More and more college students are ok with killing children up to 5 years old.

"...not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.” “We encounter people who think it is morally acceptable to kill babies after birth on a regular basis at almost every campus we visit”

“For those who are firmly for abortion, because they understand it kills a human being, it’s very easy for them to accept killing a human being after birth,” Garza said. “There is this notion that is common on campus, that it’s OK to kill babies because somehow we don’t become human until we are self aware.”

“A common number that is going around is 4 years old,” she adds.

"As for the trend, Garza said there’s an explanation for it. For one, the arguments put forth by Peter Singer and other philosophers who support infanticide are given as reading assignments to college students."

Ah, Peter Singer. The darling of the left.

TRENDING More college students support post-birth abortion

Do you have the exact quote in context?

this is sounds like some pro-life idiot taking an academic hypothetical philosophy 101 problem out of context.

Of course, dummy never graduated college so it's all over her head.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.
"Dr Eduard Verhagen, a paediatrician at University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands, says that, in his experience, infanticide is sometimes preferable to second-trimestre abortion."

BioEdge After-birth abortion already exists in the Netherlands

That's not abortion. It's a highly complicated issue that deserves it's own topic. If an infant is born that can not survive - can you justify not using extreme measures to keep it alive until life is impossible to sustain? I know of some parents who opt not to (anacephaly particularly) and choose to let the baby live it's few hours naturally and comfortably and in their arms not hooked up in a hospital.

If it can't survive, then why does it need to be killed?
it doesn't, but medically we can keep just about anyone alive for as long as we like these days. we can pump and filter the blood, pump oxygen, force feed them, and keep that body alive for as long as the power stays on.
is that ethical?

Yes, it is.

And trust me, people still die, even when they're hooked up. The perception of what happens in hospitals and the reality are vastly different things, and increasingly, progressives have no clue about the reality.
"...not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.” “We encounter people who think it is morally acceptable to kill babies after birth on a regular basis at almost every campus we visit”

“For those who are firmly for abortion, because they understand it kills a human being, it’s very easy for them to accept killing a human being after birth,” Garza said. “There is this notion that is common on campus, that it’s OK to kill babies because somehow we don’t become human until we are self aware.”

“A common number that is going around is 4 years old,” she adds.

"As for the trend, Garza said there’s an explanation for it. For one, the arguments put forth by Peter Singer and other philosophers who support infanticide are given as reading assignments to college students."

Ah, Peter Singer. The darling of the left.

TRENDING More college students support post-birth abortion

Do you have the exact quote in context?

this is sounds like some pro-life idiot taking an academic hypothetical philosophy 101 problem out of context.

Of course, dummy never graduated college so it's all over her head.

That's what the link is for. I provide the link, and you can look and see the whole body of the article.

That way, I don't have to copy and paste the entire article (which is against the rulz).
"...not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.” “We encounter people who think it is morally acceptable to kill babies after birth on a regular basis at almost every campus we visit”

“For those who are firmly for abortion, because they understand it kills a human being, it’s very easy for them to accept killing a human being after birth,” Garza said. “There is this notion that is common on campus, that it’s OK to kill babies because somehow we don’t become human until we are self aware.”

“A common number that is going around is 4 years old,” she adds.

"As for the trend, Garza said there’s an explanation for it. For one, the arguments put forth by Peter Singer and other philosophers who support infanticide are given as reading assignments to college students."

Ah, Peter Singer. The darling of the left.

TRENDING More college students support post-birth abortion

Oh geez, you are ridiculous.
Oh my God... This is scary as hell... Because as soon as the society accepts the possibility of killing a newborn, it will make a step towards acknowledging the possibility of legal murder...
And the fact that our youngster have these ideas in their minds is a sign there's something totally wrong with our society...

Oh, it sure is scary! You better go hide under your bed!
"Dr Eduard Verhagen, a paediatrician at University Medical Centre Groningen in the Netherlands, says that, in his experience, infanticide is sometimes preferable to second-trimestre abortion."

BioEdge After-birth abortion already exists in the Netherlands

That's not abortion. It's a highly complicated issue that deserves it's own topic. If an infant is born that can not survive - can you justify not using extreme measures to keep it alive until life is impossible to sustain? I know of some parents who opt not to (anacephaly particularly) and choose to let the baby live it's few hours naturally and comfortably and in their arms not hooked up in a hospital.

If it can't survive, then why does it need to be killed?
it doesn't, but medically we can keep just about anyone alive for as long as we like these days. we can pump and filter the blood, pump oxygen, force feed them, and keep that body alive for as long as the power stays on.
is that ethical?

Yes, it is.

And trust me, people still die, even when they're hooked up. The perception of what happens in hospitals and the reality are vastly different things, and increasingly, progressives have no clue about the reality.
you may believe so. i believe that keeping a body alive when the mind is not there in defiance of god's will is unethical.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.
Just because you haven't noticed doesn't mean it isn't happening.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.

Who said it was mainstream and I don't believe it is a trend either, but obviously there are a small number who are serious about advancing this position as abortion.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.

Who said it was mainstream and I don't believe it is a trend either, but obviously there are a small number who are serious about advancing this position as abortion.
who do you think they are?
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.

Who said it was mainstream and I don't believe it is a trend either, but obviously there are a small number who are serious about advancing this position as abortion.

You referred to the "many times" you heard it argued by the left - so I assumed you were referring to more than a handful of whackos.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.

Who said it was mainstream and I don't believe it is a trend either, but obviously there are a small number who are serious about advancing this position as abortion.
who do you think they are?

People that want to be noticed maybe.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.

Who said it was mainstream and I don't believe it is a trend either, but obviously there are a small number who are serious about advancing this position as abortion.
It's a trend..that is gathering momentum.

Trend does not imply that the majority engage in it..but they will.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.

Who said it was mainstream and I don't believe it is a trend either, but obviously there are a small number who are serious about advancing this position as abortion.

You referred to the "many times" you heard it argued by the left - so I assumed you were referring to more than a handful of whackos.

Nobody paid a lot of attention to it and did not say a word against it. I was amazed for a long time until I got tired of it.
When people call this abortion it's nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize pro-choice factions by conflating it with the ethics of euthanasia. The two are rather different in my opinion. Once a baby is born - there is no issue of the rights a woman has to her own body involved. It's not abortion.

The many times I saw it argued by the left, it was clearly presented that way in an abortion discussion.

I've never seen abortion conflated with euthanasia. Maybe by some, but it's not a mainstream left or pro-choice position.

Who said it was mainstream and I don't believe it is a trend either, but obviously there are a small number who are serious about advancing this position as abortion.
It's a trend..that is gathering momentum.

Trend does not imply that the majority engage in it..but they will.
please. cite an example.

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