More Angelenos are becoming street vendors amid weak economy


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
how can this be? I thought Obama saved us all


Sitting at her street vending booth with products arrayed neatly on a sequined purple tablecloth, Jackie Lloyd reflects nostalgically on the days when she had a steady salary and regular hours.
That was four years ago, before the 39-year-old was laid off from her job as an elementary school cafeteria worker and mounting bills forced her to venture into self-employment.

Now the Pico-Union resident hops from location to location, selling body oils, shea butter, soap and incense. She moves when nearby businesses complain or she feels unsafe.
Some days, her sales bring in $150. Others, they don't break $20.
"If I just had a 9-to-5 job, it'd be guaranteed money," she said. "Then again, I'm my own boss, and I meet different people every day."

Jackie Lloyd tracks sales by writing them in a notebook, though she’s planning to start using her smartphone as a digital ledger. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Once the domain of recent immigrants trying to scratch out a living, the ranks of sidewalk merchants have swelled since the economy soured in 2007. The group — an estimated 10,000 countywide — is now larger and more diverse, pulling in out-of-work professionals, war veterans and single mothers, according to a recent report by the Los Angeles chief legislative analyst's office.
More men joined the ranks after losing jobs in construction and restaurants. Now they are hawking clothing, food, knickknacks and more, said Janet Favela, an organizer with the Los Angeles Street Vendor Campaign. Younger vendors, in their 20s and 30s, are more common.

all of it here:
More Angelenos are becoming street vendors amid weak economy - LA Times
What happened to the "job creators" we gave all those tax cuts to? Guess we should raise them again to help this woman out.
how can this be? I thought Obama saved us all

Who told you that?

we are told that on here by quite a few of his followers. they tell us
He saved the auto industry and pulled us out of another Great Depression. he's supposedly created a billion jobs and has the economy roaring.

oh and he killed Bin Laden with his bare hands
and the lady in the top article can't find a job so has taken to the street vending
thank your Governor and his comrades

Gov. Jerry Brown: Nearly 30% of CA Kids Illegal or 'Don't Speak English'


by Tony Lee 5 Sep 2014 1297 post a comment

During Thursday night's California gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) revealed that nearly 30% of the state's schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English.
Brown, who recently said that illegal immigrants from Mexico were "all welcome in California," praised his administration's immigration policies.

He said that California is "setting the pace" on immigration laws and mentioned bills he signed that gave driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, made California a sanctuary state (Trust Act), and granted in-state tuition to illegal immigrants (CA DREAM Act).
Brown then said that these policies were necessary because "about 30%" of schoolchildren in California are "either undocumented or don't speak English."

all of it here:
Gov. Jerry Brown Nearly 30 of CA Kids Illegal or Don t Speak English
If the asshole-in-chief would dump his green energy scam and allow for offshore drilling and exploration we would be in robust economic times.
Obama sucks.

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