vaccinated people in hot spots should wear masks in indoor, public settings — without an easy, definitive way to know if you're in a hot spot.

  • This was a reversal from the CDC's announcement on May 13 — 75 days earlier — that fully vaccinated people could shed masks in most indoor settings, which President Biden called "a great day for America in our long battle with the coronavirus."
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post obtained a CDC deck that included the eye-opening line: "Delta variant is as transmissible as: - Chicken Pox."
  • Yesterday, a CDC report showed the reversal was driven partly by a cluster of COVID cases in Provincetown, Mass., on Cape Cod, in which three-quarters of the infected people were fully vaccinated. Only a few people were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
  • The resulting lead headline of today's print New York Times: "IMMUNIZED PEOPLE CAN SPREAD VIRUS, THE C.D.C. REPORT." The online version adds the vital qualifier: "Though Rarely."
Biden, who promised to unite the country, has resorted to blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing.

And he wonders why his approval rating is down to 38%?

Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse
Biden has now presided over more deaths than Trump did.... What was that he said during the campaign?? Biden owns these deaths and now there are more of them than Trump had... Way to go BIDEN!
I hope your wife is doing well.

Your doctor said that they change PPE each time they interact with somebody new. Would you then say that masks and clean hands are effective if used properly?
/——/ My wife had incurable stage 4 cancer when diagnosed. She lost her battle last January.
It’s not just what the doctor said, it’s what I observed at her bed side for the year she was hospitalized. I had to do the same thing as her visitor.
Doctors recommend people with the antibodies from getting Covid still get the vaccine and you know it.
Yes but just in case they also admit we are more than likely safe and safer than those who never had the virus. You know that.
/——/ My wife had incurable stage 4 cancer when diagnosed. She lost her battle last January.
It’s not just what the doctor said, it’s what I observed at her bed side for the year she was hospitalized. I had to do the same thing as her visitor.
I’m very sorry for your loss

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