More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

Doctors recommend people with the antibodies from getting Covid still get the vaccine and you know it.
I think this is more for expediency....

-not all who have been infected with covid have developed a robust amount of antibodies, (AZ does have enough, and that's what made him a candidate to donate his blood components to help others)
What do companies do, force those previously infected to show medical proof of such, so they don't have to be vaccinated?)

-complications of showing proof, along with not knowing how long their antibodies stay strong....weeks? Months?? Years?? Decades?? Can't be known yet with this new disease....but so far, so good.... their antibodies are holding strong.... I've read that they have more antibodies than what the vaccines give us.....

-vaccination does not harm those who have had covid naturally obtained antibodies, it shows it improves them even more protection.

-imo, the govt took the "Keep it simp!e" approach, rather than screwing it up with complicated exceptions.

-Because medical exceptions are One that is allowed, there is no reason why those with high level of robust antibodies against covid, like AZ, couldn't get a medical exemption imho.
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Unvaccinated OLD people, unvaccinated OBESE people, unvaccinated people with PREEXISTING CONDITIONS. The same people that everyone encourages to get the damn vaccines as they are likely to help those people. Very very few healthy individuals with no medical conditions die from Covid. More people die in car crashes than healthy people die from Covid.

And what's the biggest problem with these numbers? NOBODY KNOWS HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TRULY HAD COVID. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS have had it and had NO SYMPTOMS WHATSOEVER. So they aren't counted, but they should be if you want true numbers.

Well over 99% of people who get this will survive just fine and will have FREE antibodies that work better than artificial vaccines.
There are 90 million seniors and others younger that are at high risk and know it....about 5 to 10% of those at high risk, die from covid when caught. A healthy younger person's chance is more like ZERO%, not even the 1%.

But that's still could be 4,500,000 people at 5% and 9 million people dead at 10% death rate for those at high risk... if all of those people caught covid.

Precautions were taken, so that wouldn't happen...certain stores or bars and restaurants temporarily closed, people began working from home, masks, no large concerts, sports events...Schools closed etc.

Then came vaccinations, and most of those at high risk have gotten vaccinated....

But that's obviously not all of the people at higher risk....why else would we lose 45,000 plus primarily unvaccinated citizens the past two months in a row? Or are these people hospitalized or dying, all healthy people who chose not to vaccinate???

Those already infected are always mentioned in the main stream news, when scientists are on discussing covid and community immunity....

Things said like, with 65% fully vaccinated PLUS all of those who have caught covid already, we've got to be getting close to community immunity (or what is wrongly called in layman's terms, Herd Immunity), in many locations throughout the U.S..... WITH a warning that communities with low vaccination rates, that may not be the case.

Even with community immunity, that simply means enough people are protected from hospitalization, that our healthcare system can function properly for everyone else with other medical conditions.... It doesn't mean the virus completely disappears...
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The the whole point of your thread that Biden sucks?

Got anything else? How would you suggest we approach improving the situation if what we are doing everything wrong
Get rid of that fuckstick you voted for.
Ah yes the death stats that make the Neo-GOP happy as clams. Celebrating hundreds of thousand dead!

How come the damn thing didn't just disappears like it was nothing last spring?
You mean all that mask wearin' and beach closin' didn't eradicate the virus? WTF?
You mean all that mask wearin' and beach closin' didn't eradicate the virus? WTF?
The only way to eradicate it would have been if everybody complied. That wasn’t even close to the case. You can blame those who didn’t and don’t comply for the current state of affairs
The only way to eradicate it would have been if everybody complied. That wasn’t even close to the case. You can blame those who didn’t and don’t comply for the current state of affairs
You're not going to eradicate covid. It's here to stay. It was engineered that way in the lab it was released from. You can thank your hero Fauci for the pandemic.
You're not going to eradicate covid. It's here to stay. It was engineered that way in the lab it was released from. You can thank your hero Fauci for the pandemic.
Oh yeah at this point with all the tards that chose to use their liberty to be dumbshits and not comply with safety recommendations there is no way to eradicate it. I’ll thank those people who couldn’t hole up for a month to beat this thing. Idiots
The rest of your nonsense showed nothing that Trump did to answer those origin questions. All he did was try and deflect attention away from himself to foster blame and hate towards China. You know he always needs an enemy to fight against to keep the spotlight off his own inadequacies. Funny to see suckers like you fall for it time and time again
All Trump did was initiate a life-saving travel ban, sound the warning 1st, and help the development and distribution of life-saving vaccines in less than a year,not to mention have less deaths in longer time than Biden, who is importing COVID-19 & the new variant, spreading it / them all over the country.

Biden even claimed there were no vaccines until he became President, despite the entire world watching him take both vaccines before swearing in.

He And Democrats have used the virus as a weapon against Americans, have violated both Cobstitution and law incoming so, have engaged in fear-mongering, have lied to Americans - all helping Biden earn his 67% disapproval rate for his handling of the pandemic.

He ownthe record for most Americans killed by the virus while he uses his Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate to have thousands of Americans fired , further harming our economy.
All Trump did was initiate a life-saving travel ban, sound the warning 1st, and help the development and distribution of life-saving vaccines in less than a year,not to mention have less deaths in longer time than Biden, who is importing COVID-19 & the new variant, spreading it / them all over the country.

Biden even claimed there were no vaccines until he became President, despite the entire world watching him take both vaccines before swearing in.

He And Democrats have used the virus as a weapon against Americans, have violated both Cobstitution and law incoming so, have engaged in fear-mongering, have lied to Americans - all helping Biden earn his 67% disapproval rate for his handling of the pandemic.

He ownthe record for most Americans killed by the virus while he uses his Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate to have thousands of Americans fired , further harming our economy.
Spin it however you want buddy… just don’t expect to fool anybody with that nonsense
Notice how the LYING scum TrumpNAZIS always deny Tramp said what he undeniably said!!
Will you stop LYING if I do?

I admit mistakes. I was wrong. Still, are you afraid of hurting the CCP's feelings, snowflake?
Perhaps you should demand the US govt apologize to Spain for the 'Spanish Flu' and Africa for 'Ebola.

Perhaps you should focus more on holding China accountable rather than targeting Trump and the unvaccinated.

Perhaps you should tell Bidento stop importing VOVID with his failed Open Border policy.
This thread is very upsetting for those on the left. Not because people have died, but because despite their lack of awareness, a pinch of their brains say fuck, we're full of shit & were had again by our own.

Only to spill out more shit in their case. These people are lost souls.
The only way to eradicate it would have been if everybody complied. That wasn’t even close to the case. You can blame those who didn’t and don’t comply for the current state of affairs
If everyone complied and caught it, then yes. Otherwise no. The vaccinated still spread it.
If everyone complied and caught it, then yes. Otherwise no. The vaccinated still spread it.
If everybody complied and didn’t come in contact with others for a few weeks then there is no way for the virus to spread. Game over. Not enough people took it seriously and complied. Game continues
If everybody complied and didn’t come in contact with others for a few weeks then there is no way for the virus to spread. Game over. Not enough people took it seriously and complied. Game continues
How would you keep people from coming into contact with others? Another lockdown? You're such a leftist.
They were studying it in the Wuhan lab for Christ’s sake. What do you think the controversy over gain of function research is about?

As I understand it, Fauci himself was involved in it in that he was the one who provided the funding for the gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. And he did so because gain of function research is illegal or not allowed in the U.S..

In any case, the virus was already being studied when it got out. Thus, I don’t understand how they didn’t know how to fight it or why they didn’t know in the beginning that it was airborne.
I’s impossible to study it in a lab without nature also studying it
while its being studied in a lab.
You don’t have to be black to know that the N word is offensive. You don’t have to be Chinese to know that the China virus is not offensive to Chinese people just as the Spanish flu is not offensive to people from Spain. You’re such a snowflake
You don’t have to be black to now that the statement, ‘black lives matter’ is a racist statement, though it certainly helps in uderstanding black racism. You should not care that the communist virus is not offensive to Chinese communists. You should care if Chinese laziness and clamming up about their virus is offensive to you.

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