More Americans killed by guns than all the wars we have ever fought

You can have Japan, I would rather live in a society where I have the freedom to own firearms fully well knowing there is going to be the occasional tragic results.

"As long as I get my toys and my false sense of security, I don't care how many innocent people have to be shot. That's my right as a real American".

And you're welcome to your opinions.

Not according to you. I was accused by you of not loving America because I think thousands of people being shot each year is a wrong and that means I'm trying to change America.

Guilty as charged...I am trying to change it....for the better. You don't want anything to change if it might somehow impact you and your selfish desires.
You can have Japan, I would rather live in a society where I have the freedom to own firearms fully well knowing there is going to be the occasional tragic results.

"As long as I get my toys and my false sense of security, I don't care how many innocent people have to be shot. That's my right as a real American".

By the way, driving automobiles occasionally leads to tragic results, are you willing to surrender yours ?

You're new here. This ridiculous talking point has been destroyed multiple times.

Automobiles are designed to transport people and are not bought to intentionally kill or injure people. Automobiles have an inherent purpose in society that does not revolve around violence.

Guns have no purpose outside of causing violence. A gun is designed for that purpose. Eliminate cars and yes you eliminate traffic accident deaths, but you also eliminate a major form of transportation that millions upon millions of people rely on. Eliminate guns and you eliminate gun violence. There is no counterproductive byproduct if we were to somehow be able to eliminate guns.

Get it? Of course not.
"As long as I get my toys and my false sense of security, I don't care how many innocent people have to be shot. That's my right as a real American".

And you're welcome to your opinions.

Not according to you. I was accused by you of not loving America because I think thousands of people being shot each year is a wrong and that means I'm trying to change America.

Guilty as charged...I am trying to change it....for the better. You don't want anything to change if it might somehow impact you and your selfish desires.

I think as a package American liberals wish to transfer the country into a much more socialistic country than what it historically has been. IMO, that is not change for the better. There are many places around the world where you can consider moving to that would be more to your liking, therefore I wish that you and other liberals would leave this one alone so that the rest of us can continue the capitalist experiment.

And as far as guns go, you know the 2nd Ammendment has always been a strong part of our Constitution from the start. So kindly realize you are stuck with it so long as you continue to live here.
"As long as I get my toys and my false sense of security, I don't care how many innocent people have to be shot. That's my right as a real American".

By the way, driving automobiles occasionally leads to tragic results, are you willing to surrender yours ?

You're new here. This ridiculous talking point has been destroyed multiple times.

Automobiles are designed to transport people and are not bought to intentionally kill or injure people. Automobiles have an inherent purpose in society that does not revolve around violence.

Guns have no purpose outside of causing violence. A gun is designed for that purpose. Eliminate cars and yes you eliminate traffic accident deaths, but you also eliminate a major form of transportation that millions upon millions of people rely on. Eliminate guns and you eliminate gun violence. There is no counterproductive byproduct if we were to somehow be able to eliminate guns.

Get it? Of course not.

And your answer is as cliche as they come.
If the idea is purely to save lives, you would get much more results from ending the use of the personal automobile.
And you're welcome to your opinions.

Not according to you. I was accused by you of not loving America because I think thousands of people being shot each year is a wrong and that means I'm trying to change America.

Guilty as charged...I am trying to change it....for the better. You don't want anything to change if it might somehow impact you and your selfish desires.

I think as a package American liberals wish to transfer the country into a much more socialistic country than what it historically has been. IMO, that is not change for the better. There are many places around the world where you can consider moving to that would be more to your liking, therefore I wish that you and other liberals would leave this one alone so that the rest of us can continue the capitalist experiment.

And as far as guns go, you know the 2nd Ammendment has always been a strong part of our Constitution from the start. So kindly realize you are stuck with it so long as you continue to live here.

How open minded of you. Obviously our country is perfect. You are the type that would have argued that only white men could vote, and women and blacks have no right to vote because thats what the constitution stated. But times changes and people realized that changes needed to be made to keep our country great. So now women and black people can vote, which I'm sure pisses you off.

So kindly realize that we have guns and weapons today that are too easily accessible, that a majority of Americans realizes needs to change. Again, like with voting rights, you're a dinosaur whos ideas will go the way of the dodo. We're not a perfect country by any stretch but we can certainly fix things that are obviously broken such as our selfish need to place importance on inanimate devices of death over the value of a human life. Sorry if you don't like that, but there are plenty of 3rd world countries that you can move to with no real government and no rules and you can do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe you should find one of those.
Wow, you won't even pretend to link to even a right wing hack site. You literally made up your stats. Like out of thin air.

I clearly showed that Japan has strict gun laws and extremely low gun violence with proof.

You've shown that you know how to lie, run away and cry.

Good for you.

You are supposing that the homicide rate is directly related to the gun control in that country. This is a leap of faith and a Post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy. I note that I posted various examples of failed gun control concepts and the absolute lack of effect that they had on actual homicide rates using actual source data. For instance, what is the difference in homicide rates direct before and directly after gun laws were passed in Japan? That data is significantly lacking. Instead, you are claiming that Japans homicide rate has anything to do with the homicide rate in USA. The fact is that the two are completely unrelated. there are, as I have already pointed out, a million other factors to count that have nothing to do with gun laws. Post some ACTUAL data. Not some asinine regurgitated thoughts that others have already come up with. Not some article written by another that picks data they want to decide for the reader. Actual facts that are relevant to the laws that you are supporting.

The point of highlighting Japan and their laws is to dispel the ridiculous argument that gun laws will only restrict law abiding citizens from obtaining guns. Criminals will still get their guns and have a field day. Japan has gun laws and Japan has criminals but their criminals don't have guns. Japans laws dispels that ridiculous argument.

You have not shown that point yet though.

you are using:
Post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy

I am still waiting for you to make that point. As I have said, I already brought evidence that shows your claims false. Gun laws do not lead to fewer people dead.

Edit: To ad to this, you cannot compare Japans homicide rate to USA's homicide rate. i have already covered why such a comparison is false.
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By the way, driving automobiles occasionally leads to tragic results, are you willing to surrender yours ?

You're new here. This ridiculous talking point has been destroyed multiple times.

Automobiles are designed to transport people and are not bought to intentionally kill or injure people. Automobiles have an inherent purpose in society that does not revolve around violence.

Guns have no purpose outside of causing violence. A gun is designed for that purpose. Eliminate cars and yes you eliminate traffic accident deaths, but you also eliminate a major form of transportation that millions upon millions of people rely on. Eliminate guns and you eliminate gun violence. There is no counterproductive byproduct if we were to somehow be able to eliminate guns.

Get it? Of course not.

And your answer is as cliche as they come.
If the idea is purely to save lives, you would get much more results from ending the use of the personal automobile.

But thats just it. The idea isn't "purely to just save lives" in a bubble. The idea is to eliminate something that offers very little to society except to cause violence and death. If there was some other true need for guns besides to injure or kill another person this would be a much different story. But there isn't, so why do we keep guns around? Because selfish people such as yourself can't admit that you don't care what happens to everyone else, you need your toys no matter what.
You are supposing that the homicide rate is directly related to the gun control in that country. This is a leap of faith and a Post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy. I note that I posted various examples of failed gun control concepts and the absolute lack of effect that they had on actual homicide rates using actual source data. For instance, what is the difference in homicide rates direct before and directly after gun laws were passed in Japan? That data is significantly lacking. Instead, you are claiming that Japans homicide rate has anything to do with the homicide rate in USA. The fact is that the two are completely unrelated. there are, as I have already pointed out, a million other factors to count that have nothing to do with gun laws. Post some ACTUAL data. Not some asinine regurgitated thoughts that others have already come up with. Not some article written by another that picks data they want to decide for the reader. Actual facts that are relevant to the laws that you are supporting.

The point of highlighting Japan and their laws is to dispel the ridiculous argument that gun laws will only restrict law abiding citizens from obtaining guns. Criminals will still get their guns and have a field day. Japan has gun laws and Japan has criminals but their criminals don't have guns. Japans laws dispels that ridiculous argument.

You have not shown that point yet though.

you are using:
Post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy

I am still waiting for you to make that point. As I have said, I already brought evidence that shows your claims false. Gun laws do not lead to fewer people dead.

Sure I have. I've proved my point repeatedly. It's your own fault that you refuse to acknowledge it. Blame yourself. It would be a first I know, but give it a try.
More Americans have been killed by guns since 1968, than have been killed in all the wars the United States has ever fought.

1,171,177 killed in all the wars we have ever fought.

1,384,171 killed by guns in the United States since 1968.

PolitiFact | PBS commentator Mark Shields says more killed by guns since '68 than in all U.S. wars

What's the breakdown? Handguns, the wrongly branded "assault" rifles, true assault rifles, shotguns... How many of the deaths were the result of criminals pulling the trigger? How many were gang related?

How many have been killed by cars during the same time frame? Hammers? Baseball bats? Knives?
You're new here. This ridiculous talking point has been destroyed multiple times.

Automobiles are designed to transport people and are not bought to intentionally kill or injure people. Automobiles have an inherent purpose in society that does not revolve around violence.

Guns have no purpose outside of causing violence. A gun is designed for that purpose. Eliminate cars and yes you eliminate traffic accident deaths, but you also eliminate a major form of transportation that millions upon millions of people rely on. Eliminate guns and you eliminate gun violence. There is no counterproductive byproduct if we were to somehow be able to eliminate guns.

Get it? Of course not.

And your answer is as cliche as they come.
If the idea is purely to save lives, you would get much more results from ending the use of the personal automobile.

But thats just it. The idea isn't "purely to just save lives" in a bubble. The idea is to eliminate something that offers very little to society except to cause violence and death. If there was some other true need for guns besides to injure or kill another person this would be a much different story. But there isn't, so why do we keep guns around? Because selfish people such as yourself can't admit that you don't care what happens to everyone else, you need your toys no matter what.

Get used to something.
This isn't Japan, or Britain, or Austrailia.
Guns are NOT going to be banned in this country Start living in reality.
Not according to you. I was accused by you of not loving America because I think thousands of people being shot each year is a wrong and that means I'm trying to change America.

Guilty as charged...I am trying to change it....for the better. You don't want anything to change if it might somehow impact you and your selfish desires.

I think as a package American liberals wish to transfer the country into a much more socialistic country than what it historically has been. IMO, that is not change for the better. There are many places around the world where you can consider moving to that would be more to your liking, therefore I wish that you and other liberals would leave this one alone so that the rest of us can continue the capitalist experiment.

And as far as guns go, you know the 2nd Ammendment has always been a strong part of our Constitution from the start. So kindly realize you are stuck with it so long as you continue to live here.

How open minded of you. Obviously our country is perfect. You are the type that would have argued that only white men could vote, and women and blacks have no right to vote because thats what the constitution stated. But times changes and people realized that changes needed to be made to keep our country great. So now women and black people can vote, which I'm sure pisses you off.

So kindly realize that we have guns and weapons today that are too easily accessible, that a majority of Americans realizes needs to change. Again, like with voting rights, you're a dinosaur whos ideas will go the way of the dodo. We're not a perfect country by any stretch but we can certainly fix things that are obviously broken such as our selfish need to place importance on inanimate devices of death over the value of a human life. Sorry if you don't like that, but there are plenty of 3rd world countries that you can move to with no real government and no rules and you can do whatever the fuck you want. Maybe you should find one of those.

You're talking about an Ammendment to the costitution, so regardless of yours and other peoples opinions, guns are not going to be banned here. Please use that as a starting place, then you can move on in the discussion.
The point of highlighting Japan and their laws is to dispel the ridiculous argument that gun laws will only restrict law abiding citizens from obtaining guns. Criminals will still get their guns and have a field day. Japan has gun laws and Japan has criminals but their criminals don't have guns. Japans laws dispels that ridiculous argument.

You have not shown that point yet though.

you are using:
Post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy

I am still waiting for you to make that point. As I have said, I already brought evidence that shows your claims false. Gun laws do not lead to fewer people dead.

Sure I have. I've proved my point repeatedly. It's your own fault that you refuse to acknowledge it. Blame yourself. It would be a first I know, but give it a try.
I have directly addressed your points.

You have addressed nothing. Try and actually reading my original post where I bring source data for you. Try actually thinking about the subject and addressing the points.
Liberals wanted seat belts so more Americans were killed in car accidents than all the wars we have ever fought.

Liberals wanted smoking laws so more Americans were killed by cigarettes than in all the wars we have ever fought.

More people are killed by obesity than in all the wars we have ever fought.

When we will get tired of this manipulative nonsense and put an end to it.
There is no comparison between the United States and Japan. The Japanese are a generally law abiding people. When the tsunami hit, there was not one single case of looting. A laptop computer lost at a train station remained where it was forgotten for two days, then found.

Of course Japan has very little immigration too. Illegals in Japan are instantly deported and there are no public benefits available to them, beyond a free trip home.

The people are very much different.

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