More Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Hate from the Far Right

Free speech and the right to assemble even if you don't like the message.

Just remember that when Iranian Hamas and ISIS Imams want to come to your town to chant: Death To America. A Freedom and a Right taken too far blindly is the quick end to any nation. Only a fool goes out of their way to sponsor their own enemies efforts to destroy them.
Need that travel ban then. Non-citizens don't have Constitutional rights anyway.
This is what the left claim to be against:

• Government based on religious doctrine
• Woman have fewer rights than men
• Homosexuality is outlawed
• Rejecting science in favor of religious doctrine
• No separation between church and state
• Religion is taught in school
• Abortion is illegal

Well, that is, unless it's Muslims wanting it.
Just remember, if the Radical Jihadists ever do take over our country, the first group they will kill is the very group of liberals, gays, freaks and progressive weirdos who protest 'anti-Muslim' rallies and most-sponsored their coming here!

Oh, the Bitter Irony!!!
When you elect a woman as president you can teach us about equality .....oh wait the orange man do really r3espect woman, not!!!

Lol you don't travel obviously, Muslim countries had 8 female presidents, did you know that? There are women in all jobs....first ever university was built by a Muslim woman go blurry yourself you are an embarassement.

Muslim women have more balls than you. Just take care of your god damn self. This holy keyboard war you waging is for you to indulge in...the closest Muslim women I know are ( engineers, pilots, teachers, coaches, doctors and athletes) and guess what they have two legs and two arms and the sleep at night.

Oh please, like you really give a fuck about Muslim women?

You're using this issue like a cheap whore uses a tampon (as a vehicle to spread your racist hate), then to be discarded when no longer needed.

Oh please, like you really give a fuck because if you did you wouldn't be an ANTIFA fkn moron who wants to bring SHARIA LAW so that women can be treated worse than a dog. CYKA

Can't prove the facts wrong now can you............They're so free they can't go anywhere with out a man accompanying them
They are so free they get killed for thier husbands cheating on them
They're so fucking free they are made to wear clothes that cover their entire bodies..
Yeah keep flapping that bs of lies.
Too Funny:

You cite the moderate countries but the ones were taking refugees from are radicalized.. Wasshabi Muslims.. Yes, the clan who is dead set on killing all of us to promote their superiority.

AS for your citing there have been women presidents, they are second to the religious leaders who are MEN. Those women do/did as they are told.. But hey confusing the matter with half truths is your game...
I think you ttalking about the right in the US.

This is what the left claim to be against:

• Government based on religious doctrine
• Woman have fewer rights than men
• Homosexuality is outlawed
• Rejecting science in favor of religious doctrine
• No separation between church and state
• Religion is taught in school
• Abortion is illegal

Well, that is, unless it's Muslims wanting it.
slackjawed goobers in flyover country

The electoral college means you disrespect the flyover states to your peril. Remember that if you ever want to see your candidate in the White House again.
Religious leaders? Hummmm.....
Let me guess US presidents gets put in the WH by lobbyists in the case of a Republican one by religious leaders and big companies and interest groups. Very corrupt isn't it? You have no lessons to give to others, we have a mess in our political system. Thrust least elected woman to be their presidents. Some of their congresses have over %40 many Republican congresswomen are out there?
Lol you don't travel obviously, Muslim countries had 8 female presidents, did you know that? There are women in all jobs....first ever university was built by a Muslim woman go blurry yourself you are an embarassement.

Muslim women have more balls than you. Just take care of your god damn self. This holy keyboard war you waging is for you to indulge in...the closest Muslim women I know are ( engineers, pilots, teachers, coaches, doctors and athletes) and guess what they have two legs and two arms and the sleep at night.

Oh please, like you really give a fuck about Muslim women?

You're using this issue like a cheap whore uses a tampon (as a vehicle to spread your racist hate), then to be discarded when no longer needed.

Oh please, like you really give a fuck because if you did you wouldn't be an ANTIFA fkn moron who wants to bring SHARIA LAW so that women can be treated worse than a dog. CYKA

Can't prove the facts wrong now can you............They're so free they can't go anywhere with out a man accompanying them
They are so free they get killed for thier husbands cheating on them
They're so fucking free they are made to wear clothes that cover their entire bodies..
Yeah keep flapping that bs of lies.
Too Funny:

You cite the moderate countries but the ones were taking refugees from are radicalized.. Wasshabi Muslims.. Yes, the clan who is dead set on killing all of us to promote their superiority.

AS for your citing there have been women presidents, they are second to the religious leaders who are MEN. Those women do/did as they are told.. But hey confusing the matter with half truths is your game...
And just why were we bombing them?
For the same reason a dog licks' its balls.

Just nothing better to do?
Where should I begin? Our illegal and immoral invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan? Our unconditional support for Israel? What our CIA did to Iran back in 1953?

They have openly stated their reasons for wanting to kill us:
And they do have good reasons, but they are not the bullshit reasons you are stating below.

Basically, we live in a way denounced by Mohammad.
You denounce them. Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

We support gays.
And if they want to marry?

We allow women freedom to walk freely in society.
"We" allow? Women don't get their same freedom from the same place we do?

We don't observe Islamic doctrine.
I can only speak for me, so, as a Catholic, why would I?

Drug use, alcohol, and so on.
Have you ever seen an Iranian rave party?

They hate us for not being like them.
Why would anyone want to be like you and me?

They hated us first,
How convenient.

wealth from oil empowered them to organize, and now we have no choice but to bomb the radicals to try to keep them from spreading into a global event of worldwide jihadi terrorism.
The war on terror is bullshit. Terrorism is not an enemy. It is a tactic in war. They didn't call WWII "war on blitzkrieg".
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Resisting Sharia law is hating Muslims?

How pathetic can people get??
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Wanting to not be blown-up is "far right." :lmao: No bull shit that liberals won't try to pass-off.
Resisting Sharia law is hating Muslims?

How pathetic can people get??
So resisting Israel is being an anti-semite?


Lame comparison.

The correct comparison would be if a group would have made a rally against Halacha law being the law of the state. Which I'm also against.
Hey Lips, do you still make corn tortillas from scratch? Or is it now corn matzo balls? :lmao:
I meant that our support of Israel got us the planes into skyscrapers

Better hate the Jews then ... maybe the big, bad Muslims might leave you alone.
Not a question of hate, I like Jews, but Israel should stand on its own, without our support, because us being there just makes us FUCKED every time!!! We should get out and leave the place to the people who live there, as in, not our fucking problem anymore.
We should get out and leave the place to the people who live there

Seems like you've got your factoids wrong. We've sent soldiers to liberate Kuwait, Iraq,and Afghanistan, and soldiers to defend Saudis Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, and Syria.

But not ONE SINGLE US soldier / sailor / airman / marine has ever been deployed to Israel.

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