More Americans killed by guns than all the wars we have ever fought

Well, that would be a given since people killed in many of those wars were *gasp* killed by guns and counted in the total killed by guns figure.

How many of those people killed with guns were killed by police officers in the line of duty? How many were used to kill in self defense?

Your stats are pretty much meaningless if you don't put some context to them.

Of course, that might actually require thinking. A dangerous past time, I know.
More Americans have been killed by guns since 1968, than have been killed in all the wars the United States has ever fought.

1,171,177 killed in all the wars we have ever fought.

1,384,171 killed by guns in the United States since 1968.

PolitiFact | PBS commentator Mark Shields says more killed by guns since '68 than in all U.S. wars

And a small fraction of that number is from rifles, yet that's what the left wants to ban. Not handguns, which make up the bulk of that number.
Well, that would be a given since people killed in many of those wars were *gasp* killed by guns and counted in the total killed by guns figure.

How many of those people killed with guns were killed by police officers in the line of duty? How many were used to kill in self defense?

Your stats are pretty much meaningless if you don't put some context to them.

Of course, that might actually require thinking. A dangerous past time, I know.

Very true. I just saw that the 2011 number they used in that article was 32,000. That's the number of firearm deaths with suicides included. Without suicides the number would be much lower, as suicides make up about 2/3 of the annual firearm deaths in the country.

edit: Just noticed that politifact did note that the number would be much lower if you excluded suicides.
Poilitifact said:
We should note that these figures refer to all gun-fire related deaths -- not just homicides, but also suicides and accidental deaths. In 2011, about one-quarter of firearm-related deaths were homicides, according to FBI and CDC data. Using total firearm-related deaths makes the case against guns more dramatic than just using homicides alone.
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More Americans have been killed by guns since 1968, than have been killed in all the wars the United States has ever fought.

1,171,177 killed in all the wars we have ever fought.

1,384,171 killed by guns in the United States since 1968.

The average is 2/3rds are suicide. So your number is actually quite a bit smaller. Not to mention it includes people killed by cops or in self defense. But hey you pretend otherwise. Moron.

Not to mention it covers a 45 year time span.
Guns don't kill - people do :confused: If you took away all the guns ( you can't ) people would still kill :confused: :cuckoo:
Of course those numbers include bad people shot by cops. How completely disingenuous the OP is.
Since this country has been founded, more people have died than all the wars we have ever fought.
Somehow I suspect a lot of those war numbers are estimates I doubt the records before world war one are highly accurate.
If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and two dozen school children in Newtown.
Yet abortions have killed much, much more, than any guns.
Wars and gun death don't even add up to 2 million?
It says 2,722,991 in all of our wars.
United States military casualties of war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
54,559,615 abortions since 1973.
Over 54 and one half million babies were killed in just 40 years.

50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.
Somehow I suspect a lot of those war numbers are estimates I doubt the records before world war one are highly accurate.

Somehow I suspect you are wrong.

Somehow I don't care. No one knows for sure what total number of dead in those wars were they could be higher lower things like that always change with the passing of time.
Wake up Chris.
You can spout all the statistics you want, until hell freezes over, but the firearms we own were legally purchased, the Supreme Court has affirmed our right to own firearms for self-protection and we aren't giving them up, no matter what you babble on about, so you're just wasting your time. We owners are keeping them.

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