More and more college students are ok with killing children up to 5 years old.

Stupid source = stupid thread.

Please quit posting, and I mean anywhere on the internet, until you've figured that out.
Ahh the liberal police, dont post unless we approve of it.
More and more college students are actually pro killing children up to 5 and eating baby heads to experience euphoria. I dont have any evidence of that but but its true

I have heard "anecdotal" accounts
Googling 'post birth abortion' selecting news only 4 sites come up with it. Might be a conservative fantasy to drum up support for anti-abortion stuff, like some conservative specificly asked college students the question more so than it's going on already on campuses and they found out about it.
Oh my God... This is scary as hell... Because as soon as the society accepts the possibility of killing a newborn, it will make a step towards acknowledging the possibility of legal murder...
And the fact that our youngster have these ideas in their minds is a sign there's something totally wrong with our society...
I bet that somewhere on the internet, I can find a link that says ice is hot.

Would you comment on that as though it were true as well?

Ice is hot: How to Make Hot Ice with Pictures - wikiHow
Oh my God... This is scary as hell... Because as soon as the society accepts the possibility of killing a newborn, it will make a step towards acknowledging the possibility of legal murder...
And the fact that our youngster have these ideas in their minds is a sign there's something totally wrong with our society...
I bet that somewhere on the internet, I can find a link that says ice is hot.

Would you comment on that as though it were true as well?

I have seen it argued killing up to five of age repeatedly by the left on a larger forum*.

*Edited to not list other forums.
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Good grief people, it isn't like a sudden, unexpected turn. This is an ongoing issue. Just because you haven't read about it or heard about it doesn't make it a *new* phenomena.

Incidentally, it completely validates what the pro-life movement has maintained all along...when you give the nod to murdering the unborn, you de-value all life. Because they are alive, and we have legalized killing them. When abortion is made acceptable, legalized murder of older people follows close behind. Think "Netherlands" and "Belgium".

"For example, about 900 people annually are administered lethal substances without having given explicit consent, and in one jurisdiction, almost 50% of cases of euthanasia are not reported. Increased tolerance of transgressions in societies with such laws represents a social “slippery slope,” as do changes to the laws and criteria that followed legalization. Although the initial intent was to limit euthanasia and assisted suicide to a last-resort option for a very small number of terminally ill people, some jurisdictions now extend the practice to newborns, children, and people with dementia. A terminal illness is no longer a prerequisite. In the Netherlands, euthanasia for anyone over the age of 70 who is “tired of living” is now being considered. Legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide therefore places many people at risk, affects the values of society over time, and does not provide controls and safeguards."

Legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide the illusion of safeguards and controls
Oh my God... This is scary as hell... Because as soon as the society accepts the possibility of killing a newborn, it will make a step towards acknowledging the possibility of legal murder...
And the fact that our youngster have these ideas in their minds is a sign there's something totally wrong with our society...
I bet that somewhere on the internet, I can find a link that says ice is hot.

Would you comment on that as though it were true as well?

It seems to me that you underestimate the power of an idea. The fact that the idea of allowing to kill children because they are not personalities enough is discussed is disturbing. Because it's the ideas that gradually turn into actions. And I might be a bit emotional, but I'm looking at a bigger perspective - and it gets scary.

We're talking about 14 college students several of whom did not even read what they signed.
"the official opinion of the American Academy of Pediatrics is that it is morally permissible to withdraw or withhold hydration and nutrition from newborns in some cases. These include ”children in a persistent vegetative state or children with anencephaly”. This is a form of euthanasia, but the child lingers for a long time while it starves to death. “If the parents wish to shorten that course, and organise their child's death more in the way they have envisioned it, shouldn't euthanasia be available for them?”

BioEdge After-birth abortion already exists in the Netherlands
"Dr Eduard Verhagen, a paediatrician at University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands, says that, in his experience, infanticide is sometimes preferable to second-trimestre abortion."

BioEdge After-birth abortion already exists in the Netherlands

That's not abortion. It's a highly complicated issue that deserves it's own topic. If an infant is born that can not survive - can you justify not using extreme measures to keep it alive until life is impossible to sustain? I know of some parents who opt not to (anacephaly particularly) and choose to let the baby live it's few hours naturally and comfortably and in their arms not hooked up in a hospital.
Oh my God... This is scary as hell... Because as soon as the society accepts the possibility of killing a newborn, it will make a step towards acknowledging the possibility of legal murder...
And the fact that our youngster have these ideas in their minds is a sign there's something totally wrong with our society...
I bet that somewhere on the internet, I can find a link that says ice is hot.

Would you comment on that as though it were true as well?

It seems to me that you underestimate the power of an idea. The fact that the idea of allowing to kill children because they are not personalities enough is discussed is disturbing. Because it's the ideas that gradually turn into actions. And I might be a bit emotional, but I'm looking at a bigger perspective - and it gets scary.
better alert the thought police.
Oh my God... This is scary as hell... Because as soon as the society accepts the possibility of killing a newborn, it will make a step towards acknowledging the possibility of legal murder...
And the fact that our youngster have these ideas in their minds is a sign there's something totally wrong with our society...
I bet that somewhere on the internet, I can find a link that says ice is hot.

Would you comment on that as though it were true as well?

It seems to me that you underestimate the power of an idea. The fact that the idea of allowing to kill children because they are not personalities enough is discussed is disturbing. Because it's the ideas that gradually turn into actions. And I might be a bit emotional, but I'm looking at a bigger perspective - and it gets scary.

We're talking about 14 college students several of whom did not even read what they signed.

They're repeating what they've been taught. Singer is an esteemed academic, a philosophy professor in one of our prestigious halls of learning.
"Dr Eduard Verhagen, a paediatrician at University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands, says that, in his experience, infanticide is sometimes preferable to second-trimestre abortion."

BioEdge After-birth abortion already exists in the Netherlands

That's not abortion. It's a highly complicated issue that deserves it's own topic. If an infant is born that can not survive - can you justify not using extreme measures to keep it alive until life is impossible to sustain? I know of some parents who opt not to (anacephaly particularly) and choose to let the baby live it's few hours naturally and comfortably and in their arms not hooked up in a hospital.

If it can't survive, then why does it need to be killed?
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.
"Dr Eduard Verhagen, a paediatrician at University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands, says that, in his experience, infanticide is sometimes preferable to second-trimestre abortion."

BioEdge After-birth abortion already exists in the Netherlands

That's not abortion. It's a highly complicated issue that deserves it's own topic. If an infant is born that can not survive - can you justify not using extreme measures to keep it alive until life is impossible to sustain? I know of some parents who opt not to (anacephaly particularly) and choose to let the baby live it's few hours naturally and comfortably and in their arms not hooked up in a hospital.

If it can't survive, then why does it need to be killed?
it doesn't, but medically we can keep just about anyone alive for as long as we like these days. we can pump and filter the blood, pump oxygen, force feed them, and keep that body alive for as long as the power stays on.
is that ethical?
"Dr Eduard Verhagen, a paediatrician at University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands, says that, in his experience, infanticide is sometimes preferable to second-trimestre abortion."

BioEdge After-birth abortion already exists in the Netherlands

That's not abortion. It's a highly complicated issue that deserves it's own topic. If an infant is born that can not survive - can you justify not using extreme measures to keep it alive until life is impossible to sustain? I know of some parents who opt not to (anacephaly particularly) and choose to let the baby live it's few hours naturally and comfortably and in their arms not hooked up in a hospital.

If it can't survive, then why does it need to be killed?

This is in Netherlands...I don't agree with it. Letting an infant that is severely malformed die naturally is one thing. Pain can be dealt with. Opting to end it's life is another. I haven't looked at the issue closely but I'm not comfortable with it. Euthanasia requires conscious choice - you can't get that with an infant. It's a murky area ethically and a seperate issue from pro-choice.

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