More Americans killed by guns than all the wars we have ever fought

Since it's happened multiple times in this thread, I could see how you would think we are running out of topics for me to show you up on. Good point.

aerosmith wrote a song for you. Dream on! :cuckoo:

Watch, I'll show you up again. Explain why Japan has so few gun related murders? Like next to nothing. Does Japan have no criminals?
When you don't answer this again. I'll have shown you up....again.

Bumping this to show once again that you failed to return to this thread since this post. LOL, it's laughable how predictable you fools are.
You're always looking for more information??!?! Did you really just say that?? Holy shit that's amazing.

And your ridiculous "argument" around cars has been debunked 100000 times already. There are plenty of laws making cars safer and tightening restrictions on what a car must have in order to be sold. The reason no one is looking to ban them is because there is a very important functions for automobiles that doesn't revolve around killing. The same can not be said for guns. The fact that this has to be explained to you is proof enough that you are not open minded or a rational person.

Debate me on the existence of god. Show me how open minded you are.

Yes. Im always looking for more information. It's called self education. Instead of expecting the government to teach me something, I like doing independent studies.

There are laws making guns safer and tightening restrictions on how they are made. No one is disputing the need for them. And guns do serve a very important function: SELF DEFENSE and SECURITY.

Personally, I think the need to stay alive is more important then the need I have to get someplace quickly. Im sure that the Founders agreed with me, which is why they wrote the Second Amendment.

It doesn't change the fact that using chris's logic, we should ban cars. You seem to think that I am arguing to ban cars. I like cars. Im using it to make a point that his argument is flawed. It still is flawed even with your attempts to argue contrary. BTW I appreciate the fact that you are at least trying.

As far as debating the existence of God, that would be fine. Perhaps you can do what the other people I've discussed the topic with haven't been able to do and provide a way to know there is no God that doesn't involve being God to find that information.

Proving a negative is always difficult though.

I want to see gun laws tightened because I can see data in other countries showing that they have figured out how to reduce gun violence dramatically compared to us. I want guns restricted because they offer no inherent value other than to kill or injure. If they were a measure of security, we would be the safest place in the world with the amount of guns we have per capita. But we're FAR from it. Why is that? Bad guys aren't deterred by people who have guns and eliminating guns won't eliminate criminals but it will result in fewer deaths when violent crimes happen as the data from numerous other countries show us can happen when done the right way.

And there is no way I can prove with 100% certainty that god doesn't exist, just like you can't prove with 100% certainty that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist or that Tupac isn't still alive or that the loch ness monster isn't real. But I can prove that in all likelihood, "God either doesn't exist OR is powerless OR doesn't give a shit". One of the three is absolutely true. That much I can prove. Do you wish to proceed?

Well Avatar? Where did you go?

How come you guys all disappear when it's time to put up or shut up? I guess you chose shut up.
More Americans have been killed by guns since 1968, than have been killed in all the wars the United States has ever fought.

And far, far, far more Americans have been killed in car accidents during that same time period.

Oh, and a pretty high percentage of those killed in wars were killed by guns, genius.
aerosmith wrote a song for you. Dream on! :cuckoo:

Watch, I'll show you up again. Explain why Japan has so few gun related murders? Like next to nothing. Does Japan have no criminals?
When you don't answer this again. I'll have shown you up....again.

Bumping this to show once again that you failed to return to this thread since this post. LOL, it's laughable how predictable you fools are.

your fail bozo, Japan always had low gun related murders.
Japan has crime, but Japan does not have ghetto dwelling gang bangers killing each other over drug turf.

So Columbine was over drug turf?
Newton was over drug turf?
Aurora was over drug turf?
Virginia tech was over drug turf?
Fort hood was over drug turf?
The Sikh temple was over drug turf?

What were you saying again?

I think he was talking about places like Chicago...were you know black folks are killed by the minute, but unless the trigger was pulled by whitey, democrats dont care...ironic I think
Tell me you're not surprised that Dems only care about people dying if they can use it to back their agenda...
Right, it's nothing like ours. They don't have some weird need to justify the deaths of thousands of innocent people every year so they can keep their toys.

Great point!

that was not my point, I know many japanese, having done business there for many years. they admire the freedoms we have in the US and especially the 1st and 2nd amendments.

my comment about culture was trying to point out that the japanese are a culturally homogeneous population, almost like one big family. Totally unlike the USA.

Oh so our crime here is mostly different ethnic backgrounds killing each other? And Japan doesn't have criminals? Is that what you're saying?

they don't have a ton of different ethnic backgrounds
If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and two dozen school children in Newtown.

Okay so what would you like to have done ? Ban guns ?
In a society where gun ownership is legal, there will always be the risk that they can and will be used in ways that not all of us approve of. However, considering that there are an estimated 300 million firearms in the hands of civilians, I think we do pretty well in minimizing tragedies.
Now I'm not going to count gangbangers, since they are doing society a huge favor by shooting each other.
Watch, I'll show you up again. Explain why Japan has so few gun related murders? Like next to nothing. Does Japan have no criminals?
When you don't answer this again. I'll have shown you up....again.

Bumping this to show once again that you failed to return to this thread since this post. LOL, it's laughable how predictable you fools are.

your fail bozo, Japan always had low gun related murders.

You mean they had free access to guns at some point and no gun violence? Link?

LOL....ready to get get shown up again?
that was not my point, I know many japanese, having done business there for many years. they admire the freedoms we have in the US and especially the 1st and 2nd amendments.

my comment about culture was trying to point out that the japanese are a culturally homogeneous population, almost like one big family. Totally unlike the USA.

Oh so our crime here is mostly different ethnic backgrounds killing each other? And Japan doesn't have criminals? Is that what you're saying?

they don't have a ton of different ethnic backgrounds

Bumping this to show once again that you failed to return to this thread since this post. LOL, it's laughable how predictable you fools are.

your fail bozo, Japan always had low gun related murders.

You mean they had free access to guns at some point and no gun violence? Link?

LOL....ready to get get shown up again?

gun ownership today in japan, about .7 per 100,000. gun ownership in the usa today .8 to .85 depending what stats you believe. not a heck of a lot of difference is there. so obviously it is not due to some type of gun restriction as you claim.

oh and BTW, do you have a link that shows how gun deaths in japan have dropped due to some restrictive legislation as you claim? i didn't think so.

oh and please explain how you got you mean the had free access to guns at some point out of my statement they have always had low gun related murders? you really suck at this.
100+ million people killed by governments with guns in the past 100 years.

So much for the OP.
your fail bozo, Japan always had low gun related murders.

You mean they had free access to guns at some point and no gun violence? Link?

LOL....ready to get get shown up again?

gun ownership today in japan, about .7 per 100,000. gun ownership in the usa today .8 to .85 depending what stats you believe. not a heck of a lot of difference is there. so obviously it is not due to some type of gun restriction as you claim.

oh and BTW, do you have a link that shows how gun deaths in japan have dropped due to some restrictive legislation as you claim? i didn't think so.

oh and please explain how you got you mean the had free access to guns at some point out of my statement they have always had low gun related murders? you really suck at this.

Please cite your made up sources. You love pulling shit out of your ass. Just like your "facts" about Switzerland....all made up.

I've posted my source in regards to Japan. You're being thoroughly embarrassed here, I can see why you would have tried to run off like you did yesterday. Only returned because you got called out for being the chump that you are.

Face it, you need to lie and ignore when you have no leg to stand on. You're selfish and now....pathetic.

You lose again.
they don't have a ton of different ethnic backgrounds

no need to fight against opposing factions

This is going way over your head. Tell me what opposing factions were involved in Aurora. Tell me what opposing factions were involved in Newton. Please tell me what opposing factions were involved in VA Tech.

Those gun violence examples had nothing to do with "opposing factions". Why doesn't Japan have people going on mass killing sprees when these mass murders been shown to have nothing to do with "opposing factions"?

Everytime you post, you get annihilated. I don't blame you if you want to run away again. I promise to not point out how much of a bitch you are the next time you run away. It's obvious you're in way over your head.
You mean they had free access to guns at some point and no gun violence? Link?

LOL....ready to get get shown up again?

gun ownership today in japan, about .7 per 100,000. gun ownership in the usa today .8 to .85 depending what stats you believe. not a heck of a lot of difference is there. so obviously it is not due to some type of gun restriction as you claim.

oh and BTW, do you have a link that shows how gun deaths in japan have dropped due to some restrictive legislation as you claim? i didn't think so.

oh and please explain how you got you mean the had free access to guns at some point out of my statement they have always had low gun related murders? you really suck at this.
Please cite your made up sources. You love pulling shit out of your ass. Just like your "facts" about Switzerland....all made up.

I've posted my source in regards to Japan. You're being thoroughly embarrassed here, I can see why you would have tried to run off like you did yesterday. Only returned because you got called out for being the chump that you are.

Face it, you need to lie and ignore when you have no leg to stand on. You're selfish and now....pathetic.

You lose again.
and your source did not support your claim. so, you fail. now how about one that backs up your claim that gun laws have prevented murders. clearly japan had nearly as many guns per person as the usa. it's not like they ban guns. guns are very prevelant in japan. you really do suck at this

I win
no need to fight against opposing factions

This is going way over your head. Tell me what opposing factions were involved in Aurora. Tell me what opposing factions were involved in Newton. Please tell me what opposing factions were involved in VA Tech.

Those gun violence examples had nothing to do with "opposing factions". Why doesn't Japan have people going on mass killing sprees when these mass murders been shown to have nothing to do with "opposing factions"?

Everytime you post, you get annihilated. I don't blame you if you want to run away again. I promise to not point out how much of a bitch you are the next time you run away. It's obvious you're in way over your head.

so you just accounted for .00001% of the total. good for you. now how about addressing the majority. I win again
gun ownership today in japan, about .7 per 100,000. gun ownership in the usa today .8 to .85 depending what stats you believe. not a heck of a lot of difference is there. so obviously it is not due to some type of gun restriction as you claim.

oh and BTW, do you have a link that shows how gun deaths in japan have dropped due to some restrictive legislation as you claim? i didn't think so.

oh and please explain how you got you mean the had free access to guns at some point out of my statement they have always had low gun related murders? you really suck at this.
Please cite your made up sources. You love pulling shit out of your ass. Just like your "facts" about Switzerland....all made up.

I've posted my source in regards to Japan. You're being thoroughly embarrassed here, I can see why you would have tried to run off like you did yesterday. Only returned because you got called out for being the chump that you are.

Face it, you need to lie and ignore when you have no leg to stand on. You're selfish and now....pathetic.

You lose again.
and your source did not support your claim. so, you fail. now how about one that backs up your claim that gun laws have prevented murders. clearly japan had nearly as many guns per person as the usa. it's not like they ban guns. guns are very prevelant in japan. you really do suck at this

I win

Wow, you won't even pretend to link to even a right wing hack site. You literally made up your stats. Like out of thin air.

I clearly showed that Japan has strict gun laws and extremely low gun violence with proof.

You've shown that you know how to lie, run away and cry.

Good for you.
Please cite your made up sources. You love pulling shit out of your ass. Just like your "facts" about Switzerland....all made up.

I've posted my source in regards to Japan. You're being thoroughly embarrassed here, I can see why you would have tried to run off like you did yesterday. Only returned because you got called out for being the chump that you are.

Face it, you need to lie and ignore when you have no leg to stand on. You're selfish and now....pathetic.

You lose again.
and your source did not support your claim. so, you fail. now how about one that backs up your claim that gun laws have prevented murders. clearly japan had nearly as many guns per person as the usa. it's not like they ban guns. guns are very prevelant in japan. you really do suck at this

I win

Wow, you won't even pretend to link to even a right wing hack site. You literally made up your stats. Like out of thin air.

I clearly showed that Japan has strict gun laws and extremely low gun violence with proof.

You've shown that you know how to lie, run away and cry.

Good for you.

fool, you lost I won. still waiting for your link that proves your point. bet you can't find one :eusa_whistle:
and your source did not support your claim. so, you fail. now how about one that backs up your claim that gun laws have prevented murders. clearly japan had nearly as many guns per person as the usa. it's not like they ban guns. guns are very prevelant in japan. you really do suck at this

I win

Wow, you won't even pretend to link to even a right wing hack site. You literally made up your stats. Like out of thin air.

I clearly showed that Japan has strict gun laws and extremely low gun violence with proof.

You've shown that you know how to lie, run away and cry.

Good for you.

fool, you lost I won. still waiting for your link that proves your point. bet you can't find one :eusa_whistle:

Ok, now you're just embarrassing yourself.

I've posted it already, but because you're lazy on top of everything else.

Gun Violence: Virtually a Thing of the Past in Japan | PRI's The World

Now you can post your source for your made up stats. Do you conduct your whole life this way? Making up things and ignoring what you don't have answers for?
Wow, you won't even pretend to link to even a right wing hack site. You literally made up your stats. Like out of thin air.

I clearly showed that Japan has strict gun laws and extremely low gun violence with proof.

You've shown that you know how to lie, run away and cry.

Good for you.

fool, you lost I won. still waiting for your link that proves your point. bet you can't find one :eusa_whistle:

Ok, now you're just embarrassing yourself.

I've posted it already, but because you're lazy on top of everything else.

Gun Violence: Virtually a Thing of the Past in Japan | PRI's The World

Now you can post your source for your made up stats. Do you conduct your whole life this way? Making up things and ignoring what you don't have answers for?

so the point of your link is there was never any gun violence in japan. I know, that's what I said, I win. and boy aren't you redfaced.

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